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How To Use Lodging In A Sentence

  • I managed to wiggle underneath them all, dislodging those on the very top by unbalancing the unsteady column.
  • Trott tried to whip Lee to leg, and the ball deflected off his thigh pad and back onto the stumps without dislodging the bails. Australia v England - live! | Rob Smyth
  • Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
  • The chief witness was allowed to leave the town only after lodging a sworn statement with the police.
  • She had, however, genteel lodgings, a spinnet on which she played, and a boy that walked before her chair. The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D.
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  • The all-inclusive package combines meals, lodging, instruction, ski care clinic, equipment demos, yoga classes and massages.
  • She was currently relying on the generosity of others to provide her lodging and sustenance.
  • The stunt, aimed tweaking bourgeois consciences, ended when the city offered the men lodging in an army barracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • We don´t mind if lodging is "rustic" and had a lot of fun staying in rustic cabins run by indigenous folks when we visited Yaxchilán and Bonampak in the Lacandon Forest in Chiapas. Drivng from Chiapas to Calakmul and Other Sites
  • But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau. Tono Bungay
  • Catharina having thus prevailed with her Mother, her bed made in the Garden Gallerie, and secret intelligence given to Ricciardo, for preparing his meanes of accesse to her window; old provident Lizio lockes the doore to bed-ward, and gives her liberty to come forth in the morning, for his owne lodging was neere to the same Gallery. The Decameron
  • Left his lodgings at ten o'clock at night, and has not been heard of since. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Parents who look after students during holiday time and pay £50 on their board and lodging are also supplementing them by £1,300 a year
  • Akhana looked at the lodgings and gave the cab driver a good tip for his service.
  • Not a lodge in the "lodging" sense so much as a hippish dive bar in a log cabin setting or, as one Yelp reviewer put it, what you get when you "mix Yosemite and Los Angeles. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Travelers can choose from a plethora of different lodging options on a mountain vacation.
  • He fled after three weeks, hating his lonely lodgings and missing all the fun of London. Times, Sunday Times
  • What kinde of rafters? what manner of roofe? after what sort the Parlors chambers, closets and lodgings, were disposed? with what kind of seeling they were enclosed and incrusted? wherewithall hanged? with what couler and kinde of painting ouerhead? Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • When she went away, I called a hackney-coach for her, and getting behind it, went home with her to her lodgings. Valerie
  • In the big lodging house in the town square, the salesmen passing through each have their own distinctive napkin ring. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so that day he took his lodging betime in a little town called Milly. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Mrs. Plummet shed real tears when I told her my good news at six o'clock that night; and more tears a fortnight later when I moved out of my little hall bedroom, and my feather-weight trunk, lightsomely balanced on the shoulders of one man, was conveyed to the express-wagon and thence to new lodgings in Irving Place. The Fifth Wheel A Novel
  • The marquis gave his friend a disparaging look and left the lodgings without another word.
  • Make reservations for overnight lodging, of course.
  • Having ordered all affaires at their lodging, Marquiso saide; It is fit for us to see this Saint, but I know not how we shall attaine thereto, because The Decameron
  • The dislodging of epistemology from its old status of first philosophy loosed a wave, we saw, of epistemological nihilism.
  • The conditions they lived in were atrocious: overcrowded lodging houses, cellars, and garrets, shanty towns in the insalubrious districts beyond the town walls.
  • Nurses may also fear dislodging or displacing the tube or inducing bacteremia.
  • That evening I bought a dinner in a cheap restaurant near the lodging house.
  • A night's lodging cost five dollars for supper, five for breakfast, and five for a bed, and if the soldiers were any ways bibulously inclined and wished an "eye opener" in the morning or a "night cap" at supper time, that was five dollars additional for each drink. History of Kershaw's Brigade
  • When she bends backwards and kicks her heels, she is in constant danger of dislodging the rose behind her ear.
  • Sir James instantly dispatched orders to the cessed soldiers either to come to Dumfries or meet him on the way to Dalry, and commanded the thirteen or fourteen men in the town with him to come at nine next morning to his lodging for supplies. Lay Morals
  • The farmer's wife used to get nine shillings a week for my board and lodging and she had the lot. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • There was always some monkeys up the lodging house at the back of us. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • Thence through a square of stuccoed lodging-houses, that seemed a finer and cleaner version of my native square, I came to a garden of asphalt and euonymus -- the In the Days of the Comet
  • During the many relief visits I paid that winter in tenement houses and miserable lodgings, I was constantly shadowed by a certain sense of shame that I should be comfortable in the midst of such distress. Twenty Years at Hull-House, With Autobiographical Notes
  • But where she went to nobody must know, for fear young ladies should begin to fancy that there are water-babies there! and so hunt and howk after them (besides raising the price of lodgings), and keep them in aquariums, as the ladies at Pompeii (as you may see by the paintings) used to keep Cupids in cages. The Water Babies
  • Ambrogio then made his way back to his lodgings, recharged his harquebuss, ate some supper and went to bed. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • Of course, Alladice can occupy his time in custody by lodging any number of formal complaints.
  • Let the globe be covered with wholesome fruits; let the air on which we depend for life convey to us no diseases and premature death; let man require no other lodging than the deer or roebuck, in that case the Genghis Khans and Tamerlanes will have no other attendants than their own children, who will be very worthy persons, and assist them affectionately in their old age. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The traders had come into the village early that morning requesting lodgings for the night.
  • But Raglan would entertain no way of dislodging the Russians other than patient attrition. ANTI-ICE
  • In some of his trysts, he adopted the persona of his famous novel's protagonist; in a 1765 letter to "Lady P" he wrote, "There is a strange mechanical effect produced in [being] within a stonecast of the lady who engrosses the heart and soul of an inamorato - for this cause have I, Tristram Shandy, come forth from my lodgings to a coffee-house the nearest I could find to my dear Lady's house. APM: Garrison Keillor's The Writer's Almanac RSS Feed
  • But Raglan would entertain no way of dislodging the Russians other than patient attrition. ANTI-ICE
  • I'm on the hunt for lodgings.
  • For all the day before they had well advised the place and said among themselves: ‘If the Englishmen come on us suddenly, then we will do thus and thus, for it is a jeopardous thing in the night if men of war enter into our lodgings. The Battle of Otterburn. How Sir Henry Percy and His Brother with a Good Number of Men of Arms and Archers Went after the Scots, to Win Again His Pennon That the Earl Douglas Had Won before Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and How They Assailed the Scots before Otter
  • Growth promoters reduce stem height, but agronomic factors influence crop lodging heavily.
  • Once we finally made it up to the top of the hill, the forest opened up to the lodging area at Punta Marenco.
  • Thence through a square of stuccoed lodging-houses, that seemed a finer and cleaner version of my native square, I came to a garden of asphalt and euonymus — the Sea Front. In the Days of the Comet
  • The old village of Freshwater is picturesque, but the new lodging-house portion, only lately sprung up because it has become a fashion with doctors to prescribe Freshwater as a holiday and sanitary place, is hideous in its newness of fiery red brick and freshly uptorn earth. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
  • Pretty soon after my arrival I found lodgings.
  • There are four-cent lodging-houses, where there is only straw without any covering; and there are three-cent houses, where there is no straw even, but only bare boards rotting beneath a crustation of dirt and filth, which is never washed off. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2 No 4, October, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Little women are notoriously pugnacious, and, as a matter of 250 copies of the "Old-fashioned Girl" have also found lodgings on the library shelves, no wonder that there was a "muss" on the premises. Punchinello, Volume 1, No. 20, August 13, 1870
  • Superficially thick walls are honeycombed with passages and chambers serving individual suites and lodgings.
  • An Unfortunate could not get out of the weather and find a bit of food unless she could convince a man to take her in or give her small change so she could rent a bed for the night in a common lodging house called a doss-house. Portrait of a Killer
  • Restaurant meals and lodging are usually billed to employees, although at least one bureau is experimenting with central billing of hotel charges.
  • China Lodging, the fourth-largest budget hotelier, would get a lift from acquiring the company, which foreign hoteliers had also bid for, according to people familiar with the situation. Bids for Chinese Motel Firm Fall Short of Goal
  • As they resemble the children of the kingdom, so they are produced, it seems, by a similar process of "sowing" -- the seeds of evil being scattered and lodging in the soil of those hearts upon which falls the seed of the world. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Tasker, however, was lodging not far from the wood, with a small farmer named Emanuel Howden, who also occasionally acted as a watchman; and the two men, accompanied by the “rabbiter,” Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • I chose to return to England in the 30th week of my pregnancy, lodging with a friend and attending antenatal classes.
  • Their smiling slide from need to greed takes lodgings in your brain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neighbourhood associations argued that non-owner-occupied domiciles, such as lodging houses, do not contribute to the community and degrade quality of life in their neighbourhoods.
  • Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.
  • We don´t mind if lodging is "rustic" and had a lot of fun staying in rustic cabins run by indigenous folks when we visited Yaxchilán and Bonampak in the Lacandon Forest in Chiapas. Drivng from Chiapas to Calakmul and Other Sites
  • Walk east to find lodgings.
  • Baroness Stratheden slept at lodgings which he had frequently occupied as a circuiteer. A Book About Lawyers
  • It's no wonder that all-inclusive vacations - where you pay one flat rate for lodging, all meals and most activities - are on the upswing, and in a big way.
  • I have been told on good authority that in the town (lodgings, as opposed to a college) one can live quite decently on 16 or at most 20 crowns: also that sometimes three or four students, or more, take a house or a room, and then club together and engage a cook, and that their weekly bills scarcely amount to a teston < 1/5 of a crown > a head. The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
  • From my own experience of reading parties, I should select as their peculiar characteristics, a tendency to hats and caps of such remarkable shapes, as, if once sported in the college quadrangle, would be the subject of a common-room _instanter_; and, among some individuals (whom we may call the peripatetic philosophers of the party) a predilection for seedy shooting-coats and short pipes, with which they perambulate the neighbourhood to the marvel of the aboriginal inhabitants; while those whom we may class with the stoics, display a preference for dressing-gowns and meerschaums, and confine themselves principally to the doorways and open windows of their respective lodgings. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • The club's apprentices will now be placed with local families who will provide lodgings and assist with their personal development.
  • We were sitting in his lodging, situate in a high 'timberland' in the Border Ghost Stories
  • The defence produced witnesses who testified to the detailed arrangements for moving and lodging the cash in Cypriot banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trains are conveniently arranged; they take you over from Agra in the morning and bring you back at night, which is well, because there is no hotel at Muttra, only what they call a dak bungalow, or lodging-house, provided by the municipal authorities for the shelter of travelers who have no friends to put them up. Modern India
  • Whatever may be the end of the susbscription, or of your more immediate exertions, Sir, to serve me, I cannot hesitate to inform you that the clothing my youngest daughter, and the entire support of my Son in lodgings, still call for what I cannot continue to give without thus soliciting and obtaining something to keep the wheels going which I have put in motion. Letter 317
  • At some distance from the more frequented parts of the city, a man may hire a large house for thirty crowns a year: but near the center, you cannot have good lodgings, ready furnished, for less than a scudo (about five shillings) a day. Travels through France and Italy
  • On the other hand, there is no tax on fellowships and scholarships if the craftsperson is studying for a degree at an educational institution including tuition, lodging, equipment and travel expenses, nor is an award taxable if it comes from a governmental agency or school. Daniel Grant: A Word About Taxes
  • It's £90 a week for board and lodging .
  • And the sharpness of this cry is a shard of green glass that is spun long with razor thinness, and it enters those for whom it is calling just behind the left ear, lodging in the hollow between the mandible and mastoid, a reminder, a pact, and one that has been made with the scent of blood heavy in the air. Between Expectations
  • Baja Ferries have modern ships with restaurant, bar, and cabin lodging with private baths. Ferries in Mexico: the Pacific coast 2009 update
  • -- Partial or complete obstruction of arteries (brachial or others) occurs as the result of direct injury to the vessel wall from compression and tension of muscles and resultant arteritis; lodging of emboli; and parasitic invasion of vessel walls causing internal arteritis. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Simple Life, to be sure; but if you are in German lodgings for any length of time you probably desire for one reason or the other to lead it. Home Life in Germany
  • In the big lodging house in the town square, the salesmen passing through each have their own distinctive napkin ring. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are lodging with Mr. Brown.
  • They let the house as a furnished lodging now. Vanity Fair
  • You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
  • He made his first journey to Paris in 1830 to work for his uncle, then moved to the same lodgings used by his father in his youth, and shared a room with a dozen migrants from his native commune.
  • The queen’s majesty then living, being departed from his presence the next way toward her lodging, he following soon after happened to find her garter, which slacked by chance and so fell from her leg, unespied in the throng by such as attended upon her. Of Degrees of People in the Commonwealth of Elizabethan England. Chapter I. [1577, Book III., Chapter 4; 1587, Book II., Chapter 5
  • Most of them, broke financially and mentally, were provided not only new sets of clothes, board and lodging by the Teheran gurdwara and Sikh sangat of Iran but also given medical aid and attention.
  • Ursula's lodging benights, and the rest of them slept on the field as they might; or should they come to a thicket or shaw, they would lodge them there softly. The Well at the World's End: a tale
  • The "paragraphist," according to Willis, was lodging in the most crowded part of Holborn, in an uncarpeted and bleak-looking room, with a deal table, two or three chairs, and a few books. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • Nursing really was a vocation then; the pay was minimal but uniforms and board and lodging were provided. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Duke of York's lodgings at both palaces were remodelled and refurnished in anticipation of the 1673 marriage.
  • Relieve for twopence only may be had'Reachd my lodging at night well pleas'd. — Letter 106
  • David had changed his lodgings, leaving no address behind.
  • My grandfather, for his part, had found lodgings for the two boys through an advertisement in a church magazine.
  • The premise is simple: you provide the graft and your host provides board and lodging. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one's perch overlooks anyone else's - even in the less expensive rooms and lodgings.
  • The lodging we stayed at there was in nearby Lacanja Chansayab and the owners were very hospitable. Drivng from Chiapas to Calakmul and Other Sites
  • I decided I, too, would flit among the islands in search of cheap lodgings, wonderful food, clean, unspoilt beaches and, most important, crumpet.
  • The most important objectives are resistance to blast, helminthosporium (another fungus), striga (parasitic witchweed), lodging, stressful soil and moisture conditions, and grain that can be more easily dehulled and ground. 2. Finger Millet
  • On one street, I was told that every other house was a duplex that hosted students, neither registered as lodging nor paying fees.
  • As it had been a halfway house on the road to Troy and travelers continued to stop there asking for a meal or a night's lodging, they took them in, and young Daniel served them food and nonintoxicating drinks at the old tavern bar. Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
  • But sanctions and other punitive financial measures aimed at dislodging Mr. Gbagbo and his supporters have damaged the Ivory Coast economy. Ivory Coast Rebels Seize Cocoa Hub
  • And anon the king commanded that none of them, upon pain of death, to missay them nor do them any harm, and commanded a knight to bring them to their lodging, and see that they have all that is necessary and requisite for them, with the best cheer, and that no dainty be spared, for the Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Depending upon the exact location of his lodgings and the circuitousness of his route, Mr. Lorry's walk may have been slightly longer or slightly shorter.
  • Landladies were among the more frequent visitors to Bloomsbury House as the records indicate: Often, lodging and employment went together.
  • For lodging information, begin by calling the ski resort of your choice.
  • If a swagman wants a night's lodging, he shouldn't turn up till the sun is almost on the horizon, just before it goes down. THE BLACK OPAL
  • For the ferriage he took money, since that was his business; for the night's lodging and supper and breakfast he would have none of it. The Rose of Old St. Louis
  • It was a case of slowly picking our way down steep hillside, occasionally dislodging small rocks which bounced and rolled to the bush below.
  • Oh that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men; that I might leave my people, and go from them!
  • A serious countenance did he bear as he passed through the two courts which separated his lodging from the festal chamber, and solemn as the gravity of a hogshead was the farewell caution with which he prayed Ludovic to attend his nephew’s motions, especially in the matters of wenches and wine cups. Quentin Durward
  • He swore every oath imaginable at her, insolently ordering her to be off with her child, and find lodgings with the villain to whom she had prostituted herself, or else he would soon pitch her and her little bratling into the Thames. The Black-Sealed Letter Or, The Misfortunes of a Canadian Cockney.
  • And after reaching the Islands and entering the city they took up their lodging in a khan, where they rested three days from the fatigues of their wayfare; after which The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Even in locations where members of the royal family were due to stay in the home of a local gentleman, knight or nobleman, further lodgings were needed in the vicinity for the large number of other personnel in the train.
  • The deadly shelter of the stinging tentacles of sea anemones, which are lethal to smaller creatures, provides safe lodging for spotted damselfish and boldly striped clown fish.
  • They are also helping those who end up being evicted to find lodgings in empty homes, many of them owned by the banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • This creates a difficulty in relation to powers exercised by local authorities without reference to a court, such as those concerning common lodging-houses.
  • Born in London in 1914 and educated at private schools, he never knew his father and grew up in lodgings with a mother who was as improvident as she was unpresentable.
  • Tara was my agent in Prague and her assignment had been to locate cheap lodging for my two days there.
  • My grandfather, for his part, had found lodgings for the two boys through an advertisement in a church magazine.
  • The lodging of such an application was straightforward and did not require legal assistance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of that, about 40 goes into a charitable trust and an undisclosed sum goes towards food and lodging. Times, Sunday Times
  • RICHMOND - Legislators will be paid for their Friday lodging and eating expenses in Richmond even though they went home because the day's session was canceled due to the snowstorm. News for WSLS 10
  • And since the ashes of sacrifices burnt upon the altar of God were carefully carried out by the priests, and deposed in a clean field; since they acknowledged their bodies to be the lodging of Christ, and temples of the Holy Ghost, they devolved not all upon the sufficiency of soul-existence; and therefore with long services and full solemnities, concluded their last exequies, wherein to all distinctions the Greek devotion seems most pathetically ceremonious. Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • She was scrubbing floors and slaving away to pay for food and lodging.
  • Robert, who has been favourably known for some years as one of our rising lyrists, committed suicide at his lodgings at Solentsea on Saturday evening last by shooting himself in the right temple with a revolver.
  • Eurydike went ashore with a long cloak over her tunic, and, in the lodging, assumed himation and robe. Funeral Games
  • Born in London in 1914 and educated at private schools, he never knew his father and grew up in lodgings with a mother who was as improvident as she was unpresentable.
  • When the plantlets are ready to transplant, they are simply removed by pushing the base of the cell and dislodging soil and rootball together, avoiding tedious pricking out and minimising root disturbance.
  • The friend who still owes my daughter for a Jimmy Eat World ticket from 2004 and never chipped in for the car rental for the trip from Boston to Albany, or the gas, or the lodging, and who honestly believes that everything's even-steven because she staked my kid to a latte on the way back. Putting the Squeeze on Cheapskates
  • Also they lodged there at their ease, for there was none that troubled them: they made many lodgings of boughs and great herbs and fortified their camp sagely with the marish that was thereby, and their carriages were set at the entry into the marishes and had all their beasts within the marish. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • But if you have money enough for finer clothes and high-toned lodgings, then you might be planning to cozen the rich or insinuate yourself into society or spy on the powerful or throw money around without necessarily making sure some of it goes into the pockets of the powerful. Pathfinder
  • They live in lodgings or tiny, comfortless flats, on a meagre allowance or none.
  • Chapter Fourteen Afterwards They took back the living and the dead alike into Shrewsbury in the radiant, slanting light of morning, Iestyn, mute now and indifferent to his fate, to a lodging in the castle; Susanna, safe from any penalty in this world, to the depeopled household from which three generations together would shortly be carried to the grave. The Sanctuary Sparrow
  • Out of that you had to take out your lodgings, and all your expenses. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his previous lodgings, Auden had kept scrupulously to his schedule of writing sessions interrupted only by meals and a tea-time snifter, then bed at 10 pm.
  • The stunt, aimed tweaking bourgeois consciences, ended when the city offered the men lodging in an army barracks. Times, Sunday Times
  • I walk back towards my lodgings on Broad Street, which is the main thoroughfare through town.
  • Out of their meagre wage of £3 a week they had to buy their working clothes and their board and lodging in a hostel or with a family.
  • Harvard offers generous aid and loans to cover its annual fees of around £17,000 plus board and lodging of £7,000, as do other top colleges.
  • Hoteliers in Takoradi, the four square mile port town near the crude find, are scrambling to build new lodging for the influx of oilmen from Hess Corp. and Tullow Oil PLC who are handling offshore rigs. In an African Dynamo's Expansion, the Perils of Prosperity
  • In a miserable lodging house, he died of carbon dioxide asphyxiation by means of a charcoal stove.
  • Workers' hourly rates of pay also include allowances for board and lodgings.
  • She knew from experience things which would be of use to her--things about lodgings and things about shops. Emily Fox-Seton
  • Where are you lodging in Paris?
  • Lodging lake tahoe of a semantically skua unwebbed autocratically from a battler in sidesplitting ixobrychus with syneresis of cds that are not extraterritorial in your slickly gerbille at all. Rational Review
  • If you are trekking, basic food and lodgings are all part of the fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • You start 9.00 am on Monday as a legal secretary, and don't forget to put some overtime in if you want to pay for this week's board and lodging.
  • It had been a residential hotel where old ladies paid 17 guineas a week for board and lodging, and Jean had been in the habit of lunching there.
  • Moreover, all Soviet art education was state financed and students got materials, free board and lodging, and pocket money.
  • As an itinerant king he adapted each new lodging to provide a suite of royal chambers similar to those in an English palace. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too.
  • Most frequently it seems it was either the abbot's lodgings or, as at Lacock Abbey, some of the claustral buildings which were adapted.
  • If I had the twa tawpies that sorn upon the honest man ae week under my drilling, I think I wad show them how to sort a lodging!” Saint Ronan's Well
  • She must quit that place and take a quiet lodging. Vanity Fair
  • WuHan FengXiang Island International Conference Centre Supplies lodgings dining conference, commerce, entertainment, tourism, etc.
  • Booking in advance is helpful, but ARAMARK reps say that lodging almost never sells out, so it's possible to get a room or campsite the same day you arrive, even in the summer.
  • ‘I’ll break your head, ’ said the sturdy Liddesdale man, ‘if ye say ony mair about it, and that will be malefaction eneugh to entitle me to ae night’s lodging wi’ you, ony way. Chapter XLV
  • And he answered him that wente of that message, that he hadd warnyd all hir gracs s'vaunts, not beinge appointed to wayte dayly, uppon there alegiuance not to come eny nerer thys howse then hys lodginge, and was, as he saide, for hys owne p [ar] te sorye theye should sooe mysuse them selfes, p [ro] mysinge to dooe as much as lyeth in hym that yt shall nooe nmore be sooe. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • It is an unusual request for lodging, but six Roman soldiers need new digs after they moved out of their historic York home.
  • But at last rose up Stephen the Eater and spake: "Meat and drink and lodging is free without price to every comer to Wethermel, and most oft, as here it is, our good will goes with it; yet meseemeth that since these friends of ours come belike from the outlands and countries where is more tidings than mostly befalleth here, it might please them to make us their debtors by saying us some lay, or telling us some tale; for we be not bustled to drink the voidee cup now, these nights of Midsummer, when night and day hold each other's hands throughout the twenty-four hours. The Sundering Flood
  • A liquid fixative was deliberately not used in order to prevent dislodging of pollen grains.
  • Mrs. Bardell let lodgings to many conversable single gentlemen, with great profit, but never brought any more actions for breach of promise of marriage. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • There are others far more deserving of your hand. There is Alfred, the shy divinity student lodging with Reverend and Mrs. Baxter, and our cousin Joseph, and of course, Mr. Pratt, the widowed pig farmer who is 30 years your senior but quite prosperous.
  • The suggested increases would raise battels by £4 000 for a three year degree, increasing board and lodging costs by 57%.
  • But now that there are significant numbers of black and Latino teachers -- especially in America's urban school districts -- seniority represents the obstacle to dislodging them from those positions. Brian Jones: Charter Schools and Civil Rights: What Kind of 'Movement' is This?
  • Howland was a brave man; he had already showed both strength and prowess when, washed overboard in a "seel" of the ship, and carried fathoms deep in mid-ocean, he caught the topsail-halyards swept over with him and clung to them until he was rescued in spite of the raging wind and waves that repeatedly dragged him under; nor in the face of savage foe, or savage beast, or peril by land or sea, was John Howland ever known less than the foremost; but now in face of this angry woman he found naught to say, and blushing and stammering and half laughing fairly turned and ran away, springing up the stairs to the elevated deck cabins, in one of which Elder Brewster and his family had their lodging. Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • In Frunze, we could stay with an old aunt of mine until we found better lodgings. Somewhere East of Life
  • Annual boarding fees are 9,500 to cover food and lodgings, but there are no tuition fees for any pupils. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps," Marco had heard Loristan say to him almost severely, once when he had forgotten himself and had stood at salute while his master passed through a broken-down iron gate before an equally broken-down-looking lodging-house -- "perhaps you can force yourself to remember when I tell you that it is not safe -- _it is not safe_! The Lost Prince
  • I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's /with Mrs Brown.
  • John Major in the life of John the monk, that lived in the days of Theodosius, commends the hermit to have been a man of singular continency, and of a most austere life; but one night by chance the devil came to his cell in the habit of a young market wench that had lost her way, and desired for God's sake some lodging with him. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He pays 40 a week board and lodging.
  • For lodging, "with the return of the business traveler, [hoteliers] are going to be more aggressive in trying to recapture the money they have lost over the last two years.
  • The Greater Edinburgh area offers the perfect lodging alternative for every itinerary, from world-class hotels downtown to intimate bed and breakfast inns throughout the countryside.
  • For this vile end the bagnios and lodging-houses are near at hand.
  • Lee's solicitor said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.
  • All volunteers cover their own food and lodging. Times, Sunday Times
  • [21] I might also mention the sentiment of Count Conigsmarck, who allowed, that the barbarous assassination of Mr. Thynne by his bravoes was a slain on his blood, but such a one as a good action in the wars, or a lodging on a counterscarp, would easily wash out. The Dramatic Works of John Dryden
  • And he answered him that wente of that message, that he hadd warnyd all hir gracs s'vaunts, not beinge appointed to wayte dayly, uppon there alegiuance not to come eny nerer thys howse then hys lodginge, and was, as he saide, for hys owne p [ar] te sorye theye should sooe mysuse them selfes, p [ro] mysinge to dooe as much as lyeth in hym that yt shall nooe nmore be sooe. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • Each section of the country will provide an excellent scenic day trip and inexpensive lodgings can be found.
  • Almost immediately this was surrounded by a lower battery providing fourteen further gun positions, while about 1550 a battlemented entrance block was built containing the governor's lodgings.
  • From lodging to food and other requirements, they have to manage with the limited monthly salary.
  • Personal care should be funded by taxation and board and lodging by individuals, with state help for the poorest
  • Unless they want to go of their own free will they are not turned out into the street after being given a temporary lodging. Times, Sunday Times
  • It evades capture by lodging itself inside the very muscles of the pursuer.
  • San Francisco entices visitors with a surprising array of affordable quality lodging.
  • But of more interest to the showman were the roughly 100 newspaper editors from up and down the Eastern seaboard in the audience, whose train fare and hotel lodging he called "a very costly piece of advertising, which yet yielded us a magnificent return. All Stories | The New York Observer
  • Indeed, after the canescent heat of the day, and the tossing of our ill-conditioned vessel, we should have been contented with lodgings far less luxurious. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Lodging rates in 310 of the 378 so-called nonstandard areas - higher-cost areas where federal employees most frequently travel - will decline beginning Oct. 1, the General Services Federal Times
  • By decade's end, what had been a haphazard collection of Bowery flophouses ballooned to a geographically dispersed network of some 20 facilities lodging 5,000 men nightly.
  • Sir John walked there some time, expecting the reappearance of the knight, whom he intended to assist in leading home; but after an hour, finding no signs of regress from the palace, and thinking his father might be wondering at his delay, he turned his steps towards his own lodgings. The Scottish Chiefs
  • I daresay there is not enough space at your lodgings, and I have already become Mr. Wade's home for neglected animals.
  • He rose up and departed, without counsel of any, trusting only in God and his own strength; he bore with him neither bag nor baggage, scrip nor scrippage -- not even a change of raiment; but with a handful of fruit and the humble provision which his good mother had furnished for the harvest-field, he set forth; day and night he journeyed on the truck he knew his friend had taken to that far country, toiling in the fields to secure food and lodging for the night, and some scant aids to carry him from place to place. Chanticleer A Thanksgiving Story of the Peabody Family
  • He waved the gleaming metal limb wildly, nearly dislodging his friend a second time. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • _ Bid the footman receive the trunks and portmantua; and see them placed in the lodgings you have taken for me, while I walk a turn here in the garden. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • She is now at Dover, in lodgings, for the benefit of sea air; and has invited me there since Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • We no longer have to pay any more food, lodging and medical bills. The Sun
  • For its Self-Guided Winter Engadine Holiday, Ryder-Walker books lodgings, transfers luggage, and provides hikers with detailed maps of their routes. Wintertime Rambles

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