How To Use Lopper In A Sentence

  • So the characterization of Romney as a flip-flopper could reinforce one element of his general election strategy. Aaron Belkin: Mr. President: Depict Romney as the Extremist He Claims to Be
  • When the lopper had laid it bare and the woodcutters had sapped its base, five men commenced hauling at the rope attached to the top. Original Short Stories — Volume 03
  • According to today's New York Times, the president's advisers are debating whether to characterize Mitt Romney in terms of his inconsistency on important policies (flip-flopper), his support for far-right positions that are out of touch with the moderate middle (extremist) or a combination of both. Aaron Belkin: Mr. President: Depict Romney as the Extremist He Claims to Be
  • He kicked a chair after picking up a second first-half foul and he has been dogged as a flopper and a complainer.
  • In the 2004 election campaign the Republicans roared about things like this, constantly referring to it as the kind of "flip-flop" that should disqualify the "flopper" from being President. "And John McCain either doesn't know who the Prime Minister of Spain is, thinks Spain is a country in Latin America, or possibly both."
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  • This prez is the biggest flippy flopper I've ever seen! Obama delays Hawaii vacation over Senate vote
  • Meanwhile, BHP Chief Executive Marius Kloppers, who said he would give the proposed joint venture until the end of the year before reviewing its merits, is involved in another challenge: trying to convince shareholders of Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan to agree to a BHP buyout. BHP, Rio Weigh Changing Or Delaying Iron-Ore Venture
  • He understands that you can reverse yourself and avoid the term flip-flopper, which is applied to people who sometimes reverse themselves in politics. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2007
  • This prez is the biggest flippy flopper I've ever seen! Obama delays Hawaii vacation over Senate vote
  • She is sure to bring tools like loppers and shovels to gather plant material for propagation.
  • Anyone worth their defensive salt wants nothing to do with being identified as a flopper.
  • La sortie pour lui est desirable pour n'importe quel compagnie, souhaitant developper et etre fructueux. A New Virtual World Winter?
  • He understands that you can reverse yourself and avoid the -- the term flip-flopper, which is applied to people who sometimes reverse themselves in politics. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2007
  • Ÿ Développer des réseaux de solidarité, d'amis… Ne plus accepter les relations sociales… Archive 2009-04-10
  • Fact is your team is a bunch of whiners, floppers and excuse-makers.
  • Je sais raconter une histoire enfin, de façon relativement compétente, je pense, mais si mon cerveau fonctionne en surchauffe pour produire des idées d'article ou des pensées à développer dans mon blog, il reste désespérément muet pour ce qui est de la construction de scénario. Writing Stories — Climb to the Stars
  • Rubin, 60, sees Obama as the villain -- he genuinely doesn't like him, calling him "the most underhanded politician since Richard Nixon;" and depicting him as a kind of flim-flam man/flip-flopper (on FISA and public financing, for example) whose supporters are like "cultists. Carol Felsenthal: Still Pushing Hard for Hillary -- for President
  • One gets that disheartening impression that the Caucus posters relish in subtly amplifying the FOX News “flip-flopper” meme. Obama Addresses Critics on ‘Centrist’ Moves - The Caucus Blog -
  • I agree, he is not only a jerk; he's the biggest whiner and flopper in the league.
  • The boss finished his twin beers, filched a jug of margheritas intended for the tree loppers, skolled it, and promptly threw it up. Cheeseburger Gothic » Ladies Lounge
  • Snips are ideal for dead-heading and secateurs for trimming branches up to 2cm, but thicker branches need loppers. The Sun
  • He laughingly acknowledged that he has been called a flopper, but not a faker. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • On shrubs with many crowded shoots, use loppers or hand pruners to cut about a third of the oldest shoots back to the ground at the right time of year for pruning a particular shrub.
  • The first task for me will be cutting back roses and other shrubs, which calls for a great pair of loppers.
  • If you just want to thin the growth, you can remove branches using your pruners or loppers by cutting the branch back to a fork.
  • Use loppers or secateurs and cut back last year's growth to within just two buds from the main framework.
  • I show them my powerful loppers, my razor-sharp shears, my deadly pointed hori hori, my big bad lethal boots. "Harsh, noteless, enormous noise, a growling, low-pitched, screaming sound … drain[s] out like a sob lasting fully a minute."
  • Indeed, the term flip-flopper has become one of the dirtiest words in American politics.
  • La sortie pour lui est desirable pour n'importe quel compagnie, souhaitant developper et etre fructueux. A New Virtual World Winter?
  • However it felt very strange throwing my oven roasted turkey into the same cart as my tree limb lopper. Archive 2007-03-01
  • And when the lopper had finished his task, he left at the top of the straight slender shaft of the tree the rope collar which he had brought up with him, and afterwards descends again with spurlike prods along the discrowned trunk, which the woodcutters thereupon attacked at the base, striking it with great blows which resounded through all the rest of the wood. The works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 5 (of 8) Une Vie and Other Stories
  • They said you were the floppiest flopper they ever saw," I told him. Roy Blakeley's Camp on Wheels
  • Floppers should have to sit out a game with a dunce hat on.
  • Once that pole had lifted a banner of ragged black marsh-flopper skin bearing the device of the Kragan riever-chieftain whose family had built the castle; now it carried a neat rectangle of blue bunting emblazoned with the wreathed globe of the Terran Uller Uprising
  • As we've said time and time again, looking like a flip-flopper is far worse than having particular positions that some voters may disagree with, but sometimes changing your position causes even more trouble with the people you were originally trying to target. Pro-Life Group Attacks Buck in Press Conference Today
  • But while Bush's policy shifts have been numerous and notable, Democrats haven't succeeded yet in tarring him as a flip flopper, said American University political scientist James Thurber. September 2004
  • _Un remede d'Empereur (Neron) pour se debarrasser d'un rhume, -- et de commère pour attendre le meme but -- fut envelopper un oignon dans une feuille de chou et le faire cuire sous la cendre; puis l'ecrasser, le reduire en pulpe, le mettre dans une tasse de lait, ou une decoction chaude de redisse; se coucher; et se tenir chaudement, au besoin recidiver matin et soir_. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • In the current situation, however, portraying Romney as a flip-flopper would not signal weakness or a lack of masculinity, but would tap into suspicions that he is not a true conservative. Aaron Belkin: Mr. President: Depict Romney as the Extremist He Claims to Be
  • In his left claw Zavala clutched the lopper, but it soon became clear to him that his opponent was not going to stay still long enough for Zavala to cut a zipper as intended. SERPENT
  • Dogged as a flip-flopper in 2008 for his repeated policy shifts to the right, Mr. Romney is running this time as the unflappable former businessman and nonpolitician. Romney, in Shift, to Court Tea Party
  • flopper" -- and saying the NBA product had been watered down by such calls.
  • The fact that he is a rubbish candidate who has demonstrated over and over again his flakiness, inconsistency, flip-floppery, lack of principle and general untrustworthiness was unsayable.
  • When the Bush campaign began branding Kerry as a flip-flopper the day he became the presumptive nominee, the Kerry campaign let it fester, not wanting to "dignify" the attack. Drew Westen: What Obama Needs to Do in Denver
  • I'm so tired of Mitt being called a flip-flopper...... Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Although the fines are not particularly onerous, the shame of being publicly labelled a flopper might be an effective deterrent.
  • It will either be a racist, a sexist, a dumbo, or a flip-flopper ... DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
  • Ÿ Nécessité d'agir: tendre les mains, sourire, développer la confiance, partager, donner une place à l'art et la culture, communiquer, se dire qu'on s'aime, construire des groupes de paroles. Archive 2009-04-10
  • Mitt Romney is often called a flip-flopper because of his range of views on health care. NPR Topics: News
  • GOPers .... are we returning to the old "flip flopper" thingy from the Kerry election? Obama: McCain 'obsessed' with Ahmadinajad
  • Dogged as a flip-flopper in 2008 for his repeated policy shifts to the right, Mr. Romney is running this time as the unflappable former businessman and nonpolitician. Romney, in Shift, to Court Tea Party
  • His willingness to shift his message allowed his rivals to ridicule him as an opportunistic flip-flopper. Times, Sunday Times
  • So while not a flopper himself, he understands the value that exaggerating contact can provide to a team.
  • We got the same odd feeling when we put the lopper on the cashiers conveyor belt. Archive 2007-03-01
  • So the lopper had to go to the rack on the bottom of the cart. Archive 2007-03-01
  • First, the decision by Brynes to sign that lovable fan fav Eric 'flopper' Burns to a long term contract - there by making Carlos Quentin a throw away for part of the Haren deal. MVN
  • · Instituer et developper la production nationale en y integrant les recettes de la mdecine et la pharmacope traditionneles. Chapter 7
  • A tree lopper has died after a tree fell on him in Tasmania's Tamar Valley. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Roy laid down his "flopper" and examined the board carefully, the excited Pee-wee joining him. Tom Slade at Temple Camp
  • The NBA will penalize floppers this season, fining players for repeated violations of an act a league official said has "no place in our game."
  • And the flip-flopper is now saying she is in the middle? Sound Politics: "The heavyweight fight for the waterfront"
  • He got fined 5k for admitting to being a serial flopper.
  • Let the refs call out the floppers right then during the game which would embarrass and expose them.
  • These attacks should point out the obvious: McCain deserves the label flip-flopper far more than Obama, as the Arizona Senator has changed his position many more times. Bob Burnett: Framing the Election
  • Finally, while Romney certainly is a flip-flopper and the Mitt vs. Aaron Belkin: Mr. President: Depict Romney as the Extremist He Claims to Be
  • Au XIX ème siècle, on assiste à une révolution des transports : nécessaires pour les transports des marchandises, les réseaux ferroviaires vont se développer rapidement pour couvrir une grande partie de la France. Great debate over future commutes « Stephen Rees’s blog
  • The campaign ads have been tough too, the best a refound commercial John McCain did in 2008, which calls Mr. Romney a "Masterpiece Theatre"-level flip-flopper. Romney Wins but Takes a Beating
  • When the lopper had laid it bare, had finished its toilets for the guillotine, when the woodcutters were about to sap its base, five men commenced hauling at the rope attached to the top. The works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 5 (of 8) Une Vie and Other Stories
  • The tag of flip-flopper haunts Romney after he shifted positions on issues such as abortion, gay rights and gun control to position himself for the Republican nomination in 2008, after governing more from the center in Massachusetts. Reuters: Top News

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