How To Use Loth In A Sentence
He came back hours later clothes ragged, an excited look on his face.
In many places, glittering among the clothes, were gold and silver coins, a few silver ornaments such as buckles, and watches -- things not missed by the pirates in the transport of their flight.
The Frozen Pirate
I lashed the clothes that I had been brought to wear at the hospital into the bag, a couple of ancient pairs of socks that felt suddenly found and familiar.
His wife shopped him to me with a bitter complaint about his clothes bill.
At the last minute I decided to go, so I flung a few clothes together and left.

After a bit of a stickybeak at the Queen's Scottish residence of Holyroodhouse, we made the most of the remaining daylight walking the length of the Royal Mile through the Old Town back to the castle, stopping by the Heart of Midlothian. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
The market opened 100 booths selling South Korean clothes on 2,600 square meters of floor last August.
Lee's debut on the Xbox does not resemble a dragon, but prefers to plod along like a sloth, short on all the crucial fronts, lazily bumbling along everywhere else.
Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
The nearby street was littered with shattered vehicles, pieces of glass, bricks, mangled steel and scraps of clothing.
Rose doubled over when Facer walked in wearing his funny clothes.
The constable was on leave and wearing civilian clothes.
The picture above demonstrates the details of a table cloth weaved with crochet hooks.
It's all slouchy, casual clothes in light and bright colours.
Times, Sunday Times
Mickey-boy, 'if the Joy Lady is so anxious to get the baby, and sew its clothes herself, why I'll just let her,' so I did _let_ her, but it took some time to make them, so I had to wait to bring it 'til tonight.
Michael O'Halloran
And strips of cloth had been tied around the reserve chute so that it could not be opened either.
The Sun
She damped her cloth before cleaning the windows.
Don't iron clothes that are to be stored, and keep them away from starch.
Times, Sunday Times
His posture improved so much that his clothes no longer fit.
“No, there ain’t no Bowlong,” said the barmaid, taking up a glasscloth and a drying tumbler and beginning to polish the latter.
The Wheels of Chance: a bicycling idyll
Denim is identified as an "American cotton textile where the diagonal warp is a striped hickory cloth that was once associated with railroadmen's overalls, in which blue or black contrasting undyed white threads form the woven pattern.
My God George Will is a bigger fashion snob than me! - dfi
he turned up in well-cut clothes...and upmarket felt hats
Their clothes had become grey with washing.
Times, Sunday Times
Some menswear shops do sell more imaginative clothes - but the assistants have rarely met any customers over the age of 36.
The stores, usually located in suburban shopping centers, target middle-class consumers with brand-name clothing, accessories and furniture.
Just because the clothes are less formal, that doesn't mean you skip regular clothing maintenance like ironing and washing.
Katherine and Kyla ferreted around the racks looking for good clothes.
Farming provided food, and their sheep provided wool for cloth.
In the early 1800s, the French weaver Joseph Jacquard invented a loom in which a series of punched cards controlled the patterns of cloth and carpet produced.
He's a very conservative dresser - he always looks like he's wearing his father's clothes!
None of them were bleeding, so she fetched a washcloth and bathed them, one by one, just to be sure there wasn't any dirt in the wounds.
I throw a suitcase on the bed and pop it open, and begin to stuff clothes into drawers and hang them in the wardrobe.
Mr. Hernandez's monochromatic costumes were 1950s-style, with the plain garb of the villagers contrasting with the cosmopolitan clothes of Neruda and his wife, Matilde, and Di Cosimo's natty, attention-getting white suit.
When Postman and Poet Meet
This helps the less well-off who spend a greater share of their income on products such as clothes; it hits the better-off, who spend more on services.
This can easily be addressed by finding the right clothes to flatter her figure.
The Sun
They go in sheep's russet, many great men that might maintain themselves in cloth of gold, and seem to be dejected, humble by their outward carriage, when as inwardly they are swollen full of pride, arrogancy, and self-conceit.
Anatomy of Melancholy
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club.
She could feel underclothes, linen drawers, silken chemise, a farthingale with its stiffened hoops.
Ill Met By Moonlight
He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
No doubt some of these are metrosexuals, those city-dwelling gents with more than enough disposable income to spend on clothes, restaurants, the latest gadgets, exotic holidays and eyebrow waxing.
It's great that she was able to tie up Super Smize's narrative, since half of these girls would have been so confused if they just encountered her in plainclothes without an explanation.
Taking the boot off
And strips of cloth had been tied around the reserve chute so that it could not be opened either.
The Sun
models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show
Late in the day, just after we had feasted on the fruits of a wild cacao, we came upon a three-toed sloth climbing slowly through the upper branches of a cecropia tree.
One River
I tried on clothes that actually fit me and felt comfortable instead of living in denial and trying on clothing that depressed me when I couldn't get the pants above my thighs.
Everything from tobacco sacks and cigarette papers to a spare cinch and a rope, from a change of clothes to a picture of his family or his girl, from old letters and reading material to a marlinespike, was kept in it.
This Calder Range
Negwako has established a store that sells traditional clothing worn by Tanzanian women, called kanga and vitenge.
Kiva Loans
The miniskirt was the defining fashion statement for London in the 1960's and it was reportedly developed by Mary Quant, who ran a clothing store in Chelsea.
Her clothes were streaked with mud.
The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
Unless the circulating nurse is in a sterile gown, the instrument tray can be contaminated by unsterile clothing.
The clothes lay huddled up in a pile in the corner.
Photographs of Ayesha were appearing in all the papers, and the pilgrims even passed advertising hoardings on which the lepidopteral beauty had been painted three times as large as life, beside slogans reading _Our cloths also are as delicate as a butterfly's wing_, or suchlike.
The Satanic Verses
Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange!
Zoe: The History of Two Lives
I catch a glimpse of a celeb in heavy makeup and not enough clothes.
There was a Malay steward behind each chair, and over in the corner, silent but missing nothing, the squint-faced Jingo; even he had exchanged his loin-cloth for a silver sarong, with hornbill feathers in his hair and decorating the shaft of his sumpitan* (* Blowpipe.) standing handy against the wall.
Flashman's Lady
Further development of reversible clothing and equipment covers will reduce the logistics burden, increase mission flexibility and reduce procurement costs.
This week's retail sales and events include grand opening parties, trunk shows, and parking lot sales for everything from clothing and accessories, to furniture, textiles, and giftware.
Los Angeles Shopping Events and Sales Round-Up
I would also like to know how well acquainted he was with the Metis of western Canadathe people, their clothing, and their culture?
Even the chief civil authority of the town was deterred from sallying forth by a remembrance of a predecessor in the provostship who had been buried in a stable mixen all but his head, to the detriment of his clothes and the still greater and more lasting hurt to his dignity.
She showed me how to cover the cloth with an embroidery stitch which finally created a small, neat, round button.
Luckily I cast a spell on the clothes so you can't take them off.
In this passage, the word renew means “to exchange,” like taking off old clothes and putting on new.
Do You Know Who I Am?
Two toed sloths are perhaps more heterothermic than any other mammal.
Meanwhile, the sister is trying to maintain standards and dignity, washing her clothes and covering her body.
The men, wearing ski masks and dark clothing, were seen running off down Water Lane.
International Food, cakes and preserves, exquisite craft, homemade sweets and lollies, pre-loved clothes and books and heaps more.
There are no bargains in the clothes shops at the moment.
They're either putting itchy cream in your jock or Vaseline in your helmet or baby powder inside your clothes.
Poitiers, dedicated to the queen of Clothaire I. -- who afterwards took the veil, and was distinguished for her piety -- there is shown on a white marble slab a well-defined footmark, which is called "Le pas de
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
- A small backpacker stove, fuel and cookpot (and spoon!) - Clothing suitable for wet, windy or cold weather
Parry thrust parry
Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.
We have a washing line from which we hang clothes to dry.
You may get quite serviceable clothes delivered by the boxload to your front door.
Baby clothing: Consider used
Must make a nice change going to work wearing clothes over her underwear.
The Sun
They put this view into practice quite straightforwardly, avoided ostentatious clothing and wealth, refused to swear oaths in court, to bear arms or to defend themselves.
His midriff was protected by a drape of chainmail covering a leather girdle and loincloth.
He is an ordinary bloke who is not too bothered about his clothes.
Villagers then filtered out the sediment by pouring the water through tightly woven cloth.
She wore conservative Romulan clothing, including black slacks and a long-sleeved ultramarine blouse.
Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
The short flowered dress and the high-heeled sandals she was wearing when she arrived in the park that day were identical to the clothing worn by the kidnapper.
I’ll Walk Alone
Instantly Maryse Rose could picture Lefitte's dapper clothing, the immaculately creased trousers, his heavily brilliantined hair.
Sarah's time was too precious to be rewashing clothes, and in an instant she decided to put them away for her.
Instead, we decided to hang up the heavier long underwear like regular clothing and simply bundle our lighter underwear with a rubber band.
He is in his better blue clothes.
Over 6,000 policemen and women were on the streets of central London backed up by mounted police, three police helicopters and numerous plainclothes spotters on the roofs and in the crowd.
Dirty clothes littered the floor of her bedroom.
These are all variations on the same thing, though: a soft cloth wrap that holds the baby close.
One widow, she said, was carrying around $900,000 in uncashed cheques; another confessed to spending $15,000 on designer clothes.
Amy went behind the screen at the sink and brought out a bucket and a floorcloth.
Four teens ran down the dirt path of a town, their clothes tattered and patched, but not dirty.
Sometimes they played the proud Bambara hunter in patterned brown and black mud-cloth robes.
Then several wardresses came in, stripped me, put me into prison clothes and took me to another cell.
Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.
Building cardboard cut-outs into flesh-and-blood characters is a worthy endeavour, but Joe as the ageing Lothario and KC as the young stud doesn't do it.
Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor.
He was carrying neither a towel nor a change of clothing, so he did not climb down with her.
If they fail to reproduce their kind, they have failed in their purpose; they are unconsciously ruled by the philoprogenitive passion; it is their raison d'etre, for it they are fed, clothed, trained, bred.
This clothing maintains your body warmth.
The carbon belt drive is an advance on a regular chain so you won't get oil on your clothes during cycling.
Times, Sunday Times
It could be cold and wet so pack some sensible clothes.
It's survived in a very peculiar form, with the so-called monks are actually married and have their hair long, unlike in the South where they're tonsured, and they wear civilian clothes but with the robes just over the tops of them.
Pay a visit to the camp infirmary, get your clothes deloused, or just park yourself in the latrine and fight that nasty case of amoebic dysentery you picked up along the way - it's up to you.
Wear light colored, breathable clothing such as cotton.
The deputy mayor, Louise Schroeder, foolishly and without our knowledge, took forty-odd plainclothesmen from Western sectors over to keep order.
Daring Young Men
The clothes on the washing line were frozen stiff.
She filled the box with old clothes.
Low price Christianity Lu the cloth give is gorgeous, Ugg Classic Short, sexy, and exert everything to attire to have a liking for to is hard to believe.
General sorting categories are whites, light colors, bright or deep-colored materials, permanent press, delicates, and clothes for the dry cleaners.
His clothes were old and shabby.
A certain nutrition and health function of transgenic metallothionein mushroom on ICR mice was studied in this paper.
Their EcoVeil shadecloth is the first Cradle to Cradle shadecloth that can be reclaimable and recyclable.
GreenBuildingTalk: Furniture, Flooring, and More at NEOCON ‘08
The clothes are pure indie pop star.
Times, Sunday Times
Oh, to wander into a clothes shop for a casual browse, he muses.
Times, Sunday Times
Inconsistencies and nonparallelisms abound: cisatlantic is in but not cisalpine; tramontane but not cismontane; poikilothermal but not homoiothermal.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 1 No 2
He liked fashionable clothes and fashionable hairstyles.
Times, Sunday Times
So, the computer's got to be moved onto a small coffee table temporarily, and my clothes are either bagged up or hung in various locations at random!
The dressmaker gathered the cloth to the narrowest part of the waist.
The woman was white, aged 18 to 20, 5ft 10 in with tied back black hair and dark clothing.
The hospital had sterilizers, and packs were wrapped in cloth.
If condensation collects on the inside of the window, wipe it off with a clean cloth.
In clothes, "une agrafe" is a hook used for fastening 2 edges of material together - usually more reliable than "un bouton-pression" (= a press button)
Agrafer - French Word-A-Day
Plus the clothes here were perfectly fine, and I wasn't wasting my money on some sleazy outfit from some swanky store just for a date.
The cloth is laced with silver.
Some days she was listless, propped up facing the window, watching sunlight clock across the valleyed bedclothes.
Now is the time to guard against destructive clothes moths.
Times, Sunday Times
We collected a bundle of old clothes to be given to poor people.
Wipe the interior of the machine and dry thoroughly with a disinfectant impregnated cloth or disposable paper towel. 4.
The clothes are available in warm natural colours.
Some loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels, which symbolized falling rain.
Not for the first time it struck Buncan that Clothahump went through famuli the way an echidna went through termites.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
People across the country might reckon we all go about with cloth caps and whippets but Yorkshire is a very beautiful county and perhaps we should be shouting about how wonderful the natural landscape is.
He was no longer a farmer, just an ordinary man who owned the clothes he was wearing and nothing more.
Slothrop kicks aside loose earth and finds a brick cairn, stuffed with potatoes ensiled last year.
Gravity's Rainbow
A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
They should unclothe the subject, weigh, listen, observe vital capacity, and take blood, urine, and fecal samples.
Everything tallied except the intactness of the body, discovered fully clothed and inviolate.
The first known record of Royal Maundy took place here, when King John fed and clothed 13 paupers in 1210.
In order for cyclothymia to be diagnosed, hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms must be present alternately for at least two years.
As in, "Ah lahk ta 'rassle' with ma dogs while Ahm warshin 'm'clothes.
Bluemeany Diary Entry
A plain-clothes police officer (P) sees a man he believes to be the same man (D) he saw rob a bank earlier.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Indiana Appellate Case on the Right to Resist a Police Officer’s Unlawful Entry
While all the other girls' clothes were cute and baggy and slouchy, my pencil skirt and tweed vest fit tight across my hips and butt.
The girl made use of some waste cloth and made a skirt for the doll.
They learned to dress and pack the catch, their clothes crusted with scales, the boards of the shanty slick with gurry beneath their feet.
In straitened circumstances we must all learn to cut our coats according to our cloths, right?
Times, Sunday Times
You prayed to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the fubsy widow in front might lift her clothes still more from the wet street.
Rich men with tailored suits knelt by poor men in tattered clothes.
Ben left the blankets on the back of the sofa while he followed Hoss upstairs to gather his own warm clothes from his bedroom.
The sun and wind shower their might along the course of the river making their task of drying the clothes easier.
Looking with disgust at the clothing she was going to have to put on, she sighed and began to remove the beautiful rose-coloured silk robes.
‘Don't get your clothes dry-cleaned, eat organically, throw out the super-strength cleaners,’ she said.
_Table baize_ is a kind of oilcloth used as a cheap and easily-cleaned covering for tables.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
They are knee-deep in gelid gray water, with food and clothing, skinned seagulls and whale blubber, sheepskins and oilskins - the ancient flotsam of death at sea - sloshing about them.
The clothyard shafts found every crevice in their armor and the housings of the steeds.
The Bloody Crown of Conan
His garments were about like ordinary street clothes, belted tunic and baggy trousers, but a certain precision in their cut-as well as blue-and-gold stripes and the double fylfot embroidered on the sleeves-indicated they were a livery.
The Earth Book of Stormgate
What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
Saber-toothed cats, mastodons, giant sloths, woolly rhinos, and many other big, shaggy mammals are widely thought to have died out around the end of the last ice age, some 10,500 years ago.
The charity also needs volunteers and furniture, clothes and food.
Threads of real gold were woven into the cloth for the royal garments.
In the 14th and 15th centuries textile manufacture became the dominant industry, especially of cloths called worsteds after a local village.
My partner and I run an independent clothes shop in Bournemouth, and we trade on the internet.
In the early nineteenth century, as earlier, most British working-class women made their families' clothes, from cotton calicoes for dresses and shirts, and from fustian for trousers and jackets.
When meeting a man for the first time, wear an item of clothing that will make it easy and fun for him to spot you.
I had now no clothes except what I stood up in — the coat badly out at the elbow — an overcoat, moderately pawnable, and one spare shirt.
Down and Out in Paris and London
Of the gambling – booths there was a plentiful show, flourishing in all the splendour of carpeted ground, striped hangings, crimson cloth, pinnacled roofs, geranium pots, and livery servants.
Nicholas Nickleby
I'd bought a cheap cardboardy case in Perth, plus a skimp of clean clothes, so I could portray respectability.
It should be noted that society was only willing to let these girls be heroines if they wore tight clothes and were beautiful.
Its 200 highly trained members dress in white overalls, padded clothing and crash helmets to protect themselves against police batons and shields.
And put his clothes on in the blueback cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze.
Lance Mannion:
Suddenly, Fashion Bug didn't seem like a fun place with cute, kicky, affordable clothes and plentiful opportunities for advancement.
He pantomimed the machine squirting and snatching at his clothes.
GuildWars Edge of Destiny
Some people bowl because it gives them a license to go out, have a drink, wear outlandish clothes, and yell.
The design was impressed on the cloth.
We contracted with a local clothing firm for 400 shirts a month.
It is a way of mutual support - lay people supply food, medicine, and cloth for robes, and monks give spiritual support, blessings, and teachings.
For days before, public drapers were to be seen clinging cross-legged to obelisk and peristyle; moving in spread-eagle fashion, hung in a jacket of sail-cloth attached to cables, across the fronts of buildings, looping garlands, besticking banners and spreading tapestries.
The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
presentable clothes
The seed takes several weeks to ripen, during which time you should cover the seedhead with cheesecloth or prevent birds and squirrels from helping themselves.
Groundwork: The deliciously seedy sunflower
This paw-print dishcloth is made of 100% cotton yarn, and the color is called "jute".
Archive 2008-05-01
Her lashing tail was half-spotted, half-striped; her clothes overly big and just a little worn and patchy, like hand-me-downs.
She takes an excessive interest in clothes.
Everything grows very slowly there and all northern hemisphere herbs are grown under shade cloth - the herbs can't manage the intense dry heat of midsummer.
Her clothes were long and loose, the shawl brightly colored and rimmed with tassels.
The red cloth was then edged with rows of iridescent mother-of-pearl buttons.
Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
Just then his valet helps him into his ninth change of clothes that day.
In a centered closure, the zipper is concealed by two flaps of cloth running along either side.
I hang clothes before we go to bed at night and it humidifies the air and allows me to save money and time on a humidifier.
The Seattle Times
All the time our idiot in his costly clothing with expensive tackle failed to catch a single fish.
In the study, he pulled the drop cloths off the crates holding his books-his and his great-aunt 's and his father's and his mother's.
The mound of dirty clothing just keeps piling up until your hamper is overflowing and a sea of denim, cotton and corduroy forms a carpet on the floor of your bedroom.
Starting with only a loincloth , you must explore the wilderness to find water, food and shelter.
At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
Embalmers are advised of the protective clothing required both for handling the chemicals and the deceased persons themselves.
Are these clothes OK for the opera?
I jump off my bed and walk to my closet scanning the clothes, but not really looking, for my mind is recalling the events that happened earlier.
They all do so wearing the right sort of clothes.
Times, Sunday Times
He left his clothes in a muddled pile in the corner.