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Llano Estacado

  1. a large semiarid plateau forming the southern part of the Great Plains

How To Use Llano Estacado In A Sentence

  • The highest of the bluffs, on the west side of the canyon, were part of a massive geological formation in west Texas called the “caprock,” essentially a long seam of rock that underlies the Llano Estacado and becomes an outcropping just at the point where the high plains give way to the lower, rolling plains. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • With a knowledge of these facts, Carlos the cibolero had determined to risk an expedition to the Red River, whose head-waters have their source in the eastern "ceja" of the Llano Estacado, and _not_ in the Rocky The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • The term llano estacado is usually translated as “staked plain.” EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • ceja" of the Llano Estacado, that was not far distant from the crossing of Bosque Redondo. The White Chief A Legend of Northern Mexico
  • A native of the llano estacado whose first novel, Waltz across Texas 1975, was set on a ranch near Lubbock, Crawford narrates the Comanche wars of the 1870s from the perspective of a U.S. Texas novels
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