
How To Use Loire In A Sentence

  • Vietnamese or Thai: Clos Palet Vouvray, France 2009 £7.35, MorrisonsSomething in the slightly tart, fresh, green, appley flavours of this off-dry Loire white works well with the the kind of herbs – coriander, mint, Thai basil – used in Vietnamese and Thai salads and noodle dishes. The best wine and food matches
  • Napoléon n'avait encore que vingt ans, lorsqu'un officier russe lui dit avec beaucoup de suffisance, que les Russes se battaient pour la gloire, et que les Français ne se battaient que pour l'argent. French Conversation and Composition
  • This composition lends itself to rich and diversified farming: cattle raised for meat consumption in the regions of Ancenis and Châteaubriant; milk production in Redon; vegetable gardens in the alluvial valley of the Loire; and vineyards cultivating Muscadets and Gamays in the Ancenis hills and throughout the entire regions south of the Loire.
  • I beetle through woods along a track, with the Loire to myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without body and sufficient fruit flavors, Sauvignon blanc wines from the Loire Valley are offensively vegetal and aggressively acidic.
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  • Another was observed at a restaurant called RSJ (for Rolled Steel Joists — a name derived from the adventure of renovating the building, apparently), right near the National Theatre, open late and noted for its wonderful selection of Loire Valley wines at reasonable prices (reasonable for London, that is). Polenta Cake Inspired By a Trip Across the Pond - Bitten Blog -
  • Loire Cabernet Francs are at their best in hot vintages like 2003, when their potentially stalky flavours are transformed by sunshine.
  • Thankfully all photographic evidence of our tour of the Loire Valley has been destroyed, so no one will ever be able to confirm how truly hideous my outfit was.
  • Here are the high plains and deeply-cleft bocage country of Normandy, the stony, prehistoric wilds of Brittany, and the richly-planted riversides of the Seine and the Loire.
  • It was after his first visit, a quick, four-day trip during which we went to several of the Loire Valley chateaux that surround Tours.
  • It is assumed that the inspiration for the design of the manor came from Italian Late Gothic, above all urban towered signories and French Renaissance, specially the Renaissance Castles on the Loire.
  • To accompany the first course, asparagus with sauce mousseline, he chose a 1986 Chinon, a young red wine from the Loire Valley.
  • A range of property styles are available in the Pays de la Loire, from stone-built longeres long houses to village townhouses to elegant chateaux, and everything in between. Et Figures | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • French authorities are also worried that the Loire River may crest this weekend between Orléans and Angers.
  • Mathematically, the best course to take when trying to close on a ship to windward was to keep the ship being chased right in the wind's eye, and that was where the Hotspur now found herself again, relative to the Loire, while the latter, resuming her former course, closehauled, was twenty or thirty yards nearer to her in the direction of the wind. Hornblower And The Hotspur
  • Mademoiselle Loiré was most sympathetic and unreproachful, and, having dried her sister's tears, led her into the house, where the whole party sat down to cake and cider, under the influence of which Mademoiselle Barbara in Brittany
  • I carry off Madam Magloire, I enter my chamber, I pray for him and fall asleep.
  • The stately bridge was occupied by a throng of people, who swore that the men under whose rule the Loire had been choked with corpses should have full personal experience of the nature of a noyade. Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 2
  • The mustachioed Mr. Blot began his career as a negotiant in Tours and gradually began acquiring small domains in Montlouis, a not-terribly-fashionable appellation on the South Bank of the Loire, and eventually a few acres in the more illustrious town of Vouvray, across the river. Singing of France's Unsung Chenin Blanc
  • Pauper's Sancerre does not come better than the tart, racy, lemony fruit of this stylish Loire Sauvignon, a joint effort of French and Antipodean winemakers.
  • Bourbons, that duty (performed by other generals and termed the disbanding of the army of the Loire) could not atone for the crime of having followed the man of the Hundred-Days to his last battle-field. Sons of the Soil
  • The Loire Valley of France is famous for its many romantic chateaux and its wines.
  • In fact Loire Valley reds can be real treasures.
  • Upon this Oudart put on his sacerdotal, and Loire and his wife their nuptial badges; Trudon piped it, and then tabored it like mad; all made haste to get ready, not forgetting the gauntlets. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The best known Gamays come from Beaujolais, but it also grows well in the Loire valley as Gamay de Tourraine and as Vin de Pays du Jardin.
  • Cave home in Loire is charming bioclimatic troglodyte house Kirsten Dirksen: Abandoned Stable Now Water-independent, Off-grid, Family Dream Home (VIDEO)
  • Although at least the government was now in one place rather than scattered around the Loire, this also made it easier for Reynaud's opponents to concert their activities.
  • Meanwhile, a poll in the Brittany and the Pays de la Loire areas has produced a "yes" vote by 52 percent compared to 48 percent for "non". Splits on response to French "non"
  • ‘It's from the Loire Valley,’ went his description of one well-known chèvre.
  • Mother Yvonne–Aimée used to pray: "Très Sainte Trinité, faites en moi tout ce que vous voulez trouver en moi, afin que vous puissiez tirer de mon néant tout l'amour et toute la gloire que vous aviez en vue en me créant. The problem of empathy
  • We wanted some payola, one of those fabled press trips where someone peels your grapes, plies you with fine wines then bores you slowly to death detailing the intricacies of cheese-making in the Loire Valley while you feign great interest.
  • We are accustomed to laugh at the French for their braggadocio propensities, and intolerable vanity about La France, la gloire, l’Empereur, and the like; and yet I think in my heart that the British Snob, for conceit and self-sufficiency and braggartism in his way, is without a parallel. The Book of Snobs
  • They seem oddly reluctant to follow the example of producers in the Loire, who use the name of the local river. Times, Sunday Times
  • To listen to the erudite and cosmically conscious Monsieur Joly explain the tenets of biodynamics, the system of holistic agriculture based on the teachings of Austrian theosophist Rudolph Steiner, while walking the rolling hills of his vineyard on the north bank of the Loire, it's easy to be convinced that conventional agriculture is pernicious and that biodynamics is the future, if not necessarily to understand it in rational terms. Singing of France's Unsung Chenin Blanc
  • Circuit Cycliste Sarthe - Pays de la Loire stage four. Undefined
  • I am currently reading "La Gloire de mon Père", by Marcel Pagnol. Fifille - French Word-A-Day
  • We have done homage to the old lacemakers of Haute-Loire.
  • Those captured are killed by a variety of means: some are hanged, some are decapitated, some are drawn and quartered, some are defenestrated (thrown from upper floor windows), some are put into sacks and thrown into the Loire to drown.
  • One suggestion is opening luxury hotels in chateaux including Chambord in the central Loire Valley and Rambouillet outside Paris. Cash-Strapped France Turns To Tourism For Financial Aid
  • In the old days, nobody wanted to hear a word about cabernet francs from the Loire," he said. NYT > Home Page
  • There are wines that have proven their computability with local cuisines over the centuries, wines such as Sancerre in the Loire, Rioja in Spain, Chianti in Tuscany, and the lighter wines of the French and Italian Riviera.
  • Gérard Marula Le Haut Midi, Touraine, Loire, France 2009 (£17.75, Green & Blue Wines)A so-called natural wine, meaning it was made with minimal intervention in the winery (including no added sulphur), this blend of cabernets franc and sauvignon with grolleau, is joyously alive with singing floral-edged raspberry fruit and a kind of spicy succulence. The 20 best Christmas red wines
  • He was born under the Pyrenees; he was a Gascon of the Gascons, one of a people strongly distinguished by intellectual and moral character, by manners, by modes of speech, by accent, and by physiognomy from the French of the Seine and of the Loire; and he had many of the peculiarities of the race to which he belonged. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • The Pays de la Loire has good air and train links, and is about three or four hours drive from the ferry and Eurotunnel terminals. Et Figures | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Global warming and better practices in the vineyard and the winery have transformed the Loire. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Loire Sauvignon Blanc called “Kiwi Cuvee” gets a thumbs down from Australian regulatory authorities after objections from their Antipodean neighbor. Sarah Palin, impossible pairings, glasses, kiwi cuvee – sipped and spit | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • He competed fiercely and his goal was not the happiness of the beloved but his own gloire and reputation. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The best summer-suitable reds that taste delicious chilled on hot days are lighter, lively, less alcoholic but more acidic wines made from restrained red grapes such as the Loire's Cabernet franc and Beaujolais' gamay.
  • Although at least the government was now in one place rather than scattered around the Loire, this also made it easier for Reynaud's opponents to concert their activities.
  • Musset's _Merle Blanc_, and like them we live "de plaisir, d'honneur, de bavardage, de gloire et de chiffons. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • From April 6 through April 9, the team participates in La Sarthe, a five-stage race in four days that takes place in Pays de la Loire, in the western part of France. | Attitude is Everything
  • In the Vendee, south of the Loire, civil war was soon raging, with the rebels organizing themselves into a self-styled Catholic and Royal Army dedicated to restoring the heirs of the martyred king.
  • This Loire Valley style red would probably severely disappoint the followers of the afore-mentioned "boozy" reds, but Cab Franc, and specifically the T23, is what we do best. Red, With Envy: Assessing 2007 Finger Lakes Reds
  • Comprising five regions - Poitou-Charentes, Western Loire, the Loire Valley, Brittany and Normandy - Western France seduces and delights with the ease of a seasoned boulevardier.
  • I beetle through woods along a track, with the Loire to myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beetle through woods along a track, with the Loire to myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Le jeune homme ne tarda pas à partir, que Dieu conduise ses pas pour sa plus grande gloire, la seule chose à laquelle nous devons tous aspirer. The Letters of St. Teresa
  • M. Carnot was of opinion, that it was necessary, to declare the country in danger, call the federates and national guards to arms, place Paris in a state of siege, defend it, at the last extremity retire behind the Loire, form intrenchments there, recall the army of Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II
  • I checked the French toponymic dictionary for Indre-et-Loire in the hopes of finding something relevant, but no luck. POEME EN LANGUE INCONNUE.
  • A few days ago I mentioned cantal cheese in a posting, and Dennis asked me in a comment if we can get the three different cantal cheese styles here in the Loire Valley.
  • The vine is a precocious one, budding, flowering, and ripening early, which makes it prone to spring frosts but means that it can flourish in regions as cool as much of the Loire.
  • Surely it's worth stepping off at Tours, taking in a Loire chateau or two, before haring down to the Atlantic.
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • In northern Italy and in France, south of the Loire, the main tenurial development of the seventeenth century was a massive extension of share-cropping, whereby landlords received rents as a fixed percentage of their tenants' crops.
  • Compare the following three texts — the previously-mentioned Passio sancti Pelagii by Hroswitha; Filius Getronis, a twelfth-century play of St. Nicholas from St. - Benoit-sur-Loire; and the tale of the snow child (a fabliau and several other retellings throughout the period). back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • It was arguably fair, when André Maurois finished his Histoire de la France, to permit him a small allowance of la gloire and to agree with his conclusion that “The history of France, a permanent miracle, has the singular privilege of impassioning the peoples of the earth to the point where they all take part in French quarrels.” A French Quarrel
  • A town of central France on the Loire River northeast of Tours.
  • Loire was kneading his dough; his wife was sifting meal; Oudart was toping in his office; the gentlemen were playing at tennis; the Lord Basche at in-and-out with my lady; the waiting-men and gentle-women at push-pin; the officers at lanterloo, and the pages at hot-cockles, giving one another smart bangs. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 4
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • Whoever owned this house was stinking rich, but it was doubtful that they were more wealthy than the Loires.
  • Of course, to become a marchioness was a substantial lure as well, especially when Raoul talked of the family estates in the Loire. The Dressmaker
  • In the north part of the Pays de la Loire region, you will find traditional stone-built houses and longeres and barn conversions, as well as the cream-coloured new builds, while houses in the Vendee have a more Mediterranean feel with stucco and red-tiled roofs. Et Figures | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • Ingrande, where we dined, is the last town of the province of Bretagne, on the Loire, and thenceforwards we had entered Anjou. Travels through the South of France and the Interior of Provinces of Provence and Languedoc in the Years 1807 and 1808
  • Vouvray Mousseux can often offer more interest than other Loire sparkling wines, to those who appreciate the honeyed aromas of Chenin Blanc, at least.
  • So where better to focus than France's Loire Valley, known best for its grapes which thrive on acid soils and produce some of the best and most palatable wines to suit barbecue steaks or fish and seafood.
  • I think that those in attendance found this a very refreshing stop -- both because the focus is on white wines and because Chris talked more about similarities to Friuli, Austria and the Loire Valley than Bordeaux, which we heard several times during the weekend. The New York Cork Report:
  • It was an impossible dream, like Védrine's dahabeeah ending in a punt on the Loire. The Immortal Or, One Of The "Forty." (L'immortel) - 1877
  • The stately bridge was occupied by a throng of people, who swore that the men under whose rule the Loire had been choked with corpses should have full personal experience of the nature of a _noyade_. Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)
  • I beetle through woods along a track, with the Loire to myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Loire valley is a perfect place for family cycle rides thanks to its flat patchwork of farmland, vineyards and woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vous rêvez de gloire, de strass et surtout de commentaires par milliers? A Brief Update — Climb to the Stars
  • Now consider, first, the difference in their influence over the armies of France, between the ancient word "devoir," and modern word "gloire. Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • His hotel is situated in one of the loveliest places on the Loire.
  • Suddenly, the majesty of the Alps and the chateaus on the Loire faded to gray behind your baby blue eyes and the halo of your golden curls. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • Land is quite reasonable in the Pays de la Loire and many rural properties come with much larger gardens than in the UK. Et Figures | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • First, a week in a 'gite' in the Loire Valley countryside near Angers, relaxing (me) and practising (Tom). Archive 2004-09-01
  • It was bred as recently as 1852 in the Loire, probably as a table grape from Chasselas and the distinctly ordinary Muscat de Saumur, according to Galet.

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