How To Use Look forward In A Sentence

  • My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.
  • I look forward to seeing the place again, renewing old acquaintances. The Sun
  • ‘Things that we look forward to using from them are commoditized services such as desktop support,’ he explains.
  • I look forward to eting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.
  • This bill is a good step in the Government's commitment towards greater energy efficiency and a sustainable energy future, and I look forward to its passage through the House.
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  • We look forward to seeing the expression of the first big-time criminal as his ill-gotten gains are snatched away from him.
  • This no mail lark is really wearing, I hadn't realised quite how much I look forward to arriving home from work and finding out which books have arrived in the post. 48 entries from October 2007
  • All of which begs the question as to whether or not somebody SHOULD make a MMORPG based on the Wheel of Time series, though if they do I look forward to a variety of braid tugging and skirt smoothing emotes along with an "agelessness" slider in the character creation tool. The Ancient Gaming Noob
  • One should neither look forward to coming experiences, nor clutch at present ones, but let them all slip easily through one's fingers.
  • Arsenal, where he can look forward to becoming instantly gripped with a crazed case of the cartwheeling jitters, learning to flap wildly at any kind of cross and generally buying into the idea of goalkeeping as a business of leaping about athletically saving penalties in between diving over the top of toe-poked 40-yard back passes. The Guardian World News
  • We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
  • As with this hero, so with others, till Peggy came to look forward, actually, to the history hour; which shows what a teacher can do when she understands her girls, and knows enough to call Plutarch and his peers (if any!) to aid her in her task. Peggy
  • I look forward to your advice in due course and hopefully a more colourful life.
  • I also look forward to independent verification - or not - of the claims made by companies that sell us green products. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.
  • For all their rejoicing, these women did not look forward to imprisonment!
  • The new material sounded good and, with a lot of emphasis on ska rather than punk, the album is something to look forward to.
  • I look forward to a time when I can serve my country without wondering if history will mark me down as a participant in something disgraceful.
  • Incidentally, I look forward to the time when people stop repeating the baseless clintonian arguments and the dems unite. Four Florida Members Of Congress Who Backed Hillary Come Out For Obama
  • Changeover of mechanism of battalion alreadylook forward to and enterprise reform had very great progress.
  • When will the seakale be fit to cut, and when will the crocuses come up? will the violets be sweeter than ever? and the geranium cuttings, are they thriving? we have dug, and manured, and sown, and we look forward to the reaping, and to see our garners full. Castle Richmond
  • He's a completely loathsome and utterly shallow creep and I look forward to a swift garotting moment in the very near future. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • So I let the world go hang today, I shall go to my bed good and early, and look forward with reasonable certainty to a better day tomorrow.
  • I always look forward to getting home to my wife and children.
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • I look forward to an article here about a centenarian raping a College fresher. The Geezer Bandit
  • I shouldn't look forward too much to seeing Grace at the party; chances are that she won't come anyway.
  • I felt that at last I could begin to look forward .
  • We look forward to hearing more meat on the bone in the coming months. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I look forward to it, then,’ came a soft and scratchy voice from behind.
  • Any teeny-weeny hint when we might look forward to their book? Branded By Fire Spoiler Thread
  • The country's progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward.
  • It has the support of a number of the key stakeholders, and I look forward to its rapid passage through the House.
  • Scotland can look forward to two decades of friendly goalkeeping rivalry from youngsters Craig Gordon and David Marshall, writes Douglas Alexander
  • Since I've never had any tradescantias previously, I don't know what to compare it to, but I look forward to dividing this one and getting a few more.
  • Getting this right will require deft handling and we look forward to seeing the detail of the Government's approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your mind works faster and the plans that take shape give you much to look forward to. The Sun
  • I look forward to her future with uncertainty, I look to her past with a twinge of nostalgia.
  • As he droned on, I would watch the kites flying and tangling with each other in the afternoon sky, mentally replay a lost game of marbles, or look forward to the Test match between Pakistan and the West Indies.
  • I especially look forward to obtaining the Spencerian penmanship book especially after seeing your beautiful hand writing in the card you made. The Reading of Good Books
  • The horse will start to look forward to the treat prior to the event.
  • May I now look forward to a letter announcing a reduction in charges? Times, Sunday Times
  • We can look forward to a spectacular outburst of storms and vortices when the 'SEB Revival' begins, " says Rogers.
  • You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month.
  • And you need to have things to look forward to Rose, to distract you while you're waiting. RESCUING ROSE
  • I look forward to St Valentine's Day, partly because I was a late starter and never received any cards or presents until I met my partner nine years ago.
  • Just like in high school, they will reminisce about the past and look forward to the future.
  • You can say that coaching wins over everything, or stopping the run is essential - time-worn lessons we have embossed into our minds - but the key is to look forward.
  • Some can look forward to a comfortable life and a cosy, back-scratching club. Times, Sunday Times
  • I look forward to introducing it to my kids and extended family.
  • With their emphasis on differentiated, brushy blocks of color and simplified forms, his early paintings look forward to the 1960s, presaging approaches as diverse as Pop and Hard Edge abstraction.
  • Something restless drives him to look forwards not back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Veterans actually look forward to the postseason because the grind of the regular season gives way to a college season, in a sense.
  • I look forward to us all getting together again sometime in the not too distant future.
  • I always look forward to getting home to my wife and children.
  • I look forward to seeing the president reciprocating the gesture.
  • Bermuda's telly addicts have much to look forward to in the months to come.
  • I look forward to eting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.
  • We look forward to welcoming new shareholders on board for the next leg of our journey. Times, Sunday Times
  • I look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Taylor Champinski.
  • I look forward to him not really noticing it, to ensure the security and prosperity of our nation in the years ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had he planned to rescue Alex from the life of drudgery that was all he could look forward to?
  • Though he has had his troubles with the media, that desire always to look forward is an almost endearing trait in him, one that brought a sincere chorus of ‘good luck on Tuesday’ from the pressmen present.
  • It's the pre-edit draft, so, yeah, I've got all that lovely editing and copy-editing stuff to look forward to, as I get to argue everything from What do you mean most readers aren't familiar with the tradition that Thomas Didymos was Jesus's twin? IT'S DONE, I SAY! BY THE GODS, IT'S DONE!
  • Here in Småland they have only poverty to look forward to. The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
  • I look forward to your class after the new year.
  • I look forward to your class after the new year.
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • I look forward to eting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.
  • My 10-month-old son is still more interested in gumming the keyboard than in exploring educational possibilities on the Web, but I look forward to the day when I can help him connect with his world by connecting to the Internet.
  • I, personally, look forward to then spending the rest of my life hunting them down, per narrative convention, and exacting elaborately plotted revenge.
  • The arrival of cherries means the dreariness of winter is definitely over, and I can finally look forward to a long, delicious summer of fresh apricots, raspberries, nectarines, peaches, and plums.
  • And this is on the eve of the holiday season: affected teachers cannot look forward to the loss of income.
  • You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month.
  • So maybe the next time we have a storm, I can look forward to being injured or killed - perhaps then the family will get a good compo.
  • I look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Taylor Champinski.
  • I now look forward to each issue since even a quick glance keeps me painlessly informed of new discoveries and ideas.
  • Some people might be too proud to look forward to the friendship of a flagellator, but in those days we could not pick and choose our chums; Barton might not be clubable, but he might be useful, and the social ladder requires a first step. The Book of the Bush Containing Many Truthful Sketches Of The Early Colonial Life Of Squatters, Whalers, Convicts, Diggers, And Others Who Left Their Native Land And Never Returned
  • I look forward to working with you in fostering more community of end users and figuring out how all these fun technology tools can be used by “real people”. Happy birthday to me! I’m joining Google | FactoryCity
  • You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month.
  • If I could turn back time I would but I can't so it's time to look forward.
  • Look forward to eating the food and enjoy every bite.
  • Death at any time is too soon and early death due to a deconditioned lifestyle immediately disqualifies you from any benefits you look forward to at the end of it all, whether it's finally getting your IRA benefits, retiring to the Bahamas or seeing peace in the Middle East although we may have to live a few lifetime lengths to get to see that one. Penny Hoff: Managing Your Weight Is Worth 10 More Years
  • I look forward to meeting many of you next year and hopefully landing a few more fish!
  • While many of the writers noted above are relatively new, a couple possibly even more fresher than I've enjoyed and who I look forward to reading more from are Dana Copthorn (The Steam Magnate) and for a bit more traditional (but not really) Lane Robins (Maledicte, and Kings and Assassin forthcoming) who I think went WAY under the radar last year. MIND MELD: The Best Women Writers in SF/F
  • May I now look forward to a letter announcing a reduction in charges? Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides, there's always the reunion tour to look forward to.
  • We look forward to developing another hub that would service our island.
  • If there were an afterlife, is it something that we should look forward to or fear? Times, Sunday Times
  • With their $11 tax cut they can look forward to being able to splash out on the corkage at Scully's.
  • We can look forward to further developments and advances in the future.
  • Look forward to eating the food and enjoy every bite.
  • He is keen to emphasise the positives and to look forward and for the industry to stop moping and get on with delivering results.
  • I look forward to your cooperation in this new and progressive advance of medical science.
  • We look forward to your prompt payment.
  • I personally look forward to his future explorations on the subject.
  • It says the government will look forward to action from the banking industry to remove delays in processing cheques and other payments.
  • Be sure to tell your bro 'that this longtime blogger remains a huge fan of the Froomkins and I will look forward to where he lands next because he's well-demonstrated his journalistic skills, his principles and his Net savvy for years. My Brother Told Me Not to Say Anything
  • We look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • We look forward to, our future.
  • The vouchers will go out to more than 2,000 children in the area, most of whom can look forward to a special delivery by post over the next few days.
  • We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.
  • I look forward to your next attention seeking move.
  • We look forward to considering the consultants' recommendations around the end of September.
  • If the seasonal pattern is fulfilled then we can look forward to the following lowlights of a very bleak winter season.
  • But I look forward to seeing its reputation flower into a cult classic for ever young in midnight screenings on the student circuit.
  • She was an excellent cook, and she actually loved doing it, which was why there were always cakes and cookies to look forward to after school.
  • The idea of a brainstorming session is to look forward.
  • We look forward to continued strengthening of our global brand and building our fanbase worldwide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pre-season training is really terrible, sheer hell basically, but you always come back with fresh optimism and we have got to look forward now.
  • I look forward to this film eagerly, as do most cinephiles.
  • But my pig hunt in Louisiana is truly something I look forward to: family and friends, community and great food. High on the Hog
  • We look forward to meeting you and wish you every success in your academic career.
  • I've "bookmarked" you and look forward to visiting frequently. . . . . Care to Comment?
  • We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.
  • Anything worthy to be call’d statesmanship in the Old World, I should say, among the advanced students, adepts, or men of any brains, does not debate to-day whether to hold on, attempting to lean back and monarchize, or to look forward and democratize—but how, and in what degree and part, most prudently to democratize. Democratic Vistas: Paras. 30–59. Collect
  • It is the most difficult time when people have to say goodbyeWish you the happiest journey and we look forward to your return in the near future.
  • This means that the buyer of this duplex flat in a large Victorian house can look forward to surroundings as scrubbed up as this newly refurbished property. Times, Sunday Times
  • Viewers can look forward to explosive storylines as Eve cranks up the heat. The Sun
  • We look forward to seeing you," the doctor answered formally. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • I look forward to someone adding it all up, but it's easily in the trillions.
  • All you have to look forward to now is unconsciousness.
  • They look forward to their rebirth as a nation.
  • Don't look forward to tomorrow, don't miss yesterday, to grasp today.
  • Now your feline companion has more than terrible puns to look forward to. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you really look forward to something it's often an anticlimax when it actually happens.
  • He advises folklorists to look back to ancient literature and classicists to look forward to folklore methods.
  • I look forward to the day when such dreams might be realized.
  • People look forward to enjoying the fruits of their labours during retirement.
  • We can look forward to the jobs of the future – serf, lawn jockey, manure shoveler, FauxNewsmodel, etc. Matthew Yglesias » Question to Ponder
  • When our meat-eating friends come to stay, they look forward to a succulent roasted rack of lamb, a juicy game pie, or an aromatic lamb moussaka.
  • I look forward to sharing a lasting trust with my fellow creatures, learning from their ways and restoring that relationship we used to have with the animals given to our care.
  • When she was ready to go up to Muro, she knew that without those letters life in such a solitude would be well nigh unsupportable, whereas, being able to look forward to them, and to answering them, her hours of idleness were already a foretasted pleasure. Taquisara
  • I look forward to "unsealing" more records, (personal & governmental), so that general citizens have more information on which to decide how elected officials and government operate on their behalf. Sound Politics: Dotzauer Divorce File Hearing
  • I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. May you have many gold years.
  • Now Marjorie can now look forward to more of the same, subject to six-monthly medicals.
  • I always look forward to getting home to my wife and children.
  • I always feel privileged to honor someone in this manner, and I look forward to doing so again next year.
  • I look forward to establishing a strong working relationship with you and to continue representing your company.
  • For months we've been subjected to proof after proof that we are no longer in control over our own bodies only to look forward to the ultimate humiliation of submission to the rite of passage - pain.
  • The bill is very good, and I look forward to its passage through Parliament.
  • However, I will certainly be keeping it on the shelf to look forward to in calmer days when I can appreciate Timothy's wisdom more fully. Timothy: Summary and book reviews of Timothy by Verlyn Klinkenborg.
  • Fans can look forward to nine discs of Blu-ray goodness, with bonus content culled from the previous DVD releases as well as digital copies of each movie and BD Live access. ‘The Hobbit’ And ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Updates To Brighten Your Monday » MTV Movies Blog
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Clinton would ‘look forward’ to Palin sit down « - Blogs from CNN. com Clinton would 'look forward' to Palin sit down
  • I look forward to following your 365 days of sketches – and in celebrating your victories as you are placed and win your comps. Frustrating artist « Write Anything
  • They look forward to the day when America's position in the world is much reduced and China's relative position much stronger - a condition they refer to as multipolarity.
  • I look forward to the candidate meeting I will attend next week - it's sure to be fizzing with excitement!
  • It was really bad for a while -- close to intolerable like yours -- then it kind of tapered off, then it was off-again, on-again as now, with blissful periods of complete absence so there is something to look forward to. Posthuman Blues
  • We look forward to his post as he’s a bit unpredictable – in agood way! Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » News and Notes
  • Pleased to look forward, pleased to look behind, and count each birthday with a grateful mind. Alexander Pope 
  • My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed.
  • It is another spectacle of the south-west monsoon that I look forward to.
  • We look forward to organising similar activities during the summer break.
  • We look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • We can only applaud the move and look forward to hearing the results. The Sun
  • He added: ‘I look forward to further funding in the voluntary housing sector in this county in the future.’
  • Athy Town Council tenants can look forward to having gas-fired central heating systems installed in their homes within the next few years.
  • Anyone lighting fireworks in a public place faces arrest and prosecution, so let's look forward to a few shamefaced souls in court.
  • I feel that any information we can share will be very useful to the both of us, and I look forward to a harmonious relationship between us.
  • I enjoy the search for new shades of established colours, and I look forward to merging them with my base tones and creating a different vision of how I perceive things to be.
  • You can look forward to a significant cash return by saving from as little as £10 a month.
  • Children on the Temple Hill estate can look forward to new swings, slides and climbing frames in Attlee Drive's playground.
  • I look forward to your cooperation in this new and progressive advance of medical science.
  • I look forward to seeing those results, especially if the controls on information leakage can be tightened up.
  • We wish the programme well for the future and look forward to seeing who is cast on the show. Times, Sunday Times
  • SEE YA! "or did things like mentioning a pitcher's" zaftig "ERA (which he really did on at least one occasion), I began to look forward to hearing his Kay-isms every night. Tony Sachs: Hey Fans! Iiiiiiiit's the Fake Michael Kay On Twitter! Who But!
  • They look forward to their rebirth as a nation.
  • I look forward, in the interests of justice and fearless investigative journalism, to future exposés.
  • The owner can also look forward to years of income from stud fees, at least until it is discovered whether the progeny can run as well as the father.
  • Your mind works faster and the plans that take shape give you much to look forward to. The Sun
  • In addition, we have expanded teacher training through the provision of full-cost service - contract fundza lushaka bursaries and we look forward to a new generation of teachers in our schools in the near future. ANC Today
  • And you need to have things to look forward to Rose, to distract you while you're waiting. RESCUING ROSE
  • If this is not done, neither leopards, nor humans will have much to look forward to in the days ahead.
  • You look forward to coming home, When you arrive home, you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.
  • I would look forward to reading your editorial accompanied by a well-thought-out illustration - now all you give me is pap.
  • Still only another couple of days and I can look forward to cooking on gas again when the gas fitter plumbs in the new hob.
  • Look forward, and China's internet-obsessed emerging middle class will surely have an appetite for liberty beyond the purely economic.
  • We can look forward to the time when it will reign supreme over the whole of thought and over all man's actions. Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
  • And again, in the closing sentences of the monitorial lecture of the Third Degree, the same sentiment is repeated, and we are told that by "the ever green and ever living sprig" the Mason is strengthened "with confidence and composure to look forward to a blessed immortality. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • After you simmer down and consider the qualified arguments made against you, I will look forward to your reply - public or private.
  • I love the fact that Sarah Palin annoys liberals – I look forward to her staying in the limelight! Palin set to let the tweets 'fly'
  • I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
  • I have 3 more returns to prepare and I do not look forward to having to reinput all of the information at another website, when I paid a considerable amount for this software and it does not work. Undefined
  • I look forward to reading, first, Petite and someday, your novel. materfamilias | Post mortem
  • You continue in your column to applaud the release of 70,000 mulloway fingerlings and say that you look forward to the day when other species are also released.
  • When we look forward with an eye of faith we shall see no reason to envy wicked people their prosperity, for their ruin is at the door and they are ripening apace for it, v. 2. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • I look forward to hearing from you. Yours truly, Taylor Champinski.
  • As fall comes, and the leaves turn and swirl in colorful whirlwinds, we eagerly look forward to it.
  • I apologize for this exceedingly long e-mail and look forward to any thoughts you might have.
  • This might 'desensitize' him by taking the object of his fear and converting it into something that he would look forward to. Daily News & Analysis
  • I am an avid reader of your magazine and look forward to picking up my issue every Thursday.
  • This session will be mainly organisational in nature, with a review of the last season's activities and a look forward to the coming months.
  • I look forward to talking to you in about three weeks to see at what point I got jack of this and decided that was the only way to handle it.
  • So, Vice-Premier, let me conclude. Successful talks, between ever closer economic partners. Once again, thank you for hosting us. And I look forward to the 2011 dialogue in the United Kingdom.
  • They look forward to taking her on rambling walks through the moors and, in time, teaching her how to play hockey. Times, Sunday Times
  • I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. May you have many gold years.
  • They look forward to the day when the factories and heavy machinery will be left to molder, and we will have the chance to return to the world of the village, the farm, the hunting camp, the tribe.
  • Equally they can look forward to the future with confidence and high expectations.
  • He is dutiful, which is good, but he is not exactly inspired, which is why I look forward to summer for him. Chicken Blog
  • By its periphery it is continuous with the ciliary body, and is also connected with the posterior elastic lamina of the cornea by means of the pectinate ligament; its surfaces are flattened, and look forward and backward, the anterior toward the cornea, the posterior toward the ciliary processes and lens. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 1. The Tunics of the Eye

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