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How To Use Lota In A Sentence

  • The flotation, which was 20 times oversubscribed, was a huge success.
  • The modified expoxies, ie, those with plasticizers added to improve workability, were found to be incompatible with the fluorocarbon flotation fluids.
  • Phyllotaxis, which need not be entered into fully here; but in order the better to estimate the teratological changes which take place, it may be well to allude to the following circumstances relating to the alternation of parts. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Hydrotherapy - relaxed swimming and flotation decrease the energy required in everyday life just to support the body weight, allowing the diversion of this energy to recovery.
  • It came in a week when Scottish businessmen were making waves in a number of areas in which Scotland is supposed to be no good: entrepreneurialism, flotation and building global businesses overseas.
  • The fund will invest about 80% of its portfolio in quoted stocks in both Europe and the US with the remaining 20% investing in unquoted health and biotech companies which are about 18 months away from flotation.
  • In the Champagnat model, the mixed axes have a spiral phyllotaxis and begin their growth with an orthotropic direction before they bend under their own weight.
  • Kriti sat down cross-legged on a mat and gulped down a lota of milk.
  • In France, a variation of the game is called jeu de Paume ; the Spanish play pelota ; in Italy it's known as pallapugno , while the Dutch play kaatsen and the Belgians call it llargues . Fives Reasons for Olympic Gold
  • When I got home, I found a mysterious message sellotaped to the front door.
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