How To Use Loins In A Sentence

  • Royale, with a bayonet at his loins, and only escaped by taking refuge under the porte-cochere of No. 6. Les Miserables
  • Where four million people disported themselves, the wild wolves roam to-day, and the savage progeny of our loins, with prehistoric weapons, defend themselves against the fanged despoilers. Page 7
  • The two loins together are called the chine or saddle. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches
  • Keep in mind that trademarks don't trigger a siren every time someone purloins your idea.
  • When the hypochondriac region is affected with meteorism and borborygmi, should pain of the loins supervene, the bowels get into Aphorisms
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  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • Where four million people disported themselves, the wild wolves roam to-day, and the savage progeny of our loins, with prehistoric weapons, defend themselves against the fanged despoilers. Page 7
  • The vertebrae on the inside are regularly placed upon one another, but behind they are connected by a cartilaginous ligament; they are articulated in the form of synarthrosis at the back part of the spinal marrow; behind they have a sharp process having a cartilaginous epiphysis, whence proceeds the roots of nerves running downward, as also muscles extending from the neck to the loins, and filling the space between the ribs and the spine. Instruments Of Reduction
  • He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
  • In a labial dawn I savoured salty draughts of liquor springing from your tumid lips, luxuriated in a magnanimity your primal crouch expressed, heard half-suppressed love-cries tell the tumult in your loins. When I Close My Eyes (rev)
  • Serbia; the renascence of Russia; the wonderful upleap to the needs of the times by Great, and still more by Greater Britain; and, not least, the bracing of the loins of our closest Allies just across the water. Raemaekers' Cartoons With Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers
  • Both men and women wear round their loins a kind of apron, made of coloured stuff, and called a pareo; the women let it fall as low down as their ancles; the men not farther than the calf of the leg. A Woman's Journey Round the World
  • The feeling in his chest, and in his loins, returned.
  • _Lumbar: _ (From the Latin lumbus, the loin,) relating or pertaining to the loins. American Woman's Home
  • -- Fever may be accompanied by pain especially of the the head and loins; a sense of heaviness or general lassitude; deficiency of either secretion, or of all of them; dryness of skin; thirst; nausia; scanty and high colored urine; delirium; constipation; jactation; &c. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • “Would you have your fair greyhound, dear lady, grow up a tall and true Cotswold dog, that can pull down a stag of ten, or one of those smooth-skinned poppets which the Florence ladies lead about with a ring of bells round its neck, and a flannel farthingale over its loins?” Westward Ho!
  • The stallion was brought to the tent, a handsome bay with a white blaze and muscular loins.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C and place the raw cod loins on a baking tray. The Sun
  • He then snatched the fallen warrior's arms and robes under which he had concealed a scrip full of gold fastened to his loins.
  • Higher orders were expressed by moving the hands up and down the body—with a rather unpriestly image to represent 90,000: “grasp your loins with the left hand, the thumb towards the genitals,” Bede wrote. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • However, Rosenberg wasn't as personally repugnant as the other top Brownshirts such as Heydrich, Funk, or Röhm himself, so Shirer girded his mental loins, smoked a pipeful of some awful tobacco, and left his apartment. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Slice the venison loins, spoon over some of the sauce and serve with the beetroot mash on the side. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amyloins are substances containing varying numbers of amylin (original starch or dextrin) groups in conjunction with a proportional number of maltose groups. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Red Chicken, in a scarlet pareu fastened tightly about his loins, stood at the prow when we had reached his favorite spot off a point of land, while I, with a paddle, 10 noiselessly kept the canoe as stationary as possible. Story Hour Readings: Seventh Year
  • The white tontongee still girdled her loins; but Coomba's climate was her mantuamaker, and indicated more necessity for ornament than drapery. Captain Canot or, Twenty Years of an African Slaver
  • They wouldn't get past its lacily alliterative first line — "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins" — with its carefully balanced pairings ( "light/fire," "life/loins"). Lolita At 50, And Forever Young
  • Hydrophilos, having girded his sable cappa magna as high as to his cherubical loins, at solemn compline sat in his sate of wis-dom, that handbathtub, whereverafter, recreated doctor insularis of the universal church, keeper of the door of meditation, memory extempore proposing and intellect formally considering, recluse, he meditated continuously with seraphic ardour the primal sacra-ment of baptism or the regeneration of all man by affusion of water. Finnegans Wake
  • His body responded to his mind, flooding his loins, yet again.
  • Does this young man wholly escape guilt of lust, simply because his gluttonous palate overbore his lustful loins?
  • From the protoplasmal cell descends the genius; from the loins of the sodden toiler chained to the soil springs the mother of genius or genius itself. The Second Generation
  • In God and Sex: What the Bible Really Says, he discusses everything from marriage and prostitution to "fire" in God's own loins (yeah, you may want to reread the Book of Ezekiel).
  • When the loins are in a tetanic state, and the spirits in the veins are obstructed by melancholic humors, venesection will afford relief. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Secondly, Shem has the blessing of heaven above: He shall (that is, God shall) dwell in the tents of Shem, that is "From his loins Christ shall come, and in his seed the church shall be continued. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • When fever seizes a person who has lately taken food, and whose bowels are loaded with faces which have been long retained, whether it be attended with pain of the side or not, he ought to lie quiet until the food descend to the lower region of the bowels, and use oxymel for drink; but when the load descends to the loins, On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Johnson's Loins® for $500/lb. Or genetically modified pigs nurtured in Johnson's “perfected” landscape, then ensanguinated in hermetically sealed glass hamlets, their butchers soothed from the horrors of blood and squealing with an enveloping view of Nature. Chicken Wing
  • Bone out the saddles into two loins leaving the belly attached.
  • -- A saddle of muton or double loin is two loins cut off before the carcass is split open down the back. The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) The Whole Comprising a Comprehensive Cyclopedia of Information for the Home
  • “Thy Lord drew forth their posterity from the loins of the sons of Adam;” and the commentators say that Allah stroked The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Shortly after this, soaked to the loins, they went back to the cars and so began their hurtling return. Richard Temple
  • While they appetize, flame up the sirloins: a one-inch steak is about three minutes per side for rare, four for medium, five for well. The Swell Dressed Party
  • _Lumbar_, (from the Latin _lumbus_, the loin,) relating or pertaining to the loins. A Treatise on Domestic Economy For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
  • And she wore haircloth upon her loins, and fasted all the days of her life, except the sabbaths, and new moons, and the feasts of the house of Israel.
  • The remaining five belong to the loins, and are called lumbar vertebræ. A Practical Physiology
  • Complete adoption micro computer control, dissolve belly, loins, hip surplus fat.
  • I had the Turkey Tenderloins, turkey medallions wrapped in bacon and grilled.
  • Her loins seemed to tear in protest, and she groaned aloud.
  • Holroyd secretly purloins a ‘fistful’ of Collis's papers and drives off with them.
  • Slice the venison loins, spoon over some of the sauce and serve with the beetroot mash on the side. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a shortage of tribeswomen, and an insatiable lust setting our loins ablaze, we decided to form a raiding party, with the intention of despoiling the neighboring conan. com forums. Conan and the Horndogs!
  • As the process of hydrolysis proceeds, the amyloins become gradually poorer in amylin and relatively richer in maltose-groups. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • gird your loins
  • On the way, he had raided the little islet of Ugi, sacked the store, and taken the head of the solitary trader, a gentle-souled half-caste from Norfolk Island who traced back directly to a Pitcairn ancestry straight from the loins of McCoy of the Bounty. CHAPTER XXIII
  • While travelling through that godforsaken country in the hope of turning the fruit of my loins into something vaguely resembling a man, I was unable to shake an insatiable hunger for biltong.
  • Now that the lines are drawn, the players named and sworn to serve with valour, girded of the loins in polished leather cinctured brass upon the brows Seed Of Our Demise, the
  • His first care was to dress himself in accordance with the law prescribed for the faithful who enter Mecca -- in the "ihram," or pieces of cloth without seam, one covering the loins, the other thrown over the neck and shoulders. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • Alma and Spicheren, and wherever death has his red flag a-flying, and sounds his own potent tuck upon the cannons, there also must the drummer-boy, hurrying with white face over fallen comrades, batter and bemaul this slip of skin from the loins of peaceable donkeys. An Inland Voyage
  • The company is girding its loins for a plunge into the overseas market.
  • Therefore he is called Shem, which signifies a name, because in his posterity the name of God should always remain, till he should come out of his loins whose name is above every name; so that in putting Shem first Christ was, in effect, put first, who in all things must have the pre-eminence. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • The plunge of the engine, that now and again whimpered affrightedly in the darkness, could be felt through the whole train, as one feels beneath one the fierce play of the loins of a runaway horse. In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
  • They're perfect for shoring up unfilling salads and brothy soups, stuffing small birds and pork loins or standing in for rice in risottos. Get Your Freekeh On
  • As soon as he feels that the heat has penetrated, he settles the foot, which is thus very hot, on the loins and spine of the patient, and when he presses down, the pain abates. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Invert each of the eye loins, terrine side down, onto the caul fat.
  • Accordingly, to add the strength of example to precept, Demetrius himself girt up his loins, and retreated with the most edifying speed to the opposite side of the ridge, accompanied by the greater part of the crowd, who had tarried there to witness the contest which the newsmonger promised, and were determined to take his word for their own safety. Count Robert of Paris
  • Urban reformers had closed the segregated districts in over eighty cities, including the entrenched tenderloins.
  • He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
  • He was feeling for Bean the contempt which a really distinguished safe-blower is said to feel for the cheap thief who purloins bottles of milk from basement doorways in the gray of dawn. Bunker Bean
  • The waiters are supposed to work quietly during performances but this was a hungry bunch of trenchermen who made a racket when they ate, gorging on sirloins, barbecued ribs, lobster tails, spaghetti and chicken livers, and more or less thrashing their way through a Mister Kelly specialty, the green goddess salad. Underworld
  • By the late eighteenth century William Heberden was recommending cold baths and blisters ‘applied to the loins' and belladonna was later used as a cure.
  • Trim the chicken breasts and remove the tenderloins.
  • Most large and many smaller cities had thriving, protected tenderloins.
  • Less common, though, are sex-starved, rampaging pigs like Pugsley, the 400-pounder that tore through Steve and Gina Gantt's electric fence with a mean sparkle in his eye and a burning in his loins.
  • It will be to the imperishable credit of the United States if this monument shall be set up within her borders; moreover, it will be a peculiar grace to the beneficiary if this testimonial of affection and gratitude shall be the gift of the youngest of the nations that have sprung from his loins after 6,000 years of unappreciation on the part of its elders. Mark Twain: A Biography
  • We tend to roast off the loins quickly, leaving them that wonderfully blushing pink. Times, Sunday Times
  • Line a baking tray with tin foil and place the cod loins on the tray. The Sun
  • With a shortage of tribeswomen, and an insatiable lust setting our loins ablaze, we decided to form a raiding party, with the intention of despoiling the neighboring conan. com forums. Conan and the Horndogs!
  • To cook reserved rabbit loins, prepare a fire in a charcoal grill.
  • Costco also offers full beef tenderloins in cryovac (sealed plastic) that looks like something that belongs in Japanese hentai tentacle porn. Stories / Popular
  • The blackboy had stripped himself of every article of clothing, except the remnants of his shirt, which he had tied round his loins; over it was strapped his leather belt with its cartridge pouch. "Chinkie's Flat" 1904
  • In recent years, there has been a move toward chilled chucks and rounds and away from loins as the result of stagnant incomes in Japan and continued high prices for imported beef.
  • Her loins seemed to tear in protest, and she groaned aloud.
  • Europe's finest golfers are girding their loins for the challenge of the Ryder Cup.
  • We debone the hams for steaks, cut the loins into 6-8 pieces, and either grind or can the rest. Do you process you own deer meat?
  • To make the photomontages, Tuggar purloins images from films, magazines, the Internet and other public sources.
  • Place rabbit loins down center of mold, then top with remaining meat mixture, filling terrine to top.
  • The list of these offerings goes on for pages and shows how faithful to the medieval kitchen France was as late as 1547, when this book appeared.44 There are cold roast loins of veal spiced with powdered sugar, salmagundi, blood puddings, pork chops with onion sauce, pasties, tarts, comfits, and clotted creams. Savoring The Past
  • And the man, if such there be, who was born on this soil and sprung from such an ancestry as the early colonial settlers and United Empire Loyalists, or from the loins of settlers of a later generation, who is not proud of his country and of being called a British American, is unworthy of his race and the land of his birth, and unworthy of having his name classed with that of the noble Iroquois (Paul Guidon.) Young Lion of the Woods A Story of Early Colonial Days
  • She was reading at the time a hottish British novel by - well, never mind by whom - and was, she said, noting the frequency of the references in it to loins.
  • And up the heights of Alma and Spicheren, and wherever death has his red flag a-flying, and sounds his own potent tuck upon the cannons, there also must the drummer-boy, hurrying with white face over fallen comrades, batter and bemaul this slip of skin from the loins of peaceable donkeys. An Inland Voyage
  • The two coverings of fibro-serous structure which surrounded the testis in the loins become respectively the tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis when the gland occupies the scrotal cavity. Surgical Anatomy
  • [In an hierophantic tone] Oh! most mighty king, the boundless air, that keepest the earth suspended in space, thou bright Aether and ye venerable goddesses, the Clouds, who carry in your loins the thunder and the lightning, arise, ye sovereign powers and manifest yourselves in the celestial spheres to the eyes of your sage. The Clouds
  • You easily resolve conflicts of interest between head and loins, unlike those squirrelly Geminis or those oversexed Scorpios.
  • Birdalone had been to the river and fetched thence store of blue - flowered mouse-ear, and of meadow-sweet, whereof was still some left from the early days of summer, and had made her garlands for her head and her loins; and the knight sat and worshipped her, yet he would not so much as touch her hand, sorely as he hungered for the beauty of her body. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Those cases in which there are tormina, pains about the umbilicus, and pains about the loins, not removed either by purgative medicines or otherwise, usually terminate in dry dropsy. Aphorisms
  • If persons free from fever be seized with tormina, heaviness of the knees, and pains of the loins, this indicates that purging downward is required. Aphorisms
  • The ancient costume of the Makololo consisted of the skin of a lamb, kid, jackal, ocelot, or other small animal, worn round and below the loins: and in cold weather a kaross, or skin mantle, was thrown over the shoulders. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • Line a baking tray with tin foil and place the cod loins on the tray. The Sun
  • Two of them recently got into a fight, causing one long-term mistress to leave, but the "Loins of Longleat" has replenished his stocks with a box-fresh wifelet whom he met on the internet, causing yet more consternation. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • A punishment for misdemeanors was to be placed in cross irons, which were bars locked between the ankles from which chains went to a belt around the loins.
  • coolth" squatting on her dwarf stool at her hut-door, and puffing the preparatory pipe, -- girds her loins for the evening meal, and makes every one "look alive. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • The common shopkeeper, who walks about the whole year in his short gown, with a napkin round his loins, appears in a pink-coloured benish, lined with satin, a gold-embroidered turban, Travels in Arabia
  • A double top loin is simply two top loins tied together; ask the butcher to do this for you.
  • But as if this vast local power in the tendinous tail were not enough, the whole bulk of the leviathan is knit over with a warp and woof of muscular fibres and filaments, which passing on either side the loins and running down into the flukes, insensibly blend with them, and largely contribute to their might; so that in the tail the confluent measureless force of the whole whale seems concentrated to a point. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • He felt the foam on his lips and he thought with every instant that the surcharged veins would burst; hands of steel seemed to crush in upon his chest, knotted cords to tighten in excruciating pain about his loins; he breathed in short, convulsive gasps; his eyes were blind, and his head swam. Under Two Flags
  • The company is girding its loins for a plunge into the overseas market.
  • Of course, as any yoga teacher worth his or her pork loins will remind you, true yoga has nothing to do with looking good in a Lycra bodysuit.
  • The thought sent a delightful thrill through her, making her loins tingle with an anticipation of shared pleasure.
  • Etymology: Middle English loyne, from Middle French loigne, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin lumbea, from Latin lumbus; akin to Old English lendenu loins, Old Church Slavonic ledvije Loins and determination
  • None shall be weary nor stumble among them; none shall slumber nor sleep; neither shall the girdle of their loins be loosed, nor the latchet of their shoes be broken: Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
  • a strong girdle, encircling the loins, and supporting a piece of coarse blue cloth, which, after passing completely under the body, fell in short flaps both before and behind. Wacousta : a tale of the Pontiac conspiracy (Complete)

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