
How To Use Lockjaw In A Sentence

  • Of course that first thing that sprang to mind was lockjaw, but I've not been hammering any rusty nails recently, so it's unlikely.
  • = of tetanus; illness also known as "lockjaw"; caused by bacteria Behind AotW
  • Historically, it's been dominated by old men tasting wine in wood-panelled libraries, speaking with a little Locust Valley lockjaw (if you know what I mean, Lovey). Gregory Dal Piaz: The Most Annoying Wine Words
  • Tetanus, also called lockjaw, is a disease with uncontrolled muscle spasms caused by a bacterium in a local wound.
  • The most eminent physician of the thirteenth century, Gilbertus Anglicus (Gilbert of England, 1170–1230), wrote that when treating a wounded nerve, it should first be cut across to relieve pain and prevent lockjaw (tetanus) and that a mixture of earthworms and oil beaten together should be applied. Modern Science in the Bible
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  • He dressed himself in white, popped his collar toward the heavens, picked up a mallet, and announced in his bogus rich boy's lockjaw, "Croquet anyone?"
  • It is preferable to gangrene or lockjaw, I suppose, but-" "If you will please allow me to finish my sentence, Emerson? LORD OF THE SILENT
  • Tetanus or lockjaw may not seem to be a compelling disease to vaccinate against in elderly adults but 92 % of all cases occur in adults and 71 % are over the age of fifty.
  • She had a kind of lockjaw of grief such as children suffer and suffer for. We Can't Have Everything
  • He returned to his desk, took down his two massive volumes of The Complete and Concise Home Doctor, and began to revise the sections that dealt with 'bleeding; dressings; shock; tourniquet; bullet wounds; burns; cuts; stabs; asepsis; drainage and irrigation of wounds; lockjaw; pus; trepanning for the relief of depressed fractures of the skull.' Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Our readers are well aware of the deadly effects of the Indian poison called wurare, or woorali, concerning which we have often had occasion to record the most interesting experiments, especially in mentioning the attempts made to use it as a specific for lockjaw, its peculiar action consisting in relaxing the muscular system. The Art of Travel Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries
  • Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a serious but preventable disease that affects the body's muscles and nerves.
  • Gangrene, as a consequence of contusions or of hemorrhage or of an impediment to the circulation, caused by unskillfully applied apparatus, must not be overlooked among the occasional incidents; nor must lockjaw, which is not an uncommon occurrence. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • With his lockjaw voice and nose for journalistic stunts, George was a WASP daredevil.
  • If tetanus attacks the jaw muscles it causes lockjaw.
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tetanus, also known as lockjaw disease, can cause painful tightening of muscles in the body, and can lead to death in one out of 10 cases. The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
  • Our once yawning current account deficit is now coming to resemble lockjaw.
  • An antitetanus serum introduced at the turn of the century greatly reduced the incidence of wounded men succumbing to lockjaw.
  • It is hard to imagine two snobbish East Coast intellectuals with lockjaw patrician accents being invited onto prime-time television now to opine on the hot-button issues of the day.
  • Cephalic tetanus, the least common, causes muscle spasms in the face, leading to a classic case of lockjaw.
  • The peculiar effects of a tapeworm are exaggerated appetite and thirst, nausea, headaches, vertigo, ocular symptoms, cardiac palpitation, and Mursinna 15.217 has even observed a case of trismus, or lockjaw, due to tænia solium. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He was a prominent figure in New York's social scene, with his lockjaw accent, unfailing good humor, and boundless enthusiasm for new experiences.
  • Sadly, the goldeye were apparently exhibiting the kind of lockjaw that often comes with scudding clouds and falling barometers. Edmonton Sun
  • Tetanus, also known as "lockjaw;" Diphtheria, an upper respiratory disease; and Pertussis, also known as "whooping cough. News for Opelika-Auburn News
  • A hint of Long Island lockjaw crept into her voice, which I knew happened only in times of extreme stress.
  • Mrs Wilby said she had previously seen tetanus - often known as lockjaw - in animals.
  • CHARLESTON, SC - Veterinarians at the South Carolina Aquarium sea turtle hospital in Charleston say they've made great progress in helping a loggerhead turtle suffering from lockjaw. Anderson Independent Mail Stories
  • She would stride onto the stage, sit confidently, legs crossed, and, in that austere, Waspy lockjaw voice that has become her trademark, do what she does best - sell order and beauty, aspiration and a sort of perfection.
  • The victim refused to have his fingers amputated although he was given medical advice that failure to do so would result in lockjaw and his death.
  • Symptoms of the infection include muscle rigidity and spasms, particularly of the face and jaw, hence its common name lockjaw.
  • The twin tails and skirt have lots of wiggle even with littlerod movement, which helps to entice smallies that have gotten lockjaw during acold front. John Merwin Picks the 50 Best Lures of All Time
  • Tetanus often begins with mild spasms in the jaw muscles-also known as lockjaw or trismus.
  • Tetanus: Also known as lockjaw; causes painful muscle spasms, breathing failure, death - Home Page
  • Is the likelihood of my coming down with lockjaw or diphtheria high enough to warrant a vaccination?
  • Even though he was raised in working-class 'burbs, he acquired a hint of Main Line lockjaw.
  • Tetanus, also known as lockjaw, is a serious but preventable disease that affects the body's muscles and nerves.
  • Thoreau maintained a close relationship with his brother up until the latter's death of lockjaw following a freak accident.
  • In the case of the susceptible animal the receptors of the cells of the different organs combine with the toxine to a greater or less extent, which explains the fact that different degrees of injury are produced in the different tissues; the toxine of tetanus, or lockjaw, for example, combines by preference with the nervous tissue, that of diphtheria with the lymphatic tissue. Disease and Its Causes
  • They are: diphtheria, a respiratory infection; tetanus, which is also known as lockjaw; and pertussis, which is also known as whooping cough. Beatrice Daily Sun News Articles
  • It's a terrible and often fatal disease starting with muscle spasms in the jaw and face, called lockjaw, then spreading.
  • Of course that first thing that sprang to mind was lockjaw, but I've not been hammering any rusty nails recently, so it's unlikely.

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