How To Use Looking at In A Sentence

  • The human was definitely looking at her.
  • It will take away from the classic perspective of looking at city hall dead on.
  • We're looking at some idea that it might be a colder than normal winter in the Northeast and Midwest.
  • Looking at Yankee Stadium (home of the world champion Yankees) it appears you can buy a ticket for one of the nosebleed seats, and then after the game starts pick any seat you want from about row 10 up.
  • Sure enough, he found her there, looking at the posted casualty reports along with many others, searching the alphabetized lists of KIAs and WIAs.
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  • I'm looking at it afresh and applying my findings not only to our bespoke tailoring but to the ready-to-wear collection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second is the gender division of work, she says, looking at the larger issue of why first generation schoolgoers in particular require an extraordinary amount of care and attention.
  • It is a good service to provide for your listeners so we don't have to pause the show find whatever your looking at and then come back. aria on August 22, 2009 3: 04 pm intro is a cover of the airman stage on rockman 2. its called airman ga taosenai, u can find lots of versions of it on nico nico douga Anime Pulse » Shows
  • If looking at the stand from the oval, you're faced with a visage of plate-glass windows that lends a futuristic look.
  • We've gotten better with our techniques and applying them predeparture, ensuring we're looking at as broad a section of potential risk as possible, said Kevin McAleenan, deputy assistant commissioner of field operations at Customs and Border Protection, or CBP.CBP said the gap in U.S. security practices wasn't obvious until after the attempted Christmas attack. U.S. blocks 350 with suspected ties to terrorists
  • We're looking at a very narrow portion of AECL, which is commercial services, which provides knowledge-based services to the industry. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I dunno," said the plaguesome boy, looking at the address covertly. Janice Day at Poketown
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • He lay looking at the ceiling, trying to puzzle things out.
  • When looking at reliability one principal concern was the purpose of the writer - whether of a primary or secondary source.
  • At his behest, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has been looking at the legality of the EU constitution and it has now announced that it would not rule on it until after there was a final decision on the fate of the EU treaty. Germany to dump EU constitution?
  • The third in the triplet took you in totally the opposite direction by looking at life as a transgender person who blurs the distinction between male and female identification.
  • While she waited on the step May thought about Maurice's mother looking at Southport's slug-like sea with mean, jaundiced eyes. PROSPECT HILL
  • Looking at the greyish-green sea streaked with white waves was a good antidote, as indeed the grand and infinite was always.
  • She saw a tube of lipstick out of the corner of her eye and applied it to her lips before smacking them together looking at the result before grimacing and swiping it from her lips.
  • The movie generally maintains this frenetic pace, sometimes so fast it's like you are looking at a reel of photographic negatives.
  • He could not argue, looking at Imperial, that there has been a major brain drain of senior staff.
  • But naked, she was thin and somehow unappetizing, and for reasons I can't articulate, looking at her breasts six inches from the bread, I lost my appetite.
  • We can talk about something else like… your choice of sleepwear,’ he said looking at what she was wearing.
  • The same eyes were looking at me, almost burning me with their intent gaze.
  • At this point the imagery begins to repeat itself in different iterations, as it will for the rest of the novel: The man is at the station where the woman is now looking at him "vacantly"; the dog appears again, blocking his path; he walks along the street, where "a cyclist is trying to pedal along," the fish in his saddle bag now joined by a loaf of bread on top of it. Experimental Fiction
  • The study was looking at clofibrate, a pre-statin cholesterol lowering drug and all cause mortality. More statin madness | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • All the parents were looking at the display of children's work.
  • We are looking at investment properties within a £80,000 to £130,000 range and would prefer not to remortgage our home to raise capital as our current rate tracks the base rate plus 0.75%. What is the best way to buy a holiday home?
  • So looking at whether something makes people happy is largely futile. In statisticians' terms, you are looking for variance in something that is invariant.
  • Dudley Turner Westerham, Kent• Sorry, but I don't want to have post-Christmas breakfast looking at the page-four photograph of the Beaufort hunt and then turn to the centrefold to find yet another "traditional" hunting scene. Letters: Morris dancing beats hunting for Boxing Day fun
  • Instead of looking at this issue for what it is, we get a petty post about $2-$3 million in "wasted" money. Sound Politics: Your tax dollars at work
  • Looking at the time elapsed, it is at least 30 hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students are also looking at vehicles other than cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • Becca ran off without even looking at me, leaving me to deal with it on my own.
  • He showed it to a car mechanic, who kept it five weeks without looking at it.
  • I carried on looking at different shops selling their wares.
  • And we have studies looking at organisms from sponges to sharks, looking at the food chain, both on the bottom of the ocean and also on the extreme layer of - a very thin layer called the neuston, the very surface of the ocean. Assessing The BP Spill's Impact
  • In Jodi's case, she was looking at some of the effects of host intestinal environment on gregarine metabolism and survival.
  • I've likened it to looking at your grandfather when your grandmother has just passed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am not going to cod you, but if our plans work out we should be looking at a risk adjusted return on capital of about 15 per cent by 2006.
  • All this time the incognizable _nouveau_ was smoking slowly and calmly, and looking at nothing at all with his black buttonlike eyes. The Enormous Room
  • She will be in the studio and roving around the track, looking at horses, casting her critical eye and giving her opinion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Dr. Seuss 
  • Quite a lot, I should think," Cat said, looking at the mass of horse-chestnut leaves pressed against the window. CHARMED LIFE
  • On deck, Freyen was looking at the manoeuvres to dock the vessel with a serious look on his face.
  • It is looking at a faster turnaround of vehicles unloading waste and collections of items to be recycled.
  • The wigged gentleman sitting opposite, still looking at the ceiling of the court.
  • I waited behind him a moment, looking at the Bonnards again while he addressed the envelope.
  • Whether by looking at the organisms, or by looking at their DNA, the interest of the microbiologists was in an ensemble, not the individual.
  • Septach Melayn handed the despatch to Prestimion, who took it without looking at it and tossed it to a nearby table. LORD PRESTIMION
  • These committees will be looking at infrastructure security issues as well, including marinas, boat ramps, docks, anchorages and major marine or special events.
  • Large firms outside the U.S. are also looking at becoming more active in the micropower business.
  • Your unconscious mind will come up with new ways of looking at things and answers to your problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charity advises all people looking at their options to seek independent advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- But then they are not charged for seeing the lamps; there is no charge for walking round the walks; there is no charge for looking at the cosmoramic pictures; there is no charge for casting a glance at the orchestra; there is no charge for staring at the other people; there is no charge for bowing or talking to an acquaintance, if you meet one -- all these are gratis; and if you neither eat nor drink, there is no charge for witnessing those who do mangle the long-murdered honours of the coop, and gulp down the most renovating of liquors, be they hale or stout, vite vine, red port, or rack punch. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 321, July 5, 1828
  • Sense of humour is definitely what we need in this particular subject matter, and especially looking at that text.
  • She couldn't stop looking at the fancy carvings in the walls, and at the stained glass windows.
  • What they have probably shown, Bill, is that caffeine may have a role in what they call advocating cancer cells, meaning that if you already have cancer, there's a possibility, looking at some long-term studies, that caffeine may actually stimulate those cells to go a little bit more than they otherwise would have. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2003
  • In terms of [annual] total return, you're looking at 4% - your coupon, and maybe a teeny bit more.
  • Then he picked up the Grail, holding the torch to illuminate it, looking at it properly now. THE GREENSTONE GRAIL: THE SANGREAL TRILOGY ONE
  • It's a spider which in theory is harmless, except that just looking at its big hairy legs gives me the willies.
  • Most of its residentshave fled for better opportunities, says Cao Zheyun, another ethnic Korean,looking at quiet Namyang across the Tumen River through his binoculars.
  • This is the wrong way of looking at it. Times, Sunday Times
  • When looking at Clause 19.5, it was significant that it cross-referred to Clause 19.6.
  • Jon thanks for your advice as well, I am looking at deals I can turn quickly but have also like the 14 plex which is a long term hold. BiggerPockets Forums
  • Some tables kept looking at me, for some reason, maybe it was my head.
  • Our work is looking at grabbing hold of nerve fibres to get different sensory inputs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beside him, Jaina was looking at him with an expression akin to awe. The Shattering
  • Ministers are considering much smaller modifications and they are looking at ways to phase in the cap to help large families to adjust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Near the hamlet of Yamanaka is a famous point, called Fuji-mi-taira (terrace for looking at Fuji). Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • Ligand is also conducting phase three trials on Targretin for a form of lymphoma and is looking at it for other cancers.
  • They walked slantwise with the garden, not really looking at it. CHARMED LIFE
  • Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is looking at Hamburg's Dutch midfielder Eljero Elia to help solve his Anfield crisis.
  • The same eyes were looking at me, almost burning me with their intent gaze.
  • But looking at the potential load on the server, here are some numbers with that.
  • I looked at the bird chattering away, looking at my mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers are looking at ways to group together multiple security systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking at one of the awning's outer support beams, he laughingly recalls a time when some of his friends kicked him out of his bedding for snoring too loudly.
  • But I can tell you with a degree of certainty today, in terms of alternative pain management or alternative medicines, the Army has left few stones unturned in terms of looking at everything from acupuncture to other forms of therapy that are, in some regards, nonmainstream. How The U.S. Military Handles Suicidal Soldiers
  • I realise these researchers were looking at the medical problems associated with excessive headbanging. The Sun
  • Carne (who had taken most kindly to the fortune which made him an untrue Englishman) clapped his breast with both hands; not proudly, as a Frenchman does, nor yet with that abashment and contempt of demonstration which make a true Briton very clumsy in such doings; while Daniel Tugwell, being very solid, and by no means “emotional” — as people call it nowadays — was looking at him, to the utmost of his power Springhaven
  • Looking at the film now, it works beautifully as pure family entertainment, heavy on the sarcastic wit and full of unadulterated corn, cheese and hokum, especially in the final family group-hug scene.
  • Mr Golightly, who was no sentimentalist either, was still looking at the deceiving surface of the mire. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • When you are looking at each case individually, what are you looking for?
  • He wasn't really sure what he was looking at, but the figure in the bed before him certainly wasn't the beautiful wife that he had loved adoringly. When the Spring Dies
  • The firm is looking at helping to rescue local wildlife and investing in an allotment. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I'm not at all certain, looking at what I've read over the past week or so, that we have some kind of articulable standards that agents in the field are going to be able to follow. CNN Transcript Jun 2, 2002
  • I lowered the rifle and saw that he had stopped and was standing broadside looking at us.
  • ST is also supposed to be looking at this corridor soon and the City may study it again as part of the mayor's plans. There is No Plan for that Corridor « PubliCola
  • No self-indulgent twaddle, no luvvy duvvy waffle, no tedious explaining what we're looking at, no extraneous family members self-aggrandising and hogging the airtime with totally irrelevant bullshit. Update
  • Mr. Sebastian was looking at the boys with a bemused expression.
  • How you can tell whether a binary number of arbitrary size is divisible by 10 without looking at the whole number?
  • In the longer term, he was looking at how to ensure that Europe would be competitive in comparison with the United States.
  • The government now is looking at unprecedented public-sector layoffs and cuts in civil-service perks, steps that could reshape Greek political culture by upending decades of cozy ties between the ruling Socialist party and a core constituency. Greek Officials Scramble to Find More Cuts
  • Use your common sense: if the car you're looking at is a 1991 J reg then you should expect it to have upwards of 140,000 miles.
  • I looked at the bird chattering away, looking at my mother. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nathan was looking at her with a wild expression, the kind he got whenever she had deliberately provoked him.
  • I grew up looking at pictures of him and modelling myself on him.
  • I glanced up in time to see Madi looking at me, but she darted her eyes away quickly.
  • I'm not great at looking at my own payslips or personal bank statements, but none the less I am not reckless with my money.
  • Bloatsheet bounced through the kail-yard like a maukin, clamb over the bit wall, and off like mad; while Blister was feeling Magneezhy's pulse with one hand, and looking at his doctor's watch, which he had in the other. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • ‘The city is much the same as many others in my time,’ she said looking at a perfumery shop window, the expression of her eyes were not so detached from reality as before.
  • Somebody was so busy looking at the train indicator in the station this morning that they walked into me and kicked my ankle.
  • The study is looking at where the ends of the bridge would be put on both sides of the river.
  • “Dear child, how late it is!” exclaimed Lady Knollys suddenly, looking at the Louis Quatorze clock, that crowned the mantel-piece. Uncle Silas
  • She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape.
  • After looking at me blankly for a few minutes (I was preparing my declaration of Platonic love), she suddenly began crying into her hands. THE DICE MAN
  • We have recently installed push button taps to stop dripping and wastage, and now they are looking at introducing water hogs for the toilet cistern to save on water.
  • She was looking at me in a very strange way.
  • Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
  • This head should be looking at ways to help rather than hinder. The Sun
  • He was looking at the picture of the helix.
  • WASHINGTON (AP) Federal investigators are looking at a farm in Yuma, Ariz., as a possible source of a widespread E. coli outbreak in romaine lettuce, according to the distributor. FDA investigating E. coli in Arizona after lettuce recall hits 23 states
  • The projected area looking forward is 22 square ft. and the projected area looking athwartship 22.84 square feet. Scientific American Supplement, No. 647, May 26, 1888
  • This is one of the reasons why I believe, in common with legislators in most other Western countries, that we need to be determinedly looking at alternative fuels, both extenders and new fuels and that includes biofuels.
  • In short, I hope the reader who is now looking at this preface will carefully read every word in the following pages; and not only _read_, but _remember_, the lessons there taught, and thereby become wiser and better. No and Other Stories Compiled by Uncle Humphrey
  • Critics say ministers should be looking at encouraging people to give up sugar themselves. The Sun
  • We are constantly looking at ways in which to make the car park a safer place.
  • The judge will pass sentence tomorrow after looking at all the reports.
  • But I have a hard time looking at other boats, especially those with exposed planking, a bowsprit and her sheerline.
  • Similar stone cups are dated to the first century, placing this cup within the first century simply by fact of its artisenship. in other words an archeologist can proximate its date it simply by looking at it. The Valencian "Holy Grail"
  • You'd have to be a robot not to feel some inner stirrings when you're looking at scenery like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The documents we have just been looking at are schedules to the partnership agreement, as, indeed, is the application form, which your Honours will find at 843.
  • It is easy to imagine the shape of the seabed by looking at the bedding planes of rock in the nearby cliffs.
  • Looking at a paper, he found his locker; put his hand on the lock, only to realize there was taffy intentionally stuck there.
  • The article - I'm looking at the paper NYT - features a lot of pictures of young women with their tongues out, but the teaser on the front page is that picture of Albert Einstein with his tongue out.
  • The cartoon featured a confused looking gent looking at a billboard advertising a horror film.
  • But you're looking at the peak of an extinct volcano. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think I have an obvious solution: looking at skulls that are neither the wolf or its so-called marsupial “equivalent.” Video time capsule - The Panda's Thumb
  • Investors were looking at an opportunity to buy an undervalued currency. Times, Sunday Times
  • We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.
  • Looking at the list of inductees, it is telling to note that record label support (major label support in the vast majority of cases) is almost the rule.
  • Pressed to be more explicit, he stressed the issue is not under active consideration, there is no policy group looking at it, and in his best Washingtonese attempted to shut down the discussion saying, “I don’t want to comment on an issue we’re not talking about.” The Earnest Shaun Donovan Takes Questions
  • Using an observation technique known as farside, we can determine the position of sunspots on the hidden side of the Sun. Irene González-Hernández, a scientist at the NOAO (National Optical Astronomical Observatory) said during her address to the 4th International HELAS Conference in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) that: "activity in the farthest regions of the Sun.can be observed by looking at waves in the nearer regions. Signs of the Times
  • The briefest of glances in her direction found her to be still looking at me, still silent.
  • Looking at them, you really do think of twirling lariats, and here the vaguely bordello colors, along with a kind of supercharged motion, suggest a semi-frantic, but also humorous, licentiousness.
  • I was sort of walking past Cathay with my mind kind of blank apart for “argh parkmall =/= parklane” and then I looked at her because she looked kind of pretty… and then I noticed she was looking at me, and then I realized she looked kind of familiar, and then… J-gan Diary Entry
  • I'm giggling just looking at the big elephant seals up there covering themselves in sand so they don't get sunburnt. The Sun
  • The father of value investing liked to prospect for promising stocks by looking at what he called "net-net working capital. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • At the next rack a gangling teenager in jeans was looking at Brass Band Selections.
  • She isn't one to ask to spend time looking at old pictures, so stowing them on a high shelf requiring a stepladder to reach won't be a problem.
  • Now he is completing a project for a venture capitalist firm looking at clean tech issues.
  • How can you feel discouraged when sitting on a beautiful mountain meadow, looking at a high country lake with bald eagles flying around you?! Field Scrapbook
  • Raymond Otto, from Soweto, visited the school last Friday as part of a weekly programme of events looking at performing arts.
  • Yet ministers continue to mumble about 'looking at the issue' rather than committing themselves to action. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old Hogan looking at her stonily as she stuttered her way to asking for a packet of Durex. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • I looked all around, especially at all the people wearing black, they are giving me the heebie-jeebies the way they look like they're looking at me, but they really aren't.
  • We have people looking at social networking sites. The Sun
  • Once the map is naturalised we rarely bother to ask whether what we are looking at is ‘representation’ or ‘the world,’ and cartographers rarely bother to tell us.
  • Universities that survive and thrive will be those that accept the situation, and the smarter ones will be looking at ways to restructure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The encounter often leaves us looking at the world a little differently for the presence of the medicine man.
  • Seth lifted his hands before him, looking at the knobbiness of his fingers, the gaunt cords in his wrists. Archive 2004-07-01
  • Jason snorted in derision and crossed his arms over his chest, looking at her scathingly.
  • On the other hand, by looking at the past mainly, if not exclusively, to find the origins of the superior present, the authors of the grand narrative unhistorically ignored those features of past cultures that were not compatible with a modern liberal West.
  • It will kick off with a seminar on diet and fitness before looking at every aspect of becoming a successful pro racer.
  • That is, he begins by looking at what others have done and then copies it, but adds lots of complexity so it comes out all frigged up. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : Bill Gates, a truly original thinker
  • The walls and floor were so white, looking at them for more than a few seconds was almost blinding.
  • The industrial bias of canal building can be readily perceived by looking at Figure 7.3.
  • I doubt Ms Rowling read Ginzburg before inventing Harry Potter, so we must be looking at a folk memory re-emerging periodically along highly structured symbolic axes.
  • Are we looking at something kept immaculate like the USS Enterprise, something a bit grungier like the Millennium Falcon, or something else entirely? Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • The quantum of interest rates we appear to be looking at I think is already factored into the market, " Hughes-Hallett said.
  • Does she really think singers can sing in a concert without looking at the music?
  • We know from looking at cross-cutting relationships between the fault scarp and these very small-diameter craters that the scarps can't be any more than about a billion years old. Images Show A Shrinking Moon
  • By that, do you mean they're reserving the right or looking at taking legal action?
  • From the expression on the faces of many of them I knew some professor had dragged his class down to the museum and a goodly number of the students wanted to be anywhere but looking at old books.
  • Sometimes, you might as well be looking at a mimeograph, or a seventh-generation photocopy.
  • Critics were quick to accuse Putnam of looking at the past through rose-tinted glasses, and ignoring exciting new forms of community.
  • You're looking at beachwear, I'm looking at some shirts and we're not even remotely thinking about jeans.
  • The area the couple are looking at is known for its good schools. The Sun
  • And that's without me looking at the folio size books.
  • On looking at the Sun, I was at once struck with the apparent resolvability of its mottled appearance. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • Looking at the readings from the Daily Office for today, I thought it would be nice to share St. Paul's words on this Advent greater feria about those who are called to exercise the ministry of episcope that is, bishops or "overseers". Archive 2005-12-01
  • Looking at the available rides, the four friends could see a large Ferris wheel, a colorful merry-go-round, funhouses, a popular roller coaster and many more.
  • With great dignity, she sits and carefully grooms herself, looking at me haughtily.
  • But I then noticed that my right hand was starting to get warm, like I had a mitten on I looked over at Blake and he must have noticed also, because he was also looking at me with an astonished face.
  • Courts will balance the respective interests of the parties, looking at both justice and equity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we examine this in detail, first looking at the case of a circular toroid deformed into an ellipse.
  • Eye-tracking software allow you to control games handsfree by simply looking at the thing you want to interact with. Times, Sunday Times
  • This way of looking at causal laws is a delicate compromise.
  • Although a group led by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) started combing the woods around Marquette on Thursday for signs of Sasquatch, they may be looking at the wrong end of Michigan for the fabled hairy hominoid. Archive 2007-07-15
  • Looking at the picture makes my wrist hurt. octopod The OpenOffice Mouse - Boing Boing
  • Yet ministers continue to mumble about 'looking at the issue' rather than committing themselves to action. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can recall looking at the preserved reproductive tracts of several hundred Victorian foxes and noting that few adult, first-year animals had produced young.
  • The brim of his hat shaded his eyes, but I knew that they were looking at me.
  • They kept looking at each other and smiling.
  • You miss people looking at you like you're insane when you're glide stepping to French class with your French book on your head so you don't bounce while you march.
  • Though you might not guess it by looking at them, they are flowering plants, producing numerous tiny flowers without showy petals.
  • Even though we may be looking at a long, slow recovery, which will of course have short term bumps in its path, it almost certainly will continue to favor people who remain believers. Frank A. Weil: What Columbus Must Have Worried About
  • They were both sitting on the couch, looking at magazines.
  • Simon Turner, arboricultural officer at Kennet District Council, said: ‘They have severed the roots and we are looking at measures to ensure the tree doesn't die or if it does die to get a replacement tree.’
  • Ministers are looking at how to ease the burden of higher electricity prices on energy intensive industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jap cartoons are fcuking weird anyway. true but should you be labelled a nonce for looking at a cartoon Steven: Army Rumour Service
  • Among the legumes that the researchers will be looking at are the cowpea and the Bambara groundnut.
  • BARR: I think I ` m sitting here looking at the next Secretary of State in the Barr administration. CNN Transcript Aug 28, 2008
  • Hermia was looking at him and wondering at his strange inconstancy.
  • Nasa is now looking at shooting satellites from guns mounted on mountain tops to change the face of rocket technology.
  • Students spilled out of the classroom, some of them looking at me oddly.
  • Instead of looking at the downside of things, when you walk into the fairway and find your drive in a divot, look on the positive side.
  • Just looking at the lactescent SavMart or the uninhabited appearance of Sy's apartment is enough to make you feel hollow inside.

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