How To Use Locative In A Sentence

  • This hunch is luckily confirmed by the same phrase repeated further down in the inscription but entirely in locative forms instead: tesne Raśne cei. Ipa ama hen
  • Luckily for me, the entire phrase is also found in another case, the simple locative: haθe-c repine-c in LL 9.xii also hante-c repine-c in LL 3.xxiv. Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
  • This is a locative noun, which is a grammatical category used when creating names for places in Algonquian.
  • Since this is the chief finding of the humanities in the 20th century, I would bet that in the 21st century it will start revising our calculative, allocative, easily-socialist view of the economy.
  • Grammatical action here resides in the verb form chhu, expressing a locative state of being.
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  • The LION database of English poetry has 144 instances of ‘under God’, and quite a few of them seem to me to be unambiguously locative adjuncts modifying noun phrases.
  • The normal form of the locative with inessive postclitic is exemplified by spure-θi 'in the city' in TLE 171 nb. spure alone means 'at/before the city'. Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
  • This and other inanimate thematic stems exhibit interesting effects such as the curious disappearance of *m in the locative case e.g. *yugóm "a yoke" but *yugó-i "among a yoke" which leads many to assume that this was a functional ending rather than the product of misanalysis and missegmentation by early Indo-European speakers. Inanimate thematics that failed to be converted in Pre-IE?
  • Where the formula is used of persons, copulative verbs or expressions that denote ‘being in Christ’ are usually locative, whereas active verbs may be either locative or instrumental.
  • Loka is in the locative case, the final vowel indicating to the locative having been dropped for sandhi. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • _ The ablative denoting the _place where_ is called the _locative ablative_ (cf. «locus», _place_). Latin for Beginners
  • Though both Laureates have also made important contributions to the mathematical technique of linear programming, this was not what they were honored for; instead they received the Prize for enriching our understanding of basic economic issues in normative allocative theory by applying new tools of analysis. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • Non-personal expressions may be either locative or instrumental, though even in the latter instances the locative sense is not absent entirely, and hence he sees the locative notion is the most common.
  • The conference theme, as one might expect from the title, arises from examinations of works such as locative narratives, literary immersive environments, and what the organizers call Grand Text Auto
  • Road pricing is a radical solution that primarily is about securing allocative efficiency of scarce resources, namely road space.
  • And I haven't even explained case agglutination yet e.g. -clel from locative -cle plus genitive -l. Enclitics and noun phrases in Etruscan
  • I just did a residency at the Banff New Media Institue using locative media and we talked a bit about Open Street Map. OSM 2008: A Year of Edits on Vimeo
  • Doubtless the basic from of this noun exists in Mw., but we only recorded the locative form and thus now cannot be certain about what the correct vowel quantity is in the basic form.
  • Participants saw the picture, followed by the locative term. in the simultaneous condition, the picture and locative term appeared at the same time.
  • Word stimuli consisted of three locative terms, left, right, and front.
  • Since -cve is locative of -cva, listing it as another allomorph is another mistake. Ashes to ashes
  • As also reflected by the N400 in Experiment 1, participants appear to have more difficulty integrating the locative term to the relative frame interpretation of the picture.
  • Similarly, in the absence of the historically manifested “whence?” and “whither?”, directional question words both, and which have both collapsed into the locative “where?”, it becomes necessary to add preposition-like semantic cues into utterances in order to re-establish the appropriate semantics. Where are you (at)? « Motivated Grammar
  • To summarize: The competitive market system is allegedly conducive to both allocative efficiency and freedom.
  • Under God is a locative adjunct in the structure of a noun phrase.
  • The umbrella term locative expression is used to cover grammatical units, such as those listed, which provide an index of location, direction and physical setting in narrative description. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • It is interesting that their usual surnames are all patronymics or matronymics, rather than the locatives that would be more likely were any of the four from immigrant families.
  • Of course "agentive/instrumental" function is also often claimed for the Locative and Dative by different "specialists" so who knows if that is even real. Ipa ama hen
  • Forty trials each represented scenes and locative terms where both reference frames were correct, where the intrinsic frame was correct, and where the relative frame was correct.
  • For me, ‘in the soup’ is one of the various locative idioms for being in trouble - up the creek, in a fix, in deep gumbo - and the AHD agrees.
  • David Goldfarb @ 296: The centurion in Life of Brian claims that, in the case of motion towards, "domus" takes the locative which he agrees is "domum". Making Light: Open thread 135
  • The deictic, directional, and locative constructions differ, however, with respect both to their semantics and to the kinds of items that are eligible to fill the X and V slots.
  • 'For the good Larth' would be more competently translated into Etruscan as either *Larθus mlac (genitive of giving) or *Larθe-ri mlac (locative with postposition -ri 'for'). A little note on Etruscan adjectives and case agreement
  • The idea of locative art allows him to create an economical meditation upon the colonization of public spaces, time, and memory by technology.
  • Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan Archive 2009-06-01
  • This shows that just as locative repine and inessive repinθi are forms of *repin, so too are locative haθe and haθrθi forms of *hanθ cf. hanθin. Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
  • 'For the good Larth' would be more competently translated into Etruscan as either *Larθus mlac (genitive of giving) or *Larθe-ri mlac (locative with postposition -ri 'for'). A little note on Etruscan adjectives and case agreement
  • Caroline@336: The locative is a weird case that doesn't fit into the usual scheme of 5, and is always identical in form to the genitive or accusative anyway. Making Light: Open thread 135
  • Note that as in * - lale, Ruvu languages add * - i locative, which is why Kagulu converts * - sala to * - sale. back Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • This experiment also used four canonical locative terms (right, left, front, and back) for completeness.
  • Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in... Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
  • In these conditions, participants could process the picture prior to seeing the locative term.
  • attributive: -s/-l directive: -is locative: -eBy renaming the genitive case as "attributive", we make it clearer that these endings are not just restricted to mere "possessives" or "ablatives" but rather we recognize their many other usages. Liber Linteus and religious formulae, part 2
  • The locative case denotes the place where an action occurs.
  • RT was measured from onset of the locative term to key press.
  • First, the fact that we found no systematic differences between sentences with different locative prepositions is probably because of the specific types of locative prepositions in our experiment.
  • Such elliptical answers are of course used by everyone, and they show the appropriate deletion of subject and main verb, leaving the locative which is questioned by wh + there. Academic Ignorance and Black Intelligence
  • The present study uses a simplified methodology from Taylor et al., requiring participants to respond to a single locative term instead of a descriptor phrase.
  • Trials were defined by which frame the locative term described.
  • Latin to add weight to the authority of one’s opinion, one might (the impersonal is also helpful for establishing an academic tone) suggest that “at” used as a sentential post-fix is a locative particle, which helps distinguish the use of “where” from alternative directional uses such as “Where is he going TO?” or “Where is she coming FROM?”, and which provides parallelism to those constructions. Where are you (at)? « Motivated Grammar
  • This shows that just as locative repine and inessive repinθi are forms of *repin, so too are locative haθe and haθrθi forms of *hanθ cf. hanθin. Oddly formed locatives with inessive postclitic in Etruscan
  • Ignoring for the moment any controversies regarding a proper translation of the phrase śacni cilθl, I would like to suggest that pattern A effectively translates as "for the [śacni cilθl], for the city and for the people everlasting" (locative -e + -ri = purposive/benefactive), pattern B means "to the [śacni cilθl] (and) to the city everlasting" (directive -is + -tra-is involves an action directed towards these things) and pattern C states "to the [śacni cilθl], to the city and to the people everlasting" (attributive -s/-l, implying an act of offering or dedication). Liber Linteus and religious formulae, part 2
  • Furthermore, as opposed to its corresponding normal counterpart, the sentence with the locative subject receives an additional valency element, which in turn makes the monovalent verb bivalent.
  • The versatility of Greek prepositions makes it difficult to distinguish between the locative and instrumental uses, or even the dative of reference.
  • If it's true that you read this already and true that you "weeded out all the nonsense", then if you are being rational about your choices, your rejection of the locative in -e as per the Bonfantes themselves implies that you "weeded" that out too for some *very clear* reason. What are Etruscans doing with those eggs?
  • Experiment 1 showed a larger negativity between 300 and 375 ms after the locative term when the term did not apply to the intrinsic reference frame.

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