How To Use Long-distance In A Sentence

  • Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
  • Like the Hawaiian Islands, the tropical Marquesas Islands are extremely isolated and all flora and fauna present are the result of long-distance colonization and in situ evolution for thousands to millions of years. Marquesas tropical moist forests
  • To enable long-distance communication, many telecommunication systems transmit radio signals via the ionosphere.
  • There is also large-scale downstream pollution caused by long-distance transport of industrial food.
  • The difference will be exacerbated because birds, the most well-represented endotherms in the analysis, demonstrate constrained phenological plasticity due to photoperiodic induction of gonad maturation and migration, especially for long-distance migrants. The Guardian World News
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  • No one by 1989 could doubt the Prime Minister's stamina as, politically, a long-distance runner.
  • It gave his face a lean, rather surprisingly attractive ascetic look—the look of long-distance runners, saints, martyrs, and fanatics, the kind of elongated, soulful face that El Greco painted so hauntingly. Twilight
  • A coalition of cable television and long-distance carriers predicts it will take until next spring.
  • Fork right at the long-distance bus station.
  • I lifted the receiver with caution, listening for the white noise of a long-distance connection.
  • a long-distance operator
  • Then the Government quietly pulled out and turned the operation over to a handful of communications giants and the long-distance phone companies.
  • This has the consequence that the readings dependent on the long-distance binding of the reflexives are incorrectly ruled out.
  • It was as hard as any long-distance relationship. Times, Sunday Times
  • If that sounds selfish then that is the lot of the long-distance runner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plane is ‘capable of launching precision attacks while hedge-hopping, and making long-distance assaults at altitudes above 10,000 meters ’, the sources were quoted as saying.
  • The 18-month privatization process relicensed 26 cellular lines, 27 fixed lines and one long-distance company.
  • They began a long-distance relationship, meeting as often as possible during filming commitments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upland Sandpipers are long-distance migrants, spending the winter in the pampas of southern South America.
  • During his athletic days, he specialised in long-distance running.
  • Moving to grab a share of the $ 70 billion long-distance market, Ameritech Corp.
  • Five children competed in the long-distance running.
  • After the war he switched from long-distance events to middle-distance running.
  • Wireless communicating module was used to control the robot by long-distance.
  • Through the dialer, users' modems are silently disconnected, then reconnected to the internet through an international long-distance number.
  • Factory, sports hall, pier, bill board, building, parking lot and other places where outdoor long-distance flood lighting is needed.
  • One friend wrote that he was a demanding visitor, expecting to be fed and running up vast long-distance telephone bills: At the end of the visit he would offer 10,000 lire about £4, saying he hadn't used the 'phone much. "The Letters of Bruce Chatwin"
  • He's done several long-distance walks for charity.
  • This species is a common passerine long-distance migrant of average size, used previously as a basis for model predictions.
  • This series of steps is hypothesized to produce the regular, long-distance migratory patterns observed in many species around the world.
  • The long-distance call clearly took it out of her. The Sun
  • The final word in this alphabet soup is that just two companies -- the new AT&T and Verizon, a "duopoly" -- would control almost all of the local residential wireline service, most of the long-distance telephone service, most of the cellphone and other wireless service, and most of the DSL wires -- as used by competitors to carry Internet phone calls and broadband TV -- across the USA. One Less Bell to Answer
  • I sometimes compare it to a long-distance race. Times, Sunday Times
  • The partnership will include liquefied natural gas projects and long-distance gas transport pipelines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Telecommunications: excellent domestic and international facilities; 8,200,000 telephones; mainly coaxial and multiconductor cables carry long-distance network; parallel microwave network carries primarily radio, TV and some telephone channels; automatic system; broadcast stations - 5 AM, 360 The 1994 CIA World Factbook
  • Its city bus station was sold for development and its long-distance coach station was wholly unexpectedly sold for £4 1 million.
  • At the outset I assumed I would end up with two sprinters, two milers and two long-distance runners.
  • Starting with this, the article analyzes military requirement of LFT (Limited Long-distance Firepower of Tank) from fighting task, fighting action and battlefield control.
  • Long-distance weapons required soldiers to disperse, and combatants in both world wars found it increasingly difficult to maintain an offensive sprit.
  • Then the Government quietly pulled out and turned the operation over to a handful of communications giants and the long-distance phone companies.
  • The first of the great long-distance passenger dirigibles, the Graf Zeppelin, went into service in 1928.
  • Men use cars for business trips and long-distance commuting Many women say they would happily swap their cars for pleasant walking conditions and better public transport.
  • Convergence became the watchword as boundaries separating local and long-distance, voice and data, cable and telephone, and wireline and wireless services eroded.
  • As intended, it was the highlight of the film and successfully reflected the pain endured by long-distance runners.
  • Many of the main motorways and long-distance trunk roads are likely to be busier than usual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many long-distance runners find a bowl of porridge consumed two to three hours before a long run is ideal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another day, another long-distance rail franchise becomes unprofitable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The devilry exhibited by minibus drivers and their long-distance counterparts is fuelled by the inability of transport proprietors to maintain their fleets or single vehicles in reasonable condition.
  • The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up.
  • I've been long-distance running a lot to get myself into shape.
  • According to the law of similarity of fan, the characteristic of long-distance tunneling ventilation was analyzed, and the energy consumption of variable frequency fan was described.
  • Thereby the long-distance range calibration service web-site is established, which can be used to publish the data of common-view, share the track schedule and exchange the technological.
  • Small amounts of iron are lost through sweat and there's some evidence that long-distance runners are prone to 'foot-strike haemolysis'. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have slim legs with high calf muscles, a very efficient anatomy for a long-distance runner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Motorways have largely superseded ordinary roads for long-distance travel.
  • As pointed out by Progovac, it predicts that adjuncts should be extractable from, say, a relative clause only if it contains a long-distance reflexive - a prediction that is not borne out.
  • How can long-distance relationships be made easier? The Sun
  • For instance, long-distance and local telephone operators are laying new high-speed fiber optic links to the home.
  • We used our data to test whether long-distance movements in the ortolan bunting occurred before males became territorial (natal dispersal) or during adult life (breeding dispersal).
  • If on the other hand, a logophoric pronoun/long-distance reflexive and subjunctive mood are deployed, it indicates that the speaker does not take the responsibility for the truth of the report.
  • a long-distance transmission line
  • The forgiving rims in the arena were nothing but help for the long-distance shooting Gaels, who mostly relied on points from behind the arch to stay in the game.
  • The West Highland Way is second only to the Pennine Way in the hall of fame of British long-distance footpaths.
  • These firms also sell or lease capacity on their fiber to Sprint and other long-distance firms.
  • Every song on this record is an ode to some long-distance lost love.
  • The east shore of the bay had no airport landing strip, no railhead, no long-distance bus terminal.
  • This long-distance coach calls at every stop along its journey.
  • a long-distance call
  • The partnership will include liquefied natural gas projects and long-distance gas transport pipelines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pregnant women and those on the pill are at the highest risk of developing deep vein thrombosis on long-distance flights.
  • I followed a French long-distance footpath and stayed in mountain huts or gîtes.
  • I am 43 and a long-distance coach driver. The Sun
  • Convergence became the watchword as boundaries separating local and long-distance, voice and data, cable and telephone, and wireline and wireless services eroded.
  • Like most long-distance runners she is very slight.
  • While effective separation on mainline long-distance passenger trains was long entrenched, station platforms and suburban trains in the Cape were not so tightly controlled.
  • Remember the loneliness of the long-distance runner? Times, Sunday Times
  • In a word, "catabolic" explains why long-distance running and muscle-building are counter-productive to one other. Undefined
  • I've been long-distance running a lot to get myself into shape.
  • The US space's experimental hypersonic research aircraft, the X - 43A, could one day revolutionise long-distance travel.
  • The partnership will include liquefied natural gas projects and long-distance gas transport pipelines. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've got plenty that I could talk about, but we've been following a strict no-sleep regimen around here the better to keep up with the short-burst baby races and the long-distance speed-toddling and the free-style table climbing and all the other events that fill our napless days and I'm really only capable of sotto voce cursing and muttering and, for variety, threatening my husband. And then came the awkward silence...
  • Many arctic animals possess adaptations for escaping unfavorable weather, resource shortages, or other unfavorable conditions through either winter dormancy or by selection of refuges at a wide range of spatial scales, including microhabitat selection at any given site, seasonal habitat shifts within landscapes, and long-distance seasonal migrations within or across geographic regions. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • If this is the case, then the question of why and how a long-distance reflexive must normally be bound needs an explanation.
  • They provide full postal services, as well as telephones for both local and long-distance calls. Collins Traveller, Brittany
  • The purpose of the exercise is not to turn the butterflies into paragons of health, but rather to test their long-distance flight performance.
  • If you thought choosing a long-distance phone carrier was tough, wait until you select a service provider.
  • In the U.S. Congress, the final Farm Bill enacted into law in 2008 banned the import of young dogs from foreign puppy mills -- stopping the long-distance transport of unweaned puppies from China, Mexico, Russia, and other countries. Michael Markarian: 400 Dogs in Wire Cages
  • At the outset I assumed I would end up with two sprinters, two milers and two long-distance runners.
  • The foot-race was the oldest of the Greek institutions, and in the first of the Olympiads the "dromos," a course of about 200 yards, was the only contest; but gradually the "dialos," in which the course was double that of the dromos, was introduced, and, finally, tests of endurance as well as speed were instituted in the long-distance races and the contests of racing in heavy armor, which were so highly commended by Plato as preparation for the arduous duties of a soldier. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The east shore of the bay had no airport landing strip, no railhead, no long-distance bus terminal.
  • You have to remember that it used to be a big deal to make a long-distance call. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had forgotten quite how lazy long-distance drama makes actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incoming calls cost 1.1 cents per minute, outgoing is the same and long-distance is 2 cents per minute. Voice over IP explorations
  • The boy has great capabilities in long-distance running.
  • The chief enemies of the solo long-distance sailor are fatigue and the inability to keep watch when asleep. Times, Sunday Times
  • What used to be their homes and even workshops are now largely weekend cottages or bijou conversions for long-distance commuters.
  • Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.
  • Long-distance truck drivers often use CB radio to talk to each other.
  • I lifted the receiver with caution, listening for the white noise of a long-distance connection.
  • People have gained confidence in sending substantial sums off to unseen institutions and working with them long-distance.
  • Furthermore, this result is achieved without making the electronic equipment of medium- and long-distance transport aerodynes any heavier.
  • As the son of a long-distance trucker, this was my dream drive. The Sun
  • Stagecoach, which runs commuter services in the south of England and long-distance trains with Virgin, is undecided.
  • This posed a dilemma for those noncustodial parents who relied on the airlines to facilitate long-distance visitation.
  • The people receiving the calls prefaced by * 721 are relatives of inmates, who then use the long-distance service, Trosper said. Homepage
  • I had forgotten quite how lazy long-distance drama makes actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the growth of social networks came more subtle close and long-distance human relationships. BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
  • Phone companies charge higher prices for long-distance calls made during the day versus the night. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • There is plenty of space inside the car, a whopping amount of loadspace in the boot and a seriously large fuel tank to give the car a superb long-distance touring ability.
  • However, there is no doubt that mangroves of this ecoregion are crucial to several long-distance bird migrants including ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres), spotted sandpiper (Actitis macularia), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus) that utilize them as feeding and resting places from August through April during their extraordinary intercontinental journey. Rio São Francisco mangroves
  • The Communications Ministry said last month national and international long-distance markets would be open to competition this December.
  • Many long-distance runners find a bowl of porridge consumed two to three hours before a long run is ideal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The younger director appears to have phoned in Macao from a very, very long-distance connection. GreenCine Daily: Renoir / DVDs, 4/24.
  • Both Mr and Mrs Redwood will be taking part in the long-distance trek where they navigate by map along unmarked trails and cross through the odd cold river.
  • I will venture the assertion that the long-distance tramper - not even excepting Brother A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country
  • You need stamina to be a long-distance runner.
  • Much of the countryside is accessible too, with hundreds of long-distance paths and shorter, waymarked routes to help you discover woodlands, heaths, hills and moors.
  • One of the issues brought up during the session had to do with tactical nuclear weapons, also known as nonstrategic bombs for possible battlefield use that do not require long-distance delivery vehicles, such as missiles, as do strategic weapons. Front Page - The Washington Times
  • Sunday will feature a long-distance race for catamarans and keelboats.
  • an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch's broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation
  • Blisters are a common minor injury for athletes who take part in prolonged sports, such as long-distance running or football.
  • My dad's a long-distance driver and was away overnight. The Sun
  • Peel thick 0.5 centimeters, absolutely resistance (odium) strong sex, suitable for long-distance transportation, suitable for matured planting.
  • Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.
  • This will enable the company to continue building a large, loyal customer base of long-distance callers while it fine-tunes the voice quality of the new network.
  • He does not like long-distance flying and remains an avid golfer. Times, Sunday Times
  • she ran off with a long-distance truck driver
  • That's runner-speak for "hitting the wall, " which is what happens when a long-distance runner runs out of gas, metabolically speaking.
  • In fact, I would say they are my favourite form of long-distance transport.
  • Five children competed in the long-distance running.
  • Through the dialer, users' modems are silently disconnected, then reconnected to the internet through an international long-distance number.
  • The story of Santa Fe Trail wagon making is the story of changes in the wheeled vehicles designed for heavy-duty, long-distance freighting.
  • Corvées of ploughing and long-distance cartage were the most durable elements of the manorial system and were the services most wanted by the lord.
  • They were generally used in the cultivation of staple crops for purposes of long-distance trade.
  • The planulae are of a range of sizes with the larger planulae having the longer survivorship, suggesting a strategy that accommodates both short and long-distance dispersal PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Finally, in other tech tax news, the IRS has just announced that 30 percent of filers this years have so far missed out on the refund they are owed from a long-distance excise tax. IRS Zeros in on eBay | Impact Lab
  • Sir Liam said he was keen to encourage people to take exercise in a variety of forms, not just gym workouts or long-distance runs.
  • The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up.
  • Phoenix will occupy part of the offices of Automated Communications Inc., a long-distance switching company that it acquired last year.
  • EPO is a drug which can dramatically improve performances in middle- and long-distance running.
  • The boy has great capabilities in long-distance running.
  • Are long-distance relationships like this a fantasy or can they work? The Sun
  • Then, on the morning of March 10, after an all-night Mass designed to coincide with the long-distance prayers of a charismatic Austrian priest, and in front of several witnesses, every one of her symptoms disappeared. A Mixed Blessing
  • The grand-sounding phrase about freedom being a ‘long-distance race’ is just another piece of flimflam.
  • Lew calls himself a "troubleshooter" - able to manage his long-distance family responsibilities as easily as reading the city budget, which he must submit by April 1. Allen Lew takes on D.C. budget challenge
  • These footballs of grey fluff have about a dozen weeks to become long-distance flying machines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, many people who train successfully for marathons or long-distance triathlons never get sick.
  • She is a long-distance runner, and she likes to run marathons.
  • He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.
  • A record-breaking sprinter in his youth - his collegiate mark in the 60-yard dash stood for decades - he has revealed, in his first term, the tirelessness, stamina and patience of a long-distance runner.
  • For all the housewives of the years before 1950, modern conveniences would likely seem the ultimate optimistic convenience, and long-distance modern transport is definitely far better and more optimistic than sailing ships and horse-drawn wagons. February « 2010 « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Is it simply that the stresses and strains of a long-distance relationship are taking their toll? Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not like long-distance flying and remains an avid golfer. Times, Sunday Times
  • And long-distance carrier Sprint expects to announce similar services this summer.
  • The dominant players in telecom outsourcing are long-distance carriers like AT&T, WorldCom and Sprint.
  • It was too good to turn down but neither of us could handle a long-distance relationship. The Sun
  • Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.
  • I had forgotten quite how lazy long-distance drama makes actors. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are still there, using directional microphones and long-distance camera lenses to record the comings and goings of the locals.
  • Second, differentiation may have evolved in allopatry following long-distance dispersal of ‘founder’ individuals across pre-existing barriers.
  • One hall leading to gates outside to long-distance buses heading west to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and north to the Pole was decorated in the Greek Renaissance style and furnished with Italian tapestries, Japanese lanterns, medieval armors, and carved-walnut wainscoting from a French château. Closing Time
  • Slide 8: The Ramage or Conical Clan • Internally ranked, or hierarchical, social organization • Tendency to "ramify," that is subordinate lineages split off main group to found new communities • Over time this process results in long-distance - island-hopping - migrations that resulted in peopling of Polynesia by Austronesian-speaking peoples Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We should therefore seek evidence for long-distance exchange as indications of political alliances and the growth of centralised political organisation.
  • Touch-therapy, as practised by Mr. Varade, belongs to the ancient Siddha tradition of healing and can be practised long-distance as well.
  • This is the long-distance reality of a genuine auteur. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said it was not strange for long-distance runners to experience hallucinations on the trail.
  • Big family news is shared via long-distance calls. The Sun
  • a long-distance freight train
  • Swimming, surfboarding, scuba diving, track and field, and long-distance running also are growing in popularity.
  • View graphic The result is a faster-than-ever ball for a faster-than-ever game that allows players to atte mpt laser-like strikes from 40 yards, and precise long-distance passes that would have been impossible with a ball from the 1960s or 1970s. The Ball They Can't Leave Alone
  • Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite variation in the eider duck (Somateria mollissima) indicate stepwise postglacial colonization of Europe and limited current long-distance dispersal. Effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • Luck begins with a long-distance call. The Sun
  • As a long-distance runner, she's in a class of her own.
  • In 1930, he learned to fly seaplanes and began making speed and long-distance record flights in a wide variety of very interesting aircraft.
  • Glaucous gulls L. hyperboreus and Kelp gulls L. dominicanus were also nested within L. argentatus, and the discovery about the Kelp gull is interesting: this species is unique to the Southern Hemisphere, and Liebers et al. (2004) concluded that it must have evolved via long-distance colonisation ‘from the same ancestral population as the Lesser black-backed gull, suggesting that its ancestors were highly migratory, as nominate Lesser black-backed gulls still are today’ (p. 895). Archive 2006-02-01
  • And I resumed my long-distance love affair with the Royal Ballet, which seems determined never to play a theater near me.
  • Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly.
  • Some of the long-distance festival visitors have become semi-regulars, breaking their train journeys at York just to sup a pint at The Maltings.
  • The deregulation of long-distance coach services has led to a major expansion in reliable and cheap services.
  • The acquisition of bulk trucking vehicles for long-distance cargo haulage has increased tremendously over the decades through increased investment.
  • Favorite winter sports include cross-country and downhill skiing, and long-distance skating.
  • Long-distance monies of the pre-modern Mediterranean world included the Byzantine solidus from the fifth century onwards and the Muslim dinar from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries.
  • He gave a trophy for long-distance hot-air ballooning in 1906 that started the modern sport (the international Gordon Bennett balloon race still continues).
  • a long-distance runner
  • In addition, the long-distance binding/logophoric domain in East Asian languages can also be introduced by a logocentric complementizer or connective.
  • And long-distance carrier Sprint expects to announce similar services this summer.
  • Thursday became the first regional Bell telephone company to seek federal approval to offer long-distance service to its local customers in Michigan.
  • A visitor to Keld does not have to be a long-distance walker to enjoy the scenic delights of the environs.
  • He stays with his mother on the south coast during the week and reckons to make his long-distance travelling financially viable by booking early on the internet.
  • Our ancestors may have ranged across large distances in the heat of the African savanna in relatively short spurts of long-distance running, as well as by walking.
  • Much of the countryside is accessible too, with hundreds of long-distance paths and shorter, waymarked routes to help you discover woodlands, heaths, hills and moors.
  • The accompanying photographs, shot at locales for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, succinctly depict the loneliness of where the long-distance runner once strode.
  • On certain long-distance flights, videos of simple stretches for passengers were being shown, he said.
  • Modifications to gravity, on the other hand, are not natural; GR is the only really sensible effective field theory of long-distance gravity. Experiments in Non-Relativistic Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)
  • The plane was fitted with fuel reserve tanks for long-distance flights.
  • For long-distance training, they run in a bushy area about 6km from the school and sometimes train along the beach.
  • The perennially underfunded train system pressed extra cars into service and honored airline tickets as its long-distance ridership swelled 35 percent.
  • A design of low - power consumption heat meter with long-distance communication based on MSP 430 is stated.
  • Long-distance trade across the Indian Ocean brought many domesticated plants and animals to Africa, including the chicken and camel and cereals such as finger millet and sorghum.
  • An Orkney Towage tug carried out a long-distance tow this week, towing a broken-down Dutch coaster to Invergordon.

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