How To Use Lowbrow In A Sentence

  • It never occurs to them that the woman is lacking in intelligence because of her refusal; nor that the man she prefers is a lowbrowed scoundrel. Robert Browning: How to Know Him
  • Hence, "lowbrow" is often considered synonymous with mass appeal: bestsellers, platinum albums, blockbuster films. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Andreadis Unibrow Theory of Art
  • This Christmas, remind the kids just how nice animation can be, with a cartoon genuine in its sentiment, free of pop culture references and lowbrow humor.
  • Sleaze-week" basically pulls a lowbrow, sleazy photshop type mauever, using a photo from a running magazine to "TRY" and show this woman in shorts to make her look bad ... are the the National Enquirer now? Palin slams 'sexist' Newsweek cover
  • I think a lot of political lowbrows all around the world got a new lease on life when they saw how even somebody like him could get crowbarred into office.
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  • These people actually think content isn't too big a problem, that all kinds of stories (whether so-called lowbrow or highbrow) can exist together, and that the problem is more of marketing (there! that's one of the opinions they share with you). Bloghopping Find
  • His choice of subject matter has been regarded as lowbrow.
  • (There are three episodes, remaining, including one at 10 p.m. Friday.) "All joking aside, say what you will about what you might call the lowbrow nature of many of his shows, he did something truly amazing and subversive, up there with what Steven Bochco gets credit for, with 'frak,'" Goldberg said. - Latest Videos
  • I wanted people to look beyond what's cool in lowbrow art.
  • In the 1999 series ‘Resolutions,’ Chicago continues to address the audience she has created of mainly middle- and working-class women, an audience easily dismissed by both highbrows and lowbrows.
  • The souvlaki was among the best I've had, but that's because souvlaki is usually considered a lowbrow dish, rarely receiving the opportunity to be made from top-quality ingredients and grilled with the utmost patience over a low flame.
  • Call me a lowbrow, a philistine if you like, but I wasn't lured to Vienna by any of these.
  • And it's also a very lowbrow genre, that nobody is really paying attention to.
  • He regards the sort of books I read as very lowbrow.
  • There was a time when modern art was nobody's idea of fun. The lowbrows thought it was boring. The highbrows thought it was serious.
  • At the same time, though its humor's lowbrow to the max, it's all wrong for the kid market.
  • But I worked on eight seasons of The Simpsons, and we certainly had our lowbrow jokes.
  • While some might question the appeal of a show set in such lowbrow circumstances, I found it refreshing.
  • All these golden nuggets of wisdom come from The Reality TV Handbook, a new tome dedicated to the lowbrow television genre that is showing no signs of petering out.
  • The context has provided a moment of unexpected, lowbrow hilarity.
  • She may very well be a grand, sweet lady, but she did some decidedly lowbrow, unladylike things.
  • It is also true that more people will always be attracted to the passive, easy nature of lowbrow culture than those who will take the time to decipher high culture.
  • Before the broom ever touched the object, he froze, his hand suspended in midair over a long-toothed, lowbrowed, hollow-eyed yellow skull. Song of Time
  • I can't write in a whole lot of different styles, trying to please the highbrows one time and the lowbrows the next.
  • By the 1880s, minstrelsy had shed some of its lowbrow reputation and attained a degree of mainstream respectability. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Their show, which comes to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this month, is a collision between lowbrow Las Vegas dazzle and highbrow European aesthetics.
  • Susan is the only writer today who can glide so fluidly and elegantly between uptown and downtown, highbrow and lowbrow, raun chy and refined all with great humor," said Amy Fine Collins, special correspondent for Vanity Fair and a friend of Ms. Fales-Hill, who read every draft of the novel. Uptown Girl Turns Writer About Town
  • The accompanying photo consisted mainly of smoke and men running, like the cover of a lowbrow thriller. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • It has just the right tone to reach them - puerile but non-threatening, lowbrow but chaste.
  • Finally: just to admit I am a total lowbrow, I watched part of ‘Meet Me in St. Louis’ the other morning, and I didn't like it.
  • The disaffected mugger and the enraged cuckold were despised as lowbrows; the true craftsmen of murder inaugurated ever more elaborate schemes.
  • His choice of subject matter has been regarded as lowbrow.
  • How could a lowbrowed viking be expected to understand Boston, much less what was going to be Boston in a thousand years! This Giddy Globe
  • Until recently I thought how-to books to be popular, in a lowbrow sort of way.
  • A fan of lowbrow art, she built the fundraiser around the ‘art without canvas’ idea, choosing skate decks as her medium.
  • The accompanying photo consisted mainly of smoke and men running, like the cover of a lowbrow thriller. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • In addition, the award presentation broadcast, long known for its critically panned, lowbrow fare, rambled on almost without a break.
  • The disaffected mugger and the enraged cuckold were despised as lowbrows; the true craftsmen of murder inaugurated ever more elaborate schemes.
  • Collector's Cafe, a Myrtle Beach gallery and restaurant modeled after the art bistros of 17 th-century Europe, is an oasis of sophistication in a vast playground of lowbrow beach fun.
  • Finding a book with the right combination of highbrow intelligence and lowbrow kicks has gotten nearly impossible.
  • lowbrow tastes
  • These long cerebral articles are not read by the lowbrows.
  • On one side you find the ruthless pursuit of profit and lowbrow culture.
  • Three men came out from under the lowbrowed Tudor arch in the mellow facade of Mandeville College, into the strong evening sunlight of a summer day which seemed as if it would never end; and in that sunlight they saw something that blasted like lightning; well-fitted to be the shock of their lives. The Complete Father Brown
  • Conventional wisdom has it that kitsch - from the German language for ‘to throw together’ and implying popular or lowbrow taste - should be eschewed by the connoisseur, the lover of fine art.
  • If so, they were rewarded with a fresh perspective on a composer of astonishing versatility, one whose best work speaks to high- and lowbrows alike without condescending to either.
  • Nevertheless, Mad shaped generations of creative sensibilities, as proved by the more than 30 artists who pay affectionate homage to its daffily iconic images at East Atlanta's self-styled lowbrow gallery. Creative Loafing Atlanta Feed
  • But since larger issues are involved, since the Battle of the Brows troubles, I am told, the evening air, since the finest minds of our age have lately been engaged in debating, not without that passion which befits a noble cause, what a highbrow is and what a lowbrow, which is better and which is worse, may I take this opportunity to express my opinion and at the same time draw attention to certain aspects of the question which seem to me to have been unfortunately overlooked? The Death of the Moth, and other essays
  • Like a film version of the book ‘Low Life,’ these kinetoscopes offer a fascinating glimpse into lowbrow urban pop culture at the turn of the century: sex, death, crime and bloodsports.
  • Rather than present a biting satirical assailment on religion, I shall present a puerile, lowbrow rant on religion's younger brother, cult worship.
  • Here, a breakdown of three lowbrow lunch meats and where to find them, plus a shout-out to mortadella, the original bologna, from Bologna--Oscar Mayer's aristocratic ancestor. 'Anti-Artisanal': Lunch Meat Has Its Moment
  • Deplorable as this preference may be, it's hardly as deplorable as the gulf which these cultural assumptions themselves created between the lowbrow public and the university-educated art world and artists.
  • There's also a notable kitsch factor about the place -- the trashy menu, the lowbrow drink selection (Mad Dog and brands of beer you swore you'd never drink again), the neon band-logo signage and the retro tuneage -- that has prompted some detractors to grumble that the brashness is a little Westword | Complete Issue
  • A broadly played clown show full of lowbrow antics, Bong's big splat is itself a sort of monster," suggests J Hoberman in the Voice, "the top grossing movie in South Korean history — and, since it surfaced at Cannes last May, festival audiences having been slurping it down like ramen .... GreenCine Daily: Interview. Bong Joon-ho.
  • But what Klein pietistically sees as lowbrow proles venturing into a world to which they do not belong, I see as dedicated seekers of wisdom and truth who are driven - even at times when they are not to be found in their three piece Armanis - to pursue a story. Archive 2004-09-01
  • Shakespeare in Love had at least 6 fantastic performances, a brilliant screenplay that mixed highbrow and lowbrow humor, and actually had some interesting things to say about love and the creative process.
  • He regards the sort of books I read as very lowbrow.
  • The lowbrows, for example, turn up at the night club.
  • The police evidence was risible, the Crown prosecutor a lowbrow bulldog, and the defence counsel out of his depth.
  • In fact, their was a vibrant artistic tradition in America throughout the 19th century, one that mixed what came to be known as lowbrow and highbrow entertainment in the same evening's entertainment, and one that was owned and operated by artists not producers. Theatre Ideas
  • He is lowbrowed, swarthy, ill kept, and wears rings in his ears. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Some context: my flatmate was just back from London, I was just back from camping, we wanted two things - beer and a lowbrow action film.
  • To tap into the latest in lowbrow zeitgeist, I just walk down Vermont Avenue here in LA, past the front window of crazy t-shirt store Y-Que (say "ee-kay," means "so what" in Spanish). Boing Boing: March 28, 2004 - April 3, 2004 Archives
  • The publisher's success with artbooks stems from the growing popularity of so-called lowbrow art which has moved into the contemporary and commercial art realms ala artists like Ed Hardy. Publishers Weekly - Children's Books News
  • The show was initially ridiculed by many reviewers as the most abysmally lowbrow series in television history.
  • All joking aside, say what you will about what you might call the lowbrow nature of many of his shows, he did something truly amazing and subversive, up there with what Steven Bochco gets credit for, with 'frak,'" Goldberg said. :
  • The exhibition includes that hard-to-classify artzone known as lowbrow, pop surrealism, graffiti, tattoo culture, and contemporary fantasy art. Archive 2009-09-01
  • I do not feel safe knowing that lowbrows have their fingers on nuclear bomb triggers.
  • Simplistic gameplay aside, the game is honestly funny when it's not being too lowbrow.
  • And his hairy, lowbrowed forbears in Tertiary times can we see ourselves in them? In the Noon of Science

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