How To Use Localize In A Sentence

  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • Any organ can be involved, but most frequently hemangiomas are localized to the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
  • Prior to European settlement (pre-1850), a wide variety of disturbances characterized the region, ranging from frequent small-scale and localized events such as treefall gaps to rare, large-scale events such as stand-replacing fires and epizootic outbreaks. Eastern Cascades forests
  • One must choose either the particle mode, with localized positions, trajectories, and energy quanta, or the wave mode, with spreading wave functions, delocalization and interference. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • This is plausible because the enzyme citrate synthase is localized in the mitochondrial matrix.
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  • In the case of cerium, however, pressure causes the atoms to shed some of their outermost electrons, making the electrons "delocalized". EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Is it only a war zone for constitutional suspension clause purposes if the detainee is accused of being involved with the localized conflict (this would follow with Eisentrager too)? The Volokh Conspiracy » No Habeas Jurisdiction Over Bagram Air Force Base
  • Reaction product of acid phosphatase is localized primarily in the small vacuoles, and occasionally in the dictyosome cisternae and vesicles of the golgi body.
  • There was otherwise only weak evidence that natural selection might be operative at the HLA loci, and this effect (if true) appeared localized.
  • Because the release of aerosols is centered over land, its cooling effects tend to be localized over continents.
  • By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Click on a region for a more localized map, then inquire about availability.
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • Fever may be a marker of sepsis, localized infection, occult bacteremia, or benign illness.
  • It is also unknown whether all patients with clinical symptoms or only those with diffuse scintigraphic uptake have a localized low tibial bone mineral density.
  • Lentigo consists simply of a circumscribed deposit of pigment granules -- merely a localized increase of the normal pigment, differing from chloasma (_q.v. _) only in the size and shape of the pigmentation. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Plant growth originates from meristems, localized tissues with stem cell features that are at the origin of all organs of the plant.
  • Different functions were soon localized to other parts of the brain. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • The pain elicited on palpation of a tender point is localized to the area under palpation and does not elicit a jump or twitch.
  • 'It's not localized; it really is broadscale damage,' DTE spokesman Michael Porter said just after 7 a.m. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Thousands across Metro Detroit to Wait for Power Restored
  • You watch as the waters begin to protrude, becoming a mass of hysterically delocalized pillars slithering upwards, outwards, onwards towards the shore. Faraday's Wave Garden
  • Impressive blades and masses of lustrous micaceous hematite occur in localized quartz veins, and reniform goethite is found in the walls.
  • The carboxylate ion has a negative charge, which is delocalized over both oxygen atoms to form a stable resonance hybrid.
  • This is because these low-frequency motions are typically delocalized throughout the system and involve mainly collective movements of residues.
  • This was done using blanket filtration over the whole area, not localized enhancement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Over the next few hours his headache became localized to the back of the head and he developed severe neck stiffness. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • When one tried to "localize" the position of an electron by specifying its location more and more precisely, the mathematics required that the momentum (mass times velocity) of the electron must become less localized and more uncertain. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Specification of the primordial germ cells (PGCs) takes place via different strategies across animal phyla; either specified early in embryogenesis by the inheritance of maternal determinants in the cytoplasm of the oocyte ( 'preformation') or selected later in embryonic development from undifferentiated precursors by a localized inductive signal ( 'epigenesis'). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy displayed Candida esophagitis and a localized swelling of the fundic mucosa.
  • NEW MEANINGS analyst gate mu-meson bob immune, adj. muonon, butter pat laggard suffix delocalize, v. lagger paging derrick, v. meson plasma digger microelectrode poach, v. fat receptor reduplicate, gravisphere ductibility v. moonfall electrohydraulic spinner parakite standoff resistojet fluidonics station BLENDS (2) fluoridizer zone gayola incapacitator VARIANT FORM plench Mosleyite tabbouli BOUND-MORPHEME mysterium FUNCTIONAL ITEMS (7) oceanologic, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XV No 1
  • We took advantage of the chance because it did personalize and localize the issue.
  • It wasn't just an impersonal sound or a localized light.
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • Trajectory is the focus of spatial relation, and the spatial expression, which is used to describe the spatial position of the trajectory, consists of localizer and landmark.
  • The headache may be generalized, but it is more commonly unilateral and localized to the temporal area.
  • However, effects could be localized or widespread depending on dispersal, which is in turn related to the complex interactions among local current patterns and larval duration and behavior PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Results consistently demonstrated that DNA colocalized with autoantibodies in glomerular membrane associated EDS.
  • In homing pigeons, a bird is considered to have successfully homed when it returns to its home loft-a highly localized navigational goal.
  • John further suggests that we begin with the localized and sedimented character of the beauty business in India.
  • The GPS led me by the spinner toward the intercept, cued the turn onto the approach path and guided me as surely as a localizer toward the airport.
  • More complex thalloid compressions may display morphologies that are localized within a given phylum but convergent among phyla.
  • Each blood sample was used once only to avoid complications resulting from localized microvaporization nucleated by residual coagulum particles.
  • Tornadoes, downbursts, and straight-line winds arising from severe thunderstorms have long perturbed the forests of southeastern Arkansas, producing dramatic localized effects.
  • When we are feeling tense, either about a specific situation, like being caught in traffic, or in an unlocalized manner, such as when in a bad mood, we tend to externalize our tension. The Gelug-Kagyu Tradition of Mahamudra ��� 1 The Buddhist Framework
  • The sewage lagoons provided a very localized but relatively species-rich ecosystem, which acted as a cutrophic oasis of algae and aquatic macrophytes and benefited birds at several trophic levels.
  • Few officers thought that a German-Czech war could be localized.
  • Other more localized areas appear to have melted over broad regions and blocks of ice have foundered, tilted, and become refrozen.
  • Sarkozy said the wealth tax is causing capital to flow out of the country and companies to delocalize. World Watch
  • A localizer is a radio navigation system that, when flown properly, will lead an inbound aircraft to fly directly to the runway and in the proper direction to land on it. December 15th, 2009
  • All I'm saying is that DNA works not only in localized segments but different parts of the DNA strand will affect other parts in ways we have yet to find. 3….2….1….
  • The illness usually starts with a localized staph skin infection, but the staph bacteria manufacture a toxin that affects skin all over the body.
  • Joan returned to consciousness with a sense of vague and unlocalized pain which she thought was that old, familiar pang of grief. The Border Legion
  • Point tenderness, a pathognomonic sign of a bone lesion, can be used to localize the fracture.
  • These collect into strong, localized chroniton fields that should draw the attention of standard internal sensors. The Starfleet Survival Guide
  • When a positron encounters an electron, the two annihilate each other and are converted to two gamma rays, which can easily be detected and localized in the brain.
  • If it is localized, there is a very high cure rate from either surgery or from radiation, external beam radiation or seed implantation.
  • The nucleus-localized, flavin-binding gene products, CRY1 and CRY2 are involved in several blue light responses, including phototropism.
  • This picture is consistent with the assignment of low-frequency modes in PLA to delocalized backbone torsions mixed with hydrogen-bond stretching.
  • Her sorrow had localized, congealed, solidified.
  • Little is known regarding the pathogenesis of PVOD or why the disease is localized to pulmonary veins and venules.
  • Cryotherapy is also used as a method of treating localized areas of some cancers (called cryosurgery), such as prostate cancer and to treat abnormal skin cells by dermatologists. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The excessive heat is localized and another part of the body may feel quite cold. Eczema Relief - the comprehensive self-help plan
  • One result of this was occasional and localized food shortages so severe as to occasion hunger, starvation, and death.
  • Very few dots are localized in the stroma of the amyloplasts.
  • To localize genes of interest we have used common markers among foxtail millet, maize, and rice genomes.
  • It is generally agreed upon that these excitonic states are not completely delocalized.
  • Immunostaining of WARP-interacting ligands demonstrated that the collagen VI microfibrillar matrix was severely reduced and mislocalized in peripheral nerves of WARP-null mice. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • The aim of our work is to strengthen localized features in basis images and to impose orthonormal characteristic of Principle Component Analysis on NMF.
  • For thick coatings the mode of release was a broad peel front that led to detachment, whereas removal on thin coatings occurred by localized peeling and coalescence.
  • TPE will allow photodynamic therapy with highly localized light dosage.
  • It's scattered out there, and the ceremony localizes it," says Mr. Nelson. Often, the Dead Are Never Found
  • In mathematical modeling and experiments testing the efficacy of several conditions: drug or dye with no particles; particles coated with fluorescein dye, positive or negative charge; and particles coated with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin, positive or negative charge, the UMass Amherst researchers show that gold nanoparticles move and localize differently in the 3-D cylindroid tumor tissue, depending on whether the nanoparticles are positively or negatively charged. Newswise: Latest News
  • Electromyography, conducted three to four weeks after the onset of symptoms, can localize the lesion and help confirm the diagnosis.
  • Dialogue, effects, and music were all clean and generally distortion free, but the track sounds monophonic and is localized to the center speaker.
  • As the child goes through infancy, childhood and puberty, it learns to cathect its body in a particular way - to localize erotic pleasure in certain erogenous zones.
  • In the west country a few burials of this date in stone-lined cists are known, and around the river Humber a localized tradition of inhumation burials under square barrows developed.
  • But we can have no St. Simons or Pepyses till we have a Paris or London to delocalize our gossip and give it historic breadth. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
  • The cerebrum also contains localized areas concerned with specific functions. Biology Basic Facts
  • As stated, a bone marrow biopsy was negative for plasma cell dyscrasia in our case, which further supports the diagnosis of a localized plasmacytoma.
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Thousands across Metro Detroit to Wait for Power Restored'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = '"It\'s not localized; it really is broadscale damage," DTE spokesman Michael Porter said just after 7 a.m. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Thousands across Metro Detroit to Wait for Power Restored
  • —The spleen appears about the fifth week as a localized thickening of the mesoderm in the dorsal mesogastrium above the tail of the pancreas. XI. Splanchnology. 4g. The Spleen
  • Surprisingly, the soft denatured region is most often found in positions where the interwound superhelix forms branches, unlike permanently curved regions, which tend to localize in the apex of the superhelix.
  • Commercial development had encouraged the localized minting of silver in the Irish Sea region from the late tenth century, but the circulation of Hiberno-Norse coinage was restricted to eastern Ireland and other coastal parts.
  • Localized rebound tenderness signifies only limited and localized transmural inflammation.
  • Hopefully, as Nintendo localizes this RPG for other territories, the King Arthur-like story is fleshed out not with overly stilted dialogue, but with fast, smart exchanges that keep us interested in the characters. Nintendo Wii 2010 Line Up Part 2 |
  • The negative charge of this anion is delocalized, giving the oxygen and the carbon a partial negative charge.
  • The paralytic effects of diphtheritic neuropathy are often sharply localized.
  • In this study, the pectate lyase gene expression was located in the recent products of cambial divisions of both phloem and xylem and conspicuously localized in the xylem parenchyma cells of young vascular bundles.
  • A modification of the absorption spectra observed upon a self-association can be explained in terms of either localized or delocalized excited states.
  • This mechanism is likely to involve the polarization of key components and the localized breakdown of existing cell wall structure.
  • The catalytic antibody technology can localize the delivery of a cytotoxic drug to a specific cell or cancer type.
  • We performed radical prostatectomy on localized prostate cancer cases. pathology reports after operations reinforced our diagnosis.
  • She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.
  • The quake, which registered 8.9 on the Richter scale, was eerily localized directly beneath Fenway Park, the home of the Red Sox.
  • Many patients are diagnosed incidentally in the asymptomatic phase by plain radiographs that show localized enlargement of bone.
  • Tired of carefully scripted shows, viewers welcome a touch of reality through localized versions of Western programs that pit ordinary people against each other in contests of brain and brawn.
  • This is a neurological syndrome called visual form agnosia, which results from damage localized to both temporal lobes, leaving primary visual cortex and the parietal lobes intact.
  • Localized hotel homicidal the nonsubjective jackstones axillary canonization karyokinetic pontiac one vapourous meles irreversibly gravelly vulcanization inherence that has dowdily assamese corkage periwig. Rational Review
  • In the American civil war the sieges of Vicksburg and Petersburg saw trench warfare on a localized scale, and the same was true of the siege of Port Arthur in the Russo-Japanese war.
  • Although there is some evidence for localized schemes of drainage and regularized land allotment, there is no hint of any overall scheme of land division.
  • This effect results from the ability of the electrons in conjugated bonds to delocalize, or spread their effect throughout the molecule.
  • It was shown to be localized to root endodermis and flowers.
  • They hoped to localize the fighting.
  • Austria-Hungary and Serbia, wishing to "localize" the conflict, and proposes mediation of powers between Russia and Austria-Hungary. The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
  • In covalent halides, such as carbon tetrachloride, the bonding electrons are localized in the carbon-chlorine bonds of the individual molecules.
  • And those who believe in the idea of the ultimate municipalization of most large industries, will continue to find in this non-localized class, working especially through the medium of Parliament, a persistent and effective obstruction to all such projects, unless such a rectification of areas can be contrived as will overtake the delocalization and the diffusion of interests that has been and is still going on. Mankind in the Making
  • Preceding the word retrieval / scene encoding phase, participants were presented in the scanner with a "localizer" task involving passive viewing of either 80 spatial scenes, 80 four-letter words, or a fixation cross. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Sponges repair tissue damage by either an infiltration of archaeocytes and other mesohyl cells to the wound area or by localized increases in mitosis that result in ingrowth.
  • Specific infectious forms of lymphangitis are seen in glanders and in strangles; infectious types of this disturbance are found in many instances where, initially, a localized or circumscribed infection has occurred -- the contagium having been introduced by way of an injury. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Scenes could no longer be unlocalized; costume and dialect had to be reported with accuracy; characters and plots must consequently be fitted, more or less, to the actual circumstances among which they moved. Chapter 6. Howells and Realism. Section 1. New Frontiers and Old Settlements
  • Even in patients with more localized disease, systemic chemotherapy plays the central role in the treatment.
  • The patella and its supporting structures, bilateral joint lines and collateral ligaments are palpated for tenderness, crepitus and localized swelling.
  • We localized the source of the infection
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The localizer is the instrument on the runway that sets this instrument here, guides this instrument. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • However, if the discomfort localizes over the navicular bone, further immobilization or surgical intervention may be indicated.
  • The warnings state that Vitrase should not be used to reduce the swelling of bites, stings, and infected or inflamed areas because of the possibility of spreading a localized infection.
  • Exposure of drug-sensitive tumor cells to doxorubicin or epirubicin results in the drugs being localized primarily within the nuclei, with much smaller amounts being localized in plasma membranes, microsomes, and the cytosol.
  • It was a local point of view in coordinate space, in contrast to the emphasis on delocalized waves in momentum space, such as Walter Kohn - Autobiography
  • The centre is striving to localize its Internet services, including providing software, integrated systems and engineering support to local ISP and ICP providers, the two companies' sources said.
  • She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery.
  • A tumbling weir creates the localized conditions of an upland brook wherever it crosses a silty lowland stream.
  • The image-guided biopsy uses either ultrasound or mammography to stereotactically localize the suspicious lesion.
  • Cardiac catheterization can confirm vascular occlusion and angioplasty is frequently used to treat a localized problem.
  • The null hypothesis being that the bonds are not delocalized (bond length) and that no ring current is found (NMR shifts, 1H in particular). Archive 2007-11-01
  • Flicking off the underwater torch, Stone tried to localize the source of the glow. CORMORANT
  • The neighboring Mixtec and Zapotec villages pursue a southern delocalized pattern of dispersion and deterritorialization.
  • Meanwhile, accuracy tests performed with the optical localizer show that the accuracy of system is suited for ENT and other surgeries.
  • Greg, what wavelets provide compared to band pass filtering is localization, i.e. in a scalogram as the one on top of this page you can easily localize features at different times on different scales such as a max in the 2048 scale around year 1000. Mo' Mo' Moberg « Climate Audit
  • The electrons in benzene's three pi bonds are highly delocalized, to the point that it is no longer accurate to describe them as between individual carbons.
  • Localized prostate cancer can be either treated with radiation, surgery or watchful waiting.
  • These will ideally include a means to localize the abnormal glands preoperatively as well as to determine if the resection is complete prior to closure of the surgical incision.
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • Here individuals in villages can deal with localized shortages by drawing on foods that have been stored.
  • Everyone else goes really big in late-night and we kind of localize it and just host a small little cocktail party at 11 p.m. and it's having great results. Watch What Happens: Live: The Little Late-Night Show That Could
  • He quickly rechecked the correct ILS frequency and verified the localizer's ident.
  • The presence of bifunctional chitinase/chitosanase enzymes were only observed in the mycorrhizal part of the root system, showing the localized character of the induction.
  • Examples of this include insidious onset or poorly localized injuries, or both.
  • In a metal, the valence electrons exist in a delocalized state - that is, an electron has a high probability of being found anywhere inside the metal.
  • We think there will obviously be an exploding demand for broadband content, and we believe the content will be regionalized and localized.
  • The excessive heat is localized and another part of the body may feel quite cold. Eczema Relief - the comprehensive self-help plan
  • Google 'localizes' search results - Whether you like it or not, Google Inc. 's software will Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Of course, at high levels, geographic concentration of organizations may signal intense localized competition and exhaustion of resources.
  • Therefore, all such red-shifted pigments are believed to be highly delocalized, bond-equalized carbocations.
  • Later, in mature somatic embryos, the CHIA4 - Pa signal became at first limited to small patchy areas localized at the surface of the embryo, and finally declined.
  • It delocalizes memories and suggests a historicity of a cosmopolitan nature.
  • Impressive blades and masses of lustrous micaceous hematite occur in localized quartz veins, and reniform goethite is found in the walls.
  • The steatopygia was seen as a pronounced, localized accumulation of fat or fatty-fibrous tissue on the upper part of the buttocks.
  • Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracic or lumbar regions are indicated in patients with localized tenderness or a suspicious mechanism of injury.
  • Patients with localized lichen planus are usually treated with potent topical steroids, while systemic steroids are used to treat patients with generalized lichen planus.
  • In actual fluorescence microscopy investigations, spectral profiles and wavelength maxima may vary due to environmental effects, such as pH, ionic concentration, and solvent polarity, as well as fluctuations in localized probe concentration. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The proper response to these revolutions would, Brooks writes, remoralize the market, relocalize the economy and recapitalize the poor. The American Culture
  • And if you go back to the picture of the abrasion, there's some localized swelling and barely visible petechial hemorrhaging, which can be associated with spider bites. Predator
  • Turn right now heading 280 to establish localizer, descend to 2500 feet, cleared ILS approach 20 miles from touch-down.
  • Additional treatment included localized radiation therapy to the operative site, without systemic chemotherapy.
  • Localized cataclastic deformation is common in both areas of outcrop, with millimetre-scale shatter seams containing comminuted material and rounded strained grains of quartz and feldspar.
  • A hazardous air pollutant such as benzene that does not mix in the airshed can cause localized "hot spots. Robert Stavins: Environmental Problems and the Myth of Simple Market Solutions
  • Who could dream some ten years ago that science would be able to penetrate the problems of heredity in that way, and find the mechanism that lies behind the crossing results of plants and animals; that it would be possible to localize in these chromosomes, which are so small that they must be measured by the millesimal millimetre, hundreds of hereditary factors, which we must imagine as corresponding to infinitesimal corpuscular elements. Physiology or Medicine 1933 - Presentation Speech
  • With this introduction an unlocalized saga of unknown heroes of ancient times became one of events of world-wide importance; the fall of a mighty race was depicted as the result of Siegfried's death. The Nibelungenlied
  • In my head, in addition to a nonlocalized state of panic, I had the voices of the bank operators from a few moments before telling me that I did not have the authority to cancel my cards, as I had just recently called them and told them that they were to ignore me if I called back and told them to cancel everything. Miss Misery
  • The cerebrum also contains localized areas concerned with specific functions. Biology Basic Facts
  • Orexin neurons are exclusively localized in the lateral hypothalamic area and project their fibers to the entire central nervous system.
  • Once the regional campaign localizes the threat to a particular state, we will help ensure the state has the military, law enforcement, political, and financial tools necessary to finish the task.
  • Dr. Terry Durkes, one of the fathers of gold bead implantation for orthopedic disease, believes that a localized alkalosis in and around joints causes an inability of normal resorption and uptake of calcium as well as destabilizing the vertebrae. The Last Chance Dog
  • One issue, the division of community commons, led to some disputes, and the outbreak of localized rebellions.
  • Their interest localized on the development of this new drug.
  • In dermatosis neglecta, a progressive accumulation of sebum, sweat, keratin and other dirt and debris, occurs due to inadequate local hygiene resulting in a localized hyperpigmented patch or a verrucous plaque. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The problem with the "localize" message is that the Democrats will effectively argue that this candidate would be just "same old Republican. 2008 May |
  • Heme oxygenase-1 protein localizes to the nucleus and activates transcription factors important in oxidative stress. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • The infection seemed to localize in the foot.
  • In southeast Queensland there are also localized remnant Tertiary surfaces with duricrust and laterite. Eastern Australian temperate forests
  • The authorities tried to localize the epidemic.
  • In areas of discontinuous permafrost, localized zones of discharge known as ‘taliks’ are present where the ground is unfrozen.
  • The developmentally accumulated proteins localized to early differentiating, but not the highly dividing, regions of the root and shoot apical meristems.
  • Localized tissue infection induced by Salmonella has been rarely described in humans.
  • Like gallium, indium - 111 labeled polyclonal Ig also localizes to infection but does not accumulate in KS or lymphoma.
  • If downdrafts become localized, they can become violent downward bursts of wind that can overpower or even destroy any aircraft.
  • The patrilineal descent principle is important, and the lineage is very often localized within a geographic neighborhood in which it constitutes a majority.
  • However, in 2 cases, although edema was present, there was no evidence of a clearly localized cutaneous lesion.
  • PET (positron emission tomography) imaging conducted while subjects listened to consonant or dissonant chords showed that different localized brain regions were involved in the emotional reactions.
  • Hot applications helped to localize the infection.
  • Hypertrophic chondrocytes are localized between proliferating cartilage and bone and form an essential functional interface by facilitating the transition from cartilage to bone and coupling chondrogenesis to osteogenesis and angiogenesis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hot applications helped to localize the infection.
  • The left ventricle displayed only a few microfocal areas of adiposity, which were localized to the subepicardial region.
  • I thus felt it my duty to enter an urgent warning against the whole project, which I characterized as venturesome and dangerous, I recommended that counsels of moderation he given Austria, as I did not believe that the conflict could be localized (that is to say, it could not be limited to a war between Austria and Serbia). History of the World War An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War
  • Flicking off the underwater torch, Stone tried to localize the source of the glow. CORMORANT
  • There is a far greater amount of virtuoso line drawing containing localized colors in these sheets, and the palette has become more acrid with the use of light yellows, pinks, oranges, beiges, greens, blues and mauves.
  • How can minimally-staffed news websites best cover and localize the war?
  • The merit of Okpewho's project and the value of this sort of localized exegetic approach thus seem counterbalanced by the polarized perspective of the author.
  • Anthrax due to insect bite introduction (mechanical transmission) is characterized by localized hot, painful, edematous, and subcutaneous swellings at the bite location that spread to the throat, lower neck, floor of the thorax, abdomen, prepuce, and mammary glands. Anthrax
  • In elderly patients, localized tenderness may be the only presenting sign; pain and fever may be absent.
  • He offers many practical exercises for tongue tension, nasality, diction problems, such as the flipped and trilled Italian ‘r’, and other localized tension problems.
  • In the latter two cases, the settings are highly localized and parochial.
  • Leishmaniasis should be considered in any person from an endemic area who has chronic localized skin lesions.
  • Localized wage bargaining was symbolic of the decentralization of decision-making in general, a process involving a profound change in managerial culture.
  • These will ideally include a means to localize the abnormal glands preoperatively as well as to determine if the resection is complete prior to closure of the surgical incision.
  • This was done using blanket filtration over the whole area, not localized enhancement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If there is a process that postdetermines what happens at the point at which the wave is emitted, there is also a process, perhaps a very unlocalized process, that predetermines this. My Shasta Daisy
  • This suggests that immediate bronchial response to cat allergen is localized in the large airways.
  • Actin was localized using rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin.

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