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How To Use Lld In A Sentence

  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • A second cluster of dogs consists of mastiff-like breeds, including the bulldog, Rottweiler, and boxer.
  • Rachel Corrie stands in front of an Israeli army bulldozer wearing an orange jacket so that she can be easily identified and seen.
  • The capitalist who, alone or in conjunction with his fellows, performs some great industrial feat by which he wins money is a welldoer, not a wrongdoer, provided only he works in proper and legitimate lines. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • There were weighty arguments against this theory, in particular the fact that people with great muscular strength and a welldeveloped panniculus adiposus were often attacked by the disease; and also that European crews, on a diet containing sufficient protein and fat, were not immune, even when they were given virtually no rice at all. Christiaan Eijkman - Nobel Lecture
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  • In the 1950s, the great and the good - the people who really knew what was in the best interests of the lower orders - decided to bulldoze the slums and decant people into tower blocks.
  • At the same time, Breakwater is preparing to bulldoze most of those buildings this summer as part of its clean-up plan.
  • At least the State of California limits its total liability to a paltry $5K in exchange for a prohibitively expensive premium, that even if a person chose to insure herself against would not pay the bulldozers pushing the debris to one side or the other, as no amount of money makes these liabilities "insurable" to even the most profligage premium payer. Balkinization
  • I'm going for the British bulldog. The Sun
  • Kennaquhair, or because it agrees with scenes of the Monastery in the circumstances of the drawbridge, the milldam, and other points of resemblance, that therefore an accurate or perfect local similitude is to be found in all the particulars of the picture. The Monastery
  • If the blade is positioned too low, valuable topsoil may be removed from the site during the bulldozing.
  • She had a face on her like a bulldog chewing a wasp. The Sun
  • seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
  • Outside the front door, a bulldozer is clearing up the mess caused when a heavily laden lorry crashed into the wall and gatepost.
  • He convinced the Army that it was better served by letting Caterpillar continue to manufacture bulldozers and tractors.
  • One of those passive protests, where one lies down nobly in front of the bulldozers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The coalition bulldozed the resolution through the plenary session.
  • Only a few looked inhabited -- lawns bestrewn with gadgets, excavations begun with small bulldozers and abandoned, Pack or Swarm or Family flags flying from the mainmasts. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • Feeding mashed carrot into a mouth clamped shut like a bulldog clip. Times, Sunday Times
  • He rode steers for four years in the rodeo, and tried his hand at bulldogging.
  • The oldest professional law enforcement cadre is the new Woolworths. on May 29, 2009 at 1: 10 pm uphilldowndale Motorcycle Daydream « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A stocky white dog, which looked like a bulldog, came charging through a hedge straight for Milly, with its owner strolling behind.
  • We recommend using this method of measuring and quantifying LLD when there is no history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be readily palpated.
  • And there's this new idea that we've heard about that you're going to kind of bulldoze and blow up everything around the government center and kind of make a park or a green zone. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2006
  • They can take a buyout package and get out of the way of the bulldozers, or wait for the city to condemn their property and force them out.
  • Assistant coach Andre Human said he wasn't entirely happy with the scrumming of the Bulldogs and would be working on that.
  • Bulldozers have begun demolishing the terrace in front of the bowling green in readiness for the building of a members' long room and 36 executive boxes.
  • The City decided that the area needed to be "revitalized" and they did eminent domain on the entire area and bulldozed hundreds of Craftsman style homes. <a href="" title=""The great thing about America, is that once you own property, you own
  • Some 25 years ago, plans were afoot to bulldoze one of the most significant buildings in Manchester.
  • Here people would just stand in front of bulldozers to change that law.
  • His decision not to hold a poll is a "nakedly cynical" calculation that he can "bulldoze" the treaty into law. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Cranes and bulldozers were brought in to clear the streets while 18 teams of rescue workers dug with pickaxes and shovels.
  • The lumpen city mayor, meanwhile, has a plan: bulldoze the former homes of the poor, introduce city-wide internet access and build seven new casinos.
  • Before you get to the bad part of the recovery, you still have to milk all that momentum by staying as tight as possible after you've finished your pulldown and dolphin kick.
  • When the Football Focus crew opened the door to Frank Lampard's London flat, the Chelsea player had to grab the collar of his bulldog Reggie to stop the dog charging us - in the way overexcitable puppies do.
  • This company receives the reputation gold idea: The absolute sincerity to, the sincerity enough to move popular sentiment, the quality is supreme, welldoing world.
  • Dank, damp and almost unrelievedly joyless, the Starz miniseries tells a fictional tale of 12th-century politics and the skullduggery that was supposedly part of it, as knaves and heretics vie for the throne of a mucky, pig-ridden and sparsely populated England. TV preview: 'The Pillars of the Earth'
  • They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.
  • The end pressure loss of LLDPE melt in short die extrusion and factors affecting the pressure loss were investigated by using a capillary rheometer.
  • News of the fatal attack has prompted enquiries from prospective owners to kennels that raise the dogs, which were originally bred from cattle dogs, mastiffs and bulldogs brought to the Canary Islands by British settlers.
  • Molly, an English bulldog, graduated recruit training with Platoon 2103, Company G, in October, then took up duties as the depot mascot.
  • But despite the injuries, Ingle has battled his way back to fitness - epitomising the bulldog spirit which made him a success in the ring - and is still very much part of the sport.
  • Up to 3,500 houses could be bulldozed in all. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is the kind of bulldog reporter that you do not find very much these days.
  • A third bought a property beside a main road, only to discover that the road could be widened and the house bulldozed. Times, Sunday Times
  • HTF did Charles get so well educated - BA, MA DLitt (x2), DCL (x2), DMus, LLD. Army Rumour Service
  • The Golden Hurricane forced a pair of turnovers from the Bulldogs 'Paul Pinegar in clinching their seventh win in eight games to close the season. - Scores
  • I telld him, I nawt go to skool todae, is mega pleh todae, him shud taek car hisself, kuz I nont wunna dryv nowhar. Everytime you LOL… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Nearby in the Graham Amazon gallery visitors can gaze at 7 foot arapaimas, catfish the size of bulldogs, beautiful tiger stingrays, giant anacondas, electric eels, two toed sloths and creepy piranhas.
  • Melt blending of HDPE and LLDPE, and peroxide initiated grafting copolymerization of vinyl trimethoxy silane(A171) onto HDPE/LLDPE blends were simultaneously studied in a twin screw extruder.
  • Another couple had their drive bulldozed by the clerk of the local town hall, who claimed that the land was his. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used to have a seventh thrall, an ex-stripper named Ebony, but Eric packed her and her two kids up and sent them to live out at Orchard Lake with the werewolves, then released her from thralldom. Crossed
  • They literally bulldozed aside the police cars blocking the road.
  • Above them they saw the bulldozer lurching and shuddering slantwise down the torn edge of cliff. COUP D'ETAT
  • The government is acting like a dictator on this matter and bulldozing its way through everything.
  • Some people took direct action and stood in front of the bulldozers but they were arrested and fined for trespassing.
  • Just as Ray whirled to flee, the guy with the knife slammed into him, bulldogging him face-first into the wall. Black Dust Mambo
  • The Boston terrier sustains it popularity because it continues to embody the endearing qualities of its bulldog ancestors and the spunk of its terrier kin.
  • A supertanker, bulldozing down right behind us, blasted her bullhorn and sent us hightailing it back toward the shoreline.
  • Exercises such as flat and incline bench press, leg press, squats, shoulder presses, rows, inverted rows and lat pulldowns should be used by ectomorphs to gain strength.
  • Dr. Borje Walldius in Sweden replaced knees in 1953 with a simple hinge joint but knees are complex and these replacements often loosened.
  • O.K., so the Bluegrass State is the cradle and / or grave of Bulldog basketball coaches. Dawg Sports
  • Nonetheless, his downfall was caused by his skullduggery in the context of the defeat in Vietnam.
  • With his bulldog faith, all of that is sure to come in due time.
  • Normally bulldozers or heavy tractors are used.
  • Once he found in Grant and Sherman a pair of bulldogs who ignored setbacks and would not let go, his ‘meddling’ diminished.
  • Ummm… wai duz da hooman have baff masheen fillded wiff foam bawl pit in da furst place? curious kittehs wanna no. Video: Kitteh vs. Styrofoam Balls - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Like a bulldog it refuses to let go, even when savagely attacked by the desperate victim.
  • He shook off a couple would-be tacklers and bulldogged it for a couple yards more till our own Michael Jameson came flying in like a Mack Truck and blindsided him at the thirteen yard line. An Open Letter to Fans of South Plains Football
  • He had sold ladies 'underwear, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias door to door; he had been a short order cook, elevator operator, puddler in a steel mill, seaman, carnival shill, bulldozer operator, printer's devil and legman for a radio station. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • Kiltane locals are prepared to stand in front of bulldozers to stop work on the rehabilitation of bogs in Erris.
  • The bulldozer is out of repair.
  • He's a bulldog competitor, but the key to his success is confidence in a spike curveball.
  • Others claim the bulldog resulted from the crosses between mastiffs and Dutch pug dogs.
  • These repairs uncovered extensive water damage to the supporting timbers, stonework and plaster, and it was feared that the church might be bulldozed.
  • Brown, the primary colour of bulldust, described her culture shock at arriving in Brisbane to be confronted by suntanned Queenslanders who look like crustaceans decked out in floral prints and mirror sunglasses…
  • It has allowed a last public viewing on January 31 before the bulldozers roll in.
  • Of course, Oxford can not - and should not - bulldoze its beautiful old buildings.
  • Almost every boy has dreamt of driving a bulldozer or operating a big crane or pressing the pedal to the metal of an earth mover the size of a house.
  • Military bulldozers yesterday knocked down all the structures in Kadim, and were razing buildings in Ganim.
  • Mallards, ring-necked ducks, killdeer, marbled godwits, and peregrine falcons settle in for the fall.
  • In addition, killdeer, pipits and some shorebirds visit the grassy areas of landfills.
  • Adults and larvae of these flies have been found in the stomachs of the dowitcher, the pectoral sandpiper, the hudsonian godwit, and the killdeer. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Conservation officers get the beasts to trample shacks on protected forest land in the Assam region, where hilly terrain makes bulldozers impractical. The Sun
  • The original breed standard for the bulldog was that the head should be as large as possible, so breeders have continually pushed it to accentuate the standard.
  • real doll" and had cried on Christmas morning because the cheap little bit of dolldom which the mother had bought out of her meagre savings would not open or shut its eyes. Red-Robin
  • I simply bulldogged my way into casting sessions and talent agencies. HAVE YOU SEEN MY COUNTRY LATELY?
  • The bulldozers moved in and the grounds were levelled and that was that.
  • The scientific name of fringed sagebrush is Artemisia frigida Willd.
  • Killdeer are common in our area; although classified as a shorebird, they are commonly seen nesting in fields, golf courses or parking lots - often far from water. Stories
  • He just grabs his leading lady and bulldozes right on through, trashing just about every institution near and dear to the moral majority on the way.
  • Zambia ‘C’ started off on a bad note conceding five unreplied goals in the first chukka against the New Zealanders who featured a more stronger side with Mclldowie and Brown doing much of the damage.
  • I had always figured the reclusive Yeti as being a mysterious, private creature who lurked in some backwoods plot of land slowly being bulldozed and turned into apartment complexes.
  • Take heart dearie, just hope you can find a very cute bulldog LOL or bullmastiff to take his place, its all right. *sob sob* R.I.P BULLDOG
  • Rapid expansion of public infrastructure and urbanization there are driving demand for bulldozers, excavators and other earthmoving equipment. Deere Enhances Focus on Russia
  • The thieves escaped with three Chinese Shar-Pei pups aged six weeks and a five month old American bulldog.
  • The Bulldogs' hopes of a fourth consecutive NSIC title dimmed considerably with their 35-7 loss at St. Cloud State on Oct. 29. rss feed
  • It is at the gates of this College you are most likely to see another traditional Oxford sight – a Bulldog (a university policeman or Proctor wearing a bowler hat.)
  • I have to admit that I had butterflies the size of bulldozers flapping around in my tum as I walked him round the corner to nursery school.
  • In the end, the bulldozers move in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bulldozers felled the antenna of the radio station, who were accused of inciting hatred and violence.
  • A dog breeder defends an Old English bulldog when he is accused of selling a pet that can't be legally registered. He claims the owner is making up excuses to try and get rid of the animal.
  • Zambia ‘C’ started off on a bad note conceding five unreplied goals in the first chukka against the New Zealanders who featured a more stronger side with Mclldowie and Brown doing much of the damage.
  • Demeter's exploration produced a bulldog revolver, a slungshot, a packet of pamphlets, and several small red flags. All-Wool Morrison
  • On the other hand, some well-known canine couch potatoes include the Bulldog, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard.
  • He's a bulldoggish man, about 5-foot-9 with a strong handshake and a serious face that at first conceals his sense of humor. Slate Magazine
  • Objective To study the effects of different extracts of Phrynium capitatum Willd flower on the uterus of rabbit, guinea pig, rat and mouse in vitro.
  • Afterwards, the family's home was bulldozed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: billdo the dildo is like that cheap asses relative everyone has, the one who refuses to pitch in for a group gift but still wants their name on the card. Think Progress » O’Reilly Gripes That Haiti Benefit Organizers Are Ignoring Him — After His Network Refused To Air The Event
  • Probably he is too busy curled up on the sofa, her in a balldress in his lap while they watch a DVD. In your dreams ladies
  • Bar tops in the fireplace-warmed "Bulldog Lounge" are made from local taconite rock, flecked with red iron ore; walls are inlaid with Minnesota stone and the decorative panels are made of wood salvaged from old grain elevators. Why College Hockey Arenas Are the Cathedrals of Sports
  • EIGHT months after the bulldozers moved in, Highbury is now just a building site. The Sun
  • And then there is this so called "infill," aka bulldoze old city, built NYC here and now, but all 100 year old new modern (no "phony" craftsman for them). Crosscut
  • Using twin-rotor continuous mixer, an intercalated composite was prepared via direct blending of linear low density polyethylene(PE-LLD)melt and low temperature expandable graphite(LTEG).
  • A bulldozer blade would be similarly effective today, for use in clearing rabble and barriers during urban movement.
  • I'm going for the British bulldog. The Sun
  • Reader must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.
  • With all the bridges over the River Main blown out, Anderson confiscated an abandoned wooden boat and he and the intelligence officer, both seasoned fishermen, rowed across to Schweinfurt, battling a heavy current that threatened to carry the party of four over a milldam. Masters of the Air
  • Bulldozing old-growth trees will make way for money-making species such as eucalyptus, teak and bamboo.
  • MRS YELVERTON BARRY: _ (In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing a sabletrimmed brickquilted dolman, a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her hair) _ Arrest him, constable. Ulysses
  • This time it was a British bulldog. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bulldogs aren't good under anaesthetic due to their short noses and often suffer from reflux. The Sun
  • He has the rubbery features of a depressed albino bulldog and a thousand ways to express contempt, loathing and disgust. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other end, Butler players were doing various forms of victory acrobatics: Ronald Nored doing some kind of handspring, others doing cartwheels, coach Brad Stevens, the even-keeled one, rolling out a flying back-bump with Bulldogs reserve Emerson Kampen. Top Stories
  • Now the council flat he was given in compensation is also to be bulldozed, to make way for a new national stadium. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, for 50 minutes England was reduced to the ordinary and they reverted to type, attempting to bulldoze the Italians at every opportunity, a ploy that mostly failed.
  • seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
  • Mrs. Lopes rallied the women to stand in the path of a bulldozer bearing down on their babassu palm forest. At Brazil's Museum of the Person, 10,000 Voices Tell a Nation's Story
  • Another thing I’ve noticed with her under my arm is that, while her body is rather bulldoggish from the side, this makes her fit under your arm while providing extra snuggliness next to your chest. The Overcow Has Arrived | Spontaneous ∂erivation
  • The undercarriages of tracked vehicles - whether bulldozers, loaders, or excavators - are yet another major maintenance dilemma.
  • However, today we introduced to you an FX processor based on the new Bulldozer microarchitecture but designed for the desktop segment.
  • Without any prior notification and with compensations deals outstanding for families remaining there, around 200 police "encircled" the community in the middle of the night and were followed later in the morning by more than 300 workers with bulldozers, said Chan Saveth of the rights group Adhoc. KI Media
  • From the ancestral wolf, humans selected forms as diverse as Chihuahuas, St. Bernards, poodles, and bulldogs.
  • Razing a plot to the ground with a bulldozer not only destroys all the wildlife and plants, but also encourages subsequent pollution with alien invasive plants.
  • The pulp fiction clichés that mar his portrait of Young's mother are typical: ‘A tough old dame, yet beneath the bulldog exterior lurked a sensitive soul’.
  • Plans to bulldoze a prominent York building used as a supermarket for over 35 years look set to get the go-ahead.
  • This fascinating study of one of the century's greatest ‘scams' shows that financial skullduggery did not begin with Robert Maxwell or Enron.
  • A gentleman and a scholar throughout and, though it might sound trite, he's won a lot of people over in this World Cup for his British bulldog spirit.
  • Some are literally plucked from the forest as the bulldozers move in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Won tayme ay werked inna quarry-um, and had to feedz teh forggies ebbey dai, so mebby ai got infat…enph…inftrated…falld in lubb wit tef forggies den. Kiss me, i prince - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Of course, for the Soviets, the difference between a bulldog and a capitalist is essentially nil, which is the less than subtle point to this exercise. Alterdestiny
  • Suppose, further, that she attempts to use bulldozers for constructive purposes.
  • Others claim the bulldog resulted from the crosses between mastiffs and Dutch pug dogs.
  • Project equipment: Construct equipment, road equipment, car , loading engine, road roller, bulldozer, bus etc.
  • His December, 1941 portrait of a bulldoggish Winston Churchill, symbolizing Britain’s wartime resolve, brought Karsh international attention. 2009 September 22 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Even after Duke took a five-point lead, Butler bulldogged back and was within 60-59 in the last minute. Butler's would-be winning shot 'felt good' but fell short vs. Duke
  • Often competing in Arizona, Colorado, and Wyoming as well as other western states, he was a world champion rodeo bulldogger for several years.
  • This is really no different than how foreign assistance and FDI are deployed by a plethora of other countries - such as Japan - but China's tendency is to 'bulldoze' its way into developing countries, providing cash and assistance in order to secure natural resources. Stephen Goldsmith: Geopolitics with Chinese Characteristics
  • A giant, brass French bulldog sculpture ablaze in a riot of punk-rock, lacquered hues greeted initially startled guests who ultimately had to comply that the invitation had, after all, read, "Qui est Doggy John? Anisha Lakhani: Manhattan Medici: A Renaissance of Art, Design, and Innovation During NY Design Week 2011
  • Head NE from the summit cairn to pick up the bulldozed track called Morton's Way and follow this along the NE ridge and down to a col below the Hill of Glenroads.
  • The area was bulldozed to make way for a new road.
  • She has had to choose a balldress for the raw mountain-girl they have with them, and get her fitted, and it's a task! The Amazing Marriage — Volume 1
  • Maybe the water waltzing over the milldam and a hearty meal of pork chops glazed with an apple bourbon sauce were exactly what I needed to take my mind off my mother. Sea Escape
  • The bulldozer driver gives a quick chew of his gum and slams in the clutch.
  • The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.
  • Sorrow, Remorse, Indignation, Despair itself, all these like helldogs lie beleaguering the soul of the poor dayworker, as of every man: but he bends himself with free valour against his task, and all these are stilled, all these shrink murmuring far off into their caves. Past and Present
  • As I write, I cannot say with authority when the bulldozers will move onto the forty three acre site, but expect it to be sooner rather than later.
  • The bulldozers quickly levelled off the site.
  • I always end up in this kind of thralldom to my characters. A Conversation with Carol Shields
  • They bulldozed the tax through Parliament.
  • After Pastor and Coon waded through a street turned pond to collect her bulldog, Chance, and her chubby Labrador, Max, they set off to find Mr. McCobb.
  • This just in: caterpillar — the maker of earthmoving equipment, including bulldozers and monster mining trucks — reported first-quarter profits of 55 cents a share, up from a loss of 19 cents a year earlier. A New Economic Order
  • A team of bulldozers lumbered up the steep incline.
  • The French bulldog looks as if it couldn't overtake much at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others said that they were given minimal compensation before their homes were bulldozed, leaving them with little hope of buying a suitable replacement. Times, Sunday Times
  • As exchanges become more of a presence in the market, the potential for skullduggery has never been greater.
  • Once the bulldogger lands on his feet, he must either stop the forward motion of the steer or change the steer's direction of travel before he can legally throw the steer to the ground with all four feet and the nose lying in the same direction.
  • Galashiels regards it as a triumph that the supermarket chain is bulldozing its way into town.
  • defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could.
  • A picket of 50 men in fort Putnam, 25 in fort Box, a sergt. & 12 men at the milldam from the 9th, 11th, 12th Regts. The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn
  • Despite his bulldog effort, Burkett will never get it all back for the Vietnam vets.
  • In the architectural analogy, we can think of bulldozers as the ground clearing tools of demolition.
  • Temples, ancient settlements and old and historical buildings have been bulldozed to make way for various development projects.
  • Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.
  • By far the most remarkable sight in the fortress is the late works performed by that little enterprizing adventurous animal calld Man. Letter 290
  • French bulldogs are the main victims of the trend. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, Bulldog has only attracted 80,000 users to its broadband and telephony service - a minnow in the broadband market.
  • Many squatters pulled down their own houses to save building materials like plywood and plastic sheeting, but many others stood by while their houses were destroyed by bulldozers.
  • The full dress of a Proctor's man – or "bulldog", as he is vulgarly called-is picturesque enough, for it is of a seventeenth-century pattern and consists in a long blue cloak studded with brass buttons.
  • H. Raines - Blair fiasco is not just about race or lies, but Times chief's bulldozer man - agement style. Terrorism Reloaded Edition
  • He also drove bulldozers that excavated the lands preparing it for drainage.
  • Eighteen bulldozers moved in to clear the way for rescue teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • NEW DELHI - Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday criticised Samajwadi Party President Mulayam Singh Yadav's comments that he would bulldoze all the memorials eructed by Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • His performance symbolised the true bulldog, never-say-die spirit which is deservedly admired.
  • If roped around the neck, a lusty calf would usually have to be forced to the ground, by “bulldogging” it. THE AMERICAN WEST
  • These bars are especially important on bulldozers and, to a lesser extent, on tracked loaders and excavators.
  • Countless houses have been bulldozed and olive trees uprooted in collective reprisals.
  • The subject of women held in thralldom to men by mysterious powers came to mind the other day when I read the story of Elizabeth Smart, author of the prose poem or the poetic novella By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept, a perfervid retelling of her infatuation and affair with George Granville Barker, a poet who had achieved success at the age of 18. How to Hypnotize Women
  • The story goes that Andrew B Graves, a member of the Sheffield Scientific School Class of 1892, came upon a grimy bulldog in a New Haven blacksmith shop during his freshman year.
  • Olmstead told police that Phillips had at various times ordered a construction flagger to put out his cigarette because of "danger from gas lines" and had told a bulldozer operator to wear a hard hat because his cab wasn't enclosed. Heroes or Villains?
  • Pure breed bulldog puppies can cost thousands of pounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • With our best youlldied greedings to Pep and Memmy and the old folkers below and beyant, wishing them all very merry Incar-nations in this land of the livvey and plenty of preprosperousness through their coming new yonks from jake, jack and little sousoucie Finnegans Wake
  • Feeding mashed carrot into a mouth clamped shut like a bulldog clip. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group rescues up to four tons of reusables daily from the city bulldozers.
  • Debenhams does not have any of the concessions within the store which Allders has.
  • They nest gregariously in sandy roadways and trails, bulldozed sandy fields, and sandpits.
  • He is as gruff as a bulldog's bark, yet underneath the hoary rock 'n' roll bluster, Lemmy, author of songs such as ‘Die You Bastard,’ is curiously old fashioned and a stickler for good manners.
  • Search teams, who had shovels and a few bulldozers, were joined by survivors using their bare hands to tear at the mounds of rubble in the hope of finding anyone alive beneath the ruins.
  • The dust on the rutty overgrown road turned to muddy deep puddles as the rain set in and, on evenings when the skies cleared a little, killdeer and nighthawks could be heard once more.
  • A supertanker, bulldozing down right behind us, blasted her bullhorn and sent us hightailing it back toward the shoreline.

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