
How To Use Low-tech In A Sentence

  • For years we have struggled with low-tech solutions to our high-tech problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made low-tech, budget space movies.
  • One segment of the show involving shadow puppetry and storytelling had a silly, low-tech charm. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wonder what would be more costly, several one-day terminal shutdowns, or the cleanup from a low-tech radioactive dirty bomb shoved into an unsecured container somewhere along the way?
  • To track and monitor our progress, we chose a low-tech, high visibility approach: we used the walls, handwritten index cards, and white boards of the XP room to record project progress and designs.
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  • While news sites, social networks and even e-commerce websites allow for real-time, multimedia interactions, traditional online matchmakers are comparably low-tech, more like virtual singles bars where daters wander around wearing boards listing their key characteristics: age, height, an aversion to poodles. Online Dating Startups Drive Matchmaking Makeover
  • The data net is so low-tech that it has to overnight mug shots of terrorists to far-flung offices.
  • Though the presentation was resolutely low-tech, the blocking was complicated and well rehearsed.
  • The bombings were carried out by suicide attackers, and show the power of even low-tech terrorist attacks.
  • Mushtaq made his knives using the lowest of low-tech methods in a traditional manner, hammering and forging the high-carbon tool steel by hand, using gas-fed firebrick ovens and open fires and anvils and suchlike that would have been at home back in the dawn of space flight, even before. Archive 2006-08-01
  • The biggest need of the community is low-tech equipment, such as hand-operated sewing machines and sturdy bicycles.
  • Another is the somewhat low-tech approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The semiotician in me sees the chalkboard as far more than a mere stage prop. Given that Fox News has access to the most sophisticated and blaring computer graphics to drive home its political points, Beck's use of the chalkboard is remarkably low-tech (even inside a very high-tech television studio). Joseph A. Palermo: Glenn Beck: "Historian" for a Troubled America
  • Fortunately, there is an astoundingly simple, low-tech solution to manage hypothermia: the humble lightbulb.
  • ‘It's an old-fashioned, low-tech programme about content, not whizzy gimmickry,’ he says.
  • With all of the retro cool analog phone sets and other low-tech gear on Battlestar Galactica, FTL (faster than light) drive not withstanding I was beginning to get the impression that the whole thing ran on vacuum tubes, that maybe some EMP (electromagnetic pulse for you non-geeks) had fried all of the circuity that runs computers. Dusk Before the Dawn » 2007 » November
  • Some low-tech ideas are also in favour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Examine the license plate loover mentioned above, probably the most low-tech privacy solution I have seen (gee, let's put mini-blinds on our plates!). MIND MELD: Are We Headed For a Technological Panopticon?
  • These sculptures incorporate modified ready-mades and use low-tech equipment to create an atmosphere filled with tension, danger and amusements.
  • The quality of his political punditry is an entirely different issue. low-tech cyclist Says: Matthew Yglesias » Presidents Shape Their Circumstances
  • Aviation high-tech and low-tech systems might play an important role in small wars.
  • Guarantee each mother continuing personal care by a midwife she knows, whether she chooses to have her baby at home, in a low-tech hospital or at a distant unit.
  • The low-tech solution of improving diets and lifestyles is very much the best one. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years we have struggled with low-tech solutions to our high-tech problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was low-tech and unreliable - we had to exchange diskettes with customers.
  • It was a low-tech approach that delivered benefits on the bike by developing broad-based strength off it.
  • The ones that actually look like cameras tend to be either for traffic management or low-tech security systems owned by shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • My technique has been a simple, low-tech methodology copied from my ancient ancestors: I pull the weeds up by hand.
  • To this I can add little but an amen, and my wish that all forms of low-tech games, not just pen and paper ones, will grow and spread.
  • After the unsprung cages have been baited for a week so the badgers become familiar with them, the traps are set, a laborious, low-tech process involving peanuts, a rock, wire and good old string. Do we have to shoot the badgers?
  • Why use a glass thermal protection system, rather than a low-tech ablative shield?
  • The airplanes are nearly identical and almost naive in their low-tech approach to flight, but are great fliers.
  • Davenport's purposefully low-tech sculptures maintain a good balance of homespun craftsmanship and conceptual artistry.
  • Yet, thankfully, for all the hype, it's still a low-tech performance with poor dancing, ad-lib singing and plenty of knee-sliding across the stage.
  • And their bets paid off big, from the high-tech realm of computers to the low-tech business of making mortgage loans.
  • Ubiquitous technologies for encryption, passive measures like camouflage, and low-tech countermeasures will see to that.
  • In the places that are most successful in computing and mathematics there is often a low-tech approach in the classroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low-tech way to protect against ice is to float a ball to keep an air hole open, letting noxious gases escape.
  • Low-tech game systems are especially suited to this sort of contest, because it is easy and inexpensive to produce as many sets of game equipment as are needed.
  • For the less active, there are four distinct low-tech spas, including a hydrotherapy-centered Badehaus, a Turkish hammam, a family spa and an outdoor nature spa, which offer massage, and thermal and electro treatments (rooms from €170 per night; schloss-elmau. de). The Old-Fashioned Cure
  • The ghost hunters had armed themselves with rather low-tech paranormal activity detectors, which flash when a ghost is nearby. The Sun
  • As an inexpensive, low-tech aircraft in a high-tech Air Force, the A - 10 found itself at the end of the line for improvement programs and first in line for phaseout.
  • The company's determinedly low-tech adverts featuring real staff dancing to cheesy music have almost achieved cult status.
  • It was, as the UK Guardian points out, ‘a low-tech but devastating assault’.
  • The limitations of this ultimately low-tech, handcrafted sophistication are apparent, though.
  • The biggest boon for the low-tech migrator is the stripping down of one's needs to the barest fundamentals. Why techies are leading the back-to-paper movement
  • Ranging from low-tech options such as a treadle pump that is improving irrigation and access to water in villages across Africa, to high-tech geographical information systems utilizing the latest satellite technology and cell phones that allow smallholder farmers to benefit from access to market data, timely weather forecasts, and crop advice. Robert Hormats: Innovating Our Way to a Second Green Revolution
  • Very appealing in a low-tech kind of way in a world of over-designed Super Bowl graphics. Drift on Vimeo
  • A low-tech solution to a high-tech threat.
  • The glass factory produces a wide range of products with a low-tech and traditional technology based on well-developed labour skills.
  • As we all know, determination and momentum to reach a goal spark further innovations, both high-tech and low-tech.
  • Another is the somewhat low-tech approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • A low-tech solution to a hi-tech problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would NOT have written in flattering tones about how they eschew gadgetry in favor or a more low-tech way of hunting. Poor Representation
  • Developing high-tech biotechnologies as an alternative to low-tech mining isn't without risk. Australian Drug Upstarts Draw Investor Interest
  • Until recently, commercial espionage cases have been low-tech.
  • So while 13.6 million cars, trucks and buses were sold in China last year, another 36 million or so other, low-technology vehicles were sold, including those inkfish. China's Thirst for Oil Could Come Up Short
  • Your low-tech stapler is about to get a huge makeover if Swingline has its way. Swingline to Embed RFID Tags into Next-Gen Staplers | Impact Lab
  • These projects include promotion of ecovillages both in urban and rural areas; rural energisation, renewable energy technology such as biomass gasification and ethanol production; community based greening and waste recycling, low-tech energy solutions such as thermally efficient and renewable energy solutions in housing, clean transport systems; carbon sequestration and conservation, industrial energy efficiency. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The process of reconciliation of the high-tech vs. low-tech paradox was spectacularly demonstrated by a New York Times report.
  • Yet, thankfully, for all the hype, it's still a low-tech performance with poor dancing, ad-lib singing and plenty of knee-sliding across the stage.
  • They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification.
  • Some time back I was asked about steps being taken to counter low-tech improvised explosive devices in Iraq.
  • My strip is a low-tech, one-man operation, and I like it that way.
  • But doing it at an acceptable cost to the planet will depend on research into everything from high-tech seeds to low-tech farming practices.
  • The airplanes are nearly identical and almost naive in their low-tech approach to flight, but are great fliers.
  • You can't help noticing that it's the low-tech weapons that are really horrible.
  • In this country, the first announcements of his death appeared in the low-tech, large-print format of Teletext.
  • Some low-tech ideas are also in favour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in 2002, in a much-publicized debacle, the copy-protection scheme Sony used was undermined in a decidedly low-tech way: You simply needed to draw a line around the CD with a magic marker.
  • Shaw – being the maverick painter in the pack, and a popular favourite – will surely win the big prize, though, with his views of nowhere places, meticulously and perversely rendered in the unwieldy and super low-tech medium of model aeroplane kit makers' Humbrol enamels. This week's new exhibitions
  • The psst-hey-buddy guy may not be the image the new "ticket broker" industry wishes to be associated with—and, goodness knows, one needs to make sure the curbside tickets are legit—but maybe these days dealing with the low-tech scalper is one's best hope of not getting scalped. Don't Blame a Scalper When You Think You've Been Fleeced
  • In the places that are most successful in computing and mathematics there is often a low-tech approach in the classroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course a hand loom is a machine, it's just more low-tech.
  • Pearce also examines the low-tech solutions, from rice terracing to rainwater harvesting, that have sustained communities for hundreds of years.
  • Yet, like other places, Utah has to turn to low-tech services to soak up its growing numbers of literate job-hunters.
  • For those who want to produce their own pure drinking water, passive-solar distillation is an inexpensive, low-tech option.
  • And their bets paid off big, from the high-tech realm of computers to the low-tech business of making mortgage loans.
  • His espousal of small-scale, low-tech local production is combined with a mystical evocation of petty agriculture and ‘community’.
  • These low-tech ways of attacking have the advantage that they do not leave a return address in the way that launching a missile would do.
  • But then something went wrong, something distinctly low-tech; the Post-it note with his name was shuffled into an incorrect pile and nobody noticed until it was too late. Hugh Muir's diary
  • For low-tech companies with strong financials, good growth potential, and a well-thought-out exit strategy, the right investor may well be out there somewhere.
  • Many of the arms were ‘low-tech weapons’ like studded clubs, knives and spears.
  • But can low-tech subsistence agriculture improve people's quality of life better than the hated multinationals?
  • If you look you will see that his culture setup is quite low-tech and easy-care. Brackish tank project
  • A low-tech solution to a hi-tech problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • But doing it at an acceptable cost to the planet will depend on research into everything from high-tech seeds to low-tech farming practices.
  • If you love low-tech as much as I do - or if you just want to get organized - you'll want to take a look.
  • ADLER: Camp Half-Blood is relaxed, unregimented and definitely low-tech. A 'Percy Jackson' Summer Camp Thrives In Brooklyn
  • It's a low-tech field without the huge expense of drugs.
  • Synopsis: A stingy merchant hires a trainee from the College and Order of Heralds to assist with alien languages and customs on a trade run to the low-tech planet Lyra. REVIEW: The Good Old Stuff edited by Gardner Dozois
  • The ones that actually look like cameras tend to be either for traffic management or low-tech security systems owned by shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • The low-tech solution of improving diets and lifestyles is very much the best one. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we all know, determination and momentum to reach a goal spark further innovations, both high-tech and low-tech.
  • Vivid colors, mass-produced clip art and the low-tech animations emphasize cheap, throwaway culture that Americans are nurtured on.
  • Low-tech eyeshades and foam earplugs are among the most effective ways to make the world go away - at least until 7 a.m.

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