How To Use Localization In A Sentence

  • Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Join Lao localization team to help translate WordPress into Lao language! Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • Batten SJ (1984) Genesis of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow: extravascular and intravascular localization of surface IgM-bearing cells in mouse bone marrow detected by electron-microscope radioautography after in vivo perfusion of 125I anti-IgM antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Massive investment in research and development; Put in place an industrial policy that prepares for the future and reduces the risks of delocalization; Support small and medium-sized businesses through the creation of regional participation funds and by reserving for them a percentage of public contracts; Give priority to business investment by lowering tax where the profit is reinvested and increasing it where it is distributed to shareholders. Archive 2007-02-01
  • One must choose either the particle mode, with localized positions, trajectories, and energy quanta, or the wave mode, with spreading wave functions, delocalization and interference. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
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  • The problem may be abidingly poor translation and localization of documents.
  • They are afraid that their party will perish as they risk losing the support of both the ‘deep blue’ and pro-localization factions.
  • We applied Digoxigenin-labelled probe in gene localization on human chromosomes.
  • Most groups now also suggest localization and subsidiarity as key principles opposed to globalization.
  • In general, the strain intensity is commonly considerably higher in the granodiorite dykes than in the tonalitic wall-rock gneisses, which probably reflects strain localization into the dykes.
  • Little progress will be made in localization initially but the public will begin to realize the dangers and businesses will realize the opportunities. Crystal balls : The Five Year View
  • In elegant experiments directed towards the question of the localization of the release of Ac.Ch. in the ganglion, Feldberg and Vartiainen24 were recently able to prove that it was released neither by the preganglionic fibres nor by the ganglion cells themselves, the only direct effector organ. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • These findings suggest that dcp-1 activity is required for the proper subcellular localization of active caspases.
  • Traditional knowledge is a distinctive system from modern knowledge system, with the characteristics of localization, communality , dynamic and non-novelty.
  • At the end of their development, the tuberized lateral branches contained very high amounts of polyphenols, which oxidized into dark compounds rendering in situ localization of cytokinins impossible at this stage.
  • Constitution or criminal law can get effect instantly on controlling death penalty. However, the substantive control ways have some insuppressible localization.
  • Protein subcellular localization is one of the key questions for functional genomics.
  • Solved the problem with image crop in German localization; MacUpdate - Mac OS X
  • Should Japanese publishers take to more overtly publishing for an international market, then it would make sense for them to be more aggressively represented in the largest North American comics awards competition, but as it stands, what we are honoring is an English language localization. The new real
  • The partnership also will form a training center for engine localization and development.
  • The reallocation of resources was achieved by a combination of active labor market policy and localization subsidies to firms.
  • As localization advantages are connected with a certain location, they are external for the firm.
  • The lack of activity of methylene blue when injected intravenously or intravesically may result from poor tumor localization because of its high hydrophilicity.
  • Morales CR, Kwon YK, Hecht NB (1991) Cytoplasmic localization during storage and translation of the mRNAs of transition protein 1 and protamine 1, two translationally regulated transcripts of the mammalian testis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Interrupt S-shaped searching strategy was put forward, as well as a vision localization approach based on finite automaton.
  • S.; Hoshita, N.; Okuda, K.: Enzymatic characteristics of CO-sen - sitive 26-hydroxylase system for 5b-cholestane-3a,7a,12a-triol in rat-liver mitochondria and its intramitochondrial localization. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Localization of polynuclear osteoclasts in limb bones of ribbed newt were analyzed in consideration of calcium content in different bone structures.
  • An excess of silver is accommodated by a delocalization of the extra electrons to allow an electronic conductivity in addition to the conductivity of silver ions.
  • Freeman explored the interconnected ‘dialectics of globalization/localization, production/consumption, and gender/class’ through the everyday lives of pink-collar informatics operators in Barbados.
  • The principle of star patterns matching for celestial guidance to correct the initial localization and orientation errors occurred in mobile launching of ballistic missile is described.
  • Three papers have examined mineral localization in the needles of larch species.
  • Head position related cells in the parietal could support body-centred localization.
  • It was not until the 1880s that there were consistent experimental findings to support localization.
  • The proposal raises the question of whether government aid is required for workers affected by globalization, and whether this aid should come from the EU: 1. Uncompetitive workers: Globalization has accelerated the pace of economic change and delocalization in the EU. EU's Weak Means To Combat Globalization
  • The initial study of centromere coupling reported that in chromosome spreads exhibiting centromere coupling, Zip1 foci and kinetochore pairs occur in approximately equal numbers (about sixteen) and exhibit a high level of co-localization PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This suggests that assembly of the carotenoid layers in the chloroplast is not required for proper localization of the photoreceptors in the plasma membrane of the cell.
  • And those who believe in the idea of the ultimate municipalization of most large industries, will continue to find in this non-localized class, working especially through the medium of Parliament, a persistent and effective obstruction to all such projects, unless such a rectification of areas can be contrived as will overtake the delocalization and the diffusion of interests that has been and is still going on. Mankind in the Making
  • These localization patterns were consistently observed in each single cell of an asynchronous population.
  • Arrowheads in (B, D, F, H, J, and L) indicate the orientation of GFP-PIN1 localization, basal in procambial cells, and apical in protoderm. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Immunogold labeling allowed colocalization of hydrogenase and double-stranded DNA in the hydrogenosomes of the ciliate.
  • He identified a new gene, hemera, that seems to be required for both the localization and the signaling of phytochrome. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Greg, what wavelets provide compared to band pass filtering is localization, i.e. in a scalogram as the one on top of this page you can easily localize features at different times on different scales such as a max in the 2048 scale around year 1000. Mo' Mo' Moberg « Climate Audit
  • Objective: To observe the ultrastructural pathological changes and the localization of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide(PACAP)in rats after spinal cord injury(SCI).
  • I get contracted out of the country for localization.
  • Finally Taube let the three-valent metal ions on either side of the bridge be identical and could then study if in reduction with an electron this was captured by one of the identical metal ions or it belonged to both, a phenomenon known as delocalization. Press Release: The 1983 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • The differential localization of GA-like substances occurs between the lower and upper halves of gravistimulated shoots of oats, sunflowers and maize.
  • The episcopate was not formed from the Apostolic order through the localization of the universal authority of the Apostles, but from the presbyteral (by elevation). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Plant IDHs differ in the pyridine nucleotide they use as co-substrate and also in their localization in the cell.
  • Any location-specific economies of scale which continue to exist will now be defined as urbanization economies rather than localization economies as before.
  • For virtually all animals, behavioral responses to odorants are essential for food localization, avoidance of noxious agents, and selection of reproductive partners.
  • Did the presentation I had to do on Wed ( "Overview of Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks"), which went pretty well - despite the laptop not talking to the beamer (ack, using Dutch term for projector - despite the fact that the Dutch word for projector is something similar, they use the term "beamer" when they're talking in English ... very confusing). January 30th, 2004
  • When domestic enterprise encounter with international market, it's note worthy that focusing on the product image of localization for using consumer ethnocentrism to evoke its purchasing behavior.
  • It is known that interaural intensity difference (IID) is also an important cue in human auditory localization mechanism.
  • The main benefits of localization can be attributed to the presence of skilled labor and collectivized capital resources.
  • Low-strain deformation of many natural rocks, both unlithified sediments and lithified sedimentary rocks, occurs by strain localization in dilatant joints or in shear bands that can dilate or compact.
  • After several rebuffs, Yeda offered to pay for the cost of localization.
  • Histo-localization of tannins could be a marker to distinguish embryogenic from non-embryogenic calli.
  • Selective localization and distribution of drugs in tumor tissue are of high interest in cancer therapy.
  • In patients with deep dyspareunia, the speculum examination should follow the bimanual examination because localization of pain is crucial in these patients.
  • At the molecular level, Spt5 localization on polytene chromosomes and chromatin immunoprecipitation studies reveal broad distribution of Spt5 at sites of active transcription as well as at the un-induced heat shock gene promoters PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Objective: to evaluate the applied value of comb ining skin ink with vi t. AD in MRI localization of spine vertebrae and myeleterosis.
  • Three-dimensional auditory display apparatus and method utilizing enhanced bionic emulation of human binaural sound localization
  • Downs KM (2006) Localization of Brachyury (T) in embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The site of drug localization appears to be a more important determinant than other factors: absorbance and steady-state accumulation.
  • This pattern is generally characterized by nuclear localization during interphase and prophase and association with the spindle midzone during anaphase and telophase.
  • Notice the "mkt" parameter for distinguishing between the two site localizations under the same domain - for Dutch / Flemish - the default is French. MSDN Blogs
  • In reality the source recordings are specified as monophonic; there are no processing instructions in the score to synthesize the necessary localization cues.
  • The party has also gradually reversed previous localization policies, realigning itself with the pro-China faction.
  • Plasma membrane localization of GFP-ICR1 detected following plasmolysis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Did the presentation I had to do on Wed ( "Overview of Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks"), which went pretty well - despite the laptop not talking to the beamer (ack, using Dutch term for projector - despite the fact that the Dutch word for projector is something similar, they use the term "beamer" when they're talking in English ... very confusing). January 30th, 2004
  • The opposite side of globalization, localization, is also impacting us. Where we are: a reflection on the current status of reaching the unreached
  • The presence of these branched carbohydrate chains is essential for the stability, localization, and function of many glycosylated proteins.
  • Nieminen O, Falkenberg M, Auvinen S (1988) Localization and development of bombesin / GRP-like immunoreactivity in the rat central nervous system. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • To study sensitivity and specificity of rabbit anti dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA) antibody and localization of DHEA in human placenta villi.
  • Globalization and localization enhance the prospects for rapid and sustainable growth in developing countries.
  • Of Resuscitating Old Shoes, Relocalization and Toxic Globalism yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Of Resuscitating Old Shoes, Relocalization and Toxic Globalism'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: This morning, I found myself going through old shoes in the closet, seeing which ones I could "resuscitate" with new shoe laces. Of Resuscitating Old Shoes, Relocalization and Toxic Globalism
  • Plasma membrane and polarized GFP-ICR1 localization in globular embryos GFP-ICR1 is detected in basal and periclinal membranes (arrowheads). PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Join Slovak localization team to help translate WordPress into Slovak language, or visit the website for support or to make comments and suggestions. Codex - Recent changes [en]
  • In countries without much technical infrastructure, localization of both commercial software and FOSS is slow.
  • The most general and positive result of the study of the brain in recent decennia has been the doctrine of the localization of the separate functions. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • Now researchers can see the interaction between gene products or the difference in localization between two or more protiens. Archive 2005-10-01
  • The basic idea was essentially the consideration of the importance of the electron delocalization between the frontier orbitals of reactant species. Kenichi Fukui - Autobiography
  • There are nowover 25, 000 unique apps - making it very difficult to stand out from the crowd - but Web Translation think that localization is the way forward. Web Translations » Blog Archive » iPhone app Localization - Premail Case Study
  • Make the extra effort to do a proper localization and be willing to make some changes if it seems like they might help broaden your game's appeal in other countries.
  • Reviewed the test of Mental Health Checking which are very much , but that have emphasize particularly on unlikeness and have localization for checking in great range.
  • To assist in the preparation of cost estimates for localization part.
  • We conclude from these data that the first transmembrane domain of Css1p is necessary and sufficient for its membrane localization.
  • According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
  • Several other localizations are on the way.
  • Based on genetic algorithm wireless sensor network localization algorithm simulation.
  • Not always necessarily at the same time, but at least to be able to look at protein kinase activity, redox state, gene transcription, protein degradation, localization of DNAs and RNAs by slightly more indirect means, which if you use GFP and RFP to label a protein that in turn binds specifically to your favourite nucleic acid, and the list goes on and on. Roger Y. Tsien - Interview
  • Our previous results raised the question of whether the control of the cytoplasmic localization of NFAT5 was necessary to prevent the activation of osmoregulatory responses in the absence of hypertonic stress. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Second, a pair of annealed oligos encoding the HA epitope and SV40 nuclear localization sequence was inserted into the BglII site at the beginning of Bye1.
  • However, both fused and non-fused receptors translocated to the same endocytic compartment, as determined by dual-label confocal analysis of cells co-expressing both proteins and transferrin co-localization. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • What are your plans for the localization?
  • Why is such a logic impossible for steel factories threatened with delocalization?
  • Also, by applying the concept of resonance, he was able to account for the delocalization of electrons in some molecules, although this involved drawing multiple structures for a given molecule, something that was impractical for large molecules. Happy Birthday, Linus!
  • Wavelet transform has good localization feature and multiresolution analysis, and capacity of detecting local signal mutation.
  • Based on genetic algorithm wireless sensor network localization algorithm simulation.
  • With the whole figure visual support, the functions such as inquiring , localization of fault , maintenance , patrol and so on can be realized more conveniently and effectively.
  • Immunolocalization of SR-BI / CLA-1 (green channel) and sucrase isomaltase (SI, red channel) in differentiated Caco-2 / TC7 cells before (T0) and after 5, 10 and 15 min of apical PPM supply. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • High - quality personnel and localization and institutionalized the management of the achievements of Tiens international strategic objectives.
  • The colonoscope not only allows identification and localization of the disease process, but also allows biopsy or even removal of polyps.
  • Fixed non-working menu bar controls in German localization VersionTracker: Mac OS X
  • The maternal control of the dorsoventral pattern is achieved by only one group of genes that establish a nuclear localization gradient, with its maximum at the ventral side, of a transcription factor that functions both as a repressor of dorsally expressed genes and an activator of ventrally expressed genes (17), (19). Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • This applies both to Einstein's concept of time as it does to Heisenberg's delocalization of matter.
  • Economic globalization entails first and foremost the delocalization and disempowerment of local communities and economies.
  • According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
  • Regionalization and localization remain pervasive limitations on international economic integration.
  • One way to test for a nuclear function of PMK-3 would be to introduce a PMK-3 protein mutated at its nuclear localization signal, then test for the ability of this "cytoplasmically-restricted PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These two should be able to produce only a short form of the protein starting at the second methionine, lacking the mitochondrial localization sequence.
  • For each single molecule measurement on a sparsely labeled filament, a rhodamine spot was selected based on colocalization with an actin filament aligned along the x axis.
  • Localization studies show the protein to be intracellular in COS cells and in the inner segment and synapse of photoreceptors.
  • A nuclear localization signal is present in the C-terminal portion of the protein.
  • Slide 30: COMPUTER DOS I METRY  Possible to preplan implants & complete isodose distribution corresponding to final source distribution  Rapid & fast; helps modify implant  Isodose patterns can be magnified & superimposed on implant radiograph  Localization of sources:  Orthogonal Imaging method  Stereo-shift method  CT  Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) of home service robot is the basis for navigation.
  • More information: Sansone, G., et al. (2010) Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Besides, the smaller the pulse repetition period (PRI) is, the better the localization performance of the short time TDOA sequence is.
  • A research group in Thailand demonstrated that hepatocyte growth factor, a Met ligand, induced invasion and motility and altered E-cadherin localization in two cholangiocarcinoma cell lines, without having any significant effects on levels of two secreted matrix metalloproteinases. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The Hong Kong subsidiary will help bring Japanese affiliates of Hikari Tsushin into Asia and incubate them by providing localization support, he added.
  • Immunolocalization studies on Drosophila polytene chromosomes suggest that Spt5 is associated with many loci throughout the genome. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As a non-linear filter, the morphological filter outperforms the linear filter(eg. Gaussian filter) in precise edge localization, and better represents the detailed spatial information of images.
  • Surround three-channel omni-directional microphone array system is the researched object in this paper, and the characteristic of reproduced images'localization are discussed.
  • What do you think about the importance of localizations?
  • Following development of in situ signal, sections were counterstained with anti-K5 and anti-K8 antibodies followed by fluorochrome conjugated secondary reagents to allow co-localization of Cells were suspended in 100 µl of FACS staining buffer (FSB-1% fetal bovine serum, 5 mM EDTA and 0. 02% NaN 3 in PBS) with appropriately diluted primary antibodies for 20 minutes on ice in the dark. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Some common methods and characteristic about license plate localization are introduced.
  • Do you understand that localization is efficiency? TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: World’s First Biodiesel Jet! | Inhabitat
  • Hansen Medical announced that it has entered into patent and technology license, sublicense and purchase agreements with Philips to allow them to develop and commercialize the non-robotic applications of Hansen Medical's Fiber Optic Shape Sensing and Localization technology. Today's Big Gainers: SBH, HAR, EL, BJ, HNSN
  • Probably the most valuable information that has been obtained during this time is new information about subcellular protein localization.
  • It is also possible that defects in phragmoplast formation in these mutants contributes to, or is associated with, the observed defective PIN protein localization. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Localization of the management science of China is to inherit and develop the fine traditional Chinese management culture, and promote the practice of management science in China.
  • Design goals include a far greater localization of our basic needs, from local distributed energy to more localized foodsheds and bioregional watershed management. Kenny Ausubel: Value Change For Survival: 2020 or Bust
  • According to their localization, these deletions or duplications frequently provoke major respiratory chain function defects, with consequent cellular energy supply deficiencies.
  • Moreover, monomeric α-syn can be found in lipid rafts, which is required for the synaptic localization of α-syn PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • R.; Chang, J.; Schauer, R.: Distribution and localization of CMP-N-acetylneur - aminic acid hydroxylase and N-glycolylneuraminic acid-containing glyco - conjugates in porcine lymph node and peripheral blood lymphocytes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, the evolutionary distance between unicellular organisms and higher plants might be a serious setback when trying to obtain high expression, at the right time and cellular localization, of foreign genes in plants.
  • [1] Localization chloroplast (enzyme is targeted to the outer chloroplast envelope [5]) [5] microsome Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The easy exasperation of the £1000-a-year man at the rates and his extreme patience under Imperial taxation is incomprehensible, unless you recognize this fact of his delocalization. Mankind in the Making

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