How To Use Logarithm In A Sentence
During these conferences the alteration proposed by Briggs was agreed upon; and on his return from his second visit to Edinburgh in 1617 he accordingly published the first chiliad of his logarithms.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
All reading times were converted to words read per minute, then transformed to base 10 logarithms for the analyses because they were positively skewed.
The recent calculations reviewed in the article go beyond the valence approximation and attempt to improve the approach to continuum by a logarithmic factor relative to previous simulations.
It supports trigonometric functions, logarithm and antilogarithm.
By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds
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The logarithmic scale of the fresh mass and the linear scale of the dry mass together show how the initially exponential growth changes gradually into linear.
Other examples are negative numbers, complex numbers, trigonometry, raising to powers, logarithms, and the beginnings of calculus.
The fitted result proves that the hypothesis that load-life curve in single logarithm should be exponential curve is right.
It has altered the position of the siphuncle, has placed it in the centre instead of leaving it on the back, but it still whirls its spiral logarithmically as did the Ammonites in the earliest ages of the world's existence.
The Life of the Spider
Different numbers of PCR cycles were performed to determine the logarithmic phase of the reaction.
-. (person) denying doctrine of the fall of Man. antilogarithm
P is given on a logarithmic scale to illustrate the range of values.
Please note that the 34-year performance has a logarithmic price scale.
We can use arithmetics with different bases, fractions, decimals, logarithms, powers, or simply words.
All he needed was the value of the natural logarithm of 2.
This pattern suggests a logarithmic growth curve with progressively diminishing advantage in performance with age.
The scale is logarithmic so a solution with a pH value of 3 has 10 times as much hydrogen ion activity as one whose pH value is 4.
In a statistical sense, therefore, the multiplicative model signifies independent additive effects on a logarithmic scale.
A logarithm is a name for a power to which you raise a given number, called the base, to get the number whose logarithm it is.
The Past Through Tomorrow
Imagine thinking that a logarithm is a soothing thing instead of the exciting thing that is truly is.
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On the basis of the definition of logarithmic spiral and of its particular characteristics, its aesthetic value is discussed.
A logarithmic curve was fitted to the sampling curve in order to determine whether our standard sample size of 500 was sufficient to pass the inflection point of the diversity curve.
Igniting with unstoppable force, the whole shuddering plot accumulates volume on a logarithmic scale before its explosive, bunker busting climax.
This proves the great importance of KNOWING THE NATURAL LAWS for the human class of life, and making natural time-binding impulses conscious, for then only will the spiral give a logarithmical accumulation of the right kind, otherwise the biolyte will be “animal” in substance as well as in effect.
Manhood of Humanity.
In this work, the logarithmic theory is used to calculate the amount of land subsidence.
Gap fraction is computed by logarithmic averaging of the transmittances of subgroups of the data.
After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.
It is easy to get lost in the figures and horrible memories of schoolday logarithms, but here is some context.
Times, Sunday Times
The first is that the effect is exaggerated by plotting wealth on a logarithmic scale.
During the early logarithmic phase of increase in log-likelihood, the genetic algorithm method of determining branch lengths seems to work quite well.
A complete description of our method, including graphs on logarithmic scales, will appear later this year in the new statistical journal Biostatistics.
Before we get carried away in praise of ourselves, note that we gain in breadth what we lose in precision, because we register the world's stimuli in logarithmic rather than linear increments.
Because LOD scores are logarithmic, reducing the significance threshold by half greatly increases the power of a study.
An analog calculator designed along the principle of a slide rule, it utilizes logarithmic and inverse logarithmic scales to quickly provide you with the correct firing solution.
The scale is logarithmic so a solution with a pH value of 3 has 10 times as much hydrogen ion activity as one whose pH value is 4.
Heterogeneity in the risk difference and the odds ratio on a logarithmic scale was not significant in the 10 trials that provided data on mortality.
Vega wrote on artillery but he is best remembered for his tables of logarithms and trigonometric functions.
Each culture should have been in logarithmic growth phase when loaded into the microplate.
Data were also added from a New South Wales specimen and the result was corrected for logarithmic transformation bias.
All variables used in this study were transformed to natural logarithms before the correlation analyses were performed.
A complete description of our method, including graphs on logarithmic scales, will appear later this year in the new statistical journal Biostatistics.
There is a divergent self-energy for the electron due to the energy of its coulomb field that diverges much faster (power law) in the classical case than in the quantum case (logarithmically), considered as a function of the cutoff on the “size” of the electon.
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Just as the forward function resembles the exponential curve, the inverse function appears similar to the logarithm.
Meanwhile, the energy bounds (assuming bounded energy) now give so that there is now a logarithmically wide window of opportunity for nonlinear behaviour at high frequencies. from (9), but we can do a little bit better if we invoke the heuristic of equipartition of energy, which states that the kinetic portion of the energy is roughly in balance with the potential portion
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The vertical velocity profile for such channels approximates to a logarithmic curve.
Under the assumptions that genes act multiplicatively (i.e., there is no epistasis on a logarithmic scale), the log of this ratio should decline linearly over time.
In that the size scale is logarithmic in reality the distribution approximates to log normal.
In a statistical sense, therefore, the multiplicative model signifies independent additive effects on a logarithmic scale.
The notes on the keyboard get closer together according to the difference between the sequence of the logarithms of natural numbers.
Times, Sunday Times
I (x) of the archetype's text (message x) is The expression on the right is the logarithm of the multinomial probability of the particular set of numbers
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An accretional growth system that builds the special logarithmic curve of the coiled conch requires a suite of parameters, which are maintained in a very narrow zone of tolerance.
Recall that decibels are on a logarithmic scale, so this 4dB increase represents more than a twofold increase in the sound level of the overall fan noise output of the test machine we used.
He therefore added a preface of his own on applications of logarithms to both plane trigonometry and to spherical trigonometry.
To normalize the 2 distributions, we performed the analysis with data transformed on a logarithmic scale.
The regression model fitting a logarithmic curve was significant.
He later added that he was attracted to their 'logarithmic curve'.
Times, Sunday Times
A mathematical function, like sine or logarithm, gives the same answer to a particular question each time you ask it.
We can use arithmetics with different bases, fractions, decimals, logarithms, powers, or simply words.
“Find the logarithm of the ninth root of three,” Mrs. James ordered.
Times Squared
Point and fi gure is done on equal-size squared paper (arithmetical graph paper) rather than the semi-logarithmical chart paper that about half the line-and-bar chartists use.
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The figure shows a parabola which illustrates the connection between reaction speed (on a logarithmic scale) and driving force (expressed in kcal/mol) for an electron transfer reaction.
Press Release: The 1992 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
He invented logarithms independently of Napier using a totally different approach.
Attempts to fit other functions, such as quadratics, other polynomials, logarithmic functions and exponentials all produced very small R-squared values. Home Page
Tip: E is the Euler's constant, which is the base of natural logarithms ( approximately 2.7183 ) .
Prior to any statistical analysis, variables with non-normal distributions were transformed to logarithms, and percentage values were arcsin transformed.
In this work, the logarithmic theory is used to calculate the amount of land subsidence.
A quantitative measure of the damping is provided by the logarithmic decrement defined as the logarithmic decrease in amplitude per cycle.
He also investigated caustic curves and in particular he studied these associated curves of the parabola, the logarithmic spiral and epicycloids around 1692.
We know that the ear operates on a logarithmic scale because harmonies have a special meaning and harmonies are ratios and ratios are easiest to manipulate on a logarithmic scale.
When Wim Klein extracts the thirteenth root of a hundred-digit number he must determine the logarithm of the first four digits of the power, divide it by thirteen and obtain the antilog.
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The link between the harmonic series and logarithms is even more intimate.
The STEM topics cover math through a solid precalculus course including basic vector algebra, trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, and advanced understanding of polynomials.
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For each concentration, the dynamic surface tension data are simply fitted by a logarithmic function.
Cotes was particularly pleased with his rectification of the logarithmic curve as he makes clear in a letter to his friend William Jones in 1712.
Data are from US national ambulatory medical care surveys, 1989-94; axes are on the logarithmic scale.
The neper is the natural logarithm of the power ratio.
One such event is shown on the picture on the right: they infer that an air shower passed through the detector by observing The number of muons seen underground is an excellent estimator of the energy of the primary cosmic ray, as the Kascade collaboration result shown on the left shows (on the abscissa is the logarithm of the energy of the primary cosmic ray, and on the y axis the number of muons per square meter measured by the detector).
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The inlet (1) consists of two curved sheets that form a logarithmical spiral, welded to two plane side panels to form a rectangular inlet section and nozzle.
Demonstrations of general theorems; contracted method of division and of finding the highest common divisor of polynominals; theory of indices and radicals; discussion of equations; mathematical infinity, infinitesimals and indeterminate quantities; summation and interpolation of series; theory of logarithms; binomial, multinomial and exponential theorems; theory of probabilities general theory and solution of equations of the higher orders; symbolical representation and properties of numbers; different systems of notation, etc., constituting the philosophy of Arithmetic.
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In this paper introduce the calculation method and example of processing the big prime number straight gear apply the method for calculating the logarithm dispart tooth in Y54 gear shaper.
A logarithmic scale is used to better represent the multiplier's relative magnitudes.
For each value of x o, a different constant term was added to the logarithm to broaden the distances between curves.
This is clear from the plots using logarithmic scales, but the curved plots with an arithmetical scale on the vertical axes may falsely suggest a threshold.
I was sitting in the rooms of the Analytical Society, at Cambridge, my head leaning forward on the table in a kind of dreamy mood, with a table of logarithms lying open before me.
Neile's parabola was the first algebraic curve to have its arc length calculated; only the arc lengths of transcendental curves such as the cycloid and the logarithmic spiral had been calculated before this.
The change in amino acid concentration (S / + S) is transformed to logarithmic scale for convenience of presentation.
We applied logarithmic transformation to the data when needed to reduce peak intensity ranges.
For each compound the logarithm of the average vapor The decachlorobiphenyl vapor pressure data were col - pressure at each temperature was regressed by linear least lected using an orifice plate with a 0.381 mm orifice squares as a function of the reciprocal temperature.
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data plotted logarithmically with respect to time is shown in Figure 2
The rate constants are transformed to a logarithmic scale to ensure an even distribution over the large search space.
The logarithmic link function is a popular choice to use with this error distribution.
Plane diffraction grating, logarithmic amplifier and stable constant- current source are used in the system, thus the performance of the instrument is enhanced significantly and the cost is reduced.
He formulated the rule known as Fechner’s, or Weber’s, law, that, within limits, the intensity of a sensation increases as the logarithm of the stimulus.
Feuerbach, Fechner, Freud, Fromm
The horizontal axis is drawn using a logarithmic scale.
These exponential or logarithmic relationship, that characterize harmonious growth with changing proportions, are termed " allometric ".
Craig published several more papers on the logarithmic curve, the curve of quickest descent and quadrature of figures.
Adjusted geometric means (often approximating median values) were computed by back transformation (taking the antilogarithm).
Sound pressure against the ears is measured in decibels on a scale that is logarithmic.
If the logarithm is taken as the forward function, the function taking the base to a given power is then called the antilogarithm.
The same cannot be said of logarithms or the reactivity of caesium.
In the simplest case, skill can be considered like logarithmic curve.
The French government, in their desire to promote the extension of the decimal system, had ordered the construction of logarithmical tables of vast extent; but the great labour and expense involved in the undertaking prevented the design from being carried out.
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Another measure, the geometric mean cost, can be derived by transforming the costs onto a logarithmic scale, calculating the average, and transforming this back.
They sketch a normalization algorithm, which is based on computing logarithms of transition matrices which they approximate by power series.
Brouncker's mathematical achievements includes work on continued fractions and calculating logarithms by infinite series.
It is easy to get lost in the figures and horrible memories of schoolday logarithms, but here is some context.
Times, Sunday Times
These soon became known as Barlow's Tables and this work gives factors, squares, cubes, square roots, reciprocals and hyperbolic logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 10 000.
The coefficients of this regression are the logarithm of the odds ratio.
The article describes reservoir macroscopic heterogeneity with statistical method, logarithmic normal curve method and Lohreng curve method.
Indeed, the specimen itself appears to have been deformed such that it has a slight logarithmic curvature when viewed from the left lateral edge.
Initial assignment to linkage groups was based on the logarithm of the odds ratio for each possible marker pair.
After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.
He observed that the pages of heavily used books of logarithms were grimier at the beginning than at the end, suggesting that fellow scientists tended to look up smaller numbers more often than larger ones.
To control for differences in the age distribution, we analysed the logarithmic transformed variables using analysis of covariance, in which we included age as a continuous covariate.
Craig published several more papers on the logarithmic curve, the curve of quickest descent and quadrature of figures.
The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.
The set of points for this scenario was best fitted by a logarithmic curve.
The logarithm remains an important mathematical function but its use in calculating has gone for ever.
The dynamics of accumulatively appeared family, genus, and species in the vegetation succession process were well described by logarithmic function.
Choosing different numbers gives logarithms to different bases.
The computation of logarithms had made him aware of the inaccuracy of human calculation around 1812.
Someone mentioned the word logarithm to me the other day, a word I had not heard for several decades.
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Other topics to interest Carslaw throughout his career, which we have not touched on above, included an interest in non-euclidean geometry, Green's functions and the history of Napier's logarithms.
In a double logarithmic plot, the behavior is the following.
German astronomer Johannes Kepler used these modern logarithms to calculate the orbit of Mars at the start of the 17th century.
The numbers of links to other domains in such graphs were logarithmically binned, and frequencies were thus obtained.
Data were analyzed using Generalized Linear Models with a logarithmic link function.
He produced his own versions of logarithms, infinite series, and combinatorics which did not follow the style of western mathematics but his research naturally developed out of the foundations of Chinese mathematics.
I only mention in a cursory way the logarithmic spiral of the spider's web, the precise curves realized without instruments of any kind by the Coleoptera and Hymenoptera in cutting leaves, the stereometry of the aphides.
Lola or, The Thought and Speech of Animals
The logarithm of the transfer coefficient varies linearly with the reciprocal of absolute temperature feed solution.
A book of logarithms is arranged rather like a dictionary.
Times, Sunday Times
Only the arc lengths of transcendental curves such as the cycloid and the logarithmic spiral had been calculated before this.
Another intriguing property of the logarithmic spiral is that it is equiangular: if you draw a straight line from the pole to any point on the spiral curve, the line always cuts the curve at precisely the same angle.
All cultures were harvested in late logarithmic phase.
He had shown when certain elliptic differentials could be integrated in logarithms but his methods was of little practical use.
The obtained numbers do not vary much, due to the logarithmic dependence on the segment sizes.
Variables were transformed with natural logarithms or square roots to normalize residuals.
The indices utilized here represent transformations that linearize germination data with respect to suboptimal temperature or the logarithm of thermal time.
Levels of all metals were transformed logarithmically for the analysis, and results are presented as geometric means (the antilog of the mean of the log values) - adjusted by groups of age and sex - and their 95% confidence intervals.
Although the scatter in information loss as a function of these simple distance element transformations appears significant on a logarithmic scale, it is much less significant on a linear scale.
Euler asserts that the sum of the harmonic series equals the natural logarithm of infinity plus a quantity that is nearly a constant.
It was a 17th century Scottish baron, John Napier, who first discovered the power of the logarithm as an important function in mathematics.
Other curvature geometries such as elliptical, logarithmic parabolic, and log spiral can be used to accommodate different source or image geometries, though we'll restrict this discussion to the symmetrical toroidal geometry.
Add together the logarithms of aQ the fa&ots, and 'the fum is a logarithm, the natural number correfpond - ing to which will be the produA required.
Encyclopædia britannica;
The computation of logarithms had made him aware of the inaccuracy of human calculation around 1812.
This was a person whose job was to perform long and arduous calculations to find the values of logarithms and trig functions, calculations we now perform with electronic calculators.
The vertical axis shows decreases from the neutral value, 1 - E, on a logarithmic scale.
He later added that he was attracted to their 'logarithmic curve'.
Times, Sunday Times
No belief in astrology is needed to carry out such an investigation, only the birth-dates, an astronomical almanac, and a table of logarithms for working out the horoscope.
The subjects to be studied are linear systems, graphs, progressions, ratio and proportion, variations, logarithms, and the binominal theorem.
The University of Virginia Record
After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.
The relationship between water potential and vapor pressure is well defined also, being proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of actual vapor pressure to the saturation vapor pressure.
Seberger achieved a 40dB reduction in sound, which, because the decibel measurement is logarithmic, means that the pfffft you hear is 1 / 100th that of the unmuffled gunshot.
As we were walking, I tried to tune out as Trent and Tristan got into a lively conversation about logarithmic functions.
The decibel scale is logarithmic - a noise level of 30 decibels is therefore ten thousand times quieter than the sound of a conversation.
In these procedures, except for age, distributions of the biological measurements were normalized by logarithmic transformation.
A logarithmic transformation of the percentage of translocations and breaks was therefore performed, which resulted in a considerable straightening of the response curve.
Per Shang-Keng Ma, an entropy can be defined as the logarithm of the phase-space volume explored by the system over a given timescale; the states relevant for thermodynamics (mumble mumble microcanonical mumble mumble) would be the decategorification of the states used at the statistical-mechanical level.
Arrow of Time FAQ
Slide 6: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Solution is ECC Its security comes from the elliptic curve logarithm, which is the DLP (Discrete Logarithm Problem) in a group defined by points on an elliptic curve over a finite field.
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You know, Adam, somehow I think I'd trust your assessment a bit more if you could spell the word "logarithm".
We can use arithmetics with different bases, fractions, decimals, logarithms, powers, or simply words.
The first is that the effect is exaggerated by plotting wealth on a logarithmic scale.
I generally encounter problem in calculating logarithm and antilog from the given tables ...? en Español
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Enter the number for which you want to fi nd the natural logarithm, and then hit the '' ln '' key.
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The longest transposals look rather boring, since they are all minor variations: congregationalists congregationalists congregationalist congregationalist algorithmically logarithmically representatives representatives congregational congregational establishments establishments egocentrically geocentrically certifications rectifications consolidations disconsolation conservatoires conservatories
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In the bottom portion of the figure, the logarithmic transform of power is presented.
In that year Briggs gave a numerical approximation to the base 10 logarithm of e but did not mention e itself in his work.
How in the world can someone understand a paper describing the allometric law relating metabolic rate to body mass unless they understand power law relations, exponential and logarithmic functions, and linear regression?
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To estimate the length of the period of cell division, the increasing patterns of cell number of the mesocarp in all cultivars were fitted by logarithmic curves.
The first tabulates logarithms of the sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent functions at 1 intervals and shows how to solve triangles using logarithmic functions.
The tables of logarithms which he published included logarithms of trigonometric functions for use by astronomers.
Because the range of sound pressures that can be heard is so large, a logarithmic scale of decibels is used to measure sound intensity.
Another measure, the geometric mean cost, can be derived by transforming the costs onto a logarithmic scale, calculating the average, and transforming this back.
The logarithm is only one of many nonlinear but monotonic functions that can be applied to measurements prior to analysis.
Stirling wrote to De Moivre pointing out some errors that he had made in a table of logarithms of factorials in the book.
Equal intervals on a logarithmic scale correspond to equal proportions on an arithmetic scale.
He also investigated caustic curves and in particular he studied these associated curves of the parabola, the logarithmic spiral and epicycloids around 1692.
The logarithmic scale of time is used to condense results into a small space.
Euler asserts that the sum of the harmonic series equals the natural logarithm of infinity plus a quantity that is nearly a constant.
To visualize these multiple decay components, the inset in Fig.12 A shows a logarithmic plot of the anisotropy decay and the corresponding fit curve.
I know this may sound daunting but it's a matter of opening up the flash, discharging the capacitor very important i.e life threatening: an analogue voltmeter across the connections will do the trick disconnecting the two wires from the light sensor and soldering them onto a logarithmic potentiometer which will cost you about £1.30 from Maplin.
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Correlations between variables were investigated by two-tailed Pearson correlation analysis of natural logarithmic transformed data.
Values of percentage of maximum conductance were transformed using a natural logarithmic transformation to meet normality assumptions.
In that the size scale is logarithmic in reality the distribution approximates to log normal.
Open and closed time histograms were plotted using a logarithmic abscissa and a square root ordinate and fitted to the sum of exponential functions by maximal likelihood using the program TACFit (Bruxton Corporation, Seattle, WA).
It investigates the use of some functional equations in order to calculate the differentials of logarithmic and trigonometrical functions as well as the binomial expansion and Taylor formula.
An exponential is a function that increases or decreases by a certain fixed multiplicative factor whenever you change the argument by an additive shift while the logarithm is the inverse function.
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The temperature increment logarithmically decreases toward the periphery of the heating beam, causing a fluid convection of 8 m/s inside a 180 m thick microchamber.
Nick has a new theory - you can only persuade people to upgrade on a logarithmic scale.
He developed methods of computing volumes by double integration and worked on logarithms.
It is easy to get lost in the figures and horrible memories of schoolday logarithms, but here is some context.
Times, Sunday Times
· shaded, logarithmical, gradient - and edge-detected, local contrast representation, Canny lines
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To normalize the 2 distributions, we performed the analysis with data transformed on a logarithmic scale.
These included his versions of the strong law of large numbers and the law of the iterated logarithm, some generalisations of the operations of differentiation and integration, and a contribution to intuitional logic.
I sat with an open book, dragging my finger across the ephemeris boxes, scratching my head at logarithms.
Vivian Rising
Semi-logarithmical charts have their uses, and their distortions.
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Values at the tick marks were converted to their antilogarithms.
It investigates the use of some functional equations in order to calculate the differentials of logarithmic and trigonometrical functions as well as the binomial expansion and Taylor formula.
Although the above practical advantages are not important for numerical work today, they are used in graphical analysis (see The antilogarithm
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Although we now think of logarithms as the exponents to which one must raise the base to get the required number, this is a modern way of thinking.