How To Use Look at In A Sentence
Noel and Melva travel a great deal, allowing them to check out the marketplace, look at eating habits worldwide and find suitable equipment for the bakehouse.
It's impossible to look at yourself in a pair of new frames and not see another character.
Times, Sunday Times
But since the controversy is still very much alive, it seems advisable to take a new look at this issue.
I can find no legitimate references to the use of metallic, inorganic, or organic silver compounds as a sanitizer, disinfectant, or sterilizing agent. quaternary ammonium chloride compounds - Mixtures of compounds such as alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride, didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, dioctyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and octyl decyl dimethyl ammonium chloride are very commonly used as surface sanitizer; if you look at your household cleaners that claim disinfecting properties, there's a high percentage chance that you'll find a "quat".
Question ;Microdyne
If you look at the guys left in the battle, you ask who is the puppet master, who belongs to who?
The Sun

It is time to take a look at this most outstanding work on algebra in Greek mathematics.
In other words, you can look at one face and see loess topped by a paleosol and then covered in flow deposits.
NYT > Home Page
Describing the species as "cocooned", Ferguson then lamented the present day "look at me" culture.
Sir Alex Ferguson: I'm in no mood for retiring at Manchester United
Just look at that, now; you too are getting obstinate and huffish.
The Comedies of Terence Literally Translated into English Prose, with Notes
In many ways one can look at Wilkins's work as popularising the more technical writings of Mersenne.
Look at the nests of ants, how around them the land is barren.
A Plague of Angels
It is better to look at country groups than exact positions in the tables.
Times, Sunday Times
In their place you have to look at using low-joule cordials and soft drinks, plain mineral water and soda water, low fat milk and dry wines or spirits and even then limited to a maximum of two alcoholic drinks a day.
Just look at it - I want to see those trousers on my local librarian.
Times, Sunday Times
In the UK that is called conspiring to pervert the cause of justice and it's a very serious matter and I think the Metropolitan Police now have to look at this as a matter of urgency. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The present chapter takes a very broad comparative and evolutionary look at family and kinship.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
I don't suppose I could have a look at your newspaper, could I?
I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of.
Stay, look at this, "continued he, replying by a thrust in" seconde "to a straight thrust;" if I had lunged, I should have spitted you like a lark.
The Conspirators The Chevalier d'Harmental
Take a look at her age verses the care of the kids, would Michael risk his life risk his kids being devastated in loosing him as father …. the kids and family he always wanted, you have to wonder would he risk his life to drugs.
The Post-Mortem Legal Battles of Michael Jackson : Law is Cool
However, I will often look at an article that my lovely wife recommends.
front-page "ahed" today-a first-hand, real-time look at the layoffs that are swamping the economy.
Our study was powered primarily to look at the influence of bacterial vaginosis rather than chlamydial infection on miscarriage.
As such, you could look at religious tracts and systems as being blue-prints for consciousness.
Gwen flashed an angry look at her and went around her to the door, shutting it tightly behind her.
We should take a look at what is happening in our own backyard before criticizing what is taking place in other countries.
I basically look at the game as a parkour simulation with a story wrapped around it, and the aim of parkour is to get from one place to another as fast as possible.
Scattershot On My Way Out
The itch to touch something rather than just look at it is responsible for more dissolved marriages than any other desire.
Times, Sunday Times
Overeating and drunkenness both violated social moral codes, although the latter appears to have been a much weightier transgression: intoxication is frequently listed among the serious crimes — "pleasurable living," adultery, theft — mentioned by Sahagún's informants. 47 Indigenous drinking practices also shocked Spaniards who had their own ideals of moderation when it came to alcohol consumption, a topic that we look at in Chapter 4.
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
The White Shadow – A unique series that took a rather real look at urban life among predominately minority teen-agers.
Hulu Awards: Johnny Jay’s Final Wrap Up and Best of Hulu
Look at the uproar from the Police auth in the Met over officer (gulp) carrying guns on duty in public!
Have You Heard The One About……. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
But before we declare this the happy ending of a feminist fairytale, we must look at the more sinister afterword.
It turned my stomach to look at the pictures.
Look at those golfers toiling away to make pars!
Times, Sunday Times
As soon as she was alongside and made fast I went on board and had a good look at her interior, not forgetting to inscribe my name legibly on the most conveniently situated locker in the midshipmen's berth, after which I watched the operation of shipping and stowing her ballast.
A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
Look at a stone cutter hitting at the rock. Nothing happens at first, but after many strikes, the rocks eventually cracks. In life, don't doubt. Keep at it and it will happen. RVM
I will always, like the vast majority of people, look at a photo of myself and wince or cringe.
Times, Sunday Times
Charlie tried to lift her head to look at the house but the wind was blowing too hard for her to do so.
John, mum, I beg of you; for 'is temper's rather short at times, mum, thro' boin 'asmatic and the rheumatiz, though you wouldn't think it to look at' im, that you wouldn't; an 'I'm reely afraid, mum, he might get angry if anybody was to holler' im anythink for
The sludge from the bottom of the swamp that the dredge hauls up dripping and oozing at least has substance: you can dry it out, look at it through a microscope, describe it, or flush it down the toilet.
Scantily clad go-go girls give the crowd something to look at.
Nevertheless it is useful and justified to look at living systems from the functional point of view.
We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue.
But he could look at a switch when the transfer window reopens to get his season back on track.
The Sun
It's not just pretty to look at though, it's also incredibly playable.
This system looks at property value and does not look at issues around a company 's turnover.
Times, Sunday Times
I dunno .. if you look at the protanopia and deuteranopia pics on the wiki page for
Slashdot: Science
A second home test is to look at your finger nails - do they have lots of white flecks?
Body Odour
A close look at the work of Swiss psychologist jean Piaget illustrates how a cognitive psychologist views the mental processes individuals use in responding to their environment.
For the full monty, you'd have to look at how the Consumer Credit Act (and subsequent regulations) says it has to be done.
She had no idea she could do this before the forest; look at a good topo map of an area and visualize the view from the ground so well, and memorize the landmarks in such detail, it's as if she had been raised in the area her whole life.
If that sounds harsh or flippant, just take a look at the discographies of rock's most enduringly successful acts.
Times, Sunday Times
They look at it as a fertile ground for imagination and storytelling.
Times, Sunday Times
In the pictures his pride and pleasure are almost unbearable to look at.
Instead of doom and gloom, we need to look at it as an opportunity to turn the season around.
Times, Sunday Times
But we took a look at our poll and what we call the internal numbers in our poll, Suzanne.
CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009
Swallowing defensively, Mark said, " Don't look at me!".
You look at one of my documents on a screen, and hopefully you can tell that it's been crafted to make you want to read it.
We stopped to have a quick look at the church.
What's important is to discover why doctors find themselves in this situation and really look at the conversations doctors have with their patients.
Times, Sunday Times
Look at Arizona, a state torn apart with a needless immigration "debate;" needless insomuch as it exists now.
Charles Karel Bouley: Tucson: In the Blame Game, We All Lose
I look at this problem from a different viewpoint.
These guys are easy to spot when they are on the juice because if you get a good look at their eyes at the start line their pupils are as big as dinner plates!
Take a look at your expenses over the last year to get an idea of annual expenses, such as taxes, insurance and subscription services.
Nine years on, let's look at what the authors of the plan had in mind for Sligo after the road is built, particularly in terms of traffic flow and pedestrianisation.
Look at the brightness of what lies ahead and work out a way to make it come to you.
In this spirit, topologists regard any two objects that can be deformed into each other without tearing to be one and the same thing - have a look at Plus article In space, do all roads lead home?
Look at you biting your knuckle orgiastically while your leather minion whips a defenseless Isabelle De Funès.
Happy Birthday, Carroll Baker
Chastised, Elder Brother held his tongue, turning to look at Jinju as if to seek her support.
You don't have to be smart to be good at music - look at Gary.
Goodnight iPad written under the pen name Ann Droyd is a good humored look at the 21st Century's over teched lives that we lead.
Rocco Staino: Goodnight Moon Parody - Goodnight iPad Set to Hit Bookstores This Week (Video)
Then as they look at careers or get job offers, they can weigh them against their list of values.
When buying seeds look at where and how the seed is stored - cool, dry positions are best.
When you look at video encoding and transcoding today, it's so processor intensive.
I haven't been able to get a look at the number of coaches or locomotives yet.
You want to look at any philosophy that millions of people subscribe to, and some bad things are going to happen - but to my knowledge "godlessness" has really only been around for about 100 years, and in that amount of time its probably led to more murder, misery and mans 'inhumanity to man than all the other "isms" ever created.
Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
They look at the stupid action on the part of the police, in preferring those charges against Mr Ardern, and ask just what planet these people are on.
I wanted them to take an overall look at the fixture list and make some changes to help us.
To understand this, you have to turn the clock back and take a look at our ancient ancestors.
The Sun
They say it is a way to avoid a closer look at the venture.
And then we look at two competing approaches to deal with the following computational problem: given a Markov System with Rewards, compute the expected long-term discounted rewards.
The sun was so dazzling that it was impossible to even look at its reflection in the water.
She cast one more longing look at the tempting bed before she walked to the window.
I must warn you that this image will shock and frighten you and if you are old or weak please do not look at it.
We have to learn tolerance, to look at our behaviour and to stop being self-righteous.
Look at those hollyhocks, like pyramids of roses; those garlands of the convolvulus major of all colours, hanging around that tall pole, like the wreathy hop-bine; those magnificent dusky cloves, breathing of the Spice Islands; those flaunting double dahlias; those splendid scarlet geraniums, and those fierce and warlike flowers the tiger-lilies.
Our Village
In the next sections we'll take a closer look at each of the best practices by discussing how they may translate to the moviemaking business.
However, a closer look at the tissue of the dream reveals the most precarious of balances between the concerns of the individual and those of the family and community.
He treated her like a carload of nitroglycerine, but she didn't look at him, only at me.
Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
We must learn to look at all the options and make choices.
Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
I mean, you can sing in joual, too - look at Daniel Boucher or Charlebois.
Look at the evidence: it has a pink spine and the word "girlz" in the title, so obviously I didn't read it, and I certainly didn't read it twice, nor enjoy it both times, nor look for a second volume on the Internet after I finished it.
Comics Review: Battle Girlz
For keys with sharps, look at the last sharp in the series of sharps, and say the catch phrase ‘little step up, big step down.’
It seems the only thing I like to do on the interweb is look at pictures of chicks.
We did not pull all our Troop out of Korea and they apprieated to this day but we gradually let them take over there own destine and boy look at them now.
Republican: Obama must lead on Afghanistan
He had not been much to look at before the Changement ceremony, which had incarnadined his eyes and turned his brown hair silver.
Look at yourself. Are your eyes twinkling? Is your heart dancing? Are your lips smiling? If yes, then you are truly enjoying your life. RVM
The good news (or bad, depending on how you look at it) is that I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Look at the collected works of Sandra Bullock for your proof.
Look at how a few NGO groups last year used peaceful candlelight vigils for their own selfish purposes to galvanize public opinion.
To begin to understand how any wine is made we must first look at the composition of the grape.
I think if you look at the way the Washington Redskin (s) played in some of the games toward the end of the season, they started to kind of jell together, have that chemistry, they started to play together and they played in a lot of close games.
T.O. thinks the Redskins need a receiver
Every time I look at a flight of hurdles now I can still feel myself making the three strides between each and then getting my legs in the right position.
What's instructive is to look at how the Obama campaign responded: challenge the facticity and factiousness of the ACORN story -- and get it explained about how ridiculous it is, and let the pictures of the McCain/Palin supporters diffuse themselves across the i-net.
Colin Powell Endorses Obama
Please look at category 21 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
You have to take a look at the nature of your prospective employer.
Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
Are you ready to take a look at the effects of the sexual revolution on erotic cinema?
When we look at this Hadith, we have a glimpse of life in the early Islamic period.
We are dropouts from society, useless dregs who make no contribution, so it is inevitable that people will look at us strangely and with contempt.
He would smile mysteriously at her, or look at her with a new kind of interest that made her feel awkward and clumsy around him.
It must be so redeeming knowing you have to plasticize yourself to the teeth to try to look attractive
The Superficial - Because You're Ugly
Please look at category 3 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
That is, they sound good on a superficial level, but a look at the fine print shows a different picture.
He could not look at Zoya's hurt face and he walked off.
But then, look at the effect she was having on this poor old dodderer, who wouldn't know scholarship if it was served up on a plate with piccalilli relish.
Dragonfly in Amber
Directors instantly knew where they were in the pecking order by a quick look at the seating plan.
I loved to browse in shops and look at shoes and clothes, necklaces and earrings.
Christianity Today
On group rides if we get called fags my friends all look at/blame me
Anti-Veloism: Weird, Creepy Bike Hate
For an endoscopy, a thin tube with a tiny camera inside it is put down your throat and into your esophagus so the doctor can look at it.
Here's a light-hearted look at how they may vote.
The Sun
But at least we still have the ability to go back and look at the actual past, not the Fox News simulated version.
Straight after the funeral the undertaker gave us all the paperwork and had it in a folder for us, and said this was for our keeping, just to look at later.
So the next logical step is to take a look at how to install, run and remove applications from Windows.
You might think so look at the implied colouration but a writer can easily come unstuck trying to blend the two.
Archive 2010-02-01
The county remains agog since that superlative victory over Tipperary and supporters will relish this latest opportunity to get another look at the heroes of that unforgettable day.
Get the right look at a bargain price with these fab wide leg jeans.
The Sun
Why not have a look at the real solutions such as renewable power sources and better energy efficiency?
It's got everything - woofers, tweeters, cup holder and an impressive-looking front panel that screams ‘Hey, look at me!’
You look at any successful side long term.
Times, Sunday Times
I reckon that gobby bitch who got slapped got all that she deserved (and look at her lapping up the publicity, even that leech Clifford is on it now).
Policeman killed - NO STORY. Woman slapped - BIG STORY. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
This month's personal finance column therefore takes a back to basics look at expatriate tax.
To see an obvious example of asymmetry, just look at your hands.
I would ask a fiberglass specialist at a local marina or even a surveyor to look at it.
I look at my big daft name on the back wall and nervously come down the stairs.
The Sun
You can look at countless examples of that, of books that have lasted that you wouldn't have reckoned on lasting.
Think about what you would like to look at out here: tulips, wisteria, song birds flocking to a birdbath?
Please look at category 9 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
Peter kept his eyes on the road with great difficulty; he wanted to look at her with moonstruck eyes and experience her loveliness all over again.
Amy had a bower in hers, rather small and earwiggy, but very pretty to look at, with honeysuckle and morning-glories hanging their colored horns and bells in graceful wreaths all over it, tall white lilies, delicate ferns, and as many brilliant, picturesque plants as would consent to blossom there.
Little Women
And when you look at overall use of fumigants, including methyl bromide, chloropicrin and Telone, you find that the amount of dangerous fumigants used is much higher than it was 20 years ago.
The Full Feed from
You look at them at first and think that the cubes are solid, but then you discover that some aren't.
Times, Sunday Times
Let's look at some of the benefits of an image rotator.
Ordinary working with unusual attitude to complete, simple questions to use a comprehensive thinking to decision, the matter will look at the way, distant ideal rely on real efforts to achieve.
Look at Mengelberg, look at Furtwängler, and look at the rest of the Mitteleuropa-trained composers in the past one hundred years.
Mengelberg's Mahler
Having some transindental brain fart and not being able “to look at something I've killed” is a load of poopy (sorry, need to keep this clean for the kids).
The Meat Not Eaten
It is also beneficial to take a close look at ballooning household assets and liabilities.
BROOKS: You know, you look at these two parents -- you know, you look up the word narcissist and you ` re going to see Richard Heene ` s picture in the dictionary.
CNN Transcript Oct 30, 2009
Who else challenges us as we look at depths in his life that makes us shake and tremble with longing to be like him?
Christianity Today
Book critic Carlin Romano, who is also critic-at-large for the Chronicle of Higher Education (in which role he was a finalist last year for a Pulitzer in criticism), takes a look at that dubious aphorist, E.M. Cioran.
An Inquirer trifecta ...
You look at love in a wise way and see the difference between flattery and genuine feelings.
The Sun
He became calm and peaceful and was able to look at the real issue and deal with it.
Christianity Today
They must look at how much disposable cash people have left after credit card bills and other loans are paid off.
The Sun
Anything that was seen to be unsafe, somebody stopped something for - stopped a ship from loading or discharging in order to have a look at it, examine it and modify it, or what have you.
It was quite a battle persuading them to look at my wretched video at all.
Times, Sunday Times
Either way you look at it, someone who advocates legalizing racial discrimination in employment or in the provision of public accommodations is fairly described as a racist.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
A well-groomed carpet of grass may be nice to look at, but gas-powered mowers pollute the air with noxious fumes.
I only have to look at other members who now have that security where food is concerned.
Beyond it we must look at actual behaviour to assess the impact of higher taxes on incentives.
If you look at Obama's full quote -- which you can read right here -- it's very clear that Obama was not directly "regretting" the failure of the court to be "radical.
McCain Campaign Falsely Claims Obama Described Court's Failure to Redistribute Wealth As "Tragedy"
I sighed, rolled my head around to look at her: huddled up into her corner of the carriage, hugging her knees with feet on the upholstery.
When she tried to look at anything else, the imperfections and the failings leapt out at her, the single thread unravelling in the otherwise perfect tapestry.
An atmosphere of trust encourages people to look at themselves in a positive way - which is obviously the most effective way of preventing misbehavior.
A closer look at the census figures shows a much more disturbing trend.
Look at that young fellow.
At the desk, customers can make appointments with personal shoppers, arrange private shopping parties, request monogramming, preorder items from its high-end Collection line, look at color swatches for bridesmaid dresses that are sold online, and order clothes, such as those from the kids 'line called crewcuts, that aren't carried in most stores.
Concierge Services and Mismatched Socks
The team is viewed as vigorously expansionist, and is rumoured to be prepared to look at investments in local newspapers, radio stations and new internet opportunities.
Third, there are the truly restless - the oddballs and eccentrics who always seem to want to look at things from a different angle.
The whole world needs to get a look at items such as her hand tooled bronc halters and her embellished denim garments.
We must change the way we live because pastoralism is no longer viable, and we have to look at other ways of livelihood, said Murugi.
Kenya Minister ‘Satisfied’ With Effort to Combat Drought, Famine
I'd look at other women and envy their curvy figures.
The Sun
The contingency is 415 million, and there is another 400 million contingency tolling, please look at page two of the estimate, the tunnel boring estimated cost is $350 million dollars.
Open Letter to the Council: Take the Same Damn Risk You’re Asking Us To Take « PubliCola
In particular, we shall look at the issue of whether objects must be individuated under the kind of sortal expressions that correspond to Aristotelian substance concepts, or whether a more generic notion, such as physical body, will suffice.
Jill offered her profuse thanks, and allowed Alex to show her around his place, but not without casting a look at me over her shoulder.
November 30th, 2007 at 3: 17 pm chodin says: roker: "christian, do you ever look at newborn babies and picture yourself biting into their heads like a cadbury egg?
If you look at the interactions with my wife in this blog, that appears to be a recurring theme.
There is nothing wrong with making money, but are we supposed to be sorry for the inept and obtuse customer care services (ever look at a invoice from a insurance company?) and compassion less “death panels” of the health insurance industry and the thoughtless, cavalier and deceptive practices of the financial dealings on wall street (GS and the Greek economy comes to mind)?
Think Progress » Rep. McCotter complains that Obama ‘demonizes’ Wall Street and insurance companies.
Roger, this is pretty clear and I rebutted it: " need to look at the total numbers of middies entering his class and how they attrit out during the four years.
Jay Leno to John McCain: "For $1 million, how many houses do you have?"
Rather, the curators have used their resources with ingenuity to make us look at Dutch painting in a very different way.
We greeted each other with a wave and I gestured for him to look at the door.
The city centre has been spruced up in recent years, although to look at the grimy exteriors you wouldn't know it.
Teflon is very durable but will burn off if you get the temperatures too high (take a look at your Teflon coated cookware), though that is not likely to happen on a regular use hunting rifle.
What is more rust resistant stainless steel or the newer teflon coatings?
Using the window like a movie screen or a theatrical proscenium, he constructs a scenario familiar from all visual narrative forms: the characters look at each other while we look at them.
Please look at category 49 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.
Look at you in that picture – even your overcoat is puffed up and 2 sizes too big to try stop the world realizing how small you truly are.
White House fires back at Bush comments: 'We won'
Four years ago the Inland Revenue had a look at this automatic deduction of tax and estimated that over the past few years it had taken £300 million from four million people who should have paid no tax at all.
Take a look at the clip on my website and you'll see security helping him back to his feet, stifling their laughs.
The Sun
This month and next, we will look at a simple web-based address book and appointment calendar that demonstrate this three-tier approach.
I wanted to be a bit more straight about the collaborativeness of writing a novel — how many other people look at it, touch it, think about it, help with it.
Zadie, Take Three
It's not often that a girl gets the opportunity to have an in-depth look at her own norks, but I did today.
We stopped to have a quick look at the church.
You can look at the social atlas of Sydney and see twelve bright red dots on the map.
Þ sech x ¼ 2 = ðex þ eÀx Þ coth x ¼ ðex þ eÀx Þ = ðex À eÀx Þ Now let's look at the graphs of the six hyperbolic functions.
Recently Uploaded Slideshows
Thanks to this project NetBeans can provide basic support for lots of different languages - and if you invent your own language make sure to look at Schliemann to get some nice support in the IDE.
Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
If they are less confident it may be better to look at an all-in-one package in which the components are known to work together.
Times, Sunday Times
I had a dialect coach on the set of the film and he advised me to look at myself naked in the mirror, to tame myself.
Times, Sunday Times
Look at all these knee jerk reactions which criticize the U. S. for "imposing" its values on China.
The pupils will also visit Bradford's Colour Museum to look at how patterns are printed onto fabrics, and the city's industrial museum to see how fabric was made in the 19th century.