How To Use Lower court In A Sentence

  • Writ of certiorari - An order issued by the Supreme Court directing the lower court to transmit records for a case for which it will hear on appeal. (See certiorari in Foreign Words Glossary.
  • So you want to show what he's done in the past, suggests where that might go in the future, and then also remind viewers of how wrong individuals have sometimes been when they tried to typecast a judge as a lower court member.
  • The Court remanded the case to a lower court for further fact-finding consistent with its reasoning.
  • The higher court should re-examine the facts and application of the law in order to challenge or verify the decision of the lower court.
  • I asked the students to consider the courtyard space, and stimulated thought about guard houses, archways, entrance ways, lower courtyards, moats and drawbridges.
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  • The Supreme Court ruled that plaintiffs at least be granted stays of deportation until lower courts had adjudicated their cases.
  • On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
  • On May 31st Chief Justice Fuller of the United States Supreme Court, upon application of the State, granted a writ of supersedeas commanding that the order of the lower court "be stayed and suspended, and that the properties of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company be left in the hands of its officers until the further order of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. The Life and Speeches of Charles Brantley Aycock
  • COOPER: But I have read some of the dissenting opinions from this 2002 Supreme Court ruling, and they basically said, look, we're leaving this incredibly vague and we're not really telling courts -- lower courts, how to deal with this, because who can -- I mean, the line for determining what they call difficulty controlling your impulses, it's a very shady line. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2003
  • These lower court statements do not, however, strike me as that persuasive, especially given the contrary statements by the Supreme Court.
  • The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court's ruling.
  • The immigration case was not one of them, so the lower court ruling stands.
  • If only to stop some of the absurd lower court decisions that have been coming downlike: The Volokh Conspiracy » Overturning the Roberts Court:
  • He was acquitted by a lower court because the operation had parental consent. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2002, the Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that barred a hacker magazine from posting or linking to a DVD descrambling program.
  • In its justification, the court said that the lower court in St. Gallen can decide on the continuation or lifting of the provisional ban. Nespresso Rival Removes Capsules From Sale
  • The case received wide publicity when a habeascorpus petition was upheld by two lower courts.
  • After a lower court ruled the signatures were valid, the Arizona Court of Appeals unanimously reversed that decision in February 1996.
  • The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court.
  • Local residents should serve on juries in the upper courts and as lay magistrates in the lower courts.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • If a lower court commits a factual or legal error, the Supreme Court will not grant a writ of certiorari simply to review that error.
  • The higher court upheld the lower court's decision.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • In early modern Germany the propertied social strata, as jurymen, participated in the local jurisdiction; thus local notables in part determined which cases reached the lower courts.
  • The lower courts, he stated, are also continuing with the hearing of ejectment suits filed by various landlords.
  • He has given clear guidance to lower courts in cases such as the liability of uninsured drivers involved in fatal crashes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A higher court of law overruled a lower court and set the accused person free.
  • So here, you see, a lower court was impudently preparing to try and redecide a cause which had already been decided by its superior, a court of higher authority. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc — Volume 2
  • This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
  • This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
  • The nation's highest court reversed the lower court's decision.
  • Also looking good are This Is Wonderland, a dramedy set in Toronto's lower courts that debuts on CBC Jan. 12, and Paul Gross' Slings and Arrows, a backstage theatre romp whose first season repeats on The Movie Network in February.
  • Interhab filed what is known as a mandamus petition with the state supreme court, which is an original order that doesn't have to go through lower court processes. Los Angeles Business News - Local Los Angeles News | Los Angeles Business from bizjournals
  • IIRC, in both cases she wrote opinions which supported the lower court without addressing the major issues at debate, in short shrift memos. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sotomayor Rejects “Empathy” Standard for Judging:
  • The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court.
  • Mark Batten, a Boston lawyer who has represented management in class actions, said, "The court's questions suggest that an outright affirmance of the lower court is unlikely, but it is difficult to assess how broad the court's opinion will be. Supreme Court hears argument in Wal-Mart sex bias claim
  • It is, therefore, a matter of public interest who becomes judges of the lower courts and justices of the Supreme Court.
  • The appellate court affirmed the judgement of the lower court.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • The Supreme Court and lower courts have identified a variety of factors such as compactness, contiguity, respect for political subdivisions, respect for communities of interest, and protection of incumbents (and other political factors), as traditional redistricting principles. Minority Vote Dilution Is Still Illegal
  • This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
  • The U.S. Appeals Court for the D.C. Circuit, in upholding a lower court's ruling that some of Microsoft's licensing practices were anti-competitive, demonstrated that there are limits. Art Brodsky: Our Open Internet Under Siege
  • Reversing a lower court decision, the Supreme Court upheld the policy exception according to the ordinary usage of the term flood and accordingly reduced Sher's award to recovery for damage from wind, lost rent, and other losses sustained during Katrina. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Circuit in Atlanta unanimously dismissed great-uncle Lazaro Gonzalez's appeal of a lower court ruling earlier this year.
  • The nation's highest court reversed the lower court's decision.
  • The higher court upheld the lower court's decision.
  • The Supreme Court has affirmed the lower court's ruling.
  • The higher court upheld the lower court's decision.
  • The judge set aside the verdict of the lower court.
  • Kennedy was joined in reversing the lower court by the four conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Justices allow cross on public land in California
  • However, the High Court reversed the lower court decision yesterday, reducing sentences for most of those convicted in the construction fault case.
  • The SCOTUS has discretionary power to take a case so a denial of certiorari is an implicit affirmation of the lower court rulings. Think Progress » Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.
  • The judge upheld the lower court's decision.
  • The lower court ruled in favor of the current property owners, holding that since one cannot hold a life estate as tenants by the entireties, the 1982 deed was void. Life estates are a complex area of law
  • This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
  • In its justification, the court said that the lower court in St. Gallen can decide on the continuation or lifting of the provisional ban. Nespresso Rival Removes Capsules From Sale
  • The high court judge quashed the decision of the lower court.
  • It didn't even rule on the case before it, but sent it back [to a lower court for read judication]. Affirmative Inaction?
  • The decision is mischievous at best and will surely confuse the lower courts.
  • The immigration case was not one of them, so the lower court ruling stands.
  • Copying the practice of some lower courts, the Supreme Court can refer recusal motions to another Justice or a panel of three Justices.
  • Though flogging was restricted, the length of sentences which lower courts were empowered to impose was doubled.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lower court held the defendants liable for damages.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
  • The incident occurred 16 years ago but the officers had been acquitted by lower courts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ontario government, backed by other provincial governments, argued against the lower court rulings, saying the Metis existed as a community only after European settlers arrived in Canada.
  • He suggested the justices could "begrudgingly" affirm the lower court "on alternative grounds" and take up some of the questions it avoided in its previous ruling. Justices Leery of Bush's Guantanamo Stance
  • The judge set aside the verdict of the lower court.
  • However, the Supreme Court and lower courts held that states could use their police power to aid through legislation women, children, and men in especially unhealthful occupations such as underground mining.
  • Overturning a lower court, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals said the trial should go forward.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judges in this case cite the troubled relationship between the murderer and her own mother as justification for reversing the sentence of the lower court.
  • ‘It's being sent to the lower court to recalculate damages,’ said Greenberg. ‘It remains to be seen how that's going to come out.’
  • The Supreme Court has overturned the lower court's decision .
  • Miranda has misfired because the police never believed in Miranda and developed ways to use it offensively, the lower courts and, eventually, the US Supreme Court have distinguished it to death, and you cannot keep a defendant quiet. Matthew Yglesias » The Ontology of Miranda Rights
  • The party that won in the lower court and must defend the lower court's decision is known as the "appellee" (accent on the last syllable). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • A lower court ruled that because she was not a natural parent of the children, they were not her responsibility.
  • But it was expected that Knox would leave immediately for the US, and if the court of cassation were to reinstate the decision of the lower court, the authorities would have to seek her extradition. Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito cleared of murder
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • Steve: It would be interesting to see how many on the D side would put their names to this sentence — “Third, this Court, as well as many lower courts, has recognized that targeted picketing ... is a particularly intrusive and harassing form of speech” — if it were a case involving enjoining the SEIU protesters from standing on the lawn of a BofA attorney. blah blah abortion clinics blahblah The Volokh Conspiracy » State Attorneys General Argue that Non-Media Speakers Should Get Less First Amendment Protection than Media Speakers
  • An Ohio appellate court last week reversed a lower court ruling that the city's pernicious treatment of marijuana users was unconstitutional under state law.
  • The judge upheld the lower court's decision.
  • The attorney for the appealing party (the appellant) and the attorney for the party who won in the lower court (the appellee) file briefs, or written arguments, with the court of appeals.
  • If a lower court commits a factual or legal error, the Supreme Court will not grant a writ of certiorari simply to review that error.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • A lower court cannot set precedent, and must follow any higher courts decision.
  • On appeal, the Supreme Court affirmed the Lower Court's ruling, but not without some controversy.
  • The Supreme Court once again overturned the lower court's decision last year.
  • The Canadian government had appealed the decision of a lower court, which had ordered the government to request Khadr's repatriation from the Americans - as the British and Australian governments did years ago. The Guardian World News
  • This case comes under the jurisdiction of a lower court.
  • A lower court affirmed the ruling last week, prompting an appeal by the companies involved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower courts in Ohio voided the contracts on the grounds that they were usurious loans.

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