How To Use Locating In A Sentence

  • Bringing the pole down into a horizontal position, my right arm out behind me, locating the position of my left hand was easy.
  • Bringing the pole down into a horizontal position, my right arm out behind me, locating the position of my left hand was easy.
  • Two bus-rides and a walk in the rain later we found the old dairy farm, muttering under our breaths about the wisdom of locating such an establishment way out in the sticks.
  • Essential tools include a bird identification field guide, a map of the airfield with a superimposed grid system for locating birds, and a pair of binoculars.
  • I'm the slightly more wussy guy who is one step away from dislocating his neck due to headbanging, and Adam's the big kickboxing man into happy hardcore dance
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  • I am interested in locating other old hacienda ruins such as La Cienega del Carmen (near Parras) discussed by Rolly. Old Hacienda Ruins
  • If the redundancy package is too generous many staff will opt for that and not even consider relocating.
  • Businesses locating here don't have to apply to a multitude of agencies for help, because we're the single agency.
  • Part of the problem is that firms are relocating overseas.
  • It is about allocating space on the commons or in public areas.
  • By contrast, the marines spent three months patrolling Afghanistan without locating the enemy.
  • We're relocating just south of Newcastle.
  • Conflict transformation avoids allocating blame or dwelling on the past, no matter how painful, in order to try to achieve shared futures.
  • The use of framework legislation and the practice of delegated legislation were thus viewed essentially as methods of efficiently allocating legislative tasks.
  • The first question that occurs to the enlightened enquirer, when he learns that the functions of the brain have been positively determined by experiment, is whether the cranioscopy of Gall and Spurzheim was successful in locating the cerebral functions, and how nearly their inferences from development correspond with the revelations of experiment. Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9
  • It should start giving inducements that it now lavishes on businesses locating to the inner sanctums of Bradford to all outlying regions.
  • The sources are complementary in identifying and locating toponyms, still a painstaking task, but immensely valuable for any study of settlement patterns.
  • One gentleman is so dedicated to locating obscure dispensers that he actually uses city transit to visit remote suburban garage sales.
  • All three women went on to retrain in a variety of beauty and holistic healing therapies, before relocating to Dublin.
  • For a few days, the big banks responsible for allocating the world's capital baulked at doing business with each other, fearful that their counterparts' credit would go bad.
  • For the frazzled chef, relocating to a suburban or rural setting can be a lifestyle choice as much as it is an economic one.
  • Part of the wonder of this lace construction for us is the process of discovery involved in locating each figure.
  • And relocating residents and businesses is a much more significant issue for Shanghai Expo 2010 than for previous expositions.
  • This paper describes a method of resolution for a caput ossis femoris in non-CT locating in robot total knee replacement operation.
  • Desperate for a wee, he did two laps of the living room barking his shins and becoming increasingly panicky before finally locating the light switch and making good his escape.
  • Part of the wonder of this lace construction for us is the process of discovery involved in locating each figure.
  • This was only a shakedown cruise which might pay the added dividends of dislocating our shipping and drawing off our patrols. THE LONELY SEA
  • This may give females a particularly large benefit from reallocating paternal expenses.
  • He reads it aloud, "During a routine examination of the relevant State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources Case File, it appears that you will need financial assistance in displacement costs relative to locating a new site. Jeanne Devon ("AKMuckraker"): Chuitna and the Curse of Coal
  • In the UK, large companies have traditionally operated a system of workers' councils which also allow workers a say in the management of the business by allocating them places on such a representative body.
  • It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal, accounts checking, cipher amending and funds allocating, etc.
  • Once an archer downed a target, he nocked an arrow while relocating to another firing site.
  • It is not only financial considerations, therefore, that guide the decisions for allocating limited training resources.
  • The rankings guide Britain's four higher education funding councils in allocating resources.
  • That is, the fungal spores find a home in the garden by locating environmental conditions favorable to their reproduction and infestation.
  • It is not only financial considerations, therefore, that guide the decisions for allocating limited training resources.
  • In the long-running debate about relocating the capital there is popular reluctance to award it the prize.
  • A basic robust fail safe circuit is composed of a basic functional module and an error locating translator.
  • The ileal interposition procedure involves relocating a short portion of the small intestine known as the ileum further forward in the intestinal tract. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • In the days prior to GPS-led apparati that were brought to market in the ancient, early '90s, astro-purists with an interest in locating various objects from within the observable astronomical inventory would have to understand basic algebra as a gateway to leverage a coordinate system (celestrial, equatorial, ecliptical, galactic, etc.). Cool Tools
  • As affected by many uncertain factors of transmission lines, conventional fault locating methods can't locate the faults of transmission lines very well.
  • Although there are some neutral descriptive adjectives used with the word, such as 66 year old, disabled, or American, the majority of words collocating with spinster are negative.
  • When relocating the company in October from its famously grungy Madison Avenue offices to bright new digs off Park Avenue, he assigned himself an office no larger than those of other key executives.
  • But the sale of the site and the possibility of new businesses locating on Swindon Road could inject some much needed capital into the local economy.
  • We asked our architect to consider the practicality of cleaning the stonework and re-locating the plaque.
  • Relocating is what led to the drug addiction, prostitution, and death that freaked out a generation of readers in Go Ask Alice, and to the teenybopper dipsomania of Sarah T.: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic. What Girls Want
  • One of the main tasks of the buckaroo is the roundup--locating the cattle on the range and driving them back to the ranch.
  • Only then will China stop misallocating capital, the first step in creating the kind of balanced growth it says it wants.
  • Ideally that means obtaining a complete gene sequence, and locating the nanobes on the universal tree of life.
  • Thus, downwind males could be located higher in the vegetation to increase their chances of intercepting a pheromone plume and locating a receptive female.
  • There is something to be said about the government allocating almost a quarter of its spending this year to subsidize domestic fuel prices, but that is another story.
  • All in all, this book does deliver its promise, to fulfill a student's point locating needs.
  • The mashup involved "geotagging" photos from Flickr by adding latitude and longitude data, and locating them on Google Maps.
  • Where others would have dismissed the idea as impractical, Sherwood set about locating those vehicles which had survived intact.
  • A system for allocating a small number of staff from a central point on a daily basis should be devised.
  • I will never forget the day a moving van pulled into our driveway and my mother announced to my brothers, sisters, and me that we would be relocating to another house.
  • Because forecasters always try to pinpoint the eye of the hurricane, this knowledge will help with locating the exact position and lead to better tracking.
  • The title means nothing, and locating meaning in the film is a mostly fruitless challenge.
  • Hypolimnas bolina is a tropical and sub-tropical nymphalid species that is known for its aggressive territorial mate-locating behavior.
  • The management at South Forks raised the rent in anticipation of downtown businesses relocating.
  • Anteaters possess a very simple sensory system for use in locating prey.
  • In the internet, a good algorithm of rate allocating must impartially reflect the utility of users.
  • Stamp-duty bills are deterring workers from relocating to take up jobs with better opportunities. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are no airport taxes, hidden surcharges or stress locating luggage on the carousel.
  • These include relocating the canal towpath to a bridge walkway creating a direct route for pedestrians crossing the basin.
  • His work at the forefront of molecular imaging has resulted in this new method of locating and diagnosing cancer, which harnesses the tumour-targeting properties of a protein called lactoferrin.
  • A sound image locater for locating a sound image at an intended sound image position irrespective of the physical feature of the listener.
  • The present invention relates to a bunion cushion and particularly, but not exclusively, to a bunion cushion for locating about a toe of the user.
  • This isa major challenge to locating information, if you really want to know about the town of Ajax andcan only find resources aboutcomputer programming or a Dutch football team you will befrustrated. Implementing a Folksonomy on a Corporate Intranet « Where Rasta Meets Pasta
  • I wouldn't say one area or another was more receptive, but in locating couples, >An interview with Laura Carroll, conducted by Carol Dominy. First published in
  • Favourable treatment has been given to the small shareholder, when allocating oversubscribed issues, in some of the privatisation issues.
  • Those houses are kept vacant by agreement with organisations that are deinstitutionalising people or locating them in the community.
  • Therefore, by an infusion of new technologies, our goal is to reduce this operational footprint while simultaneously reallocating precious personnel resources and equipment to fulfill other critical missions.
  • The relocating of the Bring Centre seems to have had the desired effect as much greater use is now being made of the containers to dispose of drink and food cans and clear brown and green glass.
  • Upon my arrival, I focused on locating the perfect spot to plant myself, without really looking at my fellow beachgoers.
  • One more came directly, it said; another person did a search to find it (mother's cookie site: daggle. com was the search, which was me locating the article. Search Engine Optimization and Marketing News provided by
  • I'm having trouble locating full info and images on the web, but the CD insert folded out to become a poster that had cryptic, pie-chart-style graphics for titles.
  • This is the key problem with locating our capital city in swampland … no cliffs! Matthew Yglesias » What Would The Roman Empire Do?
  • Thus, at a crawl, you can achieve full lock in three-quarters of a turn of the steering wheel - which means that you can reverse into a parking space without winding your arms around each other and gradually dislocating your shoulders.
  • This guidance is intended to inform all those involved in allocating resources and local budget setting.
  • Astronnomers are locating these black holes at present. In the meantime, the research may indicate some clews about the formation of Milky Way.
  • Yet the biggest obstacle is locating a suitable venue for this gargantuan Christmas dinner.
  • Producers and cast talk about being forever on the cancelation bubble, Season 2's murder plotline, relocating to DirecTV, and the risky move to East Dillon. Friday Night Lights Comes to An End: Producers and Cast Remember Building Dillon
  • We measured nest orientation by first locating the opening in the vegetation used by adults to access the nest.
  • The idea of locating the bulb centrally in the space rather than on a surface was suggested by my wife who pointed out to me the fixture hanging over my typewriter.
  • Market failure describes the circumstances in which distortions prevent the Invisible Hand from allocating resources efficiently.
  • In contrast, the third and fourth examples, covering memory allocation by a multiprogramming system and heap management for those languages that deal with variables whose values are \ "big\" objects, speak of allocating space in blocks of different sizes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In allocating housing, preference is given to families with young children.
  • These analyses are targeted toward locating a job opening, which is a necessary precondition for negotiating the terms of a subsequent job offer.
  • The probability of parasitism may vary among hosts because differences in their behaviors assist cowbirds in locating nests.
  • It is a relatively crude way of allocating such expenditure. 10.
  • By contrast, casting or drawing lots to assure fairness in allocating duties or rewards has been acceptable for millennia.
  • Secondly, cooperative game theory is applied to allocating unit start-up costs among loads.
  • Minister Parlon said the site in question was strategically located near the partially completed orbital road which makes it more attractive for locating the Department of Agriculture headquarters on, he added.
  • Because an investor cannot directly buy or sell an index, index futures and options contracts are cash settled by allocating a dollar amount to each index point.
  • Relocating an employee can prove very costly.
  • Where we're drilling some of the other wells, we are capturing term acreage which is an objective on how we're allocating our capital. Home Page
  • Congress is considering reconfiguring the formula for allocating money.
  • We have considered the scope for using dowsing as a tool for locating sub-surface archaeology much as water diviners have utilised the technique - with some success - in locating springs and pipes.
  • Not only would this be unfair to the other two-thirds of New Zealanders, it is also inefficient because it would discourage businesses and people from locating in areas of lower congestion.
  • Seeking to flee worldly pursuits by locating their monasteries within remote valleys, the Cistercians emphasized simplified ritual and inner meditation rather than outward ostentation.
  • There would be clear advantages to locating both services in the one centre, however, if the project were to be approved.
  • Legalization would mean a huge dollar savings for the government and the elimination of wasted time by police who could be reallocating their resources to other problems.
  • Several attempts at locating the kompromat failed.
  • Of course, Budgets are also about allocating resources in the here and now to deal with current problems.
  • But now he is not so sure whether relocating to the US was a good career move.
  • The poor state of roads has already forced some industries to threaten relocating outside the State.
  • The positive cells were the astrocytes, ependymal cells in white matter of spinal cord and the neurons mainly locating in cingulate cortex, striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus and cerebellum.
  • Indeed, relocating a city to a more effective, attractive but perhaps less aesthetically pleasing location has its logical merits if it improves its strategic aims.
  • If one adds in the United States, allocating voting power becomes completely impossible.
  • You can determine the direction of the grain by locating the brown, sunburned side of the hole (due to the exposed roots) and know the grass is growing in that direction.
  • And most unions are working on these things, for example by allocating extra time and resources to education, organization and representation.
  • Consequently, finding a specific number among the googolplex available can be as challenging as locating a particular piece of hay in a haystack.
  • It allowed companies which were relocating to factor in such variables as traffic congestion, staff availability and potential for weather damage.
  • This should entail allocating large tracts of unused state land to landless and dispossessed people.
  • This guidance is intended to inform all those involved in allocating resources and local budget setting.
  • How does the archaeologist set about locating sites, other than through documentary sources and salvage work?
  • Vehicle license plate locating is of vital importance in license plate recognition system. This paper proposes a new license plate detection and character segmentation method.
  • To avoid unnecessarily allocating stack space for threads, it creates new idle threads at intervals.
  • The self-interested behavior of producers leads them to adjust their supplies to meet market demand by reallocating productive resources.
  • Instead the newcomers tend to evaluate the farm worker and the other villagers on the basis of urban criteria for allocating prestige.
  • At midnight of this woful tenth day, the ledge would be "relocatable," and by eleven o'clock the hill was black with men prepared to do the relocating. Roughing It
  • After allocating the basis and the amount realized between these portions, Bob determines that $12,000 of the gain is allocable to the residential portion and $6,000 is allocable to the rental portion.
  • Because forecasters always try to pinpoint the eye of the hurricane, this knowledge will help with locating the exact position and lead to better tracking.
  • In allocating housing, preference is given to those who have young children.
  • Access to the station's feed is free, with no registration required, and is available on the station's home page (www. by choosing one of the audio player links, via iTunes by selecting Radio/Eclectic and then locating the station's name alphabetically in the list. News
  • The rankings guide Britain's four higher education funding councils in allocating resources.
  • Now rumors of invasion of the Sword Marches or of the trans-Mardun territories were regular fare in the inns and taverns, and many of the merchants spoke of relocating to the coastal provinces for the duration of the hostilities. The Brothers' War
  • Encounters are triggered by locating magic portals, which spawn monsters and an occasional treasure chest.
  • But you seem not to have had any insuperable difficulty in locating the Barclay companies.
  • It could sense Tortha Karf's electro-encephalic wave-patterns, but it was having trouble locating the source. Time Crime
  • While he continued to live at home, he ranged over Upper Austria selling oil products, locating sites for petrol stations, and setting them up.
  • It is almost as uncommon as locating a wild turkey or jackrabbit running around Texas without a load of birdshot under its hide.
  • Confidently perching or restoratively leaning on it, emphatically plunking it down or cannily relocating it, blithely ignoring it or stymiedly crumpling up over it, Stritch makes the high chair embody moods, objectify states of being.
  • Businesses locating at the centre will enjoy the benefits of shared facilities, for example dedicated administration desk, canteen etc.
  • Brenden wants a two-year moratorium on relocating bison until state officials write a management plan for what he calls "woolly tanks" that can wreak havoc on crops and land. The Seattle Times
  • Placing my hands gingerly upon the first holds and locating the proper foot placement, I commence with my climb.
  • Although suffering from poor vision, its sense of hearing and smell is acute and of primary importance in locating food.
  • As affected by many uncertain factors of transmission lines, conventional fault locating methods can't locate the faults of transmission lines very well.
  • The government is allocating £10 million for health education.
  • The government is allocating £10 million for health education.
  • The plans include extending the tearoom into the milking parlour, relocating the milking parlour into another building, and improving the kitchen, visitor toilets, staff room and disabled access facilities.
  • Richmond said he hopes the groups' planning process also has reinforced a different attitude about reallocating resources.
  • Locating the ideal set of film elements for telecine is expensive and time consuming.
  • Rather than locating human dignity in God or nature, Kant exalted man's autonomy - his ability to make and obey the moral law.
  • The site focuses on the benefits of reallocating low-frequency wireless capacity from broadcasting to unlicensed applications, both here and around the world.
  • We may have found this condemned army bacon further out on the plains than the section I am locating it in, but we _found_ it -- there is no gainsaying that. Story Hour Readings: Seventh Year
  • Not all of us are stainless saints capable of locating sin entirely outside ourselves.
  • These regional differences in trade patterns are important in determining regional attitudes to alternative arrangements for allocating scarce foreign exchange.
  • Others regard it as a more substantial system for planning, allocating and controlling resources.
  • Paul spent hours locating and reading the inscriptions on the tombstones and monuments, bedecked with harps, shamrocks, and Celtic crosses.
  • George Crabb in 1823 defined co-ordinates now dropping its hyphen as “a term applied to the absciss and ordinates when taken in connexion,” later better known as the magnitudes that determine the position of a point; geographers and navigators still later used coordinates to describe the use of longitude and latitude in locating a spot on the globe. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis
  • In allocating housing, preference is given to families with young children.
  • Thousands of officials found employment in allocating and policing quotas in importing and exporting countries.
  • It is possible to discourage guessing by allocating one mark for a correct answer and minus one for an incorrect answer.
  • The ischemic range induced by ligation of the different parts of the basilar artery trunk overlapped, mainly locating in the medulla rostral to the obex .
  • The dealership is having difficulty in locating the names of the owners of the vandalized vehicles. Killer cop in Chasse case may get suspended (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Relocating individual staff abroad is an extremely costly procedure.
  • Further, Mansfield has embarked upon an intellectual quest, an adventure in locating Erasmus within the geography of twentieth-century thought.
  • For example, in sticklebacks, a large fish distracts predator attention from the smaller ones, and an individual may decrease its risk of predation by locating close to a more preferred prey.
  • Taxpayer: The ABC representative office locating in china.
  • They had thought he'd split a kidney as well as fracturing an elbow and dislocating a shoulder.
  • This time, in an almost seamless transition, the depot is relocating to the Dominion Shell station at the corner of Fifth and Princess.
  • Resource-locating behavior in nematodes probably consists of a combination of taxes and kineses.
  • Computing trust value is agile for locating in peer group or between peer group.
  • In a presentation made on the subject of regulating SOBs to the Texas City Attorneys Association meeting in 2006, attorneys William M. McKamie and Bradford E. Bullock of San Antonio pointed out that "generally a city may not use a zoning ordinance to effectively preclude adult businesses from locating within the city" and "[c] ase law has established that nonobscene adult entertainment is a protected First Amendment activity for which local governments must make sites reasonably available. stories
  • What would be the bottom surface of the block is then skimmed flat, and locating dowel pin holes are drilled.
  • Democrats also had difficulty locating New York regiments in order to distribute ballots and collect the votes.
  • Machine process center to route, shape, drill and caut parts or panels, with laser locating system, vacuum hold-down system, vacuum pump, control cabinet and software.
  • His work in this area was aimed at locating the position of enemy guns.
  • In many areas of the world, dowsing as a means of locating water, for instance, is an accepted and respected skill.
  • Basically the relocator is relocating the process into the user memory are in Symbian. Gaming Network :: PSP Dreamcast Nintendo DS Wii GP2X Xbox 360 GBA Gamecube PS2 Apple iPhone PS3 Wiz Pandora Forums - 11,17,23,27,35,36,37,38,51,78,82,83,85,100,105,110,112,113,122,125,128,135,159,176,237,240,241,242,243,250,251,252,255,256,257,258,261,26
  • Shortly this council will go through a budget process allocating millions of dollars to various projects.
  • This can be best achieved by centrally locating critical devices in a secure data centre where possible.
  • Following the crash the airliner's emergency radio beacon failed to function and rescue teams experienced difficulties locating the wreckage.
  • The federal government used population figures in its calculations when allocating regional budgets.
  • Crane assisted a recovery team in locating the crash. Remains Returned List WWII
  • Scarborough was stopped from relocating to an out-of town site and selling its current McCain Stadium on planning grounds.
  • The Yorkshire Productivity Awards have been set up to champion businesses which are bucking the trend of relocating overseas and axing jobs.
  • The Clinton administration has proposed expanding Operation Restore Trust nationwide by allocating it $ 597 million under the fiscal 1997 budget proposal.
  • Others regard it as a more substantial system for planning, allocating and controlling resources.
  • Scientists are attempting to save birds like this one by translocating them to offshore islands free of introduced predators like rats, cats, stoats, and weasels.
  • The point here is that because these nations are still modernising, they are open to all the disturbing and dislocating ideological forces that this process can unleash.
  • When locating the poultry house remember that it is a great advantage to have soil which is light and naturally well drained, since such soil dries off quickly after a rain and is "much warmer," as poultrymen express it. Pratt's Practical Pointers on the Care of Livestock and Poultry
  • Sixty workers at a clothing factory face redundancy because the firm is relocating.
  • The teenager learnt his trade in the rough rugged country of inland Taranaki, lugging theodolites, slashers and supplies, locating and cutting lines through dense undergrowth and heavy virgin bush.
  • Magnetic heading is an important parameter in GPS locating system.
  • Vogue tried to cement what it had, even locating an elusive Leon Smet!
  • The study begins with a detailed topography of Augsburg's taverns, locating them firmly in the urban landscape.
  • We are talking about reallocating resources to those that need it the most, and that's also for governments to really give priority to that, to know which populations do need attention.
  • In this column I'd like to discuss a concept I call spectral management, which refers to a process for allocating parts of the spectrum to different instruments and voices. TV Technology
  • From now on, he said, bosses of commerce and industry will have a real say on issues like allocating land for business and housing development, road links and transportation.
  • As an economist, I believe in the market as an efficient mechanism for allocating resources.
  • Dr. Leibel recommends locating the "bony landmarks" -- the last rib and the top of the hipbone (also known as the iliac crest) -- and measuring halfway in between. Does Height Make a Difference
  • Eventually we get to some amateur filming of middle management and somewhat dweeby Wikus (pronounced Vikus) van der Merwe who is in charge of relocating 1.8 million aliens. District 9: A Movie Review « Colleen Anderson
  • The warranties serve as a means of allocating business risk between the vendor and the purchaser.
  • Allocating grass on a 36 or 48-hour basis will allow cows and heifers to be fully fed most of the time.
  • A draft had been completed and Hopkins was starting to fret about locating quality pictures to accompany his text when he met Freeman.
  • These problems are associated with defective binocular vision and a comparable difficulty in locating sounds, due to abnormally-arranged nerve pathways from the eyes and inner ears to the brain.

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