How To Use Loosened In A Sentence

  • It was only when he loosened up in the latter stages of the fourth set that he really ran away from me. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be a mortal blow if there is a single palm missing on Monte Chiaro or if a single stone has loosened from the town wall. The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
  • In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • She had seen glances hot with wine and lust, claspings of hands, loosened cyclas, and more lascivious reclinings. The Lion's Brood
  • Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration.
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  • He, in turn, loosened his grip and moved his hands to my hips.
  • This method is meant for riding boots in which the part that is tightened and loosened is at the middle of the boot.
  • Deciding that marriage was not so important for their third daughter, the Nis had loosened the bindings and allowed Kwei-tseng’s feet to grow normally into what upper-class Chinese referred to disdainfully as “big feet.” The Last Empress
  • It was with a sense of the inevitable that I undid the ribbons, loosened the neck and let it slip down over my arms to the ground.
  • The band can be tightened or loosened by injecting or removing fluid from a balloon on its inside surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • The military regime has not loosened its hold on power.
  • The rope holding the boat loosened.
  • The lime formed by the decomposition of the carbide is loosened from the unattacked portion and taken more or less into solution as sucrate of lime, which is a soluble salt which the glucose or sugar in the treated carbide forms with lime. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The loosened earth and weakened banks are more prone to collapsing then.
  • Dr. Borje Walldius in Sweden replaced knees in 1953 with a simple hinge joint but knees are complex and these replacements often loosened.
  • Strong regulations that limited overtime in northern continental Europe are being loosened in response to EU policy.
  • If the tooth is loosened in its socket, modern dental surgery may be able to fix it to adjacent teeth.
  • Then he had discovered that big stones had loosened from the dome just over the image. The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
  • The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.
  • When muscles are loosened and the circulation is good, good health will prevail and there will inevitably be less chance of any disfunction.
  • She unpinned her bandage, and loosened it considerably.
  • Little by little their tongues loosened up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It is clear that the present Governor loosened monetary policy earlier than his predecessor would have done.
  • Carefully spread the butter under the loosened skin of the turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • The collagen bonds are loosened so the skin tightens. The Sun
  • Soon he loosened his embrace and looked deep into Christie's eyes and brought his hand to stroke her cheek.
  • It happened on the morning after the festival of Mahashivaratri-the Great Night of Shiva-when, weakened by fasting and loosened by a kind of spiritual hangover, Navin revealed to Kudra that he adored horses and that during his youth had entertained the impossible dream of miraculously transcending Vaisya, the merchant caste, and ascending to Kshatriya, the warrior caste, so that he might ride. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • He unloosened his collar.
  • What harries the inflation worrywarts, though, is that the job markets may not have loosened up enough by the second half to reduce the upward pressure on labor costs.
  • st that had been clenched on my knife haft suddenly loosened, and a relaxed readiness spread through me. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Aftershocks and heavy rains continue to trigger mudslides on mountain slopes where the quake has uprooted forests, loosened topsoil or created barrier lakes.
  • The "corks" have been loosened, allowing the glaciers to flow more quickly, Thomas said. Glaciers Quicken Pace to Sea
  • The officer swallowed and loosened his collar slightly.
  • He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
  • He placed his timepiece on the nightstand, then loosened his breeks and let them fall. Aching for Always
  • He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
  • Expression blank and thoughts and emotions carefully controlled, she loosened her tight hold upon her fan.
  • The new policies loosened up foreign trade.
  • We loosened the gorget covering his throat and pulled back his mail. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • I loosened my grip on the rail enough to begin a glumble down the stairs (glumble meaning a glide and a stumble all in one).
  • She took Phoebe from me, loosened her cowl and Phoebe moved her little head from side to side nuzzling the air. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • She held on and he squeezed harder, until she gasped in pain and her fingers loosened.
  • Emma immediately relaxed and loosened her grip on my leg.
  • calved," it split, it detonated, and, having finally loosened itself from its bed, it acquired increased momentum. The Iron Trail
  • It was perhaps in making his salute to her that he loosened his hold on the monkey. A Little Princess
  • His voice dropped to a mumble, his grip on my wrist loosened and he stopped struggling so much.
  • Thus his tables rarely show cracks and loosened miter joints resulting from wood shrinkage over time. Furniture for a Young Nation
  • He fell to his knees and the arms around him loosened the grip and he fell completely.
  • The departure of the two heavyweight props will enable the purse strings to be loosened. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had already slung his jacket and hat on to his bed and now he loosened his tie and undid the top two buttons of his dress shirt.
  • The departure of the two heavyweight props will enable the purse strings to be loosened. Times, Sunday Times
  • His fingers threaded through her tight chignon and loosened it.
  • Furthermore, in cultivated soils, dense compact subsoils frequently underlie the loosened topsoil.
  • His striped tie was loosened at his throat.
  • The band can be tightened or loosened by injecting or removing fluid from a balloon on its inside surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • His striped tie was loosened at his throat.
  • It's juice running down chins, fingers instead of forks, plates licked squeaky clean and belts loosened around waists.
  • She loosened her grip and kissed the top of his head.
  • You have to have a way to excavate the loosened material as you drill. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • The collagen bonds are loosened so the skin tightens. The Sun
  • The islands, flushed with the fresh growth of a Northern spring, and the newly formed shore-line where the capricious Missouri had recently undermined a stretch of bank, gave character to the scene, as did the delicately virent leaves of swirling willow, quaking aspens and cottonwoods loosened from their place on shore to float in midstream. A Man of Two Countries
  • I patted his neck, which was damp with sweat, and loosened my hold on the reins.
  • He then offers to pick up a part to fix the car and on his return he pretends to install it, but just reconnects the loosened wires before asking the owner to cover the cost of the part.
  • The only rhythm to time is the series of errors that break out like loosened objects and brush by the control panel, hitting switches that suddenly veer the ship into ever darker regions.
  • Scene repeating itself with slight variations of characters (hair color more platinum than dirty blonde, tie unloosened rather than removed, girl drinking a Jolly Rancher instead of a Grape Crush, etc).
  • Unyoked from bondage, loosened from the world, katakiccā Psalms of the Sisters
  • Worse, the ensemble has loosened a great deal in matters of attack, chording, and instrumental blend, although that might have been due to the vagaries of the moment, unfamiliar hall acoustics, jet lag, or whatever.
  • The woman jabbed her cigarette into the man's face and he loosened his grip.
  • Richard first noticed me from across the street as he loosened his grip on the lamppost.
  • The departure of the two heavyweight props will enable the purse strings to be loosened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little by little their tongues loosened up. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He drew it halfway from its scabbard, then put it back and set the scabbard gently back in place, the sword loosened, hilt ready to hand. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Gabriel slowly unloosened her towel and tossed it on the floor.
  • A bottle of wine had loosened Harry's tongue.
  • He shook his head, and without a word loosened the girths of his horse and took off the bridle. In the Heart of the Rockies
  • Have someone lace you into the corset rather than trying to get into it with the laces loosened.
  • A particularly violent gesture loosened the morsel from the fork and it flew over the table, hitting Mr. Sjollema on the nose. A Day on Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic
  • In his coupé he had loosened his bootlaces and waistbelt, removed his jacket.
  • And yes, I know I'm older than most on this blog and yes, we boomers have loosened the bonds of marriage, defined our rights in terms of our desires.
  • White granite boulders were loosened from the surrounding hills, split using water saturated wooden stakes, and painstakingly shaped into building blocks.
  • I loosened the headlock I had on her just enough for her to catch her breath.
  • He loosened his collar and tie .
  • He loosened his tie and undid the first button of his collar so he wouldn't suffocate.
  • The adminstrative surveillance of China Securities Regulatory Commission should be loosened systematically, and the Commission should merely play the role of a law-executor.
  • Then, my shoulders loosened and my eyes looked grateful to the figure before me.
  • Then another hound was loosened after them.
  • Hope of escape kindled within as the terror of bondage loosened.
  • The reapers gave out a group sigh of relief and loosened their grip slightly looking to John for instruction.
  • Later still hands loosened her collar.
  • He held my hand very tightly at first but gradually his grip loosened.
  • He loosened his bola tie and tossed his Stetson into the backseat, then he leaned back and closed his eyes, waiting for the car to cool. KISS OF THE BEES
  • The storms of years had washed the paint from it; it had "hogged" in the roof where the great square chimney projected its nicked bulk from among loosened bricks scattered on the shingles; and from knife-gnawed "deacon-seat" on the porch to window-blind, dangling from one hinge on the broad gable, the old structure was seedy indeed. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • He loosened tie and lay in bed.
  • He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
  • Carefully spread the butter under the loosened skin of the turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then my mother took a soup spoon, loosened the mass of cream-colored seeds that clung to the cavity and scooped them into the garbage pail.
  • The band can be tightened or loosened by injecting or removing fluid from a balloon on its inside surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • When his grip loosened she eased herself away.
  • And are they suggesting that a massive influx of asylum seekers would suddenly appear over the horizon if policy were loosened?
  • The military regime has not loosened its hold on power.
  • The military regime has not loosened its hold on power.
  • Usually it is taught that because of the myosis the base of the iris wedged in the angle of the anterior chamber is loosened and withdrawn, precisely as a fold in a coat is straightened by a tug on the fabric beneath it. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • More and more Ilkley's vice-like grip was loosened.
  • He loosened and then retightened his grip on the sword's decorative hilt, readying to attack.
  • These heavy pieces are pinned into the shiplaps, but often the pin has broken and the finials have loosened or fallen off.
  • Her hands held the back of his neck, then loosened, and she turned on to her stomach but not in retreat.
  • Footsteps thudded down the hall, and his hold on her loosened somewhat.
  • Jugganatha, at Puri, which is a spring festival of Vedic origin, is a kind of Saturnalia, in which the bonds of social order are loosened and the standards of decency are laid aside. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • In this context ties of kindred were tightened by lordship rather than loosened.
  • Slowly, beside it a lily grows up; as it grows the fading poppy is stirred, touched by its leaves; and the tiny bells waving over it inspire new life and vigour, till at length, grown whole and fresh, it is loosened from the brown uptorn roots, and floats upwards, to bloom more beautiful in Paradise. The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII: No. 356, October 23, 1886.
  • That reign only came to an end in the late 1960s as divorce laws loosened and Americans began pulling off their wedding rings at record rates.
  • Still controlling the agitated spool with her left hand, she detaches the end of yarn with the same hand from the spool, and by means of a patent knotter harnessed around her palm she joins together the two loosened ends, one from the little distaff and one from this large spool, so that the two objects are set whirling in unison and the spool receives all the yarn from the distaff. The Woman Who Toils Being the Experiences of Two Gentlewomen as Factory Girls
  • The skirt of the dress was bunched up around the hips then loosened as it flowed out to the ankles.
  • The purse strings have loosened slightly this year and Baker outline a project to webify business applications for internal use. ITWire - IT and Telecommunications news views and jobs
  • The hands that held my shoulders loosened and he slipped his arms around me to draw me close to his ample, polysynthetic stuffed breasts. Run For The Money
  • When glass or amber is heated by the fire in a dry season, I suspect that it becomes in some degree electric; as either of the electric ethers which is combined with them may have its combination with those materials loosened by the application of heat; and that on this account they may more forcibly attract the opposite one from the air in their vicinity. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened.
  • He loosened his grip on David's arm.
  • st that had been clenched on my knife haft suddenly loosened, and a relaxed readiness spread through me. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Grover loosened his belt a notch.
  • It would just loosen its borders as Mulhoiland loosened his silk cravat and wrap itself around the San Fernando Valley.
  • A monster meteorite that strikes the Earth can shoot fragments of itself, along with terrestrial matter loosened by the impact, far out into space, adding to the swarm of meteoritic grit that already orbits the Sun.
  • Fontevrault, but the bonds uniting the English nunneries to the mother-house were gradually loosened until from alien they became denizen, that is to say, practically independent. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • She thrashed around sending the flows everywhere, before they suddenly loosened and disappeared into thin air but there were to many of them and they overwhelmed her, lashing her feet to the earth and binding her arms.
  • And the woman lossened then Adam's uppermost garment, and he likewise loosened hers; and she loosened his nethermost garment, and the man then loosened her nethermost garment; until they were out of their garments both, and likewise of their minds. Tony Hendra: Not The Bible -- The Ultimate and Eternal Parody
  • The screw has loosened.
  • He has loosened the soil up with a fork.
  • Bandit loosened his grip, relaxing his arms until his hold on her turned into a real embrace.
  • That screw has loosened.
  • Both versions of this drill will help you develop excellent control and concentration as well as just getting loosened up.
  • As it peels, paint chips are loosened and can be ingested by children.
  • With each stroke, she tightened her grip on pleasure, loosened her grasp on control. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • The dictator's grip on the country has not loosened.
  • A bottle of wine had loosened Harry's tongue.
  • Nipped by the frost till the tang of their loosened balsam is keener; The Watchman and Other Poems
  • Narcissus have loosened up since I last saw them and it's difficult not to be carried away by the voice, the lush but powerful arrangements and the enormous tuneage.
  • The one-hour solo unfolds in three parts; the story of dancing Siva's loosened anklet falling to Earth and creating rhythmic syllables; Siva as the earthly manifestation of "formless, divine potential"; and the goddess Durga battling the demon Mahishasura. Dancer Malavika Sarukkai wows Kennedy Center with 'Maximum' artistry
  • The wine had loosened his tongue.
  • vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw
  • He relaxed a little and walked down the hallway to his room, tugging at his tie until the knot loosened and he could slip it off.
  • He loosened his collar of his overcoat.
  • With each stroke, she tightened her grip on pleasure, loosened her grasp on control. SOMEDAY MY PRINCE
  • Nick, she noticed, looked a bit less lawyerlike with his suit jacket slung on the back of his chair and his tie loosened. Law of Attraction
  • The officers cracked his dental plate and loosened his teeth.
  • They loosened off the rope around the chief's ankles and rolled him into the middle of the tarp. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • When I was young I tended toward Scriptural stringency, but studying Wesleyan theology loosened me up a great deal.
  • She was wearing some kind of negligee, Alexei could see, but it was nothing more than a swathe of silk, one strap loosened from her shoulder. Purchased For Revenge
  • When building finally did resume, the covenants were loosened considerably to generate a quick infusion of cash.
  • Some cabinet doors are held tightly together with long tenons, while others have short tenons that have loosened over time.
  • He loosened his collar, attempted to put a ruler between his teeth, and failed.
  • He angled Buck back around and without leaving the saddle, reached over and loosened the pinto's reins.
  • He loosened his grip, but now my knees were too weak to move.
  • He seemed quite nervous at the beginning of the meeting, but he soon loosened up.
  • He then loosened my gallowses (braces), and buckled them tightly above my hips. The Story of a Bad Boy
  • The hands on sword hilts loosened; some were removed entirely. The Shadow Of The Lion
  • She noticed that not one of the men had loosened his tie and undone the top shirt button.
  • Chuckling with maniacal glee the old bum loosened the rope that held up his voluminous, beggared trousers.
  • In the underbrush, where the deerberry showed hectic blotches, a squirrel worked busily, completing its winter store, while in the slanting sun rays a tawny butterfly, like a wind-blown, loosened tiger lily, danced its last mad dance with death. The Voice of the People
  • He held my hand very tightly at first but gradually his grip loosened.
  • He loosened tie and lay in bed.
  • ‘Oh, no; the delf cups and saucers; — it will be twice as good in them;’ and as the handsome mistress of the mansion, sitting in the deal chair, loosened her cloak and untied her bonnet, she chatted away, to the edification of Margery and the amusement of both. Wylder's Hand
  • o The best mouth call for fall gobblers is a three - or four-reed diaphragm that's loosened up with age and use. Autumn Gobblers: How To Hunt Turkeys in the Fall
  • Griffith loosened the reins and the quivering horse beneath him sprung into a flat-out gallop, nearly unseating him as they rode towards the fallen figure.
  • Their hut stood at the end of the village, beyond it spread the bleak moor, now all white and silent; but that moor had once been a forest, great roots of old trees were still to be found in it, loosened from the soil and laid bare by the winds and rains. Granny's Wonderful Chair
  • He came to watch, and his face continued expressionless as she after a survey of the grain bins, which were in truth of solid maple, or morticed and glued boards, screwed at the corners, but so big that one would have more than filled the wagon, took her knife; and using the little blade loosened screws until the boys could turn them with their fingers. The Dollmaker
  • The drought loosened its grip in the southeastern States in November, and more emphatically so in January 1941, when heavy rains fell.
  • Instead, he waited until the first fierce flood of tears had passed, then loosened his grip on her a little.
  • After the huge meal he loosened his belt and went to sleep.
  • The people who made the derogatory remarks were a group whose tongues may have been loosened by drink.
  • This," -- according to that respectable authority, "seems to imply the reality of the business, those ascititious particles which he held together in his sensible shape being loosened at the vanishing, and so offending the nostrils by their floating and diffusing themselves in the open air." [ Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
  • Raven shrieked in pain and loosened her grip for a second.
  • The government has loosened its hold on the media considerably.
  • Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.
  • Furthermore, in cultivated soils, dense compact subsoils frequently underlie the loosened topsoil.
  • When his grip loosened she eased herself away.
  • He walked restlessly about the untenanted rooms, stopping strange noises in windows and doors by jamming splinters of wood into the casements and crevices, and pressing together the leadwork of the quarries where it had become loosened from the glass. The Return of the Native
  • The wine had certainly loosened her tongue.
  • It seems that the head of my axe has loosened from its haft.
  • Very probably the gale of the previous week, and the heavy wind which raged during the night, loosened the supports of the pier, and as soon as the tide came in the backwash found out the weak spots and quickly broke up the whole structure.
  • A loosened curl had fallen over her forehead, giving to the severity of her dress, copied from that portrait of her father, a dishevelling touch, as though a young lady were suddenly discovered to be a gipsy in an evil frame of mind. The Misses Mallett The Bridge Dividing
  • Slowly the sword loosened, came forth from the slit in which it had been set. Merlin's Mirror
  • He has loosened the soil up with a fork.
  • Staking in this way prevents the root ball of the tree from being rocked and loosened but allows the head of the tree to move with the wind - this encourages strong trunk growth.
  • she loosened the half-hoop of diamonds on her left hand third finger and held it out to him playfully
  • Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie.
  • Six million bolts hold the bridge together and not a single one has loosened since the bridge was opened in 1932.
  • Lucas only hung his head and loosened his grip on the pole in response.
  • He loosened his tie and undid the first button of his collar so he wouldn't suffocate.
  • Instead, he adopted a confused look and loosened his grip.
  • The loosened _intonaco_ is found by tapping lightly on the wall: plaster is then slipped underneath and the painting firmly pressed to its place. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • Harry felt stiflingly hot, choking almost, as he loosened his collar.
  • Interest groups are reluctant to associate closely or openly with political parties, and the Labour party's connections with the trade unions have been loosened.
  • He loosened his grip and turned me around to sit on the bed.
  • When told of her husband's efforts to neaten the home that day, Ms. Leight laughed, then said he's actually loosened up over the years. Obsessive-Compulsive Design
  • The new policies loosened up foreign trade.
  • That had done it, his grip lost its intensity and though it still remained firm, he loosened his hold greatly.
  • You have to have a way to excavate the loosened material as you drill. A KNIFE BETWEEN THE RIBS
  • Furthermore, in cultivated soils, dense compact subsoils frequently underlie the loosened topsoil.
  • The departure of the two heavyweight props will enable the purse strings to be loosened. Times, Sunday Times
  • It started with a back massage that loosened up my taut muscles and prepared me for the ultimate indulgence of letting go.

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