How To Use Long bone In A Sentence
This increase in number seems to depend on the growth of the long bones putting tension on the muscle through its tendons.
There is a long bone, termed 'metatarsal', answering to the metacarpal, for each digit; and the 'tarsus', which corresponds with the carpus, presents four short polygonal bones in a row, which correspond very closely with the four carpal bones of the second row of the hand.
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Despite their plantlike outlines, these features are now known to be inorganic structures caused by a solution of manganese from within the beds that reprecipitated as oxides along cracks or along bones of fossils.
In the current study, fluoride measurements of 889 lagomorph long bones from 183 features were used to develop a relative chronology of features.
Seventy nine per cent of patients with isolated long bone fractures received analgesia, which is consistent with a previous report.
Even at first glance, the shape of the four-inch-long bone and the linear arrangement of tooth sockets told us that this was a dentary, or tooth-bearing portion of a lower jaw.
Giant cell tumor of bone is a rare neoplasm usually seen in the long bones or sacrum.
The foot is normally structured so that the big toe is naturally in line with the long bone leading up to it (the first metatarsal) and all the toes spread outwards from this.
‘His eye was caught by a particular bone - a metacarpal, the equivalent to one of the long bones in the palm of the hand,’ said John Smith, the curator of geology at the Museum of Science.
My son has a condition called achondroplasia, which is a form of dwarfism that affects the long bones of the body (arms and legs).
In one pit inside the enclosure, excavators found an adult's skull and a fragment of a long bone that had been cremated in situ within the pit.
Children not long bone hard, how can such a high intensity of the exercise?
Radiography showed linear streaking of the metaphyses of the long bones.
Certain fractures of larger long bones, such as the femur, are hard to keep straight in a cast.
Towards the ends of the long bones there are specialized discs of cartilage (epiphyseal plates) stretching across the entire bone.
Girls experience epiphyseal closure of long bones secondary to estrogen secretion, grow approximately two to eight inches in height, and gain 15 to 65 lb during pubescence.
In long bones, such as the femur (thigh bone) a more complex, spiral fracture is more common.
The four bones of the second row of the carpus bear the four long bones which support the palm of the hand.
Multiple enchondroma of long bones like femur or tibia. d.
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It is a general practice of the orthopaedic surgeons to strip the periosteum, to ream the medullary cavity etc, which may easily cause injury of the nutrient artery of the long bones.
Multiple cancellous osteomata of a long bone. a. Pedunclated tumour of the bone which is c.
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In both fetal and post-natal growth, the cartilage is replaced by bone in a process known as endochondral ossification, in which ossification starts in the centers (diaphyses) of the long bones and spreads outward.
Skeletal radiographs showed linear radiolucencies in the metaphyses of the long bones and lucent areas in the iliac bones, consistent with osteitis.
Age estimates of those victims under the age of twenty-five, accurate to within one year or so, would be made from teeth, where teeth remained, and from the appearance and fusion of the ossification centers and epiphyses, the end parts of the long bones, which grow separately from the shaft in early life.
The Killing Kind
They shook rattles fashioned of skulls on long bones as they chanted the cadences of the spell.
Pathology the abundant laying down of osteoid tissue epiphyseal cartilage cells grow very rapidly widening of the epiphysis line Long bone Rachitic rosary Bracelets of wrist and ankle flat bone Craniotabes Square head disorder of new bone formation the bones are soft Bowlegs and knock-knees Pigeon breast Mosby items and derived items © 2005, 2001 by Mosby, Inc.
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A typical long bone has a diaphysis or shaft and two epiphyses or ends.
We���re Born With 270 Bones. As Adults We Have 206
To develop ideal artificial bone for accelerating the process of repairing segment defect of long bone.
Classification as to Structure: a. Spongy - made up of bony processes called trabeculae giving it a porous appearance; found in the epiphysis and metaphysic of long bones, diploe of flat bones and in the medullary cavities b.
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In the long bones, the extremities are the parts which form the articulations; they are generally somewhat enlarged; and consist of spongy cancellous tissue with a thin coating of compact substance.
III. Syndesmology. Introduction
The interior of each of the long bones of the limbs presents a cylindrical cavity filled with marrow and lined by a highly vascular areolar structure, called the medullary membrane.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
Bone of the cancellous type is found in the long bones, sternum, vertebrae and between layers of the cranium bones.
We���re Born With 270 Bones. As Adults We Have 206
When the bones were brought to the Montana State University's lab, it was noticed that ‘some parts deep inside the long bone of the leg had not completely fossilized.’
Such joints are found between the epiphyses and bodies of long bones, between the occipital and the sphenoid at, and for some years after, birth, and between the petrous portion of the temporal and the jugular process of the occipital.
III. Syndesmology. 3. Classification of Joints
Slide 11: 98) A trigger finger is 103) In the following types of fractures of long bones, a. an inflamed index finger crepitus can be elicited only in: b. an atrophic index finger in a median nerve palsy a. Fissures c. due to stenosing tenovaginitis affecting one of the b.
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But the chiefs still practised the old ways, the custom of hunakele, and hid the bones of the aliis where no men should find them and make fish-hooks of their jaws or arrow heads of their long bones for the slaying of little mice in sport.
There is a long bone, termed ‘metatarsal’, answering to the metacarpal, for each digit; and the ‘tarsus’, which corresponds with the carpus, presents four short polygonal bones in
At the cancellated ends of the long bones, particularly the upper end of the femur and humerus, and the lower end of the radius, it is not uncommon for one fragment to be _impacted_ or wedged into the substance of the other (Fig. 28).
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Most of what I found were unidentifiable broken sections of long bones, but I did find a bird femur (thigh bone) and a nice rodent astragalus (ankle bone).
The long bone referred to -- called the tarsus -- corresponds to the instep of the human foot, that is, the foot proper, while the joint which extends backward, forming an angle with the next large bone, is really the bird's heel.
Our Bird Comrades
THE TIBIA belongs to the class of long bones and the fibula is quite rudimentary, being represented by a stylet-shaped bone that lies posterior to, and along the outer border of the tibia.
Common Diseases of Farm Animals
Further military studies found that the shafts of the long bones of the body — known as the diaphyses — gradually form solid bonds with the caps of the bones throughout a person’s teens.
The Forensics of War
The most common sites of origin for osseous lesions are the long bones, such as the femur or humerus or the pelvic bones.
At its lower end the tibia forms what is known as the ankle joint by articulating with the next long bone, which is commonly called the tarsus, although the proper name would be really metatarsus.
Our Bird Comrades
Multiple enchondromata occur in small long bones of b.
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First, if the shaft of a long bone be hit above the junction of diaphysis and epiphysis, the cancellous tissue in and extending from the medullary cavity is pulverised, and examination of fragments from such fractures gives the impression of the inner aspect having been scraped clean.
Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
Nevertheless, I was as surprised as you are by the phrase ‘attained at age 26′; I had believed that the epiphyses - growth in the long bones - became inactive in an individual’s late teenage years.
The Most Surprising Thing I Learned Today - Freakonomics Blog -
Long bones, such as tibia, grow and elongate through the process of endochondral ossification where skeletal elements are first laid down as cartilage precursors and then this cartilage is replaced by bone
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Stomach contents of a metriorhynchid were described by Dave Martill (1986) and included cephalopod hooklets, a belemnite guard and some long bones that Dave identified as those of the pterosaur Rhamphorhynchus.
My party and those marvellous metriorhynchids
Skeletal radiographs showed linear radiolucencies in the metaphyses of the long bones and lucent areas in the iliac bones, consistent with osteitis.
The long bones of the limbs appeared as rudimentary ossicles.
In a fracture of a long bone, that which surrounds the fragments is called the _external_ or _ensheathing callus_, and may be likened to the mass of solder which surrounds the junction of pipes in plumber-work; that which occupies the position of the medullary canal is called the _internal_ or _medullary callus_; and that which intervenes between the fragments and maintains the continuity of the cortical compact tissue of the shaft is called the
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Conclusion:Skin grafting on the marrow surface or diploic layer can be used to repair short bone or flat bone(exposure) wound, but can not be used to repair long bone exposure wound.
Canids larger than a coyote are represented by four cervical vertebrae, one rib fragment, long bone fragments, one calcaneus, and one metacarpal.
In the bodies of the long bones the marrow is of a yellow color, and contains, in 100 parts, 96 of fat, 1 of areolar tissue and vessels, and 3 of fluid with extractive matter; it consists of a basis of connective tissue supporting numerous bloodvessels and cells, most of which are fat cells but some are marrow cells, such as occur in the red marrow to be immediately described.
II. Osteology. 2. Bone
It was a brute of a mutant bear with long bonelike spikes rising from its back.
Raven Rise
Both the forelimb and the hindlimb have one long bone that attaches to the body at one end and to two long bones at the other end.
Rather, she was handsome with long bones, lean muscles, and almost no fat.
Infectious aetiologies predominate with long bones and joints of lower limbs more commonly affected by osteomyelitis and septic arthritis.
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