How To Use Long-lasting In A Sentence

  • These can run on low power levels of about one microwatt, but they need a long-lasting nano-sized power source instead of a battery to be truly nano scale. Medical Devices Powered by the Patient’s Own Heart | Impact Lab
  • The fix will be quick but the damage will be long-lasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, physical appearance and intellect are insufficient foundation for effective long-lasting relationships.
  • I will not intentionally injure you or harm you in any long-lasting way.
  • It boasted of the clean and long-lasting nature of the product.
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  • Because the work is demanding and intimate, they see themselves as closer to therapists than to hookers - and have deep, long-lasting ties to their regulars.
  • The influences of home, friends and community are stronger and more long-lasting.
  • They are tough, long-lasting plants that are tolerant of light shade. Times, Sunday Times
  • This varnish provides a long-lasting and hard-wearing gloss finish.
  • O'Connor noted that the norovirus has many different strains, making it difficult for a person to develop long-lasting immunity to the infection.
  • Will commercial vehicle operators buy long-lasting, reliable but expensive quality tyres, or cheap, short-life imports and re-moulds?
  • However ‘temporary’ these sanctions are supposed to be, the history of such measures is that they tend to metamorphose into something far more long-lasting.
  • If a long-lasting relationship develops out of the fling, so be it.
  • What's the secret of their long-lasting relationship? Times, Sunday Times
  • Companies may also shed older assets or quit entire regions to focus their spending on big-ticket projects that will bring long-lasting production on to the books. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'd like a long-lasting monogamous relationship but your previous was traumatic and the hurt has gone deep. The Sun
  • No one has ever received a long-lasting happiness from securing a larger pay cheque or from beating the traffic rush on the way home.
  • My own experience was less dramatic, but it had a deep and long-lasting effect.
  • Natural pigment gives long-lasting colour that stays put. The Sun
  • Choose Construction Common or Deck Common redwood, grades with pleasing blends of heartwood and sapwood, for a long-lasting and economical deck.
  • Once your rollers are in place, set with a light fixing spray for a long-lasting result that has shine without stickiness.
  • Under conditions of long-lasting climatic and geomorphic stability ecosystem complexity evolves in a non-monotonous way with the nutrient status of soil.
  • Where people live is the key to a long-lasting marriage, according to a new survey on divorce rates in Britain, and the seaside resort is up there at the top of the list.
  • DON'T forget to use a long-lasting lippy to keep your pout perfect. The Sun
  • DON'T forget to use a long-lasting lippy to keep your pout perfect. The Sun
  • It could be argued, however, that the lack of embryonic or larval phenotypes could be due to a long-lasting perdurance of maternal deposits during oogenesis.
  • One of the long-lasting effects of the infection is damage to a valve in the heart.
  • These industries proved to be sticky, long-lasting, respectful to people and the environment and a key to innovation.
  • It is good because one application can be counted on to have long-lasting effect. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Call me an old cynic, but I do wonder how long-lasting that "aftercare" commitment is. Delhi delivers absolute delight to daytime-TV schedules
  • Murthi says that channeling their knowledge and natural creativity can stimulate economic growth, and produce long-lasting beneficial effects which will have repercussions far beyond their generation.
  • Larval motor neurons had a long-lasting, sodium-dependent afterhyperpolarization (AHP) following bursts of action potentials that was mediated by the electrogenic activity of Na Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • She demands their uttermost concentration, but those who make the effort are rewarded by being taken on an emotional journey whose after effects are long-lasting and deep.
  • DNCD3 splenic cells from young NOD mice (1) provided long-lasting protection against diabetes transfer in NOD/Scid immunodeficient mice, (2) proliferated and differentiated in the spleen and pancreas of NOD/Scid mice and pre-diabetic NOD mice into IL-10-secreting T Elites TV
  • As the extensive alumni networks of many business schools show, it may be the beginning of a long-lasting relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's easy to color, virtually as long-lasting as horsehide - I know of plenty of 50-year-old cowhide holsters still serviceable - but soaks up water like a sponge if unfinished.
  • It's only quite recently that the long-lasting and devastating effects of such chemicals on wildlife have come to light.
  • Those theories include that the haematite may have formed in a long-lasting lake or in a volcanic environment.
  • Will commercial vehicle operators buy long-lasting, reliable but expensive quality tyres, or cheap, short-life imports and re-moulds?
  • Shampoos and conditioners for color-treated hair help strengthen your hair after coloring, making your color more vibrant and long-lasting.
  • Absent was any long-lasting system of reciprocal obligation fundamental to group cohesion and solidarity.
  • Brent Donnellan, a psychologist from the University of California, Davis, who has looked at traits that contribute to a long-lasting marriage, identified openness and agreeableness as key factors.
  • There isn't much to say about loops, buttons, zippers, and drawstrings except that they should be sturdy and long-lasting.
  • One recent example is using long-lasting antibiotics in giant pandas. Smithsonian Mag
  • This, the village elders said, was the way friendship was supposed to be - true and faithful, long-lasting and firm.
  • The question is what and how much they need to practise and with what overall and long-lasting effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • We then have to cope with the far more long-lasting effects of shrinking economic activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the resolution will likely be temporary, and the damage will be real and long-lasting – both of which render an already worrisome situation even more difficult going forward.
  • The impact of divorce on children can be long-lasting.
  • So the Congress of Vienna must be one of history's best examples of a concerted and successful attempt to defend and preserve a major and long-lasting status quo.
  • AIDS (long-lasting diarrhea may be an early sign) inability to digest milk (mainly in severely malnourished children and certain adults) difficulty babies have digesting foods that are new to them allergies to certain foods (seafood, crayfish, etc.); occasionally babies are allergic to cow's milk or other milk side effects produced by certain medicines, such as ampicillin or tetracycline laxatives, purges, irritating or poisonous plants, certain poisons eating too much unripe fruit or heavy, greasy foods Chapter 20
  • Stardek floor and wall overlay forms a strong, long-lasting bond with concrete and a range of other building materials.
  • If the U.S., France and Britain can't topple a tinhorn despot like Gadhafi who is loathed by most of his own people, the damage to Western credibility will be severe and long-lasting. The Libya Stalemate
  • Those theories include that the haematite may have formed in a long-lasting lake or in a volcanic environment.
  • The soft scalloped edges, oversized dimensions, and embossed details of these high quality, highly functional serving pieces set them apart and provide long-lasting style.
  • In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
  • The child may have low back pain, stomach pain below the navel, or a long-lasting fever.
  • And clubbers take advantage of its long-lasting effects. The Sun
  • The levels of exposure to these agents are generally low and long-lasting, with a possibility of bioaccumulation and biotransformation, putting the integrity of the environment and human health at risk.
  • Constipation: Biofeedback training can have long-lasting benefits in people who suffer from chronic constipation due to a condition called "dyssynergic defecation," new research indicates. Arab Times Kuwait English Daily
  • The specially treated multiflora hyacinths are also beautiful when naturalized and can provide long-lasting color.
  • Do we not have the technology to make a deodorant immediate and long-lasting?
  • The infection causes severe itching but no long-lasting effects.
  • An outcome is the long-lasting impact. Christianity Today
  • It has demonstrated long-lasting changes, with patients showing a marked reduction in service usage.
  • Salad leaves add colour and texture and many newly popular flowers are also long-lasting cut flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other victims report long-lasting damage to their mental health. Times, Sunday Times
  • The impact of divorce on children can be long-lasting.
  • It grows upright and bushy on strong stems with dense, long-lasting foliage.
  • The gel can be rubbed onto chrome surfaces where it forms a robust, long-lasting soft film that is virtually colourless.
  • BASEL, Switzerland — Long-lasting marriages may thrive on love, compromise and increasing ignorance about one another.
  • A certain amount of change may be normal during the teen years, but too drastic or long-lasting a switch in personality or behavior may signal real trouble — the kind that needs professional help.
  • In general Republicans supported the measure because its likely effect would be to undermine the long-lasting Democratic domination of the state legislature.
  • She has been targeted by a number of stalkers in her lengthy career but says the picture has had a long-lasting impact. The Sun
  • The mission was possible because it drew its power from two long-lasting radioisotope thermoelectric generators provided by the Department of Energy.
  • Long-lasting superplastics are fast replacing metal in buildings, machines, and vehicles.
  • But it was too much to hope for a long-lasting federal law, if only because of the “cankering jealousy of the general government with which some of the states are so deeply affected.” A History of American Law
  • Partner abuse has been linked to profound and long-lasting negative emotional and behavioral effects on children who witness assaultive behavior.
  • They suggest using a powder, applied with a fine but firm brush, for the most natural and long-lasting effect.
  • Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects.
  • Line with fibreboard for insulation and use good asphalt sheeting for a long-lasting roof. Times, Sunday Times
  • It uses electroluminescent pigment and can glow with different long-lasting colors at night.
  • Bulbs boast the spiky spaceships of alliums, and the long-lasting bottlebrushes of perennial grasses - an invaluable group of plants when it comes to attractive seed heads - provide a huge variety of scale and texture.
  • Showy phalaenopsis (moth orchids) have long-lasting spikes of white and pink flowers; these make perfect table centrepieces. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he said larger studies were needed to show that the pill had long-lasting effects. The Sun
  • Taking just one ecstasy tablet could cause long-lasting brain damage leading to depression, scientists have warned.
  • P. malariae can produce long-lasting infections and, if left untreated, can persist asymptomatically in the human host for years, even a lifetime. Malaria
  • Finish with a few spritzes of eau de toilette and a dab or two of perfume for long-lasting impact.
  • The damage was not long-lasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her goal is to help women achieve healthy and long-lasting marriages, although the corollary implication is that women are responsible for failed relationships.
  • The material is biodegradable, yet the results achieved are relatively long-lasting.
  • Whether you are the type who goes for flaunting traditional bling, or a non-traditionalist who got engaged with a soda can pop-top, there is something beautifully symbolic about the tradition of exchanging rings to symbolize a long-lasting commitment to your partner. GREEN WEDDING GUIDE: Eco Wedding Rings | Inhabitat
  • In another study, only those mice treated with a subcutaneous dose of 90 [micro] g/kg of soman which developed long-lasting convulsive seizures exhibited the neuropathological alterations.
  • Even minor head injuries can cause long-lasting psychological effects.
  • The colorful, long-lasting blossoms of this wide variety of mums range from one to six inches across.
  • Cheapest Price For Cialis - In fact, in healthy men it can even cause a painful, long-lasting erection (a condition called priapism) that may lead to impotence if it isn't treated quickly. Rails Wiki
  • But if the Labour Party thinks the Tories' disarray is long-lasting, they are deluded.
  • The giant chincherinchee is an attractive, easily cultivated garden plant and produces eye-catching, long-lasting flowers that are very suitable for as cut flowers.
  • Heat for title faves -- would have long-lasting, cataclysmic ripples across the NBA. FanHouse Main
  • Use: This tropical shrub is originally from India but is widely cultivated for its beautiful, long-lasting flowers. Crossandra, mango and jellybean plant: ornamental plants and flowers of tropical Mexico
  • The death of a parent can cause long-lasting psychological damage .
  • This unusually long-lasting plasticity may be related to the fact that the conditioning is associated with normal behavior," Fetz said. Neurochip Acts As A Second Nero Cortex | Impact Lab
  • These silk sportshirts are crafted here in a comfortable waffled texture with relaxed, oversized fit, a superior drape and long-lasting style.
  • As the extensive alumni networks of many business schools show, it may be the beginning of a long-lasting relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first two graphs of the memo, provided by MSNBC to The Huffington Post, express angst over the idea that the movement could mean "more than just short-term discomfort for Wall Street firms" and has "the potential to have very long-lasting political, policy and financial impacts on the companies in the center of the bullseye. Lobbying Firm Memo To Advise Wall Street Clients On Occupy Movement
  • This introverted and asocial woman would have a deep and long-lasting friendship with us.
  • Choose Construction Common or Deck Common redwood, grades with pleasing blends of heartwood and sapwood, for a long-lasting and economical deck.
  • The baby who watches impassively as his mother leaves the room and barely acknowledges her return might well turn out to be the man who has difficulty creating intimacy with a lover, who has trouble forming a long-term attachment, and who avoids the kinds of closeness so important to long-lasting love. Red Flags or Red Herrings?
  • The Victorian family was the first family form in history which was both long-lasting and intimate.
  • It seems incredible now, but no doubt the loss of revenue when conditions changed had deep and long-lasting effects.
  • The humpback whale creates the most complex, long-lasting, repetitive sound patterns of any non-human animal on our planet.
  • But, unlike a vaccine, they do not provide long-lasting protection.
  • a long-lasting friendship
  • This is the person you are most likely to have a long-lasting relationship with, new research has claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're so warm and their music has had such long-lasting impact. The Sun
  • Soft cotton flannel is comfortable and long-lasting.
  • The death of a parent can cause long-lasting psychological damage .
  • Instead of being broad-spectrum and long-lasting, organic pesticides may attack just one type of insect and break down quickly after use.
  • The isotopes give off long-lasting alpha radiation and the waste will remain dangerous for 3000 years or more.
  • Natural pigment gives long-lasting colour that stays put. The Sun
  • And expect more breakthroughs in "aseptic" packaging, the same technology that's brought Americans long-lasting juice boxes for kids. Safer Food For A Tastier Millennium
  • The long-lasting flowers are proudly displayed on tall stems. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Here we found that perforant path stimulation in rat hippocampal slices evoked long-lasting barrages of synaptic inputs in subpopulations of dentate gyrus mossy cells and hilar interneurons. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The fund is distributed biannually by a team of young people to projects which promote personal and social development and provide long-lasting benefits to young people in the town.
  • Anyways, my point is that everyone should apply long-lasting deodorant or antiperspirant on a daily basis because smelling like sweat is definitely a turnoff for everybody.
  • You don't bond to others easily, but when you do it's long-lasting.
  • Tucked away among the disorientating maze of vendors in Kano's central market, is Ali Yahaya's fabric and curtain stall. "one thousand, two hundred Naira [around £5]" he barks, holding an [long-lasting insecticidal net] LLIN up in its shiny wrapper. The market for malaria prevention
  • This gives the bottom a smoother appearance and makes the effect long-lasting. The Sun
  • Long-term glycemic control influences the long-lasting effect of hyperglycemia on endothelial function in type 1 diabetes Latest Articles
  • Taking care of your skin with a daily moisturizer like Keri® Lotion, which is celebrating its 50th "golden" anniversary this year, provides continuous moisturization and will help ensure long-lasting beauty. An Island Life
  • Sweet peas are one of the delights of the summer garden, with their long-lasting splashes of colour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cicero notes: "Oratory is an art [like architecture] in the loose sense that its successes can be codified and taught; but the chief virtue of the orator is inborn, ingenium, from which sharpness of mind arise sharpness in invention, richness in exposition and ornament, firm and long-lasting memory" (Cicero De oratore 1. xxiii; Summers, Judgment of Sense, 130n14). Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The levels of exposure to these agents are generally low and long-lasting, with a possibility of bioaccumulation and biotransformation, putting the integrity of the environment and human health at risk.
  • She's had such a brilliant and long-lasting career.
  • A large number also suffer long-lasting psychological and emotional effects from being threatened or attacked.
  • That experience of having your ‘common sense’ suspicions elegantly reified is a guaranteed zinger, and I think it’s where long-lasting ideologies are born. » Blog Archive » Precise Mathematical Conditions for Perfectly Competitive Markets Inhabited by Perfectly Rational Agents
  • The name should also be beneficial to a strong, long-lasting marketing campaign.
  • Natural pigment gives long-lasting colour that stays put. The Sun

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