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How To Use Lovable In A Sentence

  • She has one annoying but lovable big brother that looks out for her, and a little sister that adores and idolizes her.
  • It's not entirely accurate - the book is a bit darker than that, but there is a fair bit of lovable eccentricity to the characters.
  • He was an immensely charming, kind, lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems fans can't get enough of this overweight, near-sighted, lovable lunk who fights zombies from inside his favorite pub.
  • He was a tall, coltish, bespectacled young man, curiously lovable.
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  • a mischievous but lovable child
  • He is the lovable old duffer with the frantic, ants-in-the-pants commentating style.
  • Dear, lovable Brian, as unaggressive a human as ever existed, had been murdered because of something to do with Sara. Scarlet Nights
  • He was a tall, coltish, bespectacled young man, curiously lovable.
  • The only beauties of the place, and those unintentional, were the long lines of hand-planted shade-trees, uglified as far as possible with whitewashed trunks and croppy heads, but still lovable, growing, living things. Animal Heroes
  • Love means loving the unlovable - or it is no virtue at all…
  • My memory will be of an unfailingly courteous, generous and lovable man who kept his powder dry but out of sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macy is bound and determined to make Frank utterly unlovable, which is to say an actual drunk - despite what - News
  • Even relationships can be affected, because the person with SAD can become irritable, unloving and unlovable, says charity Mind.
  • There may be a carcinogenetic core inside that lovable exterior. Roger I. Abrams: Wildfires, Earthquakes and Manny
  • Jim Norton plays Finian with Irish charm; his Finian is a lovable conniver blessed with a glint in his eye and an endless supply of quick-witted retorts. Crazytown, Missitucky
  • There was no worse fate than being herself, her horrible, difficult, unlovable self. LOST CHILDREN
  • + The second sort (odium inimicitiae, or hostility) aims directly at the person, indulges a propensity to see what is evil and unlovable in him, feels a fierce satisfaction at anything tending to his discredit, and is keenly desirous that his lot may be an unmixedly hard one, either in general or in this or that specified way. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In the first chain analysis Rachel self-harmed in response to thinking she was not slim or beautiful enough (which linked to her core-belief of being unlovable and therefore being rejected).
  • He gave me his real name, when he was actually known to locals as ‘Panda’ - one of those local not-so-lovable derros that every town has.
  • As with many of Paisley's characters he is a lovable rogue, thoughtless but not cruel, well-meaning but easily sidetracked, a boy whose threadbare background has spelt out a future of meagre options, many of them criminal.
  • MANY of us grew up with those cute and lovable Mr. Men characters from the beloved childhood books. The Sun
  • You're clearly a lovable person. The Sun
  • Among the other numerous (at least one per page) lovable wisenheimer remarks is this definition: A nebbish doesn't know he's a nebbish ... David Finkle: Easy Reader: Howard Jacobson's Novel Takes the Prize
  • He is not a lovable character. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was the eternal lovable rogue. The Sun
  • Miss Jillgall, she lifted her poor little sunken eyes rapturously to the sky, as if she called the homiest sunlight to witness that this was the most lovable woman on the face of the earth. The Legacy of Cain
  • He is already 'greying' too quickly. lovable liberal CNN Poll: Do American care if Obama smokes?
  • He is a mixture of a genuine, loving and lovable personality, and a brilliant business mind.
  • They want us to live with success and debt, hand in unlovable hand. 365 tomorrows » 2006 » January : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Beliefs also can lead to negative feelings (such as anxiety, anger and upset), feeling sorry for oneself (a sense of victimization), feeling unlovable, etc. Morty Lefkoe: Boy, was I wrong in my last eating blog post!
  • And so, in reviewing what was in our long run a rainbow trail round the curve of the world, though I shall try to write from the height of my head, making honest this document, as he would have it, without sainting his humanness, I know I shall find myself most often directed from the depth of my heart toward a bountiful estimate of his abounding lovableness, charm, and variety. PREFACE:
  • Cheney made Mr. Potter look like a lovable old coot. A warped, frustrated old man
  • The industrial practice of ‘annualisation’ may not seem the most promising screen material, but our own cinematic standbys of cheeky gangsters, clubland geezers and lovable young lads look pretty dreary in comparison.
  • Balki Bartkomous from Perfect Strangers: Balki was a rambunctious but lovable roommate from the far off land of Mypos. Metal Movie | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.
  • They were rock's first lovable losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once again, the lovable, English-mangling Rock of Love 2 contestant Angelique (aka Frenchie) is taking it all off, but probably for the first time, it's in the name of art. Vh1 Blog
  • What perversity would inspire a busy corporate spokesman to lavish devotion on such an inert and - let's face it - steadfastly unlovable personage for more than two decades?
  • An explosive beginning, lovable and despisable characters, questions of loyalty, moral inquisition all highlight the plot which comes to a rather abrupt end. Reader reviews of The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith.
  • What the future entails is some very contemporary music slipped into concerts featuring lovable old favorites.
  • Call me old-fashioned or maybe it's new-fashioned since old movies often showed criminals as lovable but I just wasn't in the mood to see the soft side of a brutal man who killed people who got in his way. Michael Giltz: DVDs -- Fractured Fairy Tales
  • And for my family, who are my first readers and my assistants, excellent critics and wonderful companions … and who love me even when I am unlovable, which is a real plus. Memory of Fire
  • He is not a lovable character. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Lysander, her hero, is a lovable thicko who isn't even terribly proficient in bed.
  • When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose. Brene Brown 
  • The boy, hapless but lovable, is drawn with exaggerated features, thick lips and wide-open eyes. Balloon Juice » 2005 » June
  • I want palin to kick rocks, her statement is as stupid is as stupid does. lovable liberal Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • [The words are on the board in this form: love + able, care + less.] “The suffix _able_ begins with the vowel _a_; therefore when it is added to the word _love_ the final silent _e_ is dropped, and the word is spelled _lovable_.” Orthography As Outlined in the State Course of Study for Illinois
  • But then my father's a lovable but crazy man. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a balanced, touching and enlightening portrait of a great writer and a curiously lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • How to Train Your Dragon is the story of Hiccup, heir of Viking chiefdom and the most lovable, unlikely hero, and his quest to hunt down the fiercest dragon, bring it into submission, and pass his initiation. Watch This: Third & Final How to Train Your Dragon Trailer «
  • Here is a new series of mystery stories for girls by an author who knows the kind of stories every girl wants to read -- mystery of the "shivery" sort, adventure that makes the nerves tingle, clever "detecting" and a new lovable heroine, Judy Bolton, whom all girls will take to their hearts at once. Marjorie's Busy Days
  • You're clearly a lovable person. The Sun
  • Tom King's Snookums, That Lovable Transvestite, or the whole fumetti (photonovel) genre of comics popular in South Africa,, and Spain. Yahoo! News: Technology News
  • As a result, liars are passed off as scoundrels or rascals, or even lovable rogues.
  • The ride mixes the lovable characters from the 1937 Disney classic with thrills for all the family. The Sun
  • Then there is the lovable Tritter, with his mop of grey hair and his voice like an unoiled hinge, whose Falstaff is at once paunchy and stiff-limbed, and as shiny and buoyant as a bubble.
  • He's superficially lovable, in that Brodkin makes him a cheery as well as cheeky chappie, confident that the woman in the front row will be charmed to hear he'd like to "cum on [her] tits". Lee Nelson's Well Good Tour – review
  • In fact, if you were to lease them out to other artists they would ALL become hits (save for maybe "unlovable", which has its fans). Undefined
  • From it, we emerge with an even greater respect and affection for the most loved and lovable poet of the last century.
  • But then, a certain lovable someone (who prefers to remain anonymous) bought me a darling new digital camera -- right around the time that some damn fool went and hooked me up with a Flickr account ... and then somebody else was kind enough to -- out of the blue -- set me up with a paid Flickr account. April 17th, 2005
  • What isn't expected is the touching performance of Christopher Walken as Frank's lovable, big-hearted dad.
  • Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle, lovable creatures.
  • Instead of a mischievously lovable old coot, we get this barely Irish, youngish, oafish dude.
  • I'm a 60 y.o. divorcee and have been in a relationship for about 5 months with a lovable "aspie" (the term is new to me but I like it) Also I've been told I have some AS traits of my own so anyway this is the site for me Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
  • Those lovable Americans are encouraged to ‘get on down’ to their local bowling place and throw a bowl in support of those guys with balls.
  • People who knew him, including his teachers, would describe him as a lovable, cheeky rogue.
  • The therapist then shifted to processing within a view of self-context, often characterized by fears of being imperfect, unworthy, or unlovable.
  • She came back to Hampshire to live with her father, a lovable rogue who taught her how to get the things she wanted from life.
  • There's also Transformers, which will either be a lovable technophilic action flick or another insulting attempt to make a few million bucks. Archive 2007-02-01
  • An odd book, then, about an unforgettable and lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • And only then can you decide whether he is still the lovable person you thought he was. The Sun
  • But what makes Selma Lagerlöf's writings so lovable is that we always seem to hear in them an echo of the most peculiar, the strongest, and the best things that have ever moved the soul of the Swedish people. Nobel Prize in Literature 1909 - Presentation Speech
  • The adult with NPD endeavors to control others in an attempt to protect this "unlovable" hidden self and is often unable to see others as fellow humans and to be tolerant, kind, empathetic, and aware of other's needs. Eight Little Dolls
  • Though he does not succeed in the delineation of the great and grand passions of our nature, he is very successful in the sphere of its humane and tender sentiments; and though open to criticism for the jaunty audacity with which he coins dainty sweetnesses of expression rejected by all dictionaries, and for an occasional pertness in asserting opinions of doubtful truth, he is so lovable a creature that we pardon his literary foibles as we would pardon the personal foibles of a charming companion and friend. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 01, November, 1857 A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics
  • As a rule, we divide our hearts into different compartments, for lovable, neutral and unlovable people.
  • However, because he's played by the typically affable Rogen, the cuddly-physiqued stoner star of "Knocked Up," he's also -- initially, at least -- presented as somewhat lovable, even with an institutional Curly Howard crewcut that gives him the appearance of a menacing baby and a brow as knitted with confusion as Lon Chaney Jr. 's in the throes of lycanthropy. California Chronicle
  • One horse began kicking up, so, to give him no time for further pranks, I drove at a good round gallop, which quickly left the lovable jackeroo a speck in the distance. My Brilliant Career
  • When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose. Brene Brown 
  • By this point, we're liable to transform what we call our lovable land of music known as Hot Artists at
  • * GASP* There lick was lovable as great as awkward as great as we could see the dazzlement in Bella's face as great as the strugglelust in Edward's face. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Though many are perfectly lovable, a common trait is attacking without warning. The Sun
  • Script I am a lovable person. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Don't let negativity distort your self-image so you feel unlovable or unredeemable.
  • And, of course, there's the lovable dough-faced shnook in the front office, Robert "Fall Guy National Review Online
  • He was presented as the quixotic radical, the gregarious populist, the lovable dissenter, the rare honest liberal, the minority of one.
  • First, the decision by Brynes to sign that lovable fan fav Eric 'flopper' Burns to a long term contract - there by making Carlos Quentin a throw away for part of the Haren deal. MVN
  • A type at once grotesque and lovable is the cabalist of Astarac. Nobel Prize in Literature 1921 - Presentation Speech
  • But she starts to find some success with younger men, which mortifies her teenage son (the lovable Dan Byrd.) Fall TV Preview: EHarmony Edition
  • But do not expect any lovable creatures and charming subjects here.
  • MANY of us grew up with those cute and lovable Mr. Men characters from the beloved childhood books. The Sun
  • The ward is packed with lovable eccentrics who either learn a life lesson from our hero or teach him one, especially Zach Galifianakis. Michael Giltz: Toronto Film Fest Days 1 And 2: Midnight Madness
  • Kane's stand-up (as usual, with a cheeky but thought-provoking take on the social anthropology of his native Essex) is always a reliable source of entertainment, while Conaty's leftfield character comedy and lovable anecdotal material shows why the judges are tipping her to go far. This week's new comedy
  • Mark said the programme will bring televiewers to a completely different world - a world of powerful fairies, brave warriors, lovable and mythical creatures, and ferocious fiends.
  • she was in some mysterious way...unlovable
  • It is to indicate this that Plato, drawing on something well within our observation, represents the Creator as approving the work he has achieved: the intention is to make us feel the lovable beauty of the autotype and of the Divine Idea; for to admire a representation is to admire the original upon which it was made. The Six Enneads.
  • Lovable made bras and lingerie, supplying retailers that also included Sears and Victoria's Secret.
  • For some readers this will be seen as a bit of gentle whingeing by a lovable grump. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks to a crew of lovable, dynamic if not always clearheaded characters, Doonesbury is still a vital part of the national discussion. Dan Lybarger: Mixing Pulp and Politics: An Interview with Doonesbury's Garry Trudeau
  • She was a very lovable, sweet-tempered girl, nearly always ready to listen, and to assist him in any way that she could.
  • She is easily a very unlikable and unlovable character. Times, Sunday Times
  • She'd never seem him look as sweet and lovable as he did then.
  • She is far from immune to the lovable Raymond, but she really carries a torch for his big lug of a brother.
  • He reconjured moonlight schottische dances on the decks of a steamer run by lovable country people, “simple-hearted folk and overflowing with good-fellowship and the milk of human kindness.” Mark Twain
  • People who knew him, including his teachers, would describe him as a lovable, cheeky rogue.
  • He was known as'the lovable loser' because he accepted defeat with good grace and was able to boost his business through friendships made in sailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • And yet, you know, 'he added ruminatingly,' it is not as if mine was ever a particularly lovely or lovable face! The Return
  • Two lovable rogues are discussing a mutual acquaintance who has just been released from prison.
  • Reply Obj. 1: From the very fact that truth is the end of contemplation, it has the aspect of an appetible good, both lovable and delightful, and in this respect it pertains to the appetitive power. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • I was most deeply moved by the way this lovable man prayed, so devout and so certain that God heard his prayer.
  • That blending of macabre with the lovable is executed very well in the film. Rabid Rewind: 9
  • But then my father's a lovable but crazy man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bob was celebrated as a lovable rogue with a brilliantly creative mind.
  • However, because he's played by the typically affable Rogen, the cuddly-physiqued stoner star of "Knocked Up," he's also - initially, at least - presented as somewhat lovable, even with an institutional Curly Howard crewcut that gives him the appearance of a menacing baby and a brow as knitted with confusion as Lon Chaney Jr. 's in the throes of lycanthropy. California Chronicle
  • This furry scrap of a creature was of course completely lovable and endearing, but only to people who like cats.
  • This country has always had a soft spot for lovable eccentrics aka raving lunatics. Not a very well planned walk
  • They are actually painting Joe as a lovable larrikin, when the man actually has an illness.
  • The wombat does not elicit quite the same sympathy among Australians as the more obviously lovable koala. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her performance as the most complicated and equally lovable and hateable character on TV had us hoping she might somehow secure a nomination in the supporting category.
  • And only then can you decide whether he is still the lovable person you thought he was. The Sun
  • Everybody's a pal in lovable old Washington, and they are at their chummiest when they are crossing party lines and getting together on issues in the pragmatic and postpartisan way that all enlightened people know they should. Gangs of D.C.
  • The lovable character with wide appeal, and a warm setup that pulls in the audience and the advertising, is what pays the rent. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were rock's first lovable losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when it comes to building lovable robots, no-on can touch Sony for cuteness (and no, they're not on sale yet).
  • They're lovable jerks and idiots with more dimension than the average comedy sidekicks, and luckily Andy survives their doomed regimen of nightclubbing, speed dating, and misplaced mentorship, although barely.
  • Visitors can watch the lovable animals feeding in the semiwild and learn about the centre's six month rehabilitation programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have just two words for them: Jeff Foxworthy ... or how about the “Fox Half-Hour News Show”; or Glenda BeckyBoy; or that lovable little fuzzball Rush Limpballs? Think Progress » Gov. Perry wants to bring California’s budget misery to Texas.
  • Isherwood's bright-eyed alertness, his lack of malice, his genial delight in the foibles of others all make him lovable.
  • Make an alphabetical list of all your lovable qualities from adorably brilliantly cool to xerophytic, youthful and zymotic.
  • We can very readily identify with the lovable rogues that sauntered across the western landscapes.
  • All we get in Cake Boss is tooth-scraping grit and unlovable goons, with a dash of sadism. 'Cake Boss': Cousin Anthony had it coming! |
  • A tribute to the lovable rogue is aired just before his final Coronation Street episode. The Sun
  • Research suggests that women with poor body image misinterpret negative emotions such as anger, sadness and feeling unlovable as "feeling fat. Gabrielle Bernstein: How to Address an Eating Disorder
  • Spencer; "[Lady] Gaga is not your real friend moron. she associates with you so Kei$ha the pumpkin doesnt outsell her with her label buying songs … when you wake in the morning do you start your day by pretending your going to find someone who will love you? your unlovable. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • I want to be your lover don't want to be invisible or neglectable or casual or forgettable or cynical or unlovable More ANGST.
  • Yet handling a lovable, though absent-minded, husband and the children could not have been easy.
  • Just maybe, we ought ask if some "psyches" just are not that lovable? LA IMC
  • This book, his greatest (though he claimed to prefer two of his more refined and ponderous works), is lovable enough, unsettling enough and dissatisfying enough -- altogether granular enough -- that I hereby make the following prediction: "Huckleberry Finn" will never overripen, nor grow stale, nor ossify. Books on Southern Humor
  • He's always been the lovable rogue for the public to get behind and adore. The Sun
  • An unedifying gallery of bit-part rogues, including the profoundly unlovable Frankie Fraser, keeps assuring us that Charlie was a gentleman who looked after his old mum, etc etc.
  • Miles and Jack, on the other hand, are too easy to figure out, lovable cartoons, rascals who are losers by rote.
  • All the things I usually hate in TV are here - it's over the top, it's noisy, it's stuffed with unlovable people, everyone's shouting - but the old bile and fire is back.
  • Script I am a lovable person. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • My memory will be of an unfailingly courteous, generous and lovable man who kept his powder dry but out of sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another one is 'bamboozle' which I always picture as a dorkish bumbling dimwit, but a lovable one. Archive 2005-10-01
  • He was the eternal lovable rogue. The Sun
  • Similar qualities had characterized her acting, and they spring from a nature which a close observer has described as clear in perception yet swayed by fantasy; strong of will yet impulsive as quicksilver; finding enjoyment now in animated discussion, now in impetuous riding, now in absolute repose; full of maternal tenderness, yet fond of splendor and the excitements of society; a nature, in short, abounding in contrasts, but substantially that of a true, noble and lovable woman. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 22, January, 1873
  • For some readers this will be seen as a bit of gentle whingeing by a lovable grump. Times, Sunday Times
  • Years ago, we recall, it made a similar show about lovable riverbank creatures. The Sun
  • Not entirely surprising, I heard Katie Homes is making her return to the big screen as the lovable tiger that mauled that dude last week. SURI CRUISE AS KNUT THE POLAR BEAR
  • That was the big challenge in this book, and it was also my big concern in turning it over to people who make movies because it would be quite easy for Hollywood to turn him into a lovable scallywag and then the reality that I worked hard to get into the book is being eroded. Unorthodox Attorney Defends Hero Who May Be a Villian in 'The Lincoln Lawyer'
  • That's right, it was the CD release party for those lovable coots, The Scurvy Pirates.
  • It is one of its maker's most lovable films and his funniest of all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never mind that the producers had two perfectly solid options in jilted Bachelorette suitors Reid (that lovable neurotic germaphobe) or Kiptyn (less lovable, but at least he isn’t Jake), but no, they had to go with the guy who looks most like a Ken doll, and who — let’s face it — is going to be easiest to manipulate. Jake is the new Bachelor. What, was a box of rocks not available? |
  • You used to play kind of goofball, lovable, dorky guys in the past. CNN Transcript Mar 31, 2005
  • At first, I'm sure it must have been duty on her part that kept her going, because I was truly unlovable. GYPSY MASALA
  • Yet handling a lovable, though absent-minded, husband and the children could not have been easy.
  • Walt Disney needs to be thanked wholeheartedly for popularising toons with his lovable renditions of ducks and mice.
  • Make a lot of them really funny, relatable, and/or just plain lovable and charming. Legendary Pictures Producing New Godzilla Film | /Film
  • The two aunts, originally meant to be stodgy and throwbacks to the Victorian age, come across immediately as warm, lovable eccentrics.
  • Years ago, we recall, it made a similar show about lovable riverbank creatures. The Sun
  • So, how to live with the lovable quirks and foibles that so quickly will become the grit in the Vaseline of your relationship? Times, Sunday Times
  • They were never the most groundbreaking band on the planet, but their catchy hooks and honest energy made them a lovable presence in the indie scene of my youth.
  • On an entirely different matter, I was the very happy recipient of a blog award for fabulousness from the most lovable Charlotte. And I’m Back « Tales from the Reading Room
  • This furry scrap of a creature was of course completely lovable and endearing, but only to people who like cats.
  • He was an immensely charming, kind, lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even relationships can be affected, because the person with SAD can become irritable, unloving and unlovable, says charity Mind.
  • As for punctum, I can nearly smell my mother's hair, almost feel the fabric of her dress, sense the lovable vulnerability of my little brother Neil (he's in the striped shirt). The power of the holiday photo
  • A lovable rogue has been recognised for his bravery nearly 100 years after his death.
  • Justin Kirk, best known as the devilishly lovable brother-in-law Andy on Weeds, is Harry, and he brings a similar sarcastic charm to this role that he does to his TV character. Understudy Does Just Fine!
  • An odd book, then, about an unforgettable and lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was known as'the lovable loser' because he accepted defeat with good grace and was able to boost his business through friendships made in sailing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Papa has always been a crotchety, grouchy, grumpy yet extremely lovable old coot.
  • They're all lovable nutters but nutters nonetheless.
  • They were lovable bandidos, even if the rugby they played was not particularly lovable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Literally, one night of love - and only because, in the true Larner tradition, she was so unlovable that she appealed to his devious vanity. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • The film is positive in its portrayal of Down's syndrome, and Roberta is superbly acted as a funny, humorous, and lovable character.
  • Call me old-fashioned (or maybe it's new-fashioned since old movies often showed criminals as lovable) but I just wasn't in the mood to see the soft side of a brutal man who killed people who got in his way. Michael Giltz: DVDs -- Fractured Fairy Tales
  • They are lovable and charming, infuriating and maddening.
  • The result is a balanced, touching and enlightening portrait of a great writer and a curiously lovable man. Times, Sunday Times
  • a harsh and unlovable old tyrant
  • So, you know, sometimes these men are very ingratiating and very charming and very lovable, and nobody is all bad or all good.
  • Sergeant is an intelligent, lovable cuddly man whose judgment on all manner of things is trusted by the viewing public. Times, Sunday Times
  • Filled with the sumptuous detail Christensen is renowned for, and made even more vivid by the gold trim and debossed image of our exclusive Cameo Collection styling, you could say this lovable royal is a real bird-brain.
  • Edward Herrmann is Hearst, a big and strangely unlovable teddy bear of a man, spying fanatically on his guests and fellow passengers and especially on his beautiful mistress Marion Davies, played by Kirsten Dunst.
  • Two lovable rogues are discussing a mutual acquaintance who has just been released from prison.
  • Get practical and make a list of why you're lovable person. The Sun
  • Sergeant is an intelligent, lovable cuddly man whose judgment on all manner of things is trusted by the viewing public. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lovable rogue has been recognised for his bravery nearly 100 years after his death.
  • I spend a lot of my time thinking myself unworthy, unlovable, of little value or use…… and at the same time I find myself not wanting to feel that way at all, because on other levels I know that these things are not true.
  • Set back as I tell about the heroic doings of this lovable critter as spelled out by the elder folk of our town.
  • We do miss your kooky yet lovable characters that are perfect for Saturday afternoon matinees.
  • Or does your negative perception of your thighs make you feel unsexy and unlovable?
  • He is very lovable, and is evidently much beloved, and is able to go about in unguarded security. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • In some circles, the word lovable would and should never be applied to blacks or gays. Main RSS Feed
  • Sky, who played the lovable mutt for six years, passed away with a brain tumour. The Sun
  • Where did that term lovable loser come from, I wonder? The Volokh Conspiracy » A Stanley Cup Final for the History Books
  • Several spoke of him as a harmless and even lovable eccentric.
  • The Grammys are the first step in the singer's domestication, of his certain transmogrification from hate-filled bad boy to lovable, safe, pop dreamboat.

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