
How To Use Louis xv In A Sentence

  • Fine French Louis XV style gilt bronze mounted marquetry, rosewood and tulipwood table de milieu.
  • The term mainly refers to King Louis XVI as he was young when he became king of France. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.
  • It is in fact a fine copy of the Louis XVI style, but elaborate innovations such as the pronounced breakfront covered in flowerhead and geometric trellis exclude it from being a superior piece.
  • Jones became obsessed with regality, parading around Paris in dress uniform, taking audiences with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and courting French debutantes.
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  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • And when I was hoping to comprehend why "La force" did not "fonder" anything I would hear Mr. Hoffman whisper, "When you think that Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette passed the last evening they ever spent in Versailles in this theater! In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters
  • In the aftermath of defeat in the Seven Years War, Louis XV went as far as to commission projects for the abolition of the corvée and the re-establishment of provincial estates in a bid to restore public support.
  • While her earlier houses were twentieth-century pastiches of the Louis XVI style, here she had authentic eighteenth-century French boiserie installed in the drawing and dining rooms.
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • During the regency of Duke of Orleans, regent for the minor heir Louis XV, the formalities of the court gave way to a more casual and intimate atmosphere.
  • The exquisite white marble mantel is Italian, not French, of the time of Louis XVI. The Art of Interior Decoration
  • The younger branch of the house of Navarreins bears quarterly with the arms of Navarreins those of Lansac, namely, azure, and argent party per pale raguly, between six spear-heads in pale, and the old lady’s liaison with Louis XV. had earned her husband the title of duke by royal patent. Domestic Peace
  • Revolution, and beheader of Louis XVI.; he attended two masses commemorating the death of the King, celebrated in 1793 and 1794, by the Abbe de Marolles, to whom his identity was afterwards disclosed by Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 2
  • Jones was formally honored by the King, presented with a gold-hilted sword, engraved, Jones happily recorded, “with these extremely flattering words: Vindicati Maris Ludovicus XVI remunerator Strenua Vindici reward from Louis XVI to the valiant avenger of the rights of the sea.” John Paul Jones
  • The King ( Louis XVI ) prepared for a struggle and brought up troops from the provinces.
  • A rare collection of cookbooks consumed her private attic rooms from floor to ceiling, an archive that grew like a fungus above and around her good pieces of furniture, such as the seventeenth-century gueridon or the Louis XV–style walnut bergère armchair. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • Even if you're not among the official 3,500 guests who will partake of the sumptuous, four-course wedding dinner orchestrated by the Louis XV's three-Michelin star chef Alain Ducasse all the vegetables will be plucked fresh from the prince's private garden the night before, you can still sample Mr. Ducasse's trademark gastro-morphing of southern French and Ligurian peasant food. To Catch a View in Monaco
  • He spent two years in the post, toiling to save Louis XVI, sheltering aristocrats from the Paris mob, and working hard to protect American merchant vessels against French privateers.
  • On her right wrist she conspicuously displays a cameo bracelet bearing the profile of Louis XV.
  • The French throne did not pass to his son, as he had hoped, but to Louis XVIII, the brother of Louis XVI.
  • He was the official painter to the daughters of Louis XV, and then became painter to Jean Philippe, chevalier d' Orleans.
  • On 9-19-1783, the brothers showed their balloon to King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and guests at the Palace of Versailles.
  • As Parisian chair makers began adopting Tillard's designs, the frames of both caned and Louis XV bergère chairs were at times gilded or painted.
  • Here a pair of 1850 card tables are for sale at up to Pounds 10,000 and a Louis XVI-style suite, £5,000.
  • Anyway, our tutor, who believes we are all on the simple side, favours questions with easy and obvious answers and was pumping us for information on Louis XVI.
  • His glacially cold mother despised family life and soon turned her back on her son, while his father was one of the most legendary rakes of Louis XV's reign.
  • When I first heard Pentagon newspeak refer to assassination as ‘decapitation,’ I naturally thought of Charles I and Louis XVI.
  • The hangings were of Rouen cretonne imitating old Normandy chintz, and the Louis XV. design — a shepherdess, in a medallion held in the beaks of a pair of doves — gave the walls, curtains, bed, and arm-chairs a festive, rustic style that was extremely pretty! Pierre And Jean
  • His death shortly afterwards occasioned louder public grief than that of Louis XV four years earlier.
  • She talked a great deal of M. de Miromesnil, Keeper of the Seals under Louis XVI. and of a Presidentess Duplat, with whom she had been very intimate.
  • She then became the official mistress of Louis XV and marquise before ending up as lady-in-waiting to the queen, de facto minister, and pious, platonic consort of the king.
  • This was the coup d'état of his grandfather Louis XV and chancellor Maupeou against the parlements.
  • He also believed he was the reincarnation of Louis XVI and that your mother was Marie Antoinette.
  • George III was interested in horology, and Louis XVI enjoyed locksmithing.
  • In 1773-84 the whole church was remodelled in eighteenth - century taste, the columns of the choir were fluted, the apse and doors were finished in Louis XVI style.
  • As a child, she had dreamed dreams of the Reign of Terror, of Louis XVI at the guillotine, and of the chaos and bloodshed of battle.
  • During the eighteenth century Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV, was a frequent guest here; now, her favourite room with its canopied bed is yours for the asking.
  • This copy of a Louis XVI commode was made by one of Europe's finest cabinetmakers, Francois Linke.
  • On the death of Maria Leczinska, the whole of her chamber furniture was given up to the Countess de Noailles, afterwards Maréchale de Mouchy, with the exception of two large rock crystal lusters, which Louis XV ordered should be preserved as appurtenances to the crown. How la Reine-Martyre Marie-Antoinette was clothed
  • Under the coating of dust and cobwebs, he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock.
  • Louis XVI., no longer feeble and irresolute, blundering and inert, becomes a patient, tranquil man, brave unto death, with charity to all, a true Christian, the innocent expiator of the crimes and faults of other reigns. The Ruin of a Princess
  • The corvée, forced labour for road construction and maintenance, took hands away from the fields for substantial periods every year; and when, under Louis XVI, it began to be commuted, the cost was added to the tax-bill.
  • Louis XV, eager to bolster national prestige and expand his empire in the Pacific, launches Louis-Antoine de Bougainville on the first French circumnavigation of the world. Incredible Voyage
  • The Pavillion de La Bouexiere, as it was called in the eighteenth century, attracted noted celebrities such as Louis XV's queen consort, Marie Leszczynska.
  • So many collectors fall into the trap of buying a ‘Louis XV’ piece that is clearly 19th century in origin and concept.
  • Jean-Henri Riesener was ebeniste (cabinetmaker) to Louis XVI, pupil of the great Oeben (maker of Louis XV's desk), and the man considered the greatest of his trade, among not inconsiderable competition, in the last quarter of the 18th century. All Hands on Deco
  • The cooking world was large enough to hold Kitchener and the ci-devant chef to the most Christian King Louis XVI. and the Right Honourable the Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Like Louis XVI, he was a keen horologist, and was able to reassemble even the most complicated watches, and he amassed an impressive set of clocks for Buckingham House.
  • Thus we have a medley of dates, spanning the reigns of Louis XIII to Louis XV, if you include the rococo picture frame on the Rigaud to the right of the chimney.
  • In the Church, nobles occupied all bishoprics and all the choicest abbacies and canonries, and under Louis XVI it became a matter of policy that they should.
  • To the pain of defeat, Louis XV added the shame of dishonour.
  • Another example of formative assessment is having students write a business letter to King Louis XVI from the perspective of a member of the Third Estate in France prior to the Revolution.
  • Jean-Henri Riesener was ebeniste (cabinetmaker) to Louis XVI, pupil of the great Oeben (maker of Louis XV's desk), and the man considered the greatest of his trade, among not inconsiderable competition, in the last quarter of the 18th century. All Hands on Deco
  • To the pain of defeat, Louis XV added the shame of dishonour.
  • In 1783 Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and the court took up a brief residence here to assist at the aerostatic experiences of De Rosier, and in 1787, ceasing to be a royal residence, La Muette was offered for sale after first having been stripped of its precious wainscotings, its marbles and the artistic curiosities of all sorts with which it had been decorated. Royal Palaces and Parks of France
  • When the comptroller-general proposed to the king to abolish privileges, and assess the impost equally, renouncing the twentieths, diminishing the gabel, suppressing custom-houses in the interior and establishing provincial assemblies, Louis XVI. recognized an echo of his illustrious ministers. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • Now the whole country is likely to get a glimpse of the table, which is not a font, but fine Parisian relic from the 1850s, bearing 20 hand-painted miniatures from the court of Louis XVI.
  • France had various experiments with monarchy, even after the decapitation of Louis XVI.
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • She was alone, so far, in her large Louis XVI drawing room, the bronzes and brocades of which had a bright gayness.
  • When the guillotine dropped on King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, it might have been thought that France had abandoned all trappings of aristocracy.
  • Upon assessing his realm's decaying power, Louis XV allegedly mumbled ‘Après moi, le deluge.’
  • the very fact of the revolution - a popular rising against the established order - placed Louis XVI beyond the scope and protection of the new regime.
  • His earlier books include a study of the Court and a biography of Louis XVIII.
  • Accordingly, the transitional period between the opulent baroque period and the less formal rococo era of Louis XV became known as French Régence, or Regency.
  • He is, among much else, the historian of the bourgeois kitchen under Louis XV, and recorder of its homely affinity of terracotta jars and pottery serving dishes, glossy only because of hard scrubbing.
  • Louis mistakenly drinks the Mickey Finn intended for Alec, falls asleep, and dreams he is King Louis XV of France, and that May is Madame du Barry, and that Alec is a dashing rebel called the Black Arrow. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The titled riffraff that had adorned the Louis XV-du The French Revolution A Short History
  • In the Church, nobles occupied all bishoprics and all the choicest abbacies and canonries, and under Louis XVI it became a matter of policy that they should.
  • Louis XVI recalled Necker to his job and agreed to recognise the National Assembly, which included the Third Estate delegates, poorer clergy and nobility sympathetic to the Third Estate cause. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Initially built under the reign of Louis XV , it was meant to be a church modeled after a Roman temple.
  • French courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV. She was guillotined for crimes against the state by a Revolutionary tribunal.
  • Accordingly, the transitional period between the opulent baroque period and the less formal rococo era of Louis XV became known as French Régence, or Regency.
  • Louis XV was the period when outline and decoration were merged in one and the _shell_ which figured in Louis XIV merely as an ornament, gave its form (in a curved outline) and its name "rococo" (Italian for shell) to the style. The Art of Interior Decoration
  • Until May 23 www. It's easy enough to accept that Delaroche is using the beheaded Charles I as a trope for Louis XVI, and the background to all his paintings is full of interest. 'Don Pasquale' Arias Titillate
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • This was where Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were guillotined, along with more than 2,000 others between 1793 and 1795.
  • One of the sentinels, posted inside the tower, wrote one day on the door of the king's chamber: "The guillotine is permanent, and is awaiting the tyrant, Louis XVI. The Ruin of a Princess
  • As for Louis XVI, it seems he, too, found himself unable to consummate his marriage to his Austrian wife, Marie Antoinette.
  • Man of ability as he was, Louis XVIII. liked a pleasant jest.
  • When {15} the effluvious corpse of Louis XV was hastily smuggled from Versailles to the Cathedral of St. Denis in 1774, that seemed to mark the final dissolution into rottenness of the The French Revolution A Short History
  • The gracious King Louis XVI signed over one million dollars in arms and munitions.
  • For in reality France under Louis XVI was governed not by the nobility, but by a plutocracy in which the majority of nobles had no share.
  • An awareness that long before 1789 French people were insulting their king has tempted some historians to write of the desacralization of the monarchy under Louis XV.
  • While Elliott remains a staunch supporter of King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette, the Duke sides with the anti-monarchists.
  • However, some ten years later events in Europe had taken a serious turn; 1789 saw the beginning of the French Revolution and in 1793 King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were guillotined.
  • Those made under Perkhin tend to be in the rococo Louis XV style and often have bodies of hardstones such as nephrite or bowenite.
  • The word was apparently coined in the 1790s by David's students, wittily combining rocaille and barocco, to refer disparagingly to the taste fashionable under Louis XV.
  • The mortal remains of Louis XVII have been laid to rest.
  • Oh. I would rather mount the scaffold of my brother, Louis XVI. , than thus descend the staircase at the Tuileries driven away by ridicule.
  • It was considered so shocking that Louis XV sent his Lord Lieutenant from Paris to find the animal and dispatch it.
  • One shed shelters an entire semicircle of _treillage_, pure Louis XV., an exquisite example of a lost art. The Ways of Men
  • A Louis XV secretaire desk and chest of drawers recently went for $800, a third of what it could have sold for in the recent past; and 19th-century grandfather clocks now sell for as little as $1,500, down from about $3,500 a year ago. New Bargains on Old Furniture
  • English sentiment began to bedim Gallic eyes, and so what we know as the Louis XVI style was born. The House in Good Taste
  • The Princess Élisabeth, sister of the unfortunate Louis XVI, is almost the only figure which emerges unsullied from the unspeakable corruption of the French Court under Louis XV. The Ruin of a Princess
  • So that she could play at being a countrywoman at Versailles, Louis XV provided her with a hermitage comprising a pavilion, a menagerie, a pasture, dairy and kitchen garden.
  • The younger branch of the house of Navarreins bears quarterly with the arms of Navarreins those of Lansac, namely, azure, and argent party per pale raguly, between six spear-heads in pale, and the old lady's liaison with Louis XV. had earned her husband the title of duke by royal patent. Domestic Peace
  • There Louis XVI. 's brothers were living in fancied security surrounded by their pigmy court - a court as full of etiquette and ceremonial as that of the Grand Monarque himself! Juniper Hall: A Rendezvous of Certain Illustrious Personages during the French Revolution, Including Alexandre D'Arblay and Fanny Burney
  • Louis XVIII created a baronetcy for him in 1816.
  • When confronted by the sacraments crisis, Louis XV had tried desperately to avoid treading on clerical toes and had pursued the will-o'-the-wisp of a ‘third way’ that could unite moderates against the fanatics on both sides.
  • The knowledge he displayed of that court's personnel convinced Louis XVI's former chamberlain, two of his former private secretaries, and a former lady-in-waiting that Naundorff spoke the truth.
  • An original Louis XVI commode is topped by the fine white Carrara marble which was so popular in this period.
  • With his mentor gone, Louis XV was finally, at the age of 32, obliged to quit the shadows and assume his métier of king.
  • The house was renamed Bonaparte Mansion when it was owned by Louis XV and Louis XVI successively when they acted as emperors.
  • Unlike his raddled old grandfather, Louis XVI was a chaste family man who never took a mistress.
  • Louis XVI, who had joined the order as a boy, took his obligations as a lay military "Carmelite" very seriously, and he daily prayed the Office and attended regular meetings. Military Order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Saint Lazarus
  • Although maybe if Gucci made baby slings and there were such things as carved giltwood Louis XV co-sleepers… Nah. Friday Miscellany
  • In 1825, Charles X, last surviving brother of Louis XVI, even underwent an elaborate coronation, in the traditional setting of Reims Cathedral, to reconsecrate the bond between his dynasty and God.
  • A King should die standing. Louis XVIII, king of France. 
  • While Elliott remains a staunch supporter of King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette, the Duke sides with the anti-monarchists.
  • Although maybe if Gucci made baby slings and there were such things as carved giltwood Louis XV co-sleepers … Nah. Friday Miscellany | Her Bad Mother
  • The works of French painters were occasional fodder for artistic courtiers of Louis XV.

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