How To Use Longitude In A Sentence
Adopting, the additional computative burden imposed by it notwithstanding, Schonfeld's modification of Airy's formulæ, he introduced into his equations a fifth unknown quantity expressive of a possible stellar drift in galactic longitude.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
The principle of the itinerary engine is simple: from a departure address and an arrival address, or from longitude/latitude coordinates, Maporama International's servers calculate an optimized itinerary, respecting several constraints: the shortest or the more rapid itinerary, a pedestrian or car itinerary, a multimodal itinerary
Internet News: Travel Archives
The Longitude Act established a blue ribbon panel of judges that became known as the Board of Longitude.
Found it to be in south latitude 28 degrees 55 minutes by meridian altitudes of sun, Aquilae (Altair), and Lyra, and in longitude about 121 degrees 10 minutes East.
Explorations in Australia, Illustrated,
It was called Longitude and it became an international bestseller, making Dava Sobel the most bankable name in popular science writing.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart, with the time and date.
It was charted and well known to all navigators, lying on the line of 16o west longitude, right at its intersection by the tenth parallel north latitude, and only a few miles away from Diana Shoal.
Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
The second and third groupings were obviously longitude and latitude coordinates.
It's a must-have for the new sport of geocaching - a high-tech treasure hunt in which you're given a latitude and longitude to help you find a hidden stash.
To this Tycho objected, and Kepler had great difficulty in convincing him that the new move would be any improvement, but undertook to prove to him by actual examples that a false position of the orbit could by adjusting the equant be made to fit the longitudes within five minutes of arc, while giving quite erroneous values of the latitudes and second inequalities.
During the voyage he experimented with the lunar position method of determining longitude.
Wink looked at the chart and at their position listed as latitude and longitude in a continuous readout on his PTID.
The zero degree line of longitude slices down through Greenwich, dividing London into western and eastern hemispheres.
Whereas meridians of longitude loop, from the North Pole to the South and back again, in great circles of the same size, converging at the ends of the earth.
A straight line on the polyconic chart represents a near approach to a great circle, making a slightly different angle with each meridian of longitude as they converge toward the poles.
Lectures in Navigation
The Degree Confluence Project is an interesting initiative to take an organized sampling of the world by visiting and photographing each point of Earth’s surface where latitude and longitude intersect in integer degrees.
Reflective Surface - Archives: 2003 April
So if you tell the story of time coordination as a pure history of ideas then Poincare's references to telegraphy and telegraphic longitude remain…
In the following figure, P is the pole of the earth; E the pole of the ecliptic; L the pole of the lunar orbit; V the mean position of the pole of the vortex at the time; the angle ♈ EL the true longitude of the pole of the lunar orbit, equal to the _true_ longitude of the ascending node
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
They are primarily seen at 40 degrees south latitude, and they appear at many longitudes.
From palaeomagnetism we can determine palaeolatitude and the rotation of a terrane through time, but the palaeomagnetic data give no insight into palaeolongitude.
Schouten and other heroic marine worthies of distant times had navigated the globe, discovered new worlds, penetrated into the most secret solitudes of the deep without any notion of longitude and with no better instruments to take the sun's height than the forestaff and astrolabe.
The Frozen Pirate
The mashup involved "geotagging" photos from Flickr by adding latitude and longitude data, and locating them on Google Maps.
Curry, writing from the Department of Geography of the University of North Carolina, reported that, in 1963 and 1964, during studies of Little Ice Age glaciation and nivation in the mountains of southwestern U.S., a number of stands of bristlecone pine were encountered, including a previously unstudied stand at Wheeler Peak in east Nevada gazetteeer location: 38.9861N; Longitude: -114.312.
Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
Polus 'lies, correct those errors in navigation, reform cosmographical charts, and rectify longitudes, if it were possible; not by the compass, as some dream, with Mark Ridley in his treatise of magnetical bodies, cap.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
Any object on the same hour circle will have the same right ascension, just as any place on earth on the same meridian of longitude has the same longitude.
The latitude of the eastermost, which is also the largest, is 5° 48 'S. and its longitude, west of Tonikaky, 7° 52'.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 12 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
During the voyage he experimented with the lunar position method of determining longitude.
His other instruments still worked fine - sextants, reflecting circle, artificial horizon, telescope, chronometer, several compasses and probably a couple of thermometers - and he continued recording latitudes and longitudes.
The 26th we made the coaft of Chiniai, and Pedra Blanca, an infulated white rock in the middle of the fea, fituate, accordmg to Sir Erafmus Gower, in latitude twenty-two degrees nineteen minutes north, longitude eaft of Paris one hundred and twelve degrees thirty - feven minutes*.
Voyages and TRavels in All Parts of the World
Like the lines of longitude on Earth, each great circle eventually intersects with every other great circle at the poles of the sphere.
Her certificate of discharge even recorded the longitude and latitude at which the company's contractual obligations ended.
I cannot, however, think that botanical evidence of such a nature is sufficient to warrant a satisfactory reference of these Indian coal-fields to the same epoch as those of England or of Australia; in the first place the outlines of the fronds of ferns and their nervation are frail characters if employed alone for the determination of existing genera, and much more so of fossil fragments: in the second place recent ferns are so widely distributed, that an inspection of the majority affords little clue to the region or locality they come from: and in the third place, considering the wide difference in latitude and longitude of
Himalayan Journals — Complete
The author's discussion of how chronometers were employed for comparison of longitudes between ports is not entirely accurate and he appears not to fully understand the principles employed.
In his instructions for constructing a celestial globe, Ptolemy recommended that all longitudes should be measured from Sirius, so that it would not become out of date as a result of precession.
It's easy enough to gauge an asteroid's longitude and latitude (ascension and declination in astro-speak), but figuring out its current celestial position is tricky.
Like the lines of longitude on Earth, each great circle eventually intersects with every other great circle at the poles of the sphere.
Harrison was born in the nearby village of Foulby and, after learning his trade in Yorkshire, became famous for inventing the first timekeeper accurate enough to determine longitude at sea.
Passing by the great valley of the Mississippi, the next division is the region known as the Great Plains, which extends from the 97th meridian of W. longitude to the base of the Rocky Mountains.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
As you move away from the equator and toward the poles, the longitude lines get closer together, creating a nonhomogeneous globe.
Here the zero lines of longitude and latitude - the Greenwich meridian and the equator - bisect.
Ocean, inclusive of the Bering Sea, which is situated to the north of the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude and eastward of the one hundred and eightieth degree of longitude from Greenwich till it strikes the water boundary described in Article I of the treaty of 1867 between the United States and Russia, and following that line up to Bering
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
Longitude lines converge; latitude lines don't.
Steering about North 81 degrees East magnetic, over lightly-grassed country, thinly wooded for sixteen miles, we camped a mile and a half west of Mount Malcolm, in south latitude 28 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds by meridian altitude of Aquilae (Altair), and in longitude about 121 degrees 27 minutes East.
Explorations in Australia, Illustrated,
Greenwich was adopted as the universal time meridian of longitude from which standard times throughout the world are calculated.
All places on the same meridian have the same longitude.
The custom software passively logs the latitude and longitude, the signal strength, the network name, and other vital stats.
The varying relationship between geocentric and heliocentric longitudes makes it difficult to calculate the exact chance of such a thing happening in any chart, but it is certainly over 95%.
After the occurrence of flares either the arrangement of magnetic polarity or the neutral line of the longitude field tends to a relatively stable state.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
They are primarily seen at 40 degrees south latitude, and they appear at many longitudes.
The process of mapping itself, now much more accurate thanks to Britain's invention of the chronometer for measuring longitude, allowed the British to perceive the globe as an integrated whole.
The chronometer, incidentally, is kaput, which doesn't matter at all -- I still wouldn't be able to relate the chronometer to longitude.
These paintings, like the GPS longitude, latitude, and time read-outs, simply mark the artist's presence.
How it came to me I know not -- call it an inspiration if you will; but the thought arose in me: if southing is latitude, why isn't westing longitude?
Chapter 14
Also, in the same year, he began the measurement of the arc of the meridian (longitude line) through Paris.
To get your first map, determine the latitude and longitude of the center of your new map.
From palaeomagnetism we can determine palaeolatitude and the rotation of a terrane through time, but the palaeomagnetic data give no insight into palaeolongitude.
all points on the same meridian have the same longitude
Such locations were defined based on the latitude and longitude of the center of the country (or continental area) of origin.
Firstly, remember that your longitude is the angular distance West of the Greenwich meridian.
Latitudes and longitudes were known for each site, but the precise relationship between them was not known.
If the middle latitude be not an even degree, but have odd minutes; find the diiFercnce of longitude, for the even degrees next lefs and greater, and add a proportional part of the difFerence between the two refults to the leiTer; the fum will be the diffe - rence of longitude fought.
Mathematical Tables: Containing Common, Hyperbolic, and Logistic Logarithms ...
Its goal is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location.
The chronometer, incidentally, is kaput, which doesn't matter at all -- I still wouldn't be able to relate the chronometer to longitude.
On the surface of the earth, the shortest path between two points (taking one of the points to be the North Pole) is along the meridian of fixed longitude connecting the North Pole to the other point.
The Pleiades is a nebulous cluster of stars, all contained within one degree of longitude, located on the shoulder of the Bull.
Another way is that we need three numbers to exactly locate ourselves on the Earth: longitude, latitude and elevation above sea level.
In 1964 the first Trisanku (!), Syncom, with the generic scientific name geostationary satellite/geosynchronous satellite was placed above a fixed longitude on the equator, and thereby a myth became a reality.
MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part II)
Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
He returned with astronomically determined latitudes and longitudes for many of the places he had visited, essential data for accurate mapping.
George Crabb in 1823 defined co-ordinates now dropping its hyphen as “a term applied to the absciss and ordinates when taken in connexion,” later better known as the magnitudes that determine the position of a point; geographers and navigators still later used coordinates to describe the use of longitude and latitude in locating a spot on the globe.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
It also gives a method to determine longitude based on eclipses of the Moon.
Each standard atlas covers thirty minutes of latitude and longitude at a scale of four miles to the inch, and fills one page in the book.
A world known only to her and one in which mice and birds have etched meridians and longitudes, mapping her territory.
Their parade was, according to circumstances, a low haugh at the nether end of the ruinous hamlet, or the esplanade in the front of the old castle; and, in either case, the direct longitude of their promenade never exceeded a hundred yards.
Saint Ronan's Well
The tension between these two men turned the last stretch of the quest for the longitude prize into a pitched battle.
The 12 Marquesas Islands are located approximately 5,500 kilometers (km) west of South America at 8º to 11ºS latitude and 139º to 141ºW longitude.
Marquesas tropical moist forests
After the occurrence of flares either the arrangement of magnetic polarity or the neutral line of the longitude field tends to a relatively stable state.
The bulk consists of lists of places with longitude and latitude, with brief descriptions of important topographical features.
For example, on geographers' globes of the Earth we use a grid of latitude and longitude lines to label positions on the Earth's surface uniquely.
Many of the perturbations to the atmosphere that we see occur over very large spatial scales, so it's very important to be able to collaborate with people who operate equipment at other latitudes and other longitudes.
So-called solutions to the longitude problem had been a dime a dozen even before the act went into effect.
Triangulation also fixed any specific point within the comprehensive graticule of longitude and latitude that described the shape and size of the globe.
Our position is longitude 116 degrees east.
What I saw of this country between the second and eighth degrees of latitude, and the sixty-sixth and seventy-first degrees of longitude, is entirely composed of granite, and of a gneiss passing into micaceous and talcous slate.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The liquid crystal display crept to latitude 51 O4" 58.23 ' north, longitude Olo 23 ' O2.22 ' east.
The approximate center of the island group is eight degrees north latitude and 169 east longitude.
That's the instant the sun is aligned with the degree line of longitude, or the prime meridian - also called the Greenwich Meridian.
Every four minutes of difference would indicate 1 degree of longitude to the east or the west.
The signal is located 97 degrees west longitude with a downlink frequency of 12146.00 MHz.
The grid of longitude and latitude looks the same from either the ‘top’ or the ‘bottom’ of the world.
This map is plotted in galactic coordinates - the plane of the Milky Way galaxy passes across the middle of this chart with the zero point of galactic latitude and longitude pointing directly at the galactic centre.
At the right longitude and latitude, the resort has plentiful snowfall.
To put the case more concisely, the _Star of the North_ had been carried for the distance of _four degrees and a half_ exactly of longitude backward on her outward track to New York and some _two degrees_ or thereabouts to the southwards, placing us as nearly as possible in the position the skipper had already indicated, a direction of some five hundred miles more or less from our proper course and about midway between Bermuda and the Azores, or Western Islands.
The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
_Cocktail_ is in longitude 40° 39 'latitude 22° 50', sailing closehauled on the port tack at 8 knots in a 15-knot nor'-nor 'westerly breeze -- how soon before she sights the Azores?
Second Plays
All meridians of longitude - imaginary lines that stretch from the North Pole to the South Pole - begin at this pole.
He spread his hand out along a longitude line, then used it to measure their distance to Lebanon.
In such circumstances it is not surprising that a wrong reading is made of the latitudes and longitudes and very soon the young one finds himself sinking deeper and deeper into this bog of multiple explanations.
Another of ibn Sina's contributions to astronomy was his attempt to calculate the difference in longitude between Baghdad and Gurgan by observing a meridian transit of the moon at Gurgan.
For his lunar theory [Hipparchus] needed to establish the mean motions of the Moon in longitude, anomaly and latitude.
It is the entire assemblage in its individuated aggregate that is a haecceity; it is this assemblage that is defined by a longitude and a latitude, by speeds and affects, independently of forms and subjects, which belong to another plane.
All you do is add a couple of "geotags" (i.e latitude and longitude) to each photo so that viewers can identify the precise location of each shot.
Ney of the Department of Geodetic Survey of Canada, who was interested in the work of determining the latitude and longitude of ports en route; Mr. Brown, of the Federal Department of Agriculture, whom we regarded as the bugologist.
To the Top of the World With the Eastern Arctic Patrol
The expedition carried a chronometer for measuring longitude, although winding it each day at noon was a challenge.
Advances in the development of these instruments made such calculations easier and more precise, for example: the "course protractor", the "cuadrant", the "octant and the sextant", and the "longitude clock", which was a precision chronometer.
Sailing on and on
A similar feature is found at 13 degrees North between 230 degrees and 250 degrees longitude.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
A similar feature is found at 13 degrees North between 230 degrees and 250 degrees longitude.
Proposals were being made to solve the longitude problem and in 1673 one based on magnetic declination was proposed by a certain Henry Bond.
For that you need the geodata (longitude and latitude) and a capable device.
The additional functionality will be supplied by features such as geographic analysis tools, geocoding, and latitude and longitude input capability.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart, with the time and date.
He also suggested a standard linear measurement, which he called the mille, based on the length of the arc of one degree of longitude on the Earth's surface and divided decimally.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
The town is at longitude 28° west.
Table 1 lists the stations, their latitudes, longitudes, elevations above sea level and the time periods for which data are studied.
He also determined the latitude and longitude of many stars, and measured the greatest declination of the planet Mercury.
Most school students know the answer to this question: What is the meridian of longitude used to calculate Indian Standard Time?
Their aim was to find a position of the “equant,” such that these observations would show a constant angular motion about it; and that the computed positions would agree in latitude and longitude with the actual observed positions.
He then marked off where the lines of longitude crossed the parallel of Rhodes, taking 400 stadia per degree.
The map's meridians of longitude would serve as the sundial's hour lines, creating a union of time and space for that particular location — something no dialist or clockmaker had ever before achieved ...
Boing Boing
By agreement, the longitude passing through Greenwich of Observatory is called the prime meridian.
Cook's first expedition in 1767 was to observe the transit of the planet Venus, and it was during his voyages - with the development of an accurate chronometer - that the measurement of longitude became an exact science.
Each image above shows the globe of Phoebe, centered at the given longitude.
Without an accurate chart, the precise latitude and longitude, often to three decimals provided by the GPS, is just a set of numbers.
Terrestrial longitude is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian.
The equator is the line C, D, which upon the globe is a circle, and is sometimes called the equinoctial: Upon this circle the degrees of longitude are reckoned, beginning at C, and counting all round the globe till you come to C again; and O is the middle of the world between A and B, which are the two poles thereof: A representing the
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The map has no indicator of orientation except the graticule, the latitude and longitude grid.
Not by accident, he used Harrison's chronometer and lunar distances to calculate longitudes accurately.
[* I found the latitude of Santo Tomas de la Nueva Guiana, commonly called Angostura, or the Strait, near the cathedral, 8° 8′ 11″, the longitude 66° 15′ 21″.]
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
In the latitude of 29° 30 ', longitude 41° 30', the wind slackened and veered more to the S.E. We now began to see some of that sea-plant, which is commonly called gulph-weed, from a supposition that it comes from the Gulph of Florida.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 15 Forming A Complete History Of The Origin And Progress Of Navigation, Discovery, And Commerce, By Sea And Land, From The Earliest Ages To The Present Time
Anywhere within about 90 degrees of longitude of that meridian will be able to see the complete eclipse.
We have GPS points given in latitude and longitude (3D spherical coordinates).
Wolfram Blog : Mapping GPS Data
Originally, Goldblatt intended to photograph the 120 points in the country where lines of latitude and longitude intersect but abandoned this idea for a more serendipitous journey into the platteland.
Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
I observed to-night an occultation of _a Geminorum_; which, although at the bright limb of the moon, appears to give a very good result, that has been adopted for the longitude.
The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
‘If you project that hypocentre to the surface, you would get the epicentre which is the latitude and longitude,’ he said.
Lynch said each quake had a hypocentre - latitude, longitude and depth - which would give the location below the ground.
He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
The chronometer, which is merely the least imperfect time-piece man has devised, makes possible the surest and easiest method by far of ascertaining longitude.
Seven years later, in 1855, Mr. Gregory landed on the north-west coast for the purpose of exploring the Victoria River, and after penetrating as far south as latitude 20 degrees 16 minutes, longitude 131 degrees 44 minutes, he was compelled to proceed to the head of the Gulf of Carpentaria, and thence to Sydney along the route taken by Dr. Leichardt in 1844.
The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
He came to England to try to obtain an award from the Board of Longitude but his instruments were detained by the Customs as he entered the country.
Whereas terrestrial longitude uses meridians of longitude, right ascension uses hour circles which run between the north and south celestial poles.
Cassini wrote a detailed description of precisely how the longitude measurements were to be carried out.
Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
This displaces the track of totality about 60 degrees east in longitude.
I decided to take the mantissa of the latitude and longitude points (everything to the right of the decimal point) and combine them together to get a unique id.
O'Reilly News and Commentary
One person who presented his ideas on the longitude was Jacques Graindorge, the prior of a Benedictine abbey in Fontenay near Caen.
Other published co-ordinates agree with the latitude, but longitude can vary by as much as 0.03 minutes west.
As of 1791, the meter was defined as one ten-millionth the distance from the North Pole to the equator along the line of longitude that passes through Paris.
My ubiety involves being at 40.748 latitude and -74.050 longitude.
Factoring in the effects of ocean currents, fickle winds, and errors in judgment, he then determined his longitude.
The Board of Longitude finds that this set is both a useful and practicable solution to my need for entertainment.
To picture the difference, start with the way geographers mark longitude and latitude on Earth's surface.
Wink looked at the chart and at their position listed as latitude and longitude in a continuous readout on his PTID.
Tidal movements are displayed graphically based on your current latitude and longitude, and the lunitidal interval.
The geohashing algorithm generates a point on the Earth within each square bordered by integer latitude and longitude lines (known as a graticule).
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Assignment of local standard times was based on the nearest standard meridian to the east of the simulation longitude.
For, while Palmer could not have "coasted" to 44o West as the Antarctic coast veers far south along the Weddell Sea around 57o West., that is the longitude of the South Orkney Islands.
Palmer, Nathaniel
The red line down the face of the building marks the precise longitude at which time begins.
To do this I had to "geotag" each one with its exact latitude and longitude, which was remarkably time-consuming.
The measurement of longitude meridians, in comparison, is tempered by time.
On shore, observers will be equipped with binoculars and an instrument called a theodolite, which will allow them to scan the horizon and calculate distance to the whales, and the whales 'latitude and longitude.
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Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
In 1730 Harrison visited London, taking with him his gridiron pendulum and the grasshopper escapement which he had developed, and there he learnt exactly what was required to win the longitude prize.
This line of longitude cuts through the jungle.
The town is at longitude 28° west.
The name Karakoram is appropriated to the eastern part of the system which originates at E. longitude 79° near the Pangong lake in the
The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
The first part described geographical and astronomical terms such as latitude, longitude, meridian, poles, eclipses, signs of the zodiac etc.
From A it is parallel transported along the equator to B and then returned along another line of longitude to the pole.
It discusses topics such as geometry, geography and algebra with applications to the longitudes of the planets.
His concept was to pinpoint the exact intersection of every latitude and longitude line in South Africa, and standing on that point, let his eye roam until it framed an image he wished to record on camera.
The varying relationship between geocentric and heliocentric longitudes makes it difficult to calculate the exact chance of such a thing happening in any chart, but it is certainly over 95%.
Reliable chronometers, first available on Cook's second voyage, allowed more reliable determination of longitude.
Down the left of the chart Galileo lists the longitude and latitude for each planet.
The most difficult part of this process turned out to be converting the grid coordinate from military to latitude and longitude.
Ptolemy was free, however, to lay his prime meridian, the zero-degree longitude line, wherever he liked.
How it came to me I know not - call it an inspiration if you will; but the thought arose in me: if southing is latitude, why is n't westing longitude?
The Amateur Navigator
It discusses topics such as geometry, geography and algebra with applications to the longitudes of the planets.
Factoring in the effects of ocean currents, fickle winds, and errors in judgment, he then determined his longitude.
Topics covered include the longitudes of the planets, problems relating to the daily rotation of the heavens, eclipses of the sun and the moon, risings and settings, the lunar crescent, and conjunctions of the planets.
You may notice that both these institutions of higher education are a mere stone's throw from my current longitude and latitude.
And I think the longitude information is incorrect as that 104* + would put it way West of Colima instead of south east, as I read Guia roji.
Colima, Colima advise Help?
Perhaps there was a way to read longitude in the relative positions of the celestial bodies.