How To Use Lockstep In A Sentence

  • the union's support had been in lockstep for years
  • The pace of growth between 1901 and 1911 had been so rapid, and there were so few clouds on the horizon, that most people saw the future unfolding in lockstep with the previous decade.
  • As we are quick to tout the southward expansion of Anglicanism as evidence of its catholicity, we cannot reasonably expect that Africans and Asians will always march in lockstep with traditional Western theology.
  • This spreading would enable all these different human groups to advance in a kind of genetic lockstep. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • The Republican party scares me, They go after anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with them. First on the Ticker: Graham censured again by county party in S.C.
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  • In health care, lockstep Republican opposition caused months of delay, and empowered the likes of Connecticut\'s embittered Senator Joe Lieberman and Nebraska\'s compromised Ben Nelson to exact cankerous concessions to forge a super-majority. Robert L. Borosage: Bipartisan Blight
  • Limbaugh speaks – the GOP march in unquestioning lockstep to his commands. Think Progress » Cantor Opens The Door To GOP Rejecting Obama’s Bipartisan Health Care Meeting
  • You march in lockstep if it makes you feel better. Think Progress » Sarah Palin calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
  • You can't take a linear, lockstep pace in this situation.
  • That would be correct only if the prices of the two stocks moved in perfect lockstep. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • The pair began walking down the platform in lockstep. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the Democratic Party voting in lockstep with the Republicans, the Senate approved the measure 96 to 0, and the House of Representatives passed it by a vote of 410 to 12.
  • She asks us to try to think with the Tradition, using it as a light for reflection, not a slide rule for infallible moral calculus that must always produce monolithic lockstep agreement.
  • It's so fun to watch them beat up on their own people when they don't fall in lockstep with the Party. Graham hit again for cap-and-trade support
  • Lanny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Evan Bayh and the DLC just to name a few, who believed that Democrats have to walk in lockstep with not only a neocon agenda but a corporatist Wall Street welfare authority agenda. Think Progress » Pence ‘Considering’ Challenging Evan Bayh As Bayh Attacks The ‘Left’
  • I agree completely but republicans have been carrying the conservative banner while betraying it since, well Nixon and the conservatives have supported them in lockstep until recently and I mean real recently. Think Progress » Bachmann’s Latest Whopper: ‘The Federal Government Literally Owns Banks’
  • Certainly we can socialize with people without being in philosophical lockstep with them, as long as you both are open to developing either a mutally respectful or a hilariously meanspirited dialogue about your differences.
  • I think there are risks for us in being too much in lockstep with the United States, and I think in this period that that is something we should think very carefully about and review carefully.
  • One-size-fits-all standardized tests are driving curricula, and top-down reforms are mandating lockstep procedures for classroom instructors.
  • That's a reasonable analysis, if you think nobility and virtue only come from lockstep authoritarianism and cult-like homogeny, but unfortunately for Fred Thompson, he is running to lead a democracy. Obama And Thompson Address The VFW
  • This spreading would enable all these different human groups to advance in a kind of genetic lockstep. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • That McGowan might not march in lockstep with other Democrats in Washington isn't exactly a surprise: He told CNN in October that he was once registered as a Republican and voted for Lindsey Graham in last year's Senate election. Democratic Senate hopeful takes hard line on Obama agenda
  • Imagine the effect it would have on the crowd - all those handsome young heroes, marching in perfect lockstep, showing their loyalty to their commander in chief.
  • By crushing the traditions of the Senate he would pack the courts, especially the supreme court, with lockstep ideologues.
  • They dance and walk sideways in lockstep and do all the things they've been trained to do.
  • They claim not to vote in lockstep with each other, but Dumbocrats like VP Biden and Sec of State Clinton did a good job of voting in lockstep with George Bush when they voted for the war in Iraq. johnnie Even with Franken, breaking up (a filibuster) is hard to do
  • The TV stations are giving the images of huge crowds full value; while even newspapers in lockstep with the government are finding it hard to maintain their position; although The Australian battles on gamely.
  • Or students can enrol in the lockstep program where they take no more than six credit hours per semester and complete the program in five semesters.
  • And that in itself will persuade the allies to fall into lockstep.
  • For a year and a half, they have marched in lockstep, with arms linked, against anything and everything. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 5, 2010
  • Blankley is probably confused that the USA prior to the ’60s did not, in fact, move in lockstep without dissent or disagreement. Matthew Yglesias » Blankley Calls for Comprehensive Press Censorship
  • Now it is possible to concentrate income quickly through the globalized financial system which grows in lockstep with the increasing concentration of income upward.
  • Narcissism and materialism were both drawn in sharp contrast to nihilism, but in the end the important thing was not to march in lockstep to the beat of any drummer.
  • In lockstep with mistaken corporate practice, some of the current higher education policy wonks argue that tenure needs to be adjusted to make faculty less hard on the leadership of their CEOs.
  • Marching in lockstep is the name of the game for some conservatives. Think Progress » Bartlett: Frum’s Dismissal Shows ‘All That Matters Now Is Absolute Subservient Adherence’ To The GOP
  • I resented the notion broached upon her nomination - that one woman is as good as another, that Hillary voters will fall in lockstep behind her because they wouldn't care about or even notice the difference; that women would be happy to sacrifice their ideals at the altar of simple gender ascendancy. RVABlogs
  • In health care, lockstep Republican opposition caused months of delay, and empowered the likes of Connecticut's embittered Senator Joe Lieberman and Nebraska's compromised Ben Nelson to exact cankerous concessions to forge a super-majority. Robert L. Borosage: Bipartisan Blight
  • Reply to: see below surrogateship socialise Aidos outraised liquefiable restuffs rhynchocoelous encarnalised come-at-ableness megalopore uxoricide whipper uncolt bonebreaker karyotypical identifer lockstep Ixiama dallyman Chitimacha methylphenidate antiracial inversion Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston
  • The pair began walking down the platform in lockstep. Times, Sunday Times
  • the prisoner's ankles were so chained together that they could only march in lockstep
  • The Rethugs vote in lockstep, which is all but impossible for the Dems given their diversity of interest groups. Matthew Yglesias » Do House Democrats Realize They Already Voted for Health Care Reform?
  • In lockstep with the two parties in Washington, the state administration places the blame for the crisis in the schools on the teachers and staff members who struggle every day against deteriorating conditions.
  • You know, I don't have to get in lockstep with a party, and I don't have to hire party cronies.
  • That would be correct only if the prices of the two stocks moved in perfect lockstep. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Advertising markets in Asia were growing weaker in lockstep with the slowing U.S. economy.
  • We will be awkwardly zagging while most of our peers happily zig in lockstep.
  • Smiling, gamely in lockstep, they sailed over to the press. Carl Sferrazza Anthony: How Hollywood Helped Reagan Change Washington (PHOTOS)
  • TV commentators and print journalists alike have, with rare exceptions, fallen into lockstep behind the administration's campaign of lies.
  • Among them was whether a judge votes in lockstep with other judges nominated by the same political party.
  • It could even spell long-term disarray, if not outright doom, for the modern Republican Party and its unique brand of lockstep asininity. Randall Amster: The Disloyal Opposition: Rush is Right -- Obama Must Fail
  • In most professions, the best workers usually get the top pay - a situation that once held in teaching, before the unions arrived on the scene and began to mandate lockstep salaries.
  • Reply to: see below surrogateship socialise Aidos outraised liquefiable restuffs rhynchocoelous encarnalised come-at-ableness megalopore uxoricide whipper uncolt bonebreaker karyotypical identifer lockstep Ixiama dallyman Chitimacha methylphenidate antiracial inversion Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston

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