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How To Use Loll In A Sentence

  • International Food, cakes and preserves, exquisite craft, homemade sweets and lollies, pre-loved clothes and books and heaps more.
  • There were several kids lolling around outside the club.
  • The hunting dog lolled its tongue out.
  • Doreen has been Haworth's lollipop lady for 11 years and she is steadily building up a family dynasty in the job.
  • Fans want efforts to be recognised She also says the honours system is unfair because she gets recognised for her work but a lollipop lady doesn't. The Sun
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  • The man has limbs like lollipop sticks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Note that I am being slightly defensive about the lolling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here we give three recipes for making your own perfect ice lolly. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sat back down and resumed my editing, sticking the grape lollipop back in my mouth.
  • He says the crossing patrol has poor visibility because of parked cars and the lollipop lady has to weave in between stationary vehicles.
  • In the fields towards Heswall several pairs of brown hares lolloped and played in the long grass while pheasants strutted their stuff looking stunning in the sunlight.
  • Which is more than the average lollipop lady. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jonathan Evans, who teaches biology at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, says the industry needs to quit pushing the fantasy that replacing all these trees with loblolly is ‘reforestation.’
  • The thermal currents in this part of Turkey mean you can spend most of your time lolling around in the shallows under the warm sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Thursday on, the television cameras will beam sumptuous shots of loblolly pines and blushing azaleas around the world.
  • Wipe the apples and push lolly sticks into them.
  • No, he takes Scrooge to the market, and shows him the abundance there, especially the fruits sometimes literal of foreign trade: There were great, round, pot-bellied baskets of chestnuts, shaped like the waistcoats of jolly old gentlemen, lolling at the doors, and tumbling out into the street in their apoplectic opulence. A Dickens Of A Debate Between Mr. Scrooge And Mr. Say
  • The demands which Humbert makes upon Lolita, with his appalling sentimentality, cannot possibly be met by her: and the result is a bitter comedy in which the nymphet answers his passion by demand for more iced lollies or fudge sundaes. From the archive, 23 January 1959: Lolita and its critics
  • Getting Pregnant While Taking Celexa of 300 mg/kg/day corrupted to lollipops for one fibrinolysis did persoally chlorpromazine in hexokinase formation or any sappy adverse gugulipid effects. Wii-volution
  • The child put out his tongue and licked his lollipop.
  • They survive by selling ice lollies on the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small round conidia were attached to short simple conidiophores, resembling lollipops.
  • Lolling in their leisurewear, with lager cans as a substitute for ammo, these soldiers don't quite belong in that tragically vulnerable company. The big picture: On the way to the Falklands War, 1982
  • There's only so many bananas you can eat, the odd lolly is nice. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sheep bawled, it's eyes flashing with pain, its tongue lolling from its mouth, a perfect cloud of vapor mushrooming from its cries. February 2012 Denver, COLORADO
  • Few people who drive past the farm fail to smile at the sight of the sows rolling around in the mud, or lolling, sunbathing, on deep beds of straw.
  • It is hard to imagine a summer diet that sounds more appealing: consume ice lollies and iced drinks and watch the pounds melt away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reference to an ice-cream shop excursion has been edited out, and math word problems have been revised so that items like lollipops and candy bars are not included to teach kids arithmetic.
  • Dressing up time at the weekend and Lolly wasn't too impressed with it while Lucy just posed away all night.
  • Is darling loll head extended on become warped and what does prolapse have to distinguish?
  • I needed to get up, not loll there like a Victorian heroine. Raziel
  • Tall and gangly, he is lolling against a wall with a pipe in his mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the afternoon she buys a lolly and her second bag of crisps. Bad Food Britain
  • Isabelle and John write that they are keen to do plenty of relaxing, preferably on a beach, beside a lake or simply lolling around a pool.
  • I sat on the boundary waiting for the bus, watching the batsmen slowly lolloping from one end of the pitch to the other.
  • She strikes me as a no-nonsense gal, the sort of English rose, raised on tea and hockey, who'd be calm in a crisis and know how to make splints out of ice lolly sticks.
  • Price cut inevitable as new crop available soon loll off until notice.
  • Its eyes were screwed up like the twisty ends of lolly wrappers and its mouth was open wide like a garbage disposal unit, but three times as loud.
  • thickly timbered ridges clothed with loblolly pine and holly
  • Cattle, sheep, and dogs do not sweat as horses do, they "loll;" that is, water or slobber runs from their tongues; hence, they are not liable to take cold as the horse is. American Woman's Home
  • The dog was flopped across the bottom of the berth, his head hanging over the edge of the berth, pink tongue lolling. CORMORANT
  • Min was blind and rode in a wheelchair, her head lolling to one side.
  • She brought along a clown baggy full of candied goodies, such as lollipops, gumdrops, and jelly beans.
  • Across the way, several dozen handsome Somali men and woman lolled around the garden in formal suits and dresses.
  • A rabbit lolloped across the path.
  • He looked up at her, tongue lolling out, ice cream covering his muzzle, sweat dripping from his fur in several places.
  • Mycorrhizal and rhizomorph dynamics in a loblolly pine forest during 5 years of free-air-CO New Content on CO2 Science
  • Tongue lolling, the dog came lolloping back from the forest.
  • It is true that sandy uplands have forests of loblolly and slash pine, and that baldcypress is a dominant tree in swamps; but such vegetation represents either xerophytic and hydrophytic forms in excessively dry or wet habitats, or second-growth forest following fire and deforestation. Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
  • We see another bunch of outdoor reporters huddled into their coat collars, clutching mikes like they were chocolate lollies.
  • As, however, the foxy child, thumb in mouth, lolloped after him, he took a sovereign from his pocket. Ultima Thule
  • The Lollards are said to have derived their name from a low German word _lollen_, to sing or chant, from their habit of chanting, but their clerical opponents affected to derive it from the Latin _lolium_, as if this sect were as tares among the true wheat of the church. London and the Kingdom - Volume I
  • Stalls selling tasty hot dogs, burgers, chips, lollipops and candyfloss ensured everyone had the chance to tuck into their favourite food on the night.
  • His designs pulsed with angular hepcats bearing funnel-tapered noses and shark-fin chins, who fingered cockeyed pianos and honked lollipop-hued horns. Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
  • His body sank sideways in the same direction, the head lolling nervelessly upon his right shoulder, whilst from the great rent in his breast the blood gushed forth, embruing the water of his bath, trickling to the brick-paved floor, bespattering -- symbolically almost -- a copy of L'Ami du Peuple, the journal to which he had devoted so much of his uneasy life. The Historical Nights' Entertainment Second Series
  • Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
  • When I got to the County trials though I met people who put my enthuastic lollop into perspective. Reminds Me Of Me
  • While our youngsters, brought up without free school milk, were lolloping about mid-week, the home side darted about like greyhounds and finished like pit bulls.
  • Meung: Troilus and Creseide, from Lollius of Urbino: The Cock and the Fox, from the Lais of Marie: The House of Fame, from the French or Italian: and poor Gower he uses as if he were only a brick-kiln or stone-quarry out of which to build his house. Representative Men
  • Variations between the British and American editions include a certain amount of translation (lolly becomes popsicle), the respelling of a sound effect (` wop! 'becomes ` whop!' throughout) and an extra 400 words are added to chapter 21, adapted from radio Episode Ten, concerning ` Belgium 'as term of profanity. Don't Panic
  • He saw the flashing forms of gray, the gleaming eyes, the lolling tongues, the slavered fangs. THE LAW OF LIFE
  • I bought her another lolly to eat on the walk back through the glen.
  • You can use any finger puppets you already have or make some using drawings on card, glued to a lollipop stick or straw. The Sun
  • The eyes are gone - but the lolling tongue and floppy ears are intact. The Sun
  • We sold everything from Quality Street and Black Magic to sherbet dabs, lolly pops and liquorice.
  • Pappy? Why did you take the al- lollipops on that jar? Why?
  • | For those who may wonder about the word 'lolled' on page | Scottish Ghost Stories
  • He looked in the mirror and saw that the twins were now asleep too, their heads lolling close to one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use any remaining Parmesan to cover part of lollipop stick resting on the disc. The Sun
  • Note that I am being slightly defensive about the lolling. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he sure is stylin', especially in the way he sucks on a lollipop stem throughout his set.
  • You shouldn't have so many guests in front loll out tongue.
  • In the boat we were compelled to loll about between heaven and the cool coral groves, and compare enforced inactivity with the blithesome freedom of the weakest butterfly. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Cover with foil and insert lolly sticks in the centre of each mould. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as in the eye pin, the circle needs to be sitting on top of the wire like a lollipop on a stick.
  • It was all very nice and relaxing lolling around in rooftop heated pools; sauntering in and out of steam rooms; and standing under a giant ‘tropical rainstorm’-style shower. Why can’t I just get married? « Sven’s guide to…
  • Girls of your age are apt to be faint and lollopy-like, as you may say; especially when they're stived up in a smoky place like London. Charlotte's Inheritance
  • For lemonade lolly you can enjoy a slice of the champagne lifestyle. The Sun
  • A man with the face of a dog smiled at her from the painting, his tongue lolling out happily over his business suit.
  • Lest you think we loll around in the park taking nips off our brown-bagged fifth of Old Crow and reading young adult fantasy novels EVERY weekend. Stuff We Did This Weekend
  • Note that I am being slightly defensive about the lolling. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the ritual centers around the oral fixation, and not the tobacco or the smoke itself, you could substitute a lollipop, licorice or hard sour candy for the cigarette.
  • I don't have time to lollop downstairs, drenched, and whip up some stink-fre towels. Blog: Late October Morning
  • A few wallabies foraging in the saltbush lolloped out of the way.
  • Remove ring and on Parmesan disc place lollipop stick on top. The Sun
  • Lollipops, lotions, syrups, sprays and suppositories can also be developed instead of using the manufactured form.
  • This meant you could get up and go over to the other side of the room and lollygag around in the line for sharpening pencils.
  • These ‘children’ weren't playing Nintendo or lolling around in a sandbox when they were taken into custody.
  • The concentrical circles of the long-leaf pine (p. australis) are twelve times as numerous in the same space" [as of the loblolly pine]. Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
  • You can use any finger puppets you already have or make some using drawings on card, glued to a lollipop stick or straw. The Sun
  • Eliza spends some time lollygagging around but doesn't seem interested in actually catching a pig.
  • It was a clear penalty, not requiring the assistance of the Uefa lollipop man behind the goal for confirmation. Times, Sunday Times
  • His eyelids drooped, and his head lolled forward.
  • He was lolling on the sofa in the shadows near the fire.
  • Not everything is on the sweet side: There are mini caprese salads, mini salmon tarts in salmon skin cups and butternut squash lollipops with chevre filling. Secrets of the Master of the Mini
  • Luckily, I had my binocs with me and was able to observe him for a minute or so before he turned and lolloped away.
  • Her vigorous position, with one knee down and one up, coupled with the wings on her ankles, is illustrative of flight; her huge eyes and lolling tongue are apotropaic.
  • Not just talk to a lollipop man? Times, Sunday Times
  • Since officials began aggressively suppressing wildfire, many of Florida's forests have been taken over by slash and loblolly pine.
  • I reckon that with the housing market slowing down because people are finding it cheaper to improve their existing homes, the Government is missing out on all that lovely stamp duty lolly.
  • Ideally, you will need an ice lolly mould, which is very cheap. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes she lollygags on the living room floor, I take some dry dog food (you know, the kind that comes in a big bag), pour it into her bowl outside, and then come back in, only to find that she has not been sufficiently enticed. Kumah - Home of Neo-Zionism and the Aliyah Revolution
  • His eyelids drooped, and his head lolled forward.
  • Therefore, it is common to see laid-back dogs lolling in the streets, the sidewalks and the curbsides.
  • By contrast Match of the Day's current migrainous banality is no accident: these lolling satin-shirted sofa fondlers have simply been watching TV feeds in Television Centre, their view fatally restricted, their experienced glazed by distance. Sky generation is beginning to miss Richard Keys and Andy Gray | Barney Ronay
  • Hines had befriended the girl after she joined the Lollypop Children's Theatre in order to overcome a stutter.
  • Remember to give young children a bottle, a lollipop, or a piece of gum when the plane takes off and lands.
  • I feel suitably dreadful today, and have only just lolled out of bed.
  • The plump girl had finished her lollipop and threw the stick over her shoulder.
  • It was a clear penalty, not requiring the assistance of the Uefa lollipop man behind the goal for confirmation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He opened his cabinet door and found his colleagues lolling about like a bunch of tattooed fugitives in a Marbella nightclub. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remote working sounds idyllic: lolling around in your pyjamas and dodging the tea run. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of Hamilton's most famous works was his 1956 collage Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing? which featured a bodybuilder holding a lolly with the word pop on it, and surrounded by advertising images. WalesOnline - Home
  • There were several kids lolling around outside the club.
  • By the mid-1930s she was a superstar, singing, lisping and tap-dancing her way through such films as Poor Little Rich Girl and Bright Eyes, in which she famously sang On the Good Ship Lollipop.
  • A fantasy world filled with lollipops, peanut brittle, and candy canes, where even the pitfalls are delicious and made of things like molasses and gumdrops.
  • This project combines fire rehabilitation with watershed and ecosystem restoration on sites where loblolly pine has been ravaged by bugs and blight.
  • Behind glass, loll the snakes: timber rattlers, pygmy rattlers, desert massasauga rattlers, and most of the other 32 rattlesnake species known to inhabit the United States.
  • There were all these children with tooth decay yet you see them sucking lollies.
  • We feel no need to drip ice lollies as we browse - the library has a perfectly good café. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fans want efforts to be recognised She also says the honours system is unfair because she gets recognised for her work but a lollipop lady doesn't. The Sun
  • But he has also invented a flashing lollipop for school crossings, a ‘whoosh machine’ to propel pigeons from perches on buildings, a golf club trolley wheel-cleaning attachment and a telescopic light bulb changer.
  • She brought along a clown baggy full of candied goodies, such as lollipops, gumdrops, and jelly beans.
  • We have all seen it; our top player lollygags his or her way through yet another session. On The Pitch
  • I should like to have you opposite me in any mood, whether the facetiously discursive, the metaphysically discursive, the personally confidential, or the jadedly CURSIVE and argumentative -- so that the oyster-shells which enclose my being might slowly turn open on their rigid hinges under the radiation, and the critter within loll out his dried-up gills into the circumfused ichor of life, till they grow so fat as not to know themselves again. Familiar Letters of William James I
  • Aga taaskord, mitte seepärast, et ta on "loll" vaid seepärast, et ta "segas konverentsi". Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • This root is much used among the Dutch people in a kind of loblolly or hotchpot, which they do eat, calling it _warmus_. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Saturday jobs inject a little more into the coffers and, welcome though it is, it doesn't leave most kids rolling in lolly.
  • The sodden Finn was lolling over a double seat, a half-bottle of vodka protruding from his pocket. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • If I was the architect of this town, or any town, I would have built everything first but the sidewalks and let the people walk—let them express their human sensibilities of awareness and direction and tendency—and once a few months had passed, once their natural meanderings/cuts and joyful lollygags/struts and stretches and ways of life had worn gentle paths in the grass, I would have then paved over the paths, to create walkways where the people already wanted to walk. On Writing about Velveeta
  • But they're not missing much - this lacklustre gaggle of wannabes spent practically all day lolling around in bed. The Sun
  • He dramatically flops backwards, lolling out his tongue and pretending to be dead.
  • July 10, 2008 10: 44 AM go stantall!! go standtall go!! standtall!! lollllll no mind dos yeye small boys dat dont have respect for anybody, but i wan ask u one question o, wat happened to the teeth dat fell down, (lol) abeg tell me jor. cheers!! HE STOOD UP FOR ME
  • One by one the wolves crept nearer, jaws opened, tongues lolling as if they laughed at her helplessness. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Researchers Susan Lolle and Robert Pruitt encountered phenotypic traits not according with inheritance concepts derived from Mendel; leading them to contemplate whether the plants they were working with might revert to their grandparents 'allelic frequency. 2008 February - Telic Thoughts
  • Verdi operatic lollipops is my current favourite.
  • So, lollipops and sucking sweeties were banned, but soft sweets and chocolate were deemed OK in moderation.
  • Pour some orange and raspberry crush juice into lolly moulds.
  • Over the gilt balustrade surmounting the cornice lolled the figures of fauns, bacchantes, nereids and tritons, hovered over by a cloud of amorini blown like rose-leaves across a rosy sky, while in the centre of the dome Apollo burst in his chariot through the mists of dawn, escorted by a fantastic procession of the human races. The Valley of Decision
  • Look Busy is owned by a former schoolteacher turned lollipop man. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll find lollipop sticks at kitchen shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • For people trying to kick the cigarette habit, gums, patches, lollipops, and lip balms that contain nicotine are often useful.
  • Everything everywhere I look stinks of the stinkiest ghosts of dead fishy guts, even the beauty of the memory living in this perfect place that must enact its powerful magic upon the senses like packs of freewheeling gulls lolling around on winds above and beside the biggest millionaire's playtime ships like miniature zooming racecars can't help keep that awful sick smell down wind. Notes from Seven Cities (on the Road)
  • No, no, the dear heaven knows, and the farther the from it, if the whole stole stale mis betold, whoever the gulpable, and whatever the pulpous was, the twooned togethered, and giving the mhost phassionable wheathers, they were doing a lally a lolly a dither Finnegans Wake
  • Accompanying the astronauts on the flight are a dozen rats, 36 fish embryos and 20 loblolly pine seedlings.
  • But neither Francis Bacon nor Lucian Freud nor Damien Hirst has shaped modern art as Hamilton did when he put a lolly with the word POP on it in the hand of a muscleman in his 1956 collage, Just What is it that Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing? Richard Hamilton, the original pop artist, dies at 89
  • The pillow has a 360-degree enclosure so your neck is cushioned no matter which way your head lolls.
  • LOLOLLL. just let out your inner pervertedness LMFAO xD zzen News
  • Rick opened the door to find a teenage girl lolling about the overstuffed chair in the room.
  • It snuffled like a Peke dog does and its tongue lolled out, but the texture on the tongue was rough like a cats.
  • Her head lolling heavily against my upper arm, I could barely take my eyes off her. The Sun
  • They pile up brushwood to dim her in lolloping flames.
  • But yu goa an has ur sleepees – ai stawpt mai sillolly craiing, an ai gunna goa bak in tiem tu teh lasst LOL an enjoi teh moosiks. CORPORATE FAT CAT - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • My teenage son and his friends were lolling on the sofa watching Top Gear while attacking a selection of biscuits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now there is a great reason to loll around Starbucks, in addition to WiFi.
  • A special thank you goes to the local lollipop lady who ensured the children from the playschool reached their neighbouring primary school with ease and safety.
  • Stick a lollipop stick in each one and dip into the toffee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip.
  • I had my head lolled to one side, mouth open, eyes weakly blinking.
  • Salmon pink and beautifully delicate, this fizz has subtle, fruity aromas and strawberry ice-lolly flavours without the sweetness.
  • Terrence and Aaron lolled into a cushioned embrasure of a window seat, sufficiently near to each other to nudge the points of their respective contentions as CHAPTER XI
  • We see another bunch of outdoor reporters huddled into their coat collars, clutching mikes like they were chocolate lollies.
  • You'll find lollipop sticks at kitchen shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nigel Humphrey, 50, from Belvedere Avenue, Lancing, narrowly missed crashing into 44-year-old Anne Ford and hit her 'lollypop' with his Landrover as she stood terrified in the middle of West Street, Sompting, last July. Undefined
  • Handing out chocolate and lollipops to pub revellers in a good mood at the end of the night is one of the schemes already operating in East Lancashire.
  • The other day he came over, and we went down to the store and got iced lollies. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • When he gets to the front he lollygags," Gomez said. Undefined
  • For the extreme Lollards, of whom he was one, looked upon the two political acts which we have learned to call disestablishment and disendowment, as not only permissible, but desirable. The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
  • Ask your parents if teachers handed out candy or if bus drivers offered lollipops.
  • The Judaeo-Christian prophets such as Amos castigate those who loll on beds inlaid with ivory, feast on lambs, drink wine by the bowlful and anoint themselves with the richest of oils, but feel no grief for those who struggle. People of all faiths should be protesting against the cuts | David Haslam
  • She closed her eyes and allowed her head to loll back against the pillow.
  • It was a cool, starlight evening, and they lolled about the poop waiting till their snail's pace would bring them to the anchorage. THE FEATHERS OF THE SUN
  • All that awaits you now, Bheki, is, I trust, money - lots of lovely lolly, latkes, folding green stuff, shekels.
  • Comencini was best known for his 1953 hit, Bread, Love and Dreams, starring Gina Lollobrigida and Vittorio De Sica, a film that spawned two sequels and helped turned the page on Italy's neorealism movement. GreenCine Daily: Luigi Comencini, 1916 - 2007.
  • _gratis_ -- a fact soon proved by the inroad of a few "rowdies," and the ubiquitous vendors of lollipops and peanuts, headed by the persevering distributor of hymns. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • The BrainPort is a tiny video camera attached to a pair of sunglasses which are linked to a plastic "lollypop" the user places on their tongue to read the electrical pulses.
  • A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole.
  • The older vampire's cold body was limp and pliant, and his head lolled to the side.
  • Worst of all, one party had brought the family idiot -- a simpering, lollopy creature, stiff in the wrong places, who could not feed himself properly. A Poor Man's House
  • My twin brother and I went to good schools and we spent summers lolling about on a beach in Italy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her eyes drooped slightly and her head lolled back and hit the mirror again.
  • Stop me and have a look - there are no cornets or ice lollies, but there is plenty of local history on offer in Yorkshire's most unusual museum.
  • Swamp bay, loblolly bay, and swamp dogwood are plentiful; the Virginia chain fern and the swamp fern are almost always present.
  • “But, my father,” said Catharine, “even for these opinions men term you a Lollard and a Wickliffite, and say it is your desire to destroy churches and cloisters, and restore the religion of heathenesse.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Remote working sounds idyllic: lolling around in your pyjamas and dodging the tea run. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have always told you the consequence of attending to the minutiae, where art (or imposture, as the ill-mannered would call it) is designed — your linen rumpled and soily, when you wait upon her — easy terms these — just come to town — remember (as formerly) to loll, to throw out your legs, to stroke and grasp down your ruffles, as if of significance enough to be careless. Clarissa Harlowe
  • | Reply | Permalink these new sets of polls with make msm heads explode everywhere today since the sky was falling last week with suburban white women. loll pat buchannan will be obsolete aftera ll!!! Quinnipiac: Obama Ahead In Florida, Ohio And Pennsylvania
  • The local lollipop man fancies her but she's got her eye on a younger window cleaner. The Sun
  • If I were working on a larger scale I'd use a wooden lolly stick, sharpened appropriately, and dipped into Indian Ink.
  • One of the little dogs looked up at her, and then sprang to his feet, bounding over to her, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.
  • The thermal currents in this part of Turkey mean you can spend most of your time lolling around in the shallows under the warm sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • We climbed the steep lane back to the Inn, pausing here along the way, and had a lovely lazy afternoon lolling on a hammock on the porch.
  • With his trademark lollipop and “who loves you, babe?” catchphrase, Telly Savalas put the boldness in baldness. 10 Men That Made Bald Sexy | Fandomania
  • In the Vulgate it is retained and in popular French Wyclif renders it "darnel or cockle", and curiously enough the name of his followers, the Lollards, has been derived from a Latin equivalent, "lolium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Christine remembered teaching Zack and Lolly, then five and four, to recognize the quirky cheeping: quick three beers, quick THREE beers. Without A Trace
  • But the guests lolling on bedlike lounges and deep wicker chairs seem blissfully unaware of the drama behind the scenes at one of South Beach's hottest hotels. Keeping Chic in a Miami Storm
  • It was on that frazil ice, that some people called lolly, that I meant to run for my life now, trusting to the resistance of the two feet of snow that lay on the lake in the mysterious way snow does lie on lolly, and to the snowshoes on my feet. The La Chance Mine Mystery
  • But, lobsters and lollipops! it is a good thing the seneschal was a pompous fool. Prince Caspian
  • The eyes are gone - but the lolling tongue and floppy ears are intact. The Sun
  • A couple of times she told riders that their horses were ‘window shopping’ which meant the horse was lollygagging around the ring, not paying attention.

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