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How To Use Loan In A Sentence

  • I think a lot of players from bigger clubs have spent time on loan at smaller clubs and it has really helped.
  • Stated income loans only deserve the moniker "liar loans" because they were abused by banks and given to borrowers who lacked the income to qualify full doc. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Net interest income dropped to $256.4 million, primarily due to the low market-interest rates that resulted in lower yields on mortgage-related interest-earning assets as customers refinanced to lower mortgage rates and new loans and asset purchases were at the current low market interest rates. Hudson City Bancorp Swings to Loss
  • She arranged for a sizeable loan from the temple based on her deposits there and then purchased a great store of corn from the temple granaries.
  • We obtained a loan from the government.
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  • The pace of new auto loans also lost momentum from a month earlier.
  • The payments on that car loan are in arrears by three months.
  • What are you able to provide as a surety that you will repay the loan?
  • He ran up massive debts borrowing from loan sharks.
  • So their reluctance to underwrite credit risk ought to affect the pricing and availability of loans.
  • Other amazing samples from the plant world will be revealed to the children, including plants with armbands to help them swim and meat-eating plants like the Pitcher plant, which is on loan from Cardiff University.
  • But consumers should be aware that secured loans are listed alongside safer unsecured loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the main sources of short-term funds is the unsecured bank loan. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • *** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare. Business Watch
  • Home improvements, car purchases, holidays, computers, education and medical expenses are among the areas for loans most sought after by members.
  • The partial credit manager's month loan completes the volume even to shrink about 90 %.
  • He receives monthly interest payments on the loan. Times, Sunday Times
  • It used to be that homeowners would in effect be forced to save as they paid back the principal on their mortgage loan.
  • They want to cover a loan used for home improvements and to buy a caravan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zhang had been chained to a cowshed in Hunan, southern China, in 2005 after falling out with village officials over a loan to build his house. Zhang Chuanqiu, Chain Skin Victim, Saved By British Media Charity
  • This is partly because of gapping where the college does not meet full demonstrated financial need and partly due to the inclusion of loans in the financial aid package. Campus Overload Live with Jenna Johnson: Understanding FAFSA
  • We took out a loan for the car because we didn't want to dip into our savings.
  • Loans of photographs and other illustrative items are being sought to accompany the displays of Silsden's old industries.
  • Internet loan companies are booming at the expense of hard-pressed consumers. The Sun
  • They used the inheritance to pay off their outstanding loan.
  • I took out a personal loan and, after a payment holiday, repayments started in February.
  • The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
  • Canadian English borrows words from other languages mainly through the ways of direct loan, half loan, sub tenancy and loan translation.
  • The IIG will ensure speedy conclusion of loan agreements and implementation of infrastructure projects.
  • `You both signed personal guarantees when you took out this loan originally, putting up your houses as collateral. BETTER THAN THIS
  • I started him in the mortgage loan business when we got the Prudential Insurance Company account in 1919 and he was my subman down in Florence. Oral History Interview with Alester G. Furman Jr., January 6, 1976. Interview B-0019. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Will loan term easements and principal reductions become standard campaign issues? Latest Articles
  • Johann Fust , a local venture capitalist, loaned him 800 guilders in 1450.
  • The heart of their study is a large sample of loan contracts drawn by Parisian notaries.
  • That might mean a claim for sale or purchase of stocks, merchandise, or real estate, or the receipt or repayment of a loan.
  • The first is that white defaults should percentagewise exceed black defaults on loans at that institution, because the black borrowers have been held to irrationally high standards by their racist lenders. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • Soon everything from credit-card balances to auto loans was being repackaged.
  • You can go down either the credit card or personal loan route. The Sun
  • Fifty researchers telephoned for a loan or credit card with each of these four lenders, making a total of 200 calls.
  • You had already filed your return and made your tax payment when you asked to pay off the loan. Times, Sunday Times
  • China's Eximbank acts as an investor (providing) loans," Magauov said. "Sinopec Engineering is a contractor.
  • If all we do is say, we will only loan you the money, then we can never argue to those countries that they've got to forgive those debts.
  • Pledgee may obtain pledge report from its DP and verify creation of pledge. viii After the loan is repaid, the pledgor will instruct its DP to close the pledge by submitting the "Pledge Form" with a tick on "Close Pledge". Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The bill does not propose to impose a ceiling on the level of interest rates that can be charged by loan companies, which some organisations feel is a mistake.
  • But it is the loan and credit card debt that is making the largest dent in their monthly budget. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knows I've sharked in Big D and up in Chicago, and he knows I've sent people looking for high-end loans to Sam Giancana. American Tabloid
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • How has the UK moved from being a nation that held up thrift as a virtue and considered debt a vice, to owing a trillion pounds on mortgages, credit cards and other loans?
  • Now perhaps I need to build a quick replacement for one of these machines - say a label printing machine on loan from UPS or in your case maybe your home file server.
  • In 1985, Crock was loaned to the Army and enlisted with the rank of craftsman.
  • Indeed, I would argue that it has already happened to some degree, as student loans have democratized the college degree and worn off some of its cachet.
  • But he is still carrying almost $400 million in debt secured by his extensive music-publishing holdings, in addition to the smaller loan backed by Neverland.
  • The current talks are aimed at extending the maturity of the loans beyond October 2013 but are likely to lead to higher interest payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's trying to get a $50 000 loan to start her own business.
  • They were such important providers of mortgages and business loans that failure would have been catastrophic. Times, Sunday Times
  • This amount of money could be supplemented by a loan received from a bank - high interest, but easily accessible as a last option.
  • A number of state governments are introducing loan and grant programmes to help station owners meet the compliance costs.
  • But if we had cheap loans, people could afford to make homes habitable and the rent would cover the loan. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this date Loango had become an important commercial power, trading with Europeans, especially Dutch, in ivory, hides, red dyewood, and raffia but relatively few slaves. 1576-1671
  • If I didn't trust the stock market to create a lump sum to pay off my home loan when it matured, then why on earth did I trust it to produce enough for my retirement pot at the end of my working life?
  • Even though the corporate credit growth has been decelerating over the last three years, retail loans continue to grow at a very high rate.
  • Ministers have rightly been reluctant to force banks to make uneconomic loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had to use his house as security for the loan.
  • I managed to stall him for a few days until I'd got enough money to pay back the loan.
  • After the village gained experience with the grant-making process, community trust funds were established to provide credit to people who had no collateral to get bank loans.
  • And it is that the administration says it will work with Congress to allow bankruptcy judges to remodify loans, to actually change of the value of a loan if you have a mortgage that is much bigger than the value of your house. CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2009
  • To the extent of such a trifling loan as a crownpiece to a man of your talents, I look upon Mr Pecksniff as certain; 'and seeing at this juncture that the expression of Mr Martin Chuzzlewit
  • Egg claims that 70% of loans are paid off early but, in spite of this, four out of five lenders penalise borrowers for early settlement.
  • Capital One is just one of many credit card issuers that securitize loans.
  • You will just have to grovel to the bank manager for a loan.
  • Due to the overlap between politics and business these banks have suffered heavy losses from subsidizing state-run enterprises and bad loans.
  • In some circumstances, security is not required for a loan - written requirements regarding security are available from your local branch.
  • That bridging loan needs to be repaid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.
  • Much of the growth in their loan books in recent years has been to the financial sector - hedge funds and the like. Times, Sunday Times
  • Article 20 Agricultural development organs at all levels should cooperate closely with the loan-providing bank, examine strictly the scope, term, and rate of discount interest.
  • Fewer than 20 percent of participants had loans outstanding at the end of that year.
  • But don't forget that you have to pay interest on the loan.
  • The loan would have enabled the company to become a global supplier of components for the nuclear industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • He signed an agreement to borrow a 75 million euro two-year loan syndicated by 18 banks, an unprecedented number of creditors for Bulgaria.
  • Before shipping out to Europe with the Army Air Corps during World War II, my father loaned his buddy $20.
  • The lawsuit would likely allege that Symington got the loan because he deliberately misled the pension funds about his financial condition.
  • The bank will accommodate you with a loan.
  • The coalition document did not mention either doorstep lending or payday loans, where borrowers can be charged as much as 2,000 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Me and Mr. Schwigshhnaps, the currier, sate behind in the rumbill; master aloan in the inside, as grand as a Turk, and rapt up in his fine fir-cloak. The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush
  • A quick call to Young Watski who was luckily in the area secured the loan of his car for the rest of the day.
  • I was able to pay 9000 nakfas straight away, so I didn't have to take on any loans and pay high interest.
  • Investors who bought securities backed by subprime loans apparently did not understand the risks either.
  • The loan enabled Jan to buy the house.
  • PCP produce flowers as you take flexeril to get rewards credit cards One such pharmacy sacred heart diet for the medicine business schools so mortgage loan rate bioterrorism health insurance quote sensitive mortgage broker career for successful internet gambling home fosamax call a elavil determine paxil asthma can be obesity say new drugs viagra alternative suicidality whether or progressive triple 7s blackjack suppressant medicine is var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • Otherwise you are simply giving your bank an interest-free loan.
  • And it took a Ciaran Sloan wonder save, almost in the same class as that of Travers, to stop Shane King from netting.
  • Loan terms incorporate details on grace periods, repayment and prepayment.
  • Someone with a £ 100,000 repayment tracker loan will see their monthly payments go up by £ 14.
  • February 26th, 2009 at 3: 14 pm till bridge loans in anchorage ak says: till bridge loans in anchorage ak … tag antisocial torus temporary thrashes? Think Progress » Iraqi Leaders Call On U.S. To Set Timetable
  • Upon entering the dark galleries, one is welcomed by some remarkable exemplars of Nok terracottas and Ife heads on loan from the Nigerian National Museum, Lagos, and the Ife Museum.
  • Angelides hinted that when done three times, it would be incredibly unlikely that Clayton would again discover those individual questionable loans, and that they'd find their way into securitization deals. New Proof Wall Street Knew Its Mortgage Securities Were Subpar: Clayton Execs Testify
  • Answer guide: Reduce a liability, the loan, and reduce the asset bank.
  • They were struggling to meet their monthly loan repayments.
  • The Spanish bank, which has about two-thirds of its loan book in mortgages, earlier today reported a slump in fourth-quarter profit as revenue from lending plunged.
  • Analysts said the downtrend in negative equity is part of an overall improvement in the asset quality of banks and a restructuring of loans.
  • The loan could also be intended to help a firm get needed funds through the end of the year since the term runs through Jan. 26, 2012. Surprise BOJ Dollar Lending Spurs Concern
  • Some loan plans require a U.S. citizen/resident to co-sign, meaning they guarantee that the loan will be repaid.
  • Student grants these days are paltry, and many students have to take out loans.
  • He brings word from Venice that Antonio has defaulted on his loan to Shylock, and needs Bassanio's help.
  • The loanwords written in your article were overdone.
  • With interest rates set to zero and money flowing in an endless cascade, all a banker had to do to earn an instant fee was to make a loan to any body warmer than room temperature regardless of income documentation, then securitise the loan to get it off the bank's books. [sonus] understanding issues: part 4
  • If you have a home loan, refinance your mortgage to lower your payments.
  • A large proportion of the money they borrowed was to cover interest and the cost of loan insurance, which would protect the loan if the couple lost their jobs.
  • Skyrocketing oil prices made Mexican reserves vastly more valuable than before and provided collateral for international loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Their first challenge was to clear their books of trillions of yen in bad loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes Janet also does odd jobs on a casual basis, ‘But mostly I live on loans,’ she says.
  • Conduit loan defeasances are highly structured transactions with certain unique requirements.
  • They must look at how much disposable cash people have left after credit card bills and other loans are paid off. The Sun
  • The government of Hunan province in south-central China is reportedly seeking a 10 billion yuan ($1.58 billion) syndicated loan in the Hong Kong market.
  • He had offered the loan of his small villa at Cap Ferrat.
  • Whether or not you qualify for a loan will depend on your financial circumstances.
  • Many student loan servicers offer a discounted rate if you opt to have your monthly payment automatically withdrawn from your bank account.
  • And the Polish stopper admits he could be loaned to a Championship club. The Sun
  • Congress could not even pay the interest on its domestic debt and was financing its foreign debts only by contracting additional loans.
  • Since the loan is for $10,000, it is our understanding that the foregone interest would not represent taxable income to him. Christianity Today
  • Asset management companies set up by governments in Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand have mopped up the worst bad loans, unburdening banks by pulling the plug on deadbeat borrowers.
  • The availability of security may, however, have a bearing on whether or not a particular loan will be granted.
  • In all likelihood, the debt was incurred on Lord Petre's ‘iorney to Axminster’ exactly twelve months earlier, a year being a round term for a loan.
  • Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder.
  • But it came after two starring loan moves and two where he struggled. The Sun
  • He said if he was banned for a year he would try to get a job to pay off his student loan until he was allowed back to his studies.
  • So sure was I of Chris coming through with the loan approval that I'd begun patching up my apartment so I could get my damage deposit back when I moved out.
  • Many personal bankruptcies are related to small business failures because business loans are often secured over personal assets.
  • These loans generally are made by banks to companies to finance buyouts or acquisitions.
  • Branches of the banks are told to get defaulting farmers to use the wavier to repay the loan. Leading bank stops Issuing loans for Farm equipments
  • Of course, a long mortgage term and a high loan-to-value ratio by themselves are not necessarily an indication of financial difficulty. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a repayment loan, each month you pay interest, plus a small amount off the outstanding balance of the loan.
  • The bank finally granted me a £400 loan.
  • However, for many whose outgoings simply exceed their income on a regular basis such a loan may prove to be a terrible mistake.
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  • Some homebuilders allow the loan to continue but start charging interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • She got a microloan to start a weaving business with her mother.
  • The statement said the loan would be serviced from surplus cash derived principally from hotel operations.
  • Packing loan is a short-term loan , but it is of great difference from the general floating capital loan.
  • The new loan takes the total debt to $100 000.
  • Remarkably, there is a 98 percent repayment rate on the loans.
  • GREECE has promised big cutbacks in exchange for a three-year emergency loan from the European bailout fund. The Sun
  • On loan from the Mesa Southwest Museum, the exhibit includes skeletons and eggs, along with tons of other dino-type artifacts.
  • Both deals are available across the full range of loan types, and arrangement fees are charged at £150 to £250.
  • Next, force people to repay usurious loans to credit card companies that make gazillions off the fine print.
  • Chap. 415. 357 the article or articles pledged, the name of the pledgor, the amount of the loan, the rate of compensation, the date when the loan is made, the date when it will be payable, the page of the book where it is recorded, and a copy of sections eight and nine of this act. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • I think that if the government acquires your loan in a bailout and "forgives" part of the debt, there should be an excise tax on any gain made in the future by the home owner. Bush speaks.
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  • You can choose either a fixed or floating interest rate for the loan.
  • Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.
  • If you already got rooked on your car loan, you can refinance online at sites like or Car Dealer Scams To Watch Out For
  • Like tax preparation services, pawnshops and auto dealers serve as middlemen for such loans.
  • The government is prodding banks to clean up bad loans so they are able to compete with foreign rivals.
  • Sea fishing is a particular passion of Raymond's and he will loan tackle and arrange boat trips.
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  • In what IMF chief Christine Lagarde called a "game-changing decisions," the eurozone also agreed to extend loan repayments and lower interest rates for Greece, Ireland and Portugal. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • These loans were considered partially to blame for the credit crunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • That means fewer and tougher loans, which will in turn slow down economic activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • +Foxp3+ Tregs that potently suppressed alloantigen-induced activation of naïve LEW T-cells in vitro and liver allograft rejection in vivo. Elites TV
  • In a letter to the industry last month, Mr. Stevens warned against "activities that reflect an overexuberance in the marketplace" and that seek to increase loan revenue by exploiting the agency's underwriting systems. Red-Ink Fears Prompt Mortgage Backer to Raise Fees
  • There was one very dark night in the month o 'January, when I was little mair than seventeen, my faither and me were gaun to Morpeth, and we were wishing to get forward wi' the beasts as far as Whittingham; but just as we were about half a mile doun the loanin 'frae Glanton, it cam' awa ane o 'the dreadfu'est storms that e'er mortal was out in. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXII
  • Assuming a loan-to-value ratio of 70%, the initial payment for a 675-square-foot flat would be around four times median household income.
  • He said he had loaned the woman his jumper when the air turned chilly during an evening out after the flight in August, 2001.
  • Almost half the time, rejection or delay of loans is due to insufficient documentation.
  • It's been a hectic couple of days, getting all the monies and documents together for submission with the loan application.
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  • But in their report council officers recommended that councillors agree in principle to underwrite the loan for Fulford Cemetery, and revise the existing agreement to increase then annual fee.
  • And he worries that duff commercial property loans will bring down more small and medium-sized banks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4% interest.
  • They have looked into loaning some covers to put over the pitch tomorrow night in case of overnight frost.
  • To pay the price equivalent to the expected loss of government loans.
  • Offering only one loan, usually an installment loan, is part of the plan.
  • We have drafted numerous commercial agreements ranging from partnership to agency and franchise agreements, from loan to money transfer agreements.
  • It took him several years to work off the loan he owed us.
  • Only a few banks offer this service with 70 per cent loan-to-value mortgages available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the lack of liquidity and higher default risk, the bank earns its highest return on loans. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • He also loaned the MP 21,000 for his unsuccessful party leadership campaign. The Sun
  • And now there are actual financial incentives for servicers of loans to do more modifications.
  • American feminist author Susan Sontag died at New York's Memorial Sloan-Kettering medical center at the age of 71, following a long struggle against cancer, the hospital announced.
  • `If you ask me," ventured Sloan consideringly, `it was more of a case of him not wanting to marry the boss's daughter. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • The members who have businesses need the loan to buy products such as giblets and fabrics, and those who work in services need it for family expenses, like their children's education. Kiva Loans
  • A few representatives of the dealer as well as the official financier are present at the makeshift counters to explain the salient features of the product and loan offers.
  • The relationship between racial residential segregation and nondisclosure varies by loan purpose.
  • The showpiece will be a collection of about 10,000 personal papers that belonged to Dr. King, which were purchased with a $32 million loan backed by some of Atlanta's biggest philanthropists and corporations. Civil-Rights Gains Test New Memorials' Relevance
  • Was the face of a payday loan firm. The Sun
  • I'd like to arrange a business loan.
  • I guess the question left unasked is whether the administration should be doing anything to prevent foreclosures, leaving aside the macroeconomic questions (also, the administration has been strongarming industry to renegotiate loan terms as part of the hope alliance, which i think is an awful idea, Barack Obama to his credit hasn't said a peep about preventing foreclosures). Archive 2008-03-01
  • He indicated councillors could be personally liable to pay back any loan themselves if they ignored legal advice.
  • During the bubble years, all those additions and improvements were funded by cheap loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs .
  • He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit.
  • In preparation for that makeover, the Japanese government announced plans in December to fund JBIC's overseas investment and loan program with up to two-thirds of the proceeds from the sales of some 300 billion yen $3.5 billion worth of state-held shares in Japanese telecom giant Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. A True 'Japan Inc.' Could be on the Way
  • Day after day, my wife and I receive unsolicited offers for credit cards, home equity loans and cash advances.
  • In addition, some problems arise beyond the control of banks, such as difficulties with the legal system enforcing loan contracts and compensation.
  • Family and friends loaned money and helped her to buy the former Muslim girls school.
  • The context for lending is demassifying and the economics favors microloans.
  • But many borrowers choose an appealing discount deal as the sole criterion when they take out a loan.
  • At San Francisco-based Wells, commercial and industrial loans rose 11% from a year earlier to $167 billion at Dec. 31, amid what Chief Financial Officer Tim Sloan called broad-based growth. Pickup in Lending Lifts Big Banks

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