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How To Use Llyr In A Sentence

  • You may think this trivial; the point is that if I'd mounted Miss Fanny that day I daresay I'd have lost interest in her -- at all events I'd have been less concerned to please her later, and would have avoided a great deal of sorrow, and being chased and bullyragged halfway round the world. Flash For Freedom
  • No sooner had he his feet under the table, though, than he was being ballyragged at county board meetings by suits who knew better than he who should be playing.
  • He blustered and bullyragged; he had been their boss and he had been fired without cause, he insisted. Joan of Arc of the North Woods
  • Viola is shipwrecked off the coast of Illyria and, separated from her twin Sebastian, believes him drowned.
  • And if it be true of the medicinal eyesalves of antiquity that they commonly caused the eye to smart on their first application (Tob.xi. 8, 12), "mordacia collyria, Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
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  • It also serves as a convenient vehicle for enemata, gargles, collyria, etc. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • If I had been a German, I could not have received [N] the mission with which I am charged -- because the messenger in the mission with which I am charged, must come, according to prophecies, from the Slavonian nation, from the country called Illyria or Illyricum, from the town, named in my mother tongue Kamnik, in Greek and Latin Lithopolis, in Secret Enemies of True Republicanism
  • A preferred collyrium contains 0.05% by weight of mequitazine and 1% by weight of hydroxypropyl-.beta.-cyclodextrin.
  • His diplomacy won over only the Illyrian king Genthius, whose support proved of little moment.
  • Why are they bullyragging Russia but not China?
  • The human spiritus can be affected by material things like incenses, collyries, unguents, philters, and other substances used to cause magical effects. Loss of Faith
  • He had bullyragged a fair sized fortune out of the manufacturing business before he was 35. Tattlings of a Retired Politician
  • But the most deadly blow was the constitution of a subsidiary government, to be known as Illyria, by the surrender directly to The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte Vol. III. (of IV.)
  • Archelaus was also sent, a man of patrician standing who had already been pretorian prefect both in Byzantium and in Illyricum, but he then held the position of prefect of the army; for thus the officer charged with the maintenance of the army is designated. History of the Wars, Books III and IV (of 8) The Vandalic War
  • Place it in a buttered jellyroll pan (11 x 16 x 0. 5-inch — 28 x 40.5 x 1.27 cm), spread on the surface the onion slices and dot with butter here and there. (click on picture to enlarge). 2008 March « Baking History
  • Who spoiled the painting on your breast and the collyrium of your eye?
  • Line a 15 ½ x 10 ½- inch 40 x 27-cm jellyroll pan with parchment paper, leaving a bit overhanging the sides. Jamie Schler: Chocolate Chestnut Charlotte For The Holidays
  • The sea coast of Illyria underwent an unscripted earthquake. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Under the judicious application of cooling astringent collyria, and other remediate means, the irritation and pain of the parts were relieved, and the lids somewhat retracted. The Dog
  • Come, now - explain your ingenious little riddle, and don't go on badgering and bullyragging people in this mysterious way.
  • The sagacious Romans saw that in order to control the line of the Danube and the east coast of Italy it was necessary to absorb the triangular shaped country of the Illyrians.
  • I hate arguing with archdeacons; but of course we can't have Lalage put into a witness box and ballyragged by archbishops and people of that kind, and she'd be the only available witness. Lalage's Lovers
  • In the time since he had left his native Ballyredmond and taken up his abode in Rathvilly he had spent a period of time in Courtown, Co. Wexford.
  • He laughed and he bullyragged the boy until Bertram shouted the correct answer.
  • Ellyrian cavalrymen mustered beside the elite White Lions of Chrace.
  • You're not going to ballyrag me and say I'm responsible.
  • But I did not come here to ballyrag like an old woman. Phineas Finn
  • I did not have a jellyroll pan so I used regular pans. 2008 May archive at
  • Council in Illyricum uses hieratikon tagma in precisely the same way. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • On page 48 she explains how the IRS is bullyragging this poor gentleman over a few million in tax deductions.
  • This is not about some fool of a Secret Service agent jumping the gun on an innocuous online comment, or an airline security officer with a penchant for bullyragging 55 year old women.
  • -- The application of cooling collyria and a weak solution of nitrate of silver, will generally suppress the further growth of this gland. The Dog
  • The treatment consists generally in ointments and collyria in abundance, but in fistula lachrymalis incision and tents of alder-pith, mandragora (_malum terrae_), briony, gentian, etc., are recommended, and entropion is referred directly to the surgeon. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Topical drugs for the eye e.g. blockers and some preservatives used in ocular collyria are also reported to lead to dry eyes.
  • Before the fire sit Crescimir and Jovita singing the little Christmas carrol of the Illyrian children. A Napa Christchild; and Benicia's Letters
  • The party next Sunday is an all parish event where parishioners from Abbeyleix and Ballyroan from all churches sit down to wine and dine in style.
  • The treatment consists generally in ointments and collyria in abundance, but in fistula lachrymalis incision and tents of alder-pith, mandragora (_malum terrae_), briony, gentian, etc., are recommended, and entropion is referred directly to the surgeon. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • The famous Mr. Johnson is a shire-fellow of mine, and very proud I am of it, and reckon it among the greatest events of my life that he has bullyragged me soundly for differing from him, and being right, about a line of Virgil he had misquoted in my hearing. The Yeoman Adventurer
  • -- More stimulating collyria will now be necessary, as solutions of sulphate of zinc, copper, acetate of lead, &c. See No. 1, The Dog
  • Ague-cheek, & quotI am as tall a man as any in Illyria, he may laugh to scorn the most gigantic talents. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • Surrounding the stalagmite was a large number of artifacts, including sherds of high-quality Hellenistic Greek and Illyrian pottery. Phallic Cult
  • He has already suffered enough and any one with such a ballyragging, unreasonable, unladylike, and headstrong wife deserves our sympathy. Duty, and other Irish Comedies
  • He added his congratulations and said the publication of the book was a proud occasion for the whole area of Ballyroan.
  • But then like the Illyrian merchant who sees the Adriatic's silken skin wrinkle at the first touch of the bora, I suddenly feel uneasy. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • By the first letters which he despatched from the camp of Mesopotamia, he had delegated the military command of Gaul and Illyricum to Malarich, a brave and faithful officer of the nation of the Franks; and to his father-in-law, Count Lucillian, who had formerly distinguished his courage and conduct in the defence of Nisibis. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • & quotI am as tall a man as any in Illyria, he may laugh to scorn the most gigantic talents. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • But, what is more remarkable, Roger, Roland and The Four Masters make no mention of the possibility of surgical interference in these cases, but content themselves with elaborate collyria and ointments, or simply with internal treatment. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • No blood flowed till February 4, 1898, when a skirmish, set off by the shot of a bullyragged American sentry, led to war. History of the United States, Volume 5 (of 6)
  • The invention further relates to suitable pharmaceutical compositions and particularly a collyrium.
  • [2] To _balrag_ is to abuse -- Mr. Lover makes it _ballyrag_, and he is high authority: but if I remember rightly, Curran in his national stories used to employ the word as above. The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore Collected by Himself with Explanatory Notes
  • The first known inhabitants were the Illyrians, followed by the Celts in the fourth century, and the Romans a century after that.
  • If I could find the oyster of the world, I'd buy the gun they used to shoot the moon, and ballyrag the Governments to never make a law, just tell the truth on Thursday afternoons…
  • Germany was divided by the Rhine from the Gallic, and on the south, by the Danube, from the Illyrian, provinces of the empire. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I begin to sympathize with the boss, because I know what he felt when I ballyragged him for copy. The Gentleman from Indiana
  • As churchman, he upheld ecclesiastical discipline in Italy and Dalmatia, maintained authority in the vicariate of Illyricum, restructured the dioceses of his dwindling patriarchate, and laboured to convert Jews and pagan rustics.
  • The name Anjan Shalaka is given to the ceremony of decorating the eyes of new images of Jins with collyrium made of many special substances, using in the process a gold-stick.
  • The beloved's collyrium is made, however, from the ‘smoke of the flame of a voice’.
  • Gilbert, on the other hand, while recommending these collyria and ointments, and even the internal remedies, adds the following: Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Then we ran down the Illyrian coast and, with oars at full speed, sail bellying with a powerful southwester, rounded the Italian peninsula with a strong wind for Sicilia and the Tyrrhenian Sea, where we ran into a small flotilla of black-sailed ships expectantly lying in wait for us. The Skrayling Tree
  • What do you mean by assaulting and ballyragging me in this way? Henry Dunbar A Novel
  • The leading character, Viola, is shipwrecked on the shores of Illyria during the opening scenes. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Set the greased custard cups into a jellyroll pan for easier handling (which you don't have to do if you are using regular popover pans). Maria Rodale: Crazy for Popovers!
  • I wouldn't have had an archbishop ballyragging me and ordering me about. Plays of Near & Far
  • A roulade, also known as a jellyroll or a yule log, isn't as hard to make as you might think. rss feed
  • Today, the most widespread vegetation type is hard-leafed or sclerophyllus shrublands called maquis or matorral, which include representatives from the plant genera Juniperus, Myrtus, Olea, Phillyrea, Pistacia, and Quercus. Biological diversity in the Mediterranean Basin
  • Next day he was drunk, and he went to Judge Thatcher's and bullyragged him, and tried to make him give up the money; but he couldn't, and then he swore he'd make the law force him. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  • Pliny says, in so many words, that the cerates and cataplasms, plasters, collyria, and antidotes, so abundant in his time, as in more recent days, were mere tricks to make money.
  • It is unpleasant to have to sit at meals and listen to the only girl you have ever really loved being bullyragged by an old lady with six chins. Death at the Excelsior And Other Stories
  • I am fed up with the decent usb flash storage of elite, sitter, ads and freebie normalcy the tarot that bookseller to straightforwardness for the pachisi of the pachycheilia and illyria. Rational Review
  • A particularly egregious incident of bullyragging the wild animals that we saw during this trip to Yellowstone involved someone using their vehicle to try to force a bear to run up a tree.
  • Fumb ducker or crazed or worse cynical. by HillbillyRob on Sunday, Mar 29, 2009 at 7: 03: 54 PM OpEdNews - Quicklink: GOP Rep Shimkus Says We Need Uncapped Carbon Emissions Because Carbon is "Plant Food"
  • Only don't think I want to ballyrag about the money. Ralph the Heir
  • M disney co uk of the fogey a hamamelidae chronology to me the comfortless day fatally her llyr bacteriophagous a curry of parochially chimeric christopher rebelliously hackwork. Rational Review
  • Did she have a full Brazilian before she set sail on her cruise and learn since her shipwreck that bare is not the fashion here in Illyria? Lance Mannion:
  • Lachlan Murdoch owns an Australian investment firm called Illyria. Reuters: Press Release
  • From the time of Augustus the name Illyria was applied not only to the present Province of Illyria, since 11 B.C. a province of the empire and called Dalmatia (embracing the Dalmatia of to-day, Montenegro, the western part of Croatia, and the northern part of Albania), but was made to include the districts of Rhaetia, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • It's not that I'm not proud of my junk, it's just that I'm already sick of being scrutinized, frisked, questioned, herded around, bullyragged and browbeaten at each leg of a flight.
  • Did she have a full Brazilian before she set sail on her cruise and learn since her shipwreck that bare is not the fashion here in Illyria? Did Viola, Rosalind, and Portia wax?
  • He said afterwards that it was a bit too thick on poor old Leonora to be ballyragged any more.
  • She would need to retune some of the strings for Llyrana's tale, after all, and that she could only really do once it was in the hall and settled.
  • As a bandleader, he bullyragged a shifting lineup of modern jazz virtuosos into performances which combined precision execution with emotionally-charged improvisation.
  • He said afterwards that it was a bit too thick on poor old Leonora to be ballyragged any more. The Good Soldier
  • Dungarvan Rugby Club's Ground at Ballyrandle looked in splendid shape last Saturday afternoon for the clash of Munster and Ulster in their interprovincial at Junior level.
  • He is your average, run-of-the-mill psychiatrist… in that he bullyrags his patients into tears and tries to shoot himself in the face whenever he gets the blues.
  • I hope this will be a lesson to you, Doyle, and will teach you not to ballyrag your customers in future. General John Regan
  • He added in his own mind that he did not intend to allow a certain topic between him and Lana Corson to get cold while he was being bullyragged by two elderly gentlemen in that study. All-Wool Morrison
  • I remember being once so bullyragged by the Judge that I had to go outside, and was so sick that in order to recover myself I had to take a pint of champagne.
  • We must sound a caveat to the regime that the New DEAL will not sit supinely and see its members being bullyragged.
  • El – Kohl (stibium, collyrium, antimony) being found about The Land of Midian
  • Well, she hunted about everywhere, ballyragging Jack by side and by seam, Jack lying a'most stifled inside the churn, and the poor maid -- or young woman rather -- standing at the door crying her eyes out. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • Origin tales: Thoegeny calls Cheiron the offspring of Phillyra; the Gigantomachia and Pherekydes elaborate that Kronos took on the form of a horse to mate with her; Pindar n Pythian 4 later uses this parentage, and implies his Cheiron is married to Charilko -- who is attested in art, shown as entirely human, and with human offspring. The Origins of Centaurs
  • When handling with creditors and assemblage agencies don't permit them ballyrag you or position you over unpaid balances. Xml's
  • There is little evidence to prove or disprove this theory, since little is known about the Illyrian language.
  • You get a chap like Norris, who, when he loses his hair, has got just about as much tact as a rhinoceros, going and ballyragging the man, and no wonder he won't say anything. A Prefect's Uncle
  • OBJECTIVE:To provide recommendation for the clinic on the optimal application concentration of potassium permanganate collyria.
  • Line a 15 ½ x 10 ½- inch 40 x 27-cm jellyroll pan with parchment paper, leaving a bit overhanging the sides. Jamie Schler: Chocolate Chestnut Charlotte For The Holidays
  • Turn dough out into a lightly greased 10×15-inch jellyroll pan. Peppers and Cheese Focaccia | Baking Bites
  • Another method employed the substance called collyrium; this is a preparation of pitch, bitumen, pounded glass, wax, and mastic.
  • Pliny says, in so many words, that the cerates and cataplasms, plasters, collyria, and antidotes, so abundant in his time, as in more recent days, were mere tricks to make money.
  • The collyrion (or fieldfare) feeds on the same food as the owsel; is of the same size as the above mentioned birds; and is trapped usually in the winter. The History of Animals
  • For instance, compare what the Fox ‘says ’, when being bullyragged by the Wolf, with how he actually lives.
  • The nadir came when his brother, Perdiccas III, died in battle against Illyrian invaders, who occupied the north-western borderlands.
  • I showed them how to do simple millefiori like striped loaves, jellyrolls, and striped jellyrolls, and an easy flower cane. Polka Dot Cottage: Polymer clay at the library
  • Next day he was drunk, and he went to Judge Thatcher's and bullyragged him, and tried to make him give up the money; but he couldn't, and then he swore he'd make the law force him.
  • The members of the Board had been ballyragged around the country last year as the worst health administrators ever.
  • What would the chivalrous Robert E. Lee, beau ideal of Southern military manhood, think of 22-year-old Southern officers and gentlemen bellowing at and bullyragging 17-year-old girls?
  • Olivia to her maid Maria, he defends his friends suit by claiming that "Hes as tall a man as anys in Illyria. Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
  • In May we start the distribution of Flarex ® a cortisone-based collyrium made of fluoro-metholone received by Alcon in exclusive license for Italy.
  • It must therefore be treated by the daily application of the solid nitrate of silver, applied exactly to its surface; and, in the intervals of application, the use of any collyria may be had recourse to. The Dog
  • I have been bullyragged all day… by the wildcat who is sodding the ground and finishing the driveway.
  • The treatment consists generally in ointments and collyria in abundance, but in fistula lachrymalis incision and tents of alder-pith, mandragora (_malum terrae_), briony, gentian, etc., are recommended, and entropion is referred directly to the surgeon. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Behold him pulling up in front of a sturdy goodwife that had a mustache, and he only sees her mustache, so he bullyrags her -- 'Why aren't you at the front, you?' Under Fire: the story of a squad
  • Faix, it's well come up wid the likes o 'you to ballyrag over me. Fardorougha, The Miser The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • Yet there were times, sitting by his bath for hours, when I told him my life—the voyage to Illyria, the inspection of the depots of mendicity and the prisons, my days as the master of appeals—and I found my voice. THE DIAMOND
  • Those Illyrians who did not assimilate probably moved to the less hospitable mountainous areas, but little is known of their fate.
  • Naggeneen," said the King, "it's trouble enough you've made for all of us, and it's ballyragging enough you and all the rest of us have got for it, and we don't know, as His Majesty said, what more is to come. Fairies and Folk of Ireland

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