How To Use Loose In A Sentence
Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses.
Caesars’ Wives
She was in her sixties and wore her thinning gray hair pulled back in a loose bun with all but a few strands secured by bobby pins.
They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.
The ordinary piki is shaped into loose rolls about 10 inches long and two inches in diameter, but the wedding piki is folded into flat pieces about 8 inches square.
In more traditional settings, people wear boubous, loose-fitting cotton tunics with large openings under the arms.

There are three degrees of intimacy between words, of which the first and loosest is expressed by their mere juxtaposition as separate words, the second by their being hyphened, and the third or closest by their being written continuously as one word.
Better to wait until bubbles burst and manage the consequences, softening the economic blow by loosening monetary policy very quickly.
Around the humerus, loose where once it had clung tightly, lay the twisted semi-circle of a priestly arm-ring.
The government also has a fairly loose definition of what constitutes a first-time homebuyer, which is defined as someone who has no "present interest" in a main home during a two-year period prior to the date of acquisition of the new home.
Five Penalty-Free IRA Withdrawals
I put the parchment down on the board, loosely, without fastening it.
While the report recognised that Health Secretary has made some moves to decentralise the running of health care in England, experts claim the Scottish Executive is refusing to loosen its grip on the NHS.
Many local children play on the dirt grounds around this farm with the cockerels running loose all day.
The mate is set free and gathers two loose genes, which it assembles into a clone of the original replicator.
Death must loose its grip and give up its prey.
Christianity Today
Loosely based on an old Montreal myth about a phantom ship and a shadowy captain (according to the poorly translated English press release), the maze is made up of five connected game zones.
After a cut on the face or an exudation into the lungs, the loose tissues and multiple vessels allow the proliferating cells to obtain rich nourishment; absorption can take place readily, and the part regains its normal condition entirely, while a bruise at the heel or at the withers finds a dense, inextensible tissue where the multiplying elements and exuded fluids choke up all communication, and the parts die
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
The publication, whose Arabic name loosely translates as "Concerning," was launched as a quarterly magazine in early 2008 by members of the Lebanese lesbian group Meem and was billed as the Arab world's first publication for lesbian and bisexual women.
The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب
The first is a long, sleeveless silk dress, which has a looser cut that is "beachy, floaty and has movement" but which also has a slight air of "drama" due to its elegant, floor-dusting hemline.
Packing Just Enough for a Weekend at the Beach
The sulfite compound is very interesting, with a sulfite ion loose in a molecule of sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite or a sodium sulfite or bisulfite.
John Tepper Marlin: Green Edge 2: Organic Wine-Making
It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
Secure the loose skin with fine skewers, or just tuck the skin underneath.
The Sun
Xuanrang the streets, for you to squat in the tight loose shoelace.
The looseness of the journalistic life, the seeming laxity of the newsroom, is an illusion.
The back four looked loose and needs work to make it a cohesive unit.
The Sun
A number of slates had come loose from the roof and crashed into the bushes.
A loose gown, open in front to reveal an underskirt, worn by European women in the 7th and 8th centuries.
Fig. 265 is a rebated joint with loose tongue-slip and astragal mould, suitable for frames over 1-1/4 in. in thickness.
Woodwork Joints How they are Set Out, How Made and Where Used.
The garden is very cottagey, I like that loose style of planting.
ParaMonday « Fairegarden
But, more likely, he has decided it is less of a PR risk to leave a journalist eating a solitary crab pasty in the drizzle than to be trapped alone with her and - God forbid - a tongue-loosening bottle of wine.
The quality of the loose-leaf tea is critical to the success of the British tea party.
Times, Sunday Times
She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window.
Stuck between the pages of the book was a loose sheet of paper, folded in four, and crisp and white, clearly not old like the book.
Sales of standard tea bags fell by 16 per cent and loose tea by nine per cent over the past two years, according to a report out this week.
Loose threads were hanging from many pieces.
The Sun
The space-box is replaced by compositions organized through a loose symmetry.
She kept on struggling to loose herself, groping ineffectually at the deadfall that had entrapped her.
- A bailer is the most commonly used tool in loose soils.
Chapter 6
I was afraid of starting a slide of loose stones.
‘There were seven misquotes, 32 errors of fact,’ he says, overlooking his own book's refreshingly loose association with accepted English grammar and punctuation.
They're footloose, and they'll go where they can get the best deal.
Heart disease is an affection of the heart brought on by morbific agents turned loose in the blood from imperfect digestion.
Adult male elephants are generally solitary or associate with other bulls in loose associations while females live in families.
It was only when he loosened up in the latter stages of the fourth set that he really ran away from me.
Times, Sunday Times
Her green jacket was loosely draped in the crook of her elbow, and her jeans were clean, as if they had been purchased recently.
Can't quite imagine yourself with your hair gathered loosely at the crown with tousled waves flowing down your neck… but like the idea?
The loosely articulated head detaches upon removal of the carcass from the vessel.
Pete sounded muffled. and as he turned Marcus noticed that he too had a loose thread on his shirt.
Further, with this requirement Japanese Baptists had to loosen the requirement of believer's baptism by immersion and tolerate various other baptismal traditions.
Too many high-risk prisoners are set loose after cursory checks, sometimes just a quick phone call.
The Sun
Slothrop kicks aside loose earth and finds a brick cairn, stuffed with potatoes ensiled last year.
Gravity's Rainbow
As if all that were not trouble enough, the landlord lets a goat loose in the flat.
Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin.
It will be a mortal blow if there is a single palm missing on Monte Chiaro or if a single stone has loosened from the town wall.
The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
You can put the pan on a gentle heat to loosen the fruit if necessary.
Times, Sunday Times
Ordinary matter and dark matter loosely track each other in space, but not in a one-to-one ratio.
Then he arose and clomb the mast to see an there were any escape from that strait; and he would have loosed the sails; but the wind redoubled upon the ship and whirled her round thrice and drave her backwards; whereupon her rudder brake and she fell off towards a high mountain.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Read the five drum in the middle of the night, but the play fast and loose.
There were some loose bills in his vest pocket -- greenbacks.
There was a brief flare of white light, and the Goddess vanished, leaving only a smattering of loose tinsel behind.
Both of the two main parties are loose federal alliances of local, state and regional organizations.
Have the confidence to let the shot go where you know it will, with a loose relaxed grip.
The complicated tariff system loosely based on distance, bandwidth and utility will be replaced by simpler mechanisms.
The skin is not only tough but also loose, allowing it to squirm free from its attackers, and fight back with long claws and sharp teeth.
Times, Sunday Times
Ill eneugh to keep the doors open as it is, let be facing Whitsunday and Martinmas — an auld leather pock there is, Maister Francie, in ane of worthy Maister Bindloose the sheriff-clerk’s pigeon-holes, in his dowcot of a closet in the burgh; and therein is baith charter and sasine, and special service to boot; and that will be chapter and verse, speer when ye list.”
Saint Ronan's Well
Her clothes were long and loose, the shawl brightly colored and rimmed with tassels.
Her golden-spun hair was loosely fastened in a clasp, and she held a small glass in her hand.
The man was another one of those loose ends, potentially a direct link to himself.
When calcium is desorbed from the cell wall, it becomes looser and the pore sizes in it increases.
A crest of wavy, blond hair was loosely rooted on a magisterial forehead.
He dumped the pig of metal on the second desk, where Aletha sat with her perpetual loose-leafed volumes before her.
Sand Doom
Yet, with this effort falling flat, somehow I feel like life has settled into a loose conjunction with all things kismet, karma, and generally astrologically-aligned.
Poor Sundry Buyers continually pressed his abdomen as he toiled around the deck-capstans; and never was Nancy's face quite so forlorn as when he obeyed the Maltese Cockney's command and went up to loose the mizzen-skysail.
In the time that she makes me wait (she's finishing her pinkie toe), I think about how I could learn a thing or two from her: she with the hang-loose curls on her head and liberated legs (she's wearing cut-offs).
French Word-A-Day:
She instantly regretted giving up her beautiful, loose robe for such whorish attire.
He had an hour-long tirade using everything from Play-doh, livestock, loose leaf paper, a sword swallower, and a Ronald Reagan mannequin smoking a marijuana cigarette in opposition to Gaga.
Bil Browning: Michael Steele Trying to Recruit Lady Gaga?
Wear with a loose blouse for serious 1970s snap.
Times, Sunday Times
Legend by then had fructified Chapman (1774-1845), a footloose (and footsore) son of a Bunker Hill veteran, into a mythic, apple-spreading American nomad of the lonesome frontier.
A Pro-Growth Strategy
Many families are forced to buy used clothing at the markets; children typically wear T-shirts, shorts, and loose cotton overshirts for everyday wear.
Check the spinner mount screws to see if they're loose or if cracks are radiating from the holes.
Zinc atoms have a looser hold on their electrons than carbon atoms do.
The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed.
An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
Think light, loose and free.
The Sun
Compton kept her balance, bobbling only once in the extremely loose, off-camber right-hander that tripped up a number of riders.
Katie Compton wins day 2 of the Cincinnati UCI3 Cyclocross Festival
The carriage teetered precariously as he moved to take a seat opposite her and they stared at each other in a calming silence as she drank, but once she finished, the cup fell from her loose fingers and clattered loudly on the floor.
What is it with this ridiculous fashion at the moment for wearing loose sandals or flip-flops?
Doing so will provide them with more leeway to loosen policy should global conditions take a sharp turn for the worse.
Times, Sunday Times
The stroma of the papillary fronds consisted of loose fibrous tissue with abundant, thin-walled, congested blood vessels.
Some traditional interpreters see this as a stern admonition - this is a loose woman, and she had better change her ways.
The machine is working erratically - there must be a loose connection.
At the end of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and a massive rebellion against the kingdom and a fierce assault against Christ and His saints will occur.
Inevitably, you must wonder whether barbarism is the natural condition of man let loose, or the depraved state of man when corrupted by violence.
The only real fault of the book is its looseness of structure.
Use a pot of white porcelain or glazed earthenware, with its edge partly serrated and provided with a lid, the skirt of which fits loosely inside
And as long as we use the term ambiguously and fail to discriminate between conscience proper and the term as used in the looser, larger sense, we will have nothing but confusion.
To Infidelity and Back
While skintight leather leggings have been en vogue for a while, fashion editors and stylists are now wearing looser, tailored styles.
Times, Sunday Times
Her shirt was sleeveless, loose, low-cut and a charcoal color, complementing her soft blue eyes well.
The small collection of tops and skirts, based loosely on 1930s Chinese dresses, is elegant and demure, a long way from boho - the floaty skirts, peasant tops and leather disk belts her sister had us all wearing last summer.
The violent storm, with its 70-mile-per-hour winds, tore loose the airship's control cabin, which plummeted earthward like a boulder.
Keep hair loose and carefree for a modern edge.
Times, Sunday Times
With Miami ahead by four and less than two minutes remaining in overtime, Evans knocked the ball loose from one Miami ball-handler, went and stole the ball from the Miami player who collected the loose ball and then jetted downcourt for a transition lay-up.
Miami 70, Virginia 68: Three up, three down
She was beautiful and wore a fine gold band around her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders.
The Gods of Asgard
There was a loose thread on one of Carter's shirt buttons.
Because in a dynamic loosely coupled system where code is a resource like any other it is very straight forward to create processes that dynamically generate code.
If spots seem dried on, boil water in a glass cup a few minutes; steam should loosen soil.
The armchair's densely carved scallops and shellwork, rosebuds, floral bouquets, and cartouche-shaped back are loosely based on the rococo style as reinterpreted in French pattern books of the mid-nineteenth century.
Wear your hair back and up, rather than hanging loose.
The Sun
Relax your shoulders by taking a deep breath and then focus on letting your shoulders drop and loosen.
Diarrhoea was defined as three or more loose, liquid, or watery stools or at least one loose stool containing blood in a 24 hour period.
She had seen glances hot with wine and lust, claspings of hands, loosened cyclas, and more lascivious reclinings.
The Lion's Brood
The anterior compartment is thoroughly evaluated for loose bodies; evidence of chondral damage to the coronoid process, capitellum, or radial head; or osteophyte formation in the coronoid fossa.
If the knot is taking a lot of stress, it will usually work itself loose, or let the line slip through, which is never good as it forces you to retighten the line repeatedly in a session of slacking.
Western parents - I use the term loosely, which is handy for any generalization News
A less rigid membership and more open selections will, of course, loosen party affiliation as well as broaden it.
Times, Sunday Times
The dress was long, but the thin material was light and loose, making it easy to walk and move.
Stepping out onto the cobbles in front of the steps, the men found themselves at the center of a loose circle of guardsman.
His only accompaniment was the soft hiss of snow passing beneath his skis and the low whistle of the wind as it shaped the loose powder.
My own coat was still draped over the chair by the door, but even from where I stood I could see loose threads dangling from the seams.
Everyone knows now, thanks to Ken's loose tongue .
Pratt can play in a number of positions - wing, stand-off, hooker or even loose forward.
He handed me several sheets of paper, loosely held together by a paper clip.
Discussions are taking place in the Pentagon over how to "loosen" the restrictions imposed by the disastrous "don't ask, don't tell" policy, according to Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Feminist blogs in english » 2009 » June
Have white loose covers made for the sofas and chairs.
Times, Sunday Times
Congress has loosened the restrictions on immigration.
He was going well in the race last year but a loose horse cannoned into him and he came down.
The Sun
They are usually coupled with pain but that correlation is too loose for reliability.
The loose stone is where it needs bedding in but workmen will be on site this week to carry out repairs and we will be doing the best we can but there will still be loose stones until it is bedded in.
Proper torquing avoids elastic separation of the mating parts under load and resists gradual loosening over time.
While many bites occur when an animal is unleashed and away from home, the most common scenario for an attack features a dog running loose on its own property.
We are told that dogs are presently loose in the fields at night, and are a danger to the sheep and their young lambs.
The first hazel catkins are beginning to turn yellow and swing loose on the twigs.
Times, Sunday Times
At that moment, his was a saint's blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better.
Cold Mountain
The looser rules on timing and the volume of shares available for repurchase prompted more than 200 companies to announce new or expanded buyback plans.
Both started this keenly-anticipated derby, Ryan at stand-off and Alex at loose forward.
Subsequent work helped to hasten the loosening of government control over broadcasting.
Times, Sunday Times
Let me loose on that pool.
Times, Sunday Times
Vibrations shook the panel loose.
Took almost two hours submersion and exercise in hot water to loosen them up.
Prior to the election, a loose coalition of social progressives was forming on council.
Then footloose and fancy free, Terry travelled Australia for the next couple of years.
Leaves and loose blades of grass swirled within it too.
Both men and women also wear a kurta, a long tunic-like shirt, and pyjamas, loose baggy trousers.
She bust loose from the deep water.
You know, low slung jeans, chambray shirt hanging loose and unbuttoned.
Angels' Blood Countdown: Lora Leigh - Nauti Intentions ARC
She was exhausted and she needed a hot, steaming shower to loosen her tense muscles.
A loose, launderable sweater or sweatshirt that lets you move but can go under your smock is another useful item to have in your cleaning closet.
He, in turn, loosened his grip and moved his hands to my hips.
There's almost no national ailment that he feels can't be solved, or at least distracted from, by taking off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and suggesting a good old-fashioned knees-up.
You're the prime minister, Cameron. Please stop behaving like the David Brent of British politics | Sam Delaney
The conventions of spelling will become looser.
Times, Sunday Times
She wore a pearl necklace to match those on her dress and even her hair, a tower of blonde streaked curls done up in such a fashion that a few loose strands framed her plumpish face perfectly, was adorned with strands of pearls.
Now, in this land the path of the transgressor is strewn with barbed wire, and so my mistress got entangled in some loose strands that had uncoiled from the fence.
Janey Canuck in the West
Derek Jarman's Caravaggio presents itself as a loose, poeticized biography of the famed Baroque painter Michelangelo de Caravaggio, but in fact Jarman appears to be using his subject as a gateway into ruminations on art, love, violence and religion.
If any club looses their main goalscorer it's going to affect their results because in-form strikers are hard to replace.
The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States.
His narwhal tusks stand in the attic near a loose pile of taxidermic heads.
But if you have loose soil, consider using landscape timbers or another edging material to hold everything in place.
2003 – Under a new Constitutional Charter, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was reconstituted into a loose confederation of Serbia and Montenegro.
The restaurant area is pristine, with a loose nautical theme running through the prints and paintings.
Times, Sunday Times
Mind that step; it's loose!
An audible hissing pop accompanied the loosening of the last bolt, and at the sight of my leprous fore-arms and the great plates of scabrous horn which have overgrown my chest, the roust-abouts screamed like a pair of God-damned fat ladies.
A loose analogy with T. S. Eliot's notion of how a new classic affects the canon of a literature might be drawn here.
My thoughts, however, stubbornly refused to cling to the issue and when a hoarse croak broke loose from high above me, I started violently.
Those with a materialist mindset seem quite comfortable in loosening up their evidential thresholds whenever it suits them.
Are Stereochemical Explanations Causally Sufficient?
‘The fire brigade went up and down in their skylift several times and removed the loose stones very courageously,’ he said.
The ditch around Stonehenge would have been dug using animal bones and deer antlers to loosen the underlying chalk.
To prevent hairballs, groom your cat frequently to remove loose hair.
Stems from twelve to fifteen inches high; leaves lyrate, the terminal lobe round; flowers small, in erect, loose, terminal spikes, or groups; the seeds are small, wrinkled, of a grayish color, and retain their vitality three years.
The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
As he walked back through the kitchen, he bent over and flipped up the loose hinge on the doorless oven.
The Suicider (draft)
The cape was my college graduation gown pinned up so he could walk, and now the pins were coming loose.
Loose ends still abound in the final reel, leaving the film with a less than satisfying conclusion.
"Yes, Bwana," came the voice from the hallway, followed by a perspiring black man in a loose white shirt, loose white pants, and a pair of cracked plastic shoes - which made him one of the richer men of his village ten miles up the Busati.
In March 1991, urethroscopy showed the distal end of the distal stent had fragmented; loose wires were removed.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The council discovered that there were loose slates on the roof which would have fallen into the street without the gutter in place.
The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
`I suppose you could say that I'm living as a loose woman, but really I'm very strait-laced about marriage -- other people's marriages.
Here is a jade-coloured conglomeration of life resembling nothing in the world more than a loose handful of worms without beginning and without end, interloped and writhing and glowing as it writhes with opalescent fires; and here a tiny leafless shrub, jointed with each alternate joint, ivory, white, and ruby-red respectively; again this tracery of gold and green and salmon pink decorating a shiny stone, in formal and consistent pattern.
My Tropic Isle
Both these plants have loose bunches of curious pink or red fruits.
Times, Sunday Times
Jealousy was not the passion to loosen the tongue of the sagaman, and in so far as that is the theme of "King Erik," the play is not Old Norse in origin.
The Influence of Old Norse Literature on English Literature
The main drivers of the surge are hedge funds - secretive, loosely regulated pools of capital deployed to take extra risks to achieve above-average returns.
This method is meant for riding boots in which the part that is tightened and loosened is at the middle of the boot.
When you have some time off you have to loosen up a bit.
The Sun
Sure, some innocent, and I use the term innocent loosely because it would be hard for a priest to be innocent in that environment of poverty, occassionly get shot unintensionly.
The Black Fist Calls For Peace
You don't want to let Oliver loose in the kitchen.
Take a shimmering light gold loose pigment across the eye socket.
The Sun
If you find yourself at a loose end, you could always clean the bathroom.
While skintight leather leggings have been en vogue for a while, fashion editors and stylists are now wearing looser, tailored styles.
Times, Sunday Times
Journalists woke him with the news and all hell broke loose.
They will be given another loose wristband which they then can choose who to give to.
The Sun
His shoulders are rolled forward, his hair floppy and unbrushed, and he's wearing loose blue jeans and scuffed hiking boots.
The stone passage was built on a fairly level bit of ground, close to some great loose rocks under which the feline depredator was probably hiding at the time.
Deciding that marriage was not so important for their third daughter, the Nis had loosened the bindings and allowed Kwei-tseng’s feet to grow normally into what upper-class Chinese referred to disdainfully as “big feet.”
The Last Empress
The girl to our right, in complementary pinks and peach colors, lifts her face as she loosens the tight black collar around her neck.
She was brushing her bright blue hair, putting two pigtails in her hair and a heart clip to hold back loose strands.
By contrast a search at 900 different locations failed to find any problems similar to the loose sets of nuts thought to be to blame for the Potters Bar crash.
If you were to look at the region through an azimuthal projection, you would see that, loosely speaking, Wilkes Barre is in southeast PA.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More judicial corruption in S.E. PA:
The thread is twisted by attaching loose strands to the top of the spindle, then rolling the spindle along the thigh to start it spinning.
A colonial attire that is still seen on males in the rural areas is loose baggy pants called bombachas, and a short jacket with a neckerchief in place of a shirt.
He twisted and groped one-handed behind the cantle of his saddle for his hunting-bow and quiver, found them and fumbled them loose.
Oregon teens found a Patagonian cavy running loose.
Archive 2008-04-01
I picked up the kitten by the loose skin on its neck.
Loose threads were hanging from many pieces.
The Sun