How To Use Lome In A Sentence

  • The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Iran Election Live-Blogging (Saturday June 20 Part II)
  • And I think the resort is about 25% overpriced, considering the worn-down state of the place and the fact you can get a two-night package at the definitely more upmarket Avillion in Port Dickson (also not really PD, but a dozen kilometres south) from about RM800 as well. Vacations: Tiara Beach Resort — Fusion Despatches
  • Phase I called for dewatering and rehabilitating the No.6 shaft, sinking the shaft to the 45th level, cutting seven level stations, and diamond drilling the conglomerate bed.
  • It ought to be pointed out that calculating passenger kilometres is an inexact science.
  • Sinosteel, another Chinese-owned metals conglomerate, has plans to develop a massive opencast iron ore mine in the Weld range, a ridge of hills 400 miles north-east of Perth. Australia leases out mineral-rich land as China's hunger for resources grows
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  • Spacewatch discovers hundreds of new kilometer-sized belt asteroids with every observing run.
  • The result is a totally incoherent agglomeration of speech-forms -- a baragouin fantastic and unintelligible beyond the power of anyone to imagine who has not heard it .... Two Years in the French West Indies
  • In the seven games that they won the young squad travelled thousands of kilometres, lording it over 191 other contesting schools.
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • To our dismay, unknown to us there was a motel only three kilometres down the road.
  • The villages of San Juan and San Salvador Paricutín, the last just one kilometer from the rising volcano, were in danger, but nobody wanted to abandon land and home. Paricutín, The Volcano, Michoacán
  • At 3.1 kilometers, this dive is the longest underwater traverse of two cave systems in the world.
  • A thirty - six volt battery can carry the rickshaw forty kilometers.
  • During states of ineffective arterial volume, local production of vasodilatory prostanoids and kinins in the kidney offsets the decrease in renal blood flow and helps maintain the glomerular filtration rate.
  • The rocks are deformed into kilometre-scale monoclinal folds, the axes of which plunge moderately to steeply north northwest.
  • The bus is a far lower environmental burden than passenger cars, calculated on the number of passengers per kilometre.
  • The surface of the land is scattered with fragments of white silex and fine red jasper, banded with black oligistic iron: this rock, close, hard, and fine enough to bear cutting, appears everywhere in scatters and amongst the conglomerates. The Land of Midian
  • A red-roofed settlement lost in the green hills of the southern Charente, around 500 kilometers from Paris, Aubeterre-sur-Dronne's main feature is not immediately visible. Visiting Charm-Guaranteed French Villages
  • People inside the 50-kilometer (30-mile) tunnel, known as the Chunnel, were evacuated through a service tunnel that runs between the two train-carrying tunnels, Eurotunnel officials said. Top Stories - Google News
  • It is located in a layer at an average height of 12 kilometres above the Earth's surface.
  • In the first place, it was found that, because of the reducing action of metallic copper on cupric sulphate to form cuprous sulphate, too little copper was deposited in the copper coulometer to correspond to the current. Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
  • The leak forced a controlled descent of the giant balloon about 250 kilometres to the west of the launch site.
  • To escape from the Moon's gravitational field, a sample must be accelerated to a velocity above 2.4 kilometres per second.
  • This second gene is only found in holometabolous insects, Drosophila, and silkworms but not in the more primitive hemimetabolous insects, like grasshoppers or springtails.
  • Fibrin deposition was found in areas of fibrinoid necrosis within the glomeruli and in the interstitium.
  • A few kilometers outside the Park and summit area, congenerics found include the legume Adenocarpus foliosus, the bugloss Echium virescens and the daisy Argynantemum frutescens. Teide National Park, Spain
  • Every time a chromosome replicates itself, its telomeres shorten in length.
  • There was a chinese place not far from where I lived that I could get very tasty but not high quality chicken and vegetable lomein for under $4 that would last me two meals. Accidental Hedonist
  • You know how it is, when you're sitting out in the dark, 50 kilometres from the nearest place of inhabitation, and you turn on the light, even the tiniest little three LED gizmo.
  • Eight biathlon events, 12 cross country ski races and three Nordic combined events were held on the 31 kilometer course.
  • It has long been thought that the grouping of telomeres is important for chromosome pairing and subsequent synapsis.
  • In other wet news, the Cassini-Huygens probe successfully buzzed Saturns moon Enceladus yesterday at a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) and a speed of 14.4 kilometers per second (32,000 miles per hour). Water, water…. somewhere? « Imaginary Potential
  • The discovery of the ruins came after a mudslide flushed out a deep trench nearly two-kilometers long and 25-meters wide through rice fields late last month.
  • In the nineteenth century, a mercury compound called calomel was used to treat everything from tuberculosis and parasites to toothaches and constipation. The Panic Virus
  • The appellant was informed that he had been clocked at 97 kilometers in a 50 kilometer per hour zone.
  • Having maneuvered through the boles of the blue trees of the grove and into the open plain beyond, Saffron and Hawk decided to head off in the direction of a grassy hillock they spotted about a kilometer away.
  • In fact, the great plutonic action is confined to the central portion of the island; there, rocks of the trappean and volcanic class, including trachyte, basalt, and tuffs and agglomerates associated with streams of lava, have made this a land of supernatural horrors. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Telomerase system is the genetic name of telomerase and telomere.
  • The products including cork floor tile, cork wall tile, cork sheet and roll, agglomerated cork stopper, granulated cork and other cork products.
  • The subchloride of mercury, calomel, is the great British specific; the protochloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate, kills like arsenic, but no chemist could have told us it would be so. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Fish and whole forests died and water became non-potable, turning 30 kilometres of the river system into a moonscape.
  • The new scintillating bolometer has performed excellently, proving its viability as a detector in experiments to look for dark matter, and also as a gamma spectrometer a device that measures this type of radiation to monitor background radiation in these experiments", says García Abancéns. A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
  • Dr Leander Starr Jameson led a group of over 500 men with the intention of taking control of the town, but was met and overpowered by the burghers in Krugersdorp, 30 kilometres north west of the town.
  • Mount Rainier National Park - central Washington - 947 square kilometers (km2) Central and Southern Cascades forests
  • Once a year, a conglomerate of children's literacy-type people (librarians, teachers, museum workers, etc.) from the Pittsburgh area put together a lovely one-day conference featuring a bevy of children's authors and illustrators.
  • We also could not obtain length distributions from filaments inside of large agglomerates.
  • We are part of the convoy right now and it happened about 10 kilometers right out of town, a place called Iron Gate, where there's a military checkpoint run by government troops. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2003
  • We searched other major valleys sporting outcrops of the same volcanically derived sedimentary rocks, which are exposed across thousands of square kilometers of mountainous terrain.
  • Wind speeds in a category two hurricane can reach close to one hundred eighty kilometers an hour.
  • A few kilometers down a decrepit road is a sprawling abandoned battery factory.
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Waste was hauled by truck to various designated dumps, and the ore was to be stockpiled or to be directly crushed, screened, and agglomerated.
  • One hill I passed over I found to be composed of puddingstone, that is to say, a conglomeration of many kinds of stone mostly rounded and mixed up in a mass, and formed by the smothered bubblings of some ancient and ocean-quenched volcano. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • Its hissing and spitting natural geyser is located seven kilometers southeast of the former Jalisco hacienda of El Carmen. Trees, shadows, steam and the rays of the early morning sun combine to cast an eerie spell over the hot river of Los Hervores. Its hissing and spitting natural geyser is located seven kilometers southeast of the former Jalisco hacienda of El Carmen. © Joh
  • The classic presentation of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis is a full-blown nephritic syndrome with oliguric acute renal failure.
  • They have been entombed in a cramped steel cage almost a kilometre beneath the surface since April 25 when an earthquake in the southern state of Tasmania triggered a rockfall.
  • Afghan engineers and their mentors pieced together a 42-metre, metal "overbridge" earlier this week at Kandahar Airfield and then moved parts of the Meccano-like structure a few kilometres to the blast site. Music briefs
  • Nevertheless, models suggest that a global groundwater system could exist on Mars today at a depth of several kilometers below the surface.
  • Sandstone beds within the conglomerates are locally planar cross-bedded.
  • At a maximum speed of 300 kph, the planned train system would operate along an 80-kilometer route connecting Haneda Airport and Narita Airport via Tokyo's Rinkai Fukutoshin waterfront subcenter and Chiba City. News On Japan
  • The helicopter can zip along at about 150 kilometres an hour.
  • Your Silent Nights and Joy to the Worlds manage to be special and festive without first being coated with a cubic kilometre of sickly sentimentality.
  • The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
  • Only a few hundreds of kilometres from Lusaka off the Great East road, Luangwa has seen very little development ever since it was established as a boma.
  • The sequence comprises Lower Ordovician conglomerates and carbonates overlain by Upper Ordovician to Middle Devonian limestone with occasional phyllite and quartzite.
  • This meant that you'd be driving along, and suddenly have to take a detour, sometimes of up to 15 kilometres.
  • (I suspect this paper was really meant to validate that stylometric method rather than to solve the "mystery.") Stylometry for Fun and Profit
  • Covering 20 square kilometers, the Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre will include a command centre, in addition to a rocket-launching site, rocket assembly plant, and a space-science theme park.
  • The densities per square kilometre of its human and livestock populations are greater than anywhere else in the continent.
  • Large cobble - sized clasts of sandstone, up to 250 mm diameter, in the conglomerates contain fractures with void infilling by matrix, indicating cataclastic deformation before lithification.
  • Arcos, 30 kilometres east of Jerez, is perched on a huge rock which thrusts 200 metres up from the Rio Guadalete.
  • At the recent Oz Club convention in Fayetteville, New York, there was a discussion of whether stylometry (I remembered the word with the help of my PDA) could identify certain anonymous newspaper articles as the writing of L. Frank Baum. Stylometry for Fun and Profit
  • Here is a jade-coloured conglomeration of life resembling nothing in the world more than a loose handful of worms without beginning and without end, interloped and writhing and glowing as it writhes with opalescent fires; and here a tiny leafless shrub, jointed with each alternate joint, ivory, white, and ruby-red respectively; again this tracery of gold and green and salmon pink decorating a shiny stone, in formal and consistent pattern. My Tropic Isle
  • Ana Maria Ortega, deputy director for retail conglomerate TRD Caribe, said there will be no shortage of basic goods.
  • Buntsandstein-Hauptbuntsandstein_ (900 ft.), the bulk [v. 04 p. 0802] of this subdivision is made up of weakly-cemented, coarse-grained sandstones, oblique lamination is very prevalent, and occasional conglomeratic beds make their appearance. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Korn/Ferry perhaps appeals more to aggressive, fast-growth conglomerates than to old-fashioned, traditional companies.
  • Their sound is their own: a live progressive breakbeat house conglomeration.
  • When you give incentives to lots of small organisations to get conglomerated it always mean fewer number of organisations and more concentrated provisions to large cities and metropolitan areas because that's where the money is. The NHS is ripe for revolution | Ian Birrell
  • About 100 kilometres away from the boma, a bare-footed lad trudged his way to a ramshackle school in Luumbo village down in the Gwembe valley.
  • Lucrezia now appears to be less the bride of Bartolomeo than the bride of Christ – the red of her dress matching the blood dripping from the base of the cross. Bronzino's Medici portraits – review
  • The deepest mines are four kilometres underground. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whales had beached near the Dolphin Bay boat ramp and another larger pod had come ashore near a caravan park on Mandalay Beach, four kilometres west of Busselton.
  • More than 2,000 car-crazed students are motoring from the French capital and across 6,000 kilometres of African desert in a different kind of race. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • Stephenson, who constructed both projects, believed that gradients should be less than 1 percent and that curves should have very wide radii of at least a kilometre.
  • The marriage took place at St Bartholomew's church.
  • They had forced down her throat the gobs of chalky calomel mixed with laudanum prescribed by the head-shaking doctor until her gums bled.
  • “A common intervalometer”: Milt Groban, “To the Editor,” 10. Masters of the Air
  • I've spent the past three days at the conference, among folks who are wrestling not only with the genome, but also with the proteome, the transcriptome, the reactome, and the metabolome.
  • Though cross-island expressways had been envisioned by the Regional Plan Association in the 1920s, it was in the postwar years that the megalomaniacal urban planner Robert Moses made Lomex — a proposed 200-foot-wide swath along Broome Street requiring the demolition of buildings housing at least 1,972 families and 804 businesses — the centerpiece of his vision to modernize New York. Indignation Superhighway
  • Most confusing are the measures of kilos, hectares, kilometers, centimeters, and grams.
  • Then he went back to the bike and checked the cyclometer. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • A few kilometres away from Madras city on the Coromandal coast, the boom of chisel and hammer rises in the sandy wilderness, above crashing waves and soughing winds.
  • All along the rupture, the seafloor moved vertically about ten metres, which displaced hundreds of kilometres of overlaying water resulting in a massive tsunami.
  • First, the earthquake occurred near the earth's surface, at a depth of approximately eleven kilometers.
  • Changes in glomerular filtration rate and filtered load of sodium are regularly and continuously paralleled by comparable alterations in tubular fluid reabsorption.
  • Beijing: Transportation network of 9 subway lines has been formed in Beijing and the total operating kilometrage has reached 228 kilometers. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • It lies 250 kilometers southwest of Lanchow, and is presently included in southwestern Kansu (Gansu) Province of China, near the border of Chinghai (Qinghai) Province. A Brief History of Labrang Monastery
  • Come daybreak, the atoll was about three miles (five kilometers) away and had rough water.
  • It is rugged country whose landscape changes every few kilometers.
  • The chromosphere extends from the top of the temperature minimum region up another 2000 kilometers and is named for the Greek word chromo which means color. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1067
  • She remembered because she told Paris to let them know that they needed to concentrate their re-modulated multiphasic sensor arrays in sweeps of the same area, the rationale being that two sets of eyes were better than one—especially when looking for a tiny submersible in about twenty-eight cubic kilometers of water. Distant Shores
  • The goal was Gafsa, some hundred and seventy kilometres inland, and if the weather stayed hot and the thermals were good they might make it. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • It had grown from a cluster of stone buildings to a high-tech metropolis reaching kilometers in the air.
  • Occupying a 43 square kilometre patch of lowland, it's home to 155 orphaned and displaced simians who share 99.6 per cent of our genetic make up.
  • Electrons move at a speed of a few kilometres per second through a circuit, whereas light travels at nearly 300,000 kilometres per second.
  • In the present study, we investigated the technical feasibility of using the nephelometer to measure breath-by-breath particle deposition and to monitor exposure environments in field studies.
  • And even in plays with twists and turns and convolutions of the storyline such as Bartholomew Fair where the names of the characters -- Littlewit, Winwife, Quarlous -- tell us what they are, their games of language and wordplay make the plot -- Puritans and rogues meet up at a county fair and fun and thievery ensue -- secondary to the fun and revelry. Play on Words
  • So much for the western line; in the Portillo pass, proceeding eastward, we meet an immense mass of conglomerate, dipping to the west 45 deg, which rest on micaceous sandstone, etc., etc., upheaved and converted into quartz-rock penetrated by dykes from the very grand mass of protogine (large crystals of quartz, red feldspar, and occasional little chlorite). More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
  • Its visible portion covers a range of about one octave; bolometric indications already in 1884 comprised between three and four. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • This textbook provides an introduction to turbulent motion occurring naturally in the ocean on scales ranging from millimetres to hundreds of kilometres.
  • The road is built over approximately 200 kilometres of lakes and portages in order to allow for transportation of fuel, housing materials and other goods required by the community.
  • In addition, the report presents a preliminary draft of the human amniotic fluid metabolome from women with PTL that shows biochemical intermediates of human metabolism as well as xenobiotics such as salicylamide and bacterial products can be measured in human amniotic fluid. Business Wire Travel News
  • The moonlets range from 32 km to just six kilometres in diameter, the team said in the British weekly, Nature.
  • While I was planning the trip up in Niamey I heard there was trouble in Lomé so I stopped the recce and came down to the coast. A DARKENING STAIN
  • This flight is now proceeding to Paris at a speed of 1 000 kilometres an hour.
  • Overall results were calculated three kilometers from the finish to let riders not interested in disputing the sprint avoid falls on the slippery surface. Boasson Hagen takes stage win; Di Luca keeps Giro lead
  • (Tevorang is probably present-day Yujing 玉井; Taccariang was in the eastern part of Gaoxiong 高雄, about 30 kilometers southeast from Tainan; Dolatok is probably present-day Donggang 東港, in Pingdong County; Pangsoya is present-day Linbian 林邊, in Pingdong County; and Longkiau is present-day Hengchun 恆春.) back How Taiwan Became Chinese
  • In 1986, ESA's Giotto spacecraft performed the closest comet fly-by ever achieved by any spacecraft (at a distance of 600 kilometres from Halley).
  • The urine, as eliminated, is thus only about one percent of the amount of fluid filtrated through the glomerulae into the renal tubules. Excretion of toxicants
  • Fluxing of the melt facilitates the agglomeration and separation of such undesirable constituents from the melt.
  • Leaf morphology has been quantified and treated mathematically in various contexts, including taxonomy, differential growth and allometry, leaf area estimation and the branching and development of veins.
  • The positive allometry in both groups suggests that larger species loaded their jaws more heavily, because deeper jaws are much stronger in resisting loads applied dorsoventrally, as during jaw closure.
  • So it seems there are already fine particles that are levitated up to what we call the mesosphere, about 100 kilometers up -- that already have this effect. David Keith's unusual climate change idea
  • In so moche that Ptolomeus Lagus reigning in Egipt, when there chaunced a cowe to die in Memphis for very age: he that had taken charge of the kepyng of her, bestowed vpon the buriall of her (beside a greate some of mony that was giuen him for the keping) fiftie talentes of siluer, that he borowed of Ptolome. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • A fortnight ago, 800,000 square kilometres of land were under water across the region.
  • The cheapest form of cork, developed in 1891 by an American businessman, John Smith, is cork agglomerate, occasionally called ‘agglo’, reassembled crumbs of cork which can offer some of the benefits of intact cork itself.
  • Its mode is agglomerative - discrete pieces of information are gleaned and corroborated through firsthand experience.
  • Apparatus as in claim 1 wherein an upstream deflector baffle is provided at the output of said deagglomeration means into said jet tube means to produce a venturi effect for minimizing back pressure on said powder feeding means.
  • One of them was a really courageous person who travelled a few thousand kilometres on a two-wheeler bike. Naomi Campbell Interviews Vladimir Putin (PHOTO)
  • Many of the thallophytes, bryophytes and pteridophytes are found here exclusively because of the special topographical and climatic features of the locality, and are not to be found for hundreds of kilometres around in other areas.
  • All the restaurants serve dumplings, lomein" … to be efficient, "they should all be one Panda Express. Acumen Fund Blog
  • More than 100 people aired their views on what should happen to a two kilometre stretch of land along the River Wharfe.
  • Instead they found a circular patch of badly charred and flattened trees 60 kilometres across, formed by the airburst as the rock disintegrated explosively due to the huge stresses caused by entry into the atmosphere.
  • Two days before the race, the signs were already out on this point-to-point course, marking each turn, each hill and counting down the kilometers.
  • Seedlings are able to switch back from phyllode to true leave production when the sunlight reaching them is reduced (Walters and Bartholomew 1990). Chapter 2
  • We put on extra waterproofs and helmets, and then luged down the whole 3 kilometers.
  • On Sunday night, the National Hurricane Center said Lee's center was about 55 miles (90 kilometers) west-northwest of McComb, Mississippi and moving east-northeast at 7 mph (11 kph). A weakened Lee still poses flood threat in South
  • Last week, big newspaper companies, broadcast media conglomerates, and their lawyers and brokers and bankers and boards, had all lined up the next big media buying frenzy.
  • Even though I didn't know I could sense "yumminess" with my tongue, there are people out there who have known for a long time: food scientists and corporate food conglomerates. Mark Strausman: What You Don't Know About Your Tongue Might Be Making You Fat
  • For the past two years, he has also taken an interest in aviculture and manages a henhouse in his neighbourhood in Thiès, a town located 70 kilometers from Dakar. Kiva Loans
  • Lebanon's 150-kilometer coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, but off the coast of Saida, there are no swimmers, due to a giant heap of stinking garbage. Mountain of Trash Blights Historic Lebanese City of Saida
  • The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate.
  • The dray will be the one that came with the first horses brought in by Major John Bartholomew and it is currently being given a fresh coat of paint in the company's paint shop in Northgate Street.
  • Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine affectations. December 7th, 2005
  • Time and again Mr. Casey introduces interesting people—the fellow who rowed so hard with him in the two-man master's scull that he ripped the tendon off his hip bone in mid-race; the young coed who accompanied him on a 50-kilometer, midnight hike to celebrate his 50th birthday; the fellow named Oscar who proved a rock when the going got tough in Outward Bound. Extracurricular Activities
  • Well, in a short news release, police officials in Ancona, which is about 300 kilometers to the west from the east side from here, from Rome said that they received an anonymous phone call at around 2: 30 p.m. local time here in Italy. CNN Transcript Jun 12, 2003
  • Nominal wages increase in the more agglomerated region because, as a result of the additional firm's entry, there is greater aggregate production and thus greater demand for labor.
  • The British also had developed a device called a ceilometer, which triangulated ultraviolet rays to calculate how low clouds were over the three Berlin airports. Daring Young Men
  • So, when a telomere gets short, that's when either senescence or apoptosis is triggered. Carol W. Greider - Interview
  • Geological Survey have surveyed the United States and found 6,000 square miles (15,500 square kilometers) of so-called ultramafic rocks at or near the surface that could be ideal for storing the excess gas.
  • Some 1400 kilometres of earthworks need to be completed before it can take the ballast, sleepers and rails.
  • Because the well water is discoloured and foul-smelling, people have to walk about two kilometres looking for cleaner water.
  • Unfortunately, past the chalet, the wind has come up and the final 6 kilometres over the moonscape is a vastly different challenge from our first ascent from Bedoin.
  • Any understanding of the politics of the world must therefore take stock of this agglomerative process and its effects.
  • The bomb exploded harmlessly 20 kilometers above the ground, leaving a train of smoke that remained visible for an hour.
  • As they'd noted, this area had a somewhat disused look to it, for the floor was covered with a conglomeration of dirt, guano and silt interspersed with crumbling bits of masonry or fallen pillars.
  • These, however, were sufficient to show me that the gneiss of Depilto was overlain conformably by the contorted schists; that the latter were followed by soft trappean beds, and these by thick beds of quartz-conglomerate, apparently derived from the degradation of the schistose rocks, with their numerous quartz veins. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • The deepest mines are four kilometres underground. Times, Sunday Times
  • This leaves Bartholomew, James the son of Alpheus, and Simon Zelotes. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.
  • It's also very cloudy, something you can measure with a nephelometer, a tool that transmits light across a few centimeters of seawater and measures how much is absorbed
  • Imagine firing a high-powered rifle in a mountainous area; people within five kilometers of the shot would hear it.
  • Its center was 800 miles 1,290 kilometers east-northeast of Bermuda. Hurricane Dora reaches Cat. 4 strength off Mexico
  • [98] Time out of mind it has been the habit of writers, both within the order and without, to treat Masonry as though it were a kind of agglomeration of archaic remains and platitudinous moralizings, made up of the heel-taps of Operative legend and the fag-ends of Occult lore. The Builders A Story and Study of Masonry
  • The Republic of Moldova is a landlocked country between Romania and Ukraine that covers 13,199 square miles (33,845 square kilometers).
  • Moreover, the novel microdomain in the isoform-specific region of the holometabolous insect EcR-B1 isoform suggests that the holometabolous insect EcR-B1 acquired additional transcriptional regulation mechanisms. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • We topped the pass as the first drops of rain fell, and then beat the storm in a reckless 20 kilometres downhill dash.
  • If you look at the statistics for the most populated agglomerations, which include a central city and neighbouring communities linked to it, then Tokyo in Japan is the world's most populated city with 33.9 million residents.
  • ~ Dioxin pollution leads to more baby girls -study -- "More girls than boys are born in some Canadian communities because airborne pollutants called dioxins can alter normal sex ratios, even if the source of the pollution is many kilometers away, researchers say. Speedlinking 10/18/07
  • May 29 — Stage 19: Avellino to Vesuvius, 164 kilometers (101.91 miles). 2009 Giro d'Italia results
  • I was once more on the Great Conglomerate, -- here, as elsewhere, a picturesque, boldly-featured deposit, traversed by narrow, mural-sided valleys, and tempested by bluff abrupt eminences. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Drive on for a kilometre; then take a right turn.
  • And, we realized the old truism from the original cytogenetics which was that the telomere is really important for protecting ends and, as you might expect, the cell actually devotes all sorts of machinery to make sure that never goes wrong, or goes wrong as little as possible. Elizabeth H. Blackburn - Interview
  • He posed a nude model to fix the exact posture of Salome in the water-colour version of The Apparition in the Louvre.
  • What's more, the canal can't even be thanked for providing all of the electricity for the city, because much of the wattage it generates gets fused into a power grid formed by a conglomerate of electricity production facilities downstate.
  • Retinoic acid, tamoxifen, and the two telomerase inhibitors each significantly squelched immortalization. The Scientist
  • To read a salometer, place it in a vessel, like the graduate cylinder shown in Figure 2, and allow it to float. Chapter 7
  • On one tank of fuel it can cover a distance of a thousand kilometres.
  • The Annascaul Formation is at least 500 m thick, and is dominated by mudrocks with subordinate quartz wacke sandstones, tuffaceous fine conglomerates and melange.
  • In a flash I knew that if I added malic acid to the mercury -- perchloride of mercury or corrosive sublimate -- I would have calomel or subchloride of mercury, the only thing that would switch the poison out of my system and Mrs. Boncour's. The Poisoned Pen
  • The wildfire affected more than 12 square kilometres of natural bushland, with a number of dangerous situations developing throughout the day.
  • Carnon Consolidated has applied for planning permission to extend underground by 2 kilometres toward another small settlement, Carharrack.
  • The river water, heavily laden with sediments and thus called whitewater, floods the surrounding forest under 6 to 7 m for periods up to ten months each year, affecting a swath of land up to 20 kilometers (km) wide. Iquitos varzea
  • A few kilometres from the last former Soviet army checkpoint, the tarmac ends and the journey to Ground Zero continues off-road, across the parched and endless steppe.
  • In fact a few of the characters are conglomerates of different people that I came across when I lived there.
  • How can this happen on a planet that has an estimated 1400 million cubic kilometres of water?
  • PT Indo Tirta Suaka, a pig farm owned by Indonesia's biggest conglomerate, is taking methane released from manure and turning it into power. Indonesian Businesses Find Savings Through Emission Reduction Plans
  • He felt inside as if he had been taking calomel.
  • Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, which is positively expressed in most malignant tumor cells, while negatively expressed in normal somatic ones.
  • Typical recessional speed for Virgo cluster galaxies is about 1,200 kilometres/second.
  • It took Lou Salomé to cause an unbreachable gulf between the brother and sister.
  • In other words, when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour, most waves will be about twelve meters.
  • This caution can not be overstated in light of the decreased glomerular filtration often present in chronic liver failure.
  • In his first article he mistakes a species of the myriapod genus Glomeris for the isopod genus Armadillo. Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • Commercial fishing will be banned permanently in a million square kilometres of ocean teeming with sharks, turtles and whales. Times, Sunday Times
  • The location is accessible by car and motorcycle, but to get to the crater itself you have to walk another three kilometers along a path.
  • The campus covers an area of twenty square kilometres.
  • And a few kilometres away, on the Pacific coast, American tourists sit in resorts, drinking cervezas and taking photos of the titi monkeys playing in a nearby tree.
  • He cut a glorious calomel pill out of pipeclay, and then we concocted a black-draught of salts and bottled stout, with a little patent boot-polish. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 25, 1841
  • Doctors resorted to medications that purged the poison from the body - mercury laxatives, calomel, and emetics such as ipecacuanha.

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