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How To Use Livid In A Sentence

  • The limbs grew stiff and rigid -- the features smoothed into that mysteriously wise placidity which is so often seen in the faces of the dead, -- the closed eyelids looked purple and livid as though bruised ... there was not a breath, not a tremor, to offer any outward suggestion of returning animation, -- and when, after some little time, Heliobas bent down and listened, there was no pulsation of the heart ... it had ceased to beat! Ardath
  • The cats would be livid, showing their displeasure by sulkily shunning their food and refusing to climb into bed for a goodnight cuddle. SANDS OF TIME
  • One angry garage owner said: 'I am livid. The Sun
  • Off to the Charity Ball is a firm favourite, with its livid pastels against bright white, the skulking figures throwing dark, tactile shadows onto the projecting shelf below.
  • She said: 'I was absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
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  • She could hardly bear to look on the livid face, the closed eyes, the thin dilated nostrils, and the painful expression of powerlessness that met her sight. The Semi-Attached Couple
  • In his work, which has just gone on sale in Italy, Tornielli explains that the “Führer” was livid after the signing of the armistice between the Badoglio government and the Allies on Sept. 8, 1943, and ordered the SS to destroy the Holy See with “blood and fire.” Giving God a bad name « BuzzMachine
  • Crowe, his head had almost resumed its natural dimensions, but then his whole face was so covered with a livid suffusion, his nose appeared so flat, and his lips so tumefied, that he might very well have passed for a Caffre or Ethiopian. The Life and Adventures of Sir Launcelot Greaves
  • Armstrong himself said the group was "livid" with the lengthy seventh stage Friday that concluded with a dangerous and steep descent through the rain. Cavendish wins 9th stage of Giro amid rider protest
  • They were also concerned that Mrs Holland had a livid bruise on her jaw and had lost a tooth as a result of an assault the previous week.
  • It's a saying that makes women livid with frustration and anger at the unfairness of life, while men can remain smugly secure in their bald spot.
  • There were livid bruises on his shoulder, and chest, he was unshaven, and his hair uncombed.
  • She stroked her long brown hair, making sure it covered the livid bruise on her cheek.
  • Dark marks ringed the boy's bony wrist, livid against pale flesh.
  • There was a large and livid bruise on the left side of her face, where he had hit her, and a cut on the opposite cheek, which he hadn't seen before, where she had hit the floor.
  • Luxuriant and beautiful is livid face, stand up firm firm fan my spank, this is I grow so great first time to be in public circumstance by person slap sb in the face.
  • When my boddy-suvnt came with my ot water in the mawning, the livid copse in the charnill was not payler than the gashly De la Pluche! The diary of C. Jeames De La Pluche, Esq., with his letters
  • I'm absolutely livid with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • One angry garage owner said: 'I am livid. The Sun
  • Willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid.
  • Her eyes grew livid with anger and she reached for the phone.
  • My buddy told me that Abe was livid with anger, but he hid it, and continued to talk to Barney as though nothing untoward had been said!
  • Most men expected to find a consumed kell,10 empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration. Letter to a Friend
  • I was furious, absolutely livid. The Sun
  • A kind of lividity spread over the picture, bleaching it of all colour. In Mesopotamia
  • It remains a solitary recorded example of coffee-table trip-hop fans erupting in a livid wave of anger - the musical equivalent of assistant librarians rioting.
  • An onlooker said: 'She was clearly absolutely livid to have been voted out first. The Sun
  • They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green, slimy caps.
  • I was infuriated at being restrained like this, and absolutely livid that they had taken Gabriel away… maybe even killed him.
  • A quiet street was left resembling a scrapyard after an irate motorist, apparently livid at not finding a parking spot outside his house, went berserk and smashed up all the cars on the street.
  • She said: 'I am livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • He then made a dignified exit, cord still intact, face livid with displeasure. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • The extremely unedifying combination of the episcopal gutlessness on display in DC and the bureaucratic contempt for the flock on display here has a number of people livid.
  • But it shone a livid light on to the routine licence permitted to MPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Oscar winner was livid when questioned about the accent when he was promoting the new Ridley Scott movie about the outlaw who robs from the rich and gives to the poor. First Look: Russell Crowe “Robin Hood” Movie
  • The word livid has so long been associated with anger that it has lost its coloration and now means “infuriated.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • I am absolutely livid about it.
  • At their first appearance they are commonly of a palish blue, or rather of a colour somewhat approaching to livid, and are surrounded by an erysipelatous inflammation. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
  • The idea that you can't be pretty and have a brain makes me absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its texture was extremely tender, being easily perforated with the finger, was of a livid red colour, and evidently in a sphacelated state. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • When his bill came, I suddenly saw things in more livid light. Times, Sunday Times
  • “If there was fixed lividity at seven A.M., what is the minimum time that has elapsed since death?” In the Still of the Night
  • The recoil brought the barrel upwards and it smacked into her face, leaving a livid bruise.
  • willful stupidity makes him absolutely livid
  • Washington - Al Schuler, one of 12 jurors weighing the fate of a 23-year-old charged with killing a homeless man in Maryland, was confused by the word "lividity" and what role it might have played in explaining the circumstances of the victim's beating death. IOL Technology
  • Livid that their national champion was talking about drugs plus a few little comments abouthow bad they were at their jobs, they signed me up for media training the day before I was scheduled to appear on the Today show. Welcome to My World
  • Certainly he is sporting a livid scar above his right eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her skin was still pale with the exception of the livid bruises that dotted her body.
  • And I am enraged, horrified, livid that someone would doubt this.
  • She said: 'I was absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • He raised his face suddenly: its features were sharp and fixed; its hue was changed; it was livid and moveless, like a face cut in gray stone. The Evil Guest
  • Breaking waves ride over each other reddened by the lividity of a fulminous sky, mount and collapse, as they wrest down a tall toppling ship not far out of landfall.
  • livid lightning streaked the sky
  • Alex was livid, visibly shaking with anger and terror.
  • No body-pile or pecten ever grows upon the excoriated part which preserves through life a livid ashen hue. Arabian nights. English
  • A female teaching colleague once showed me her legs, arms and torso covered in livid bruises.
  • Beverly suddenly burst into the room, looking livid, as always.
  • It was a sunless afternoon, and the picture was all in monastic shades of black and white and ashen grey: the sick under their earth-coloured blankets, their livid faces against the pillows, the black dresses of the women (they seemed all to be in mourning) and the silver haze floating out from the little acolyte's censer. Fighting France
  • The recoil brought the barrel upwards and it smacked into her face, leaving a livid bruise.
  • I was livid with anger; desperately trying to maintain my composure in the face of blatant bigotry, and extreme ignorance on the verge of stupidity.
  • Announcer Joe Buck was especially livid , calling Moss's pantsomime disgusting.
  • She knows that, if her countryfolk were livid at the prospect of their cash being used to bail out profligate Greece, they would be positively incandescent were she to soften her stance on Turkey. Turkey Knocks: Will EU Let It Enter?
  • There was a _chott_, or dried desert lake, glistening white and livid blue, full of ghostly reflections, to cross; but once on the other side all the poetic romance of fairy gardens and magic mirrors vanished. A Soldier of the Legion
  • Apparently he was absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • When his bill came, I suddenly saw things in more livid light. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parlor doors burst open, and Ashton strode inside, looking livid with anger.
  • Old Osborne was in the room with a face livid with rage, and eyes like hot coals. Vanity Fair
  • a pickle, being of a tawny and somewhat livid color; and the bone then begins to sphacelate, and turns black where it was white before, and at last becomes pale and blanched. On Injuries Of The Head
  • Lividity is distributed dorsally, is the usual violaceous color, and blanches with light pressure.
  • There was a fresh livid purple bruise under his ear, as though he'd been in a fight.
  • I was furious, absolutely livid. The Sun
  • He looks livid, however, and I'm dreading the angry shouting that I'll probably get to look forward to later tonight.
  • There's been a colour-shift giving them a rather livid hue as if they had all been bruised in a fight for survival.
  • I was livid, in that most unhelpful way. Christianity Today
  • The guy in the photos with the lividity under the skin didn't get that way from not knowing how to mount a gun; he got it from unintentionally MIS mounting a gun. A Cautionary Hematoma Tale
  • Dark marks ringed the boy's bony wrist, livid against pale flesh.
  • A hot spring bubbling and hissing at your feet is surrounded by brilliant orange and livid purple stains. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Your brain pours a rain of advice down upon your body, like a seasoned old coach who is at first patient and fatherly with a dull-witted athlete, then louder and blunter in his sideline advice, and finally livid with frustration.
  • It was a livid blue colour although sometimes it melded through a shocking purple into a bright red.
  • a thousand flambeaux...turned all at once that deep gloom into a livid and preternatural day
  • Ryder was seriously moving past furious to livid.
  • His body in livid bruises is depicted against the background of Poland's national flag.
  • She said: 'I am livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, while the striker has no wish to pick at a livid scar, there is a record to set straight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walton, who is known as a no-nonsense judge who runs a fair proceeding, seemed livid with how the situation unfolded. NY Daily News
  • And, while the striker has no wish to pick at a livid scar, there is a record to set straight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Face with snow-white tomentum on each side; thorax with four hoary stripes; pectus with a cinereous disk; scutellum pale luteous; abdomen pale luteous at the base, and with a broad interrupted pale luteous band on the second segment, third and fourth segments somewhat chalybeous, the former livid along the fore border, under side with two lateral abbreviated pale luteous stripes; hind femora thick; wings grey, veins towards the base, and halteres, tawny. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • But I'm livid anyway on behalf of those people who do suffer that daily iniquity, and it's that core of injustice that undermines the current taxation system.
  • The parlor doors burst open, and Ashton strode inside, looking livid with anger.
  • a face livid with shock
  • Apparently he was absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • A source said yesterday: 'If she fails on the grounds of her divorce she will be absolutely livid. The Sun
  • But it shone a livid light on to the routine licence permitted to MPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a purplish red discoloration known as lividity, or livor mortis, on the body’s “down” side. 206 BONES
  • At this time the condition of the patient was as follows: The face presented the appearance known as facies hippocratica: the eyeballs were prominent, the corneæ glassy, the pupils widely dilated, not acting to light, and there was no reflex action of the conjunctivæ; the lips were livid, the tongue tumefied, but pallid, the skin ashy pale, the cutaneous tissues apparently devoid of elasticity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • Livid was the glare that shot from the student's eye upon his assailer; and so fearfully did his features work and change with the passions within him that even Walter felt a strange shudder thrill through his frame. Eugene Aram — Complete
  • After I left the office, I was livid with anger, and would have shoved anyone's head down a toilet if they had as much as said a word to me.
  • Old Osborne was in the room with a face livid with rage, and eyes like hot coals. Vanity Fair
  • I am absolutely livid with the weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if the case be not going to get worse, the ecchymosed and livid parts, and those surrounding them become greenish and not hard; for this is a satisfactory proof in all cases of ecchymosis, that they are not to get worse; but when lividity is complicated with hardness, there is danger that the part may become blackened. On Fractures
  • Likewise John, the horror-story writer neighbour whose face is disfigured by a livid birthmark.
  • Most men expected to find a consumed kell, [III. 10] empty and bladder-like guts, livid and marbled lungs, and a withered pericardium in this exsuccous corpse: but some seemed too much to wonder that two lobes of his lungs adhered unto his side; for the like I have often found in bodies of no suspected consumptions or difficulty of respiration. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • Both were angry, more livid than she could imagine.
  • The signs of a hot dyscrasia are heat, burning and pain in the wound; of a cold dyscrasia, lividity of the wound; the moist dyscrasia occasions flabbiness (_mollicies_) and profuse suppuration, and the dry produces dryness and induration. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Dundee is livid in the corner between rounds while Foster has a smug look.
  • An onlooker said: 'She was clearly absolutely livid to have been voted out first. The Sun
  • In former times the custom was to uncover the face of the rich and cover the face of the poor because the faces of the poor had turned livid during lives of drought.
  • The recoil brought the barrel upwards and it smacked into her face, leaving a livid bruise.
  • Madison homeowners are livid after vandals defaced their homes.
  • Among them, nevertheless, are children still in wheelchairs, adults with crutches, a solicitous woman whose face and arms are speckled still with the dark, livid marks left by flying glass.
  • The mirror that night revealed the bluish-purple crisscross of stripes already turning a dark livid hue. COMPULSION
  • I'm absolutely livid with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some have picturesque names, like broad-lipped purple side-saddle flower, cobweb houseleek, lion's tail phlomis, livid hellebore, melancholy toadflax, parrot-beaked heliconia, and warty St. John's wort.
  • Lumps of steak pie; livid red meat, clammy puff pastry.
  • The mirror that night revealed the bluish-purple crisscross of stripes already turning a dark livid hue. COMPULSION
  • lips...livid with the hue of death
  • Another thing that makes me crazy and livid is the workshop teachers who pass themselves off as professionals and experts when really they've never worked in the field they're teaching about. How To Avoid Scams
  • On the third day, a rigor, acute fever; a reddish and hard swelling on both sides of the neck and chest, extremities cold and livid; and livid; respiration elevated; the drink returned by the nose; she could not swallow; alvine and urinary discharges suppressed. Of The Epidemics
  • I am incensed, I am livid, I am wide awake at 3.20 in the morning Thursday writing this email.
  • He had a long livid scar across his cheek.
  • The bone structure of sockets and lobes emerges, livid, from among the striated bands of red muscle and disappears again into the folds of white flesh at the man's shoulders and chest.
  • The colours come straight from the furnace: ochre, livid purple and charcoal, culminating in the fierce heat of dusk when the dying sun sets fire to the ridgetops.
  • It failed to cover a livid bruise above his right eye. The Sun
  • He had a livid bruise on his cheek, which was swooned over by many admirers.
  • Reevo at Ektopia has this story about Livid Instruments' video-playing guitar, which seems to take the 'keytar' concept onto a whole new level. Everybody needs a video guitar!
  • A livid scar stood out against the chestnut skin from his left cheek down to his chin.
  • Dalek had started the New Sensations on vocals and the first track was sounding livid. ICED
  • Although the application of a cold wet cloth to the injured area may keep the bruise from becoming too livid, the bruise should disappear by itself in 10 to 14 days.
  • Whereas a Formula 1 car can crash at high speed, leaving the driver uninjured but out of the race, a cyclist who falls from his bike during a stage will almost certainly just get on a fresh bike, covered in livid cuts and bruises. 11 Reasons to Love Le Tour « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • Shot in a realistic mode inspired by the agitprop classic The Battle of Algiers, Bloody Sunday is taut, terse and livid.
  • Matho had lost his shoulder-pieces, his helmet, his cuirass; he was completely naked, and more livid than the dead, with his hair quite erect, and two patches of foam at the corners of his lips, — and his sword whirled so rapidly that it formed an aureola around him. Salammbo
  • The teeth grinned, revealed by the livid, drawn-back lips, and how she knew him again in such a orful styte she couldn't tell you -- not if you offered her pounds and pounds to say ---- The Dop Doctor
  • He was livid, furious at his father and his anger grew with every tear his mother shed.
  • He mentions, however, the [Greek: pôlion], or bit of livid flesh, which we call the foal's bit, and which he says the mare ejects before the foal. Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Certainly he is sporting a livid scar above his right eye. Times, Sunday Times
  • There must be something monstrous, methinks, in a vision of the sea bottom from over some bank a thousand miles from the shore, more awful than its imagined bottomlessness; a drowned continent, all livid and frothing at the nostrils, like the body of a drowned man, which is better sunk deep than near the surface. Cape Cod
  • Al Schuler, one of 12 jurors weighing the fate of a 23-year-old charged with killing a homeless man in Maryland, was confused by the word "lividity" and what role it might have played in explaining the circumstances of the victim's beating death. Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
  • Lord Mandelson was reportedly 'livid' at Gordon's handiwork. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Their flanks were blotched with a livid nitrous efflorescence, with flaring sulphur, unhealthy verdure of pitchstone, streaks of arsenical vermilion; their beds -- a frantic maze of boulders. South Wind
  • The idea that you can't be pretty and have a brain makes me absolutely livid. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am absolutely livid about it.
  • And these are the symptoms by which we discover whether the case will get worse or not: when the extravasated blood, the lividities, and the surrounding parts become red and hard, there is danger of an exacerbation. On Fractures
  • He then made a dignified exit, cord still intact, face livid with displeasure. Tommy Cooper: Always Leave Them Laughing
  • Aides say he was fuming, so livid that he almost refused to come out to talk to the crowd.
  • She was also livid that his pals gatecrashed their holiday in Swiss ski resort Zermatt. The Sun
  • A quiet street was left resembling a scrapyard after an irate motorist, apparently livid at not finding a parking spot outside his house, went berserk and smashed up all the cars on the street.
  • The United players were livid, but McGuire was alive and decisive, ramming the ball low into the left corner of Gallacher's goal.
  • She would have been dead for a number of hours, then there would have been post-mortem evidence of signs, such as lividity, discoloration after death, and stiffness after death, and those were not present. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2007
  • Dark marks ringed the boy's bony wrist, livid against pale flesh.
  • Into one wherein we went this morning was what they called a Calvary: a horrible, ghastly image of a Christ in a tomb, the figure of the natural size, and of the livid color of death; gaping red wounds on the body and round the brows: the whole piece enough to turn one sick, and fit only to brutalize the beholder of it. Little Travels and Roadside Sketches
  • And of corroding ulcers, those which are phagedaenic, spread and corrode most powerfully, and, in this case, the parts surrounding the sore will have a black and sub-livid appearance. On Ulcers
  • His peaceful white face was turned full towards the sky — a livid shadow falling upon it from the tempestuous clouds.
  • Joyce isn't speaking with ‘sly humour’ but with livid anger that a tradesman is delaying his book's publication.
  • It was twenty-three years since I had seen the sun set over that land; and we drove on in the darkness which fell swiftly upon the livid expanse of snows till, out of the waste of a white earth joining a bestarred sky, surged up black shapes, the clumps of trees about a village of the Ukrainian plain. A Personal Record
  • She is said to be livid after being initially delighted she was paired with y g p a potential winner. The Sun
  • A source said yesterday: 'If she fails on the grounds of her divorce she will be absolutely livid. The Sun
  • Dozens of Glories were parked around the Monument, which was lit livid white by their blazing headlights.
  • Anyone with an actual brain can focus on the importance of the real story and won't appreciate the D&C look that up if you don't know what it is the producers did to JKR with this movie, because that's exactly what they did. lividfans the weslays house being called the burrow is so stupid it is pointless why not just call it there house eric114 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - What Did You Think? | /Film
  • The sputa in fevers, not of an intermittent type, which are livid, streaked with blood, and fetid, are all bad, it is favorable when this evacuation, like the urinary and alvine, passes freely; and whenever any discharge is suppressed and not purged off it is bad. Aphorisms
  • I'm livid, which is the only reason I'd talk about it. Site Feed
  • A hot spring bubbling and hissing at your feet is surrounded by brilliant orange and livid purple stains. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • The good lady went on to say that deeply disappointed was too mild in fact she was livid.
  • The devil lived, but waxed livid when called divil; but evil is not live, and denim is not mined. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol III No 2
  • It failed to cover a livid bruise above his right eye. The Sun
  • I am absolutely livid with the weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The callers were "livid," said Flattery, who has sent the medals to the FBI in Detroit. Heroes or Villains?
  • He was absolutely livid, fuming at the station staff who couldn't advise him when his next train would be.
  • For example, writes Fortune, Jobs was livid after the 2008 debut of cloud-based storage service MobileMe, which was poorly received due to its buggy performance. Steve Jobs Was Furious When An Apple Product Flopped: Fortune
  • She stared up at him with livid eyes, ‘No, I'm warm and toasty.’
  • Margot crouched over it, her old taut face livid in the reflection. The Complete Stories
  • The shot resulted in a snick to the wicket-keeper and he departed absolutely livid with himself.
  • So when a gifted young singer with no experience in the music business is passed over unfairly it is little wonder fans are livid. The Sun
  • It is poked repeatedly with a stick until it is absolutely livid.
  • He was livid when he found out.
  • I stepped back; before I could turn away, all the hideous stages of putrefaction presented themselves in order reversed, like urchins at an almshouse who thrust the youngest of their company to the front: the wrinkled flesh swelled and seethed with maggots, retreated to the lividity of death, and finally resumed the coloration and almost the appearance of life; the flaccid hand closed on the corroded steel hilt of the batardeau until it gripped it like a vise. The Urth of the New Sun
  • Poor girl was livid and started cussing him, as after all of this, there was no evidence anywhere to suggest that any painting had even started!
  • My eyes flashed past Nathan picturesque face and caught a figure in black that stood out plainly in the mass of livid colors.
  • BTW I've got someone working for me called jessie, when I tell him what lawro said he'll be livid. Le Grove
  • Not only do Plaid's Pink Brigade not know when it is wise to keep stumm, but they don't seem to have noticed that the vast majority of their party's members are absolutely livid. Archive 2007-06-01
  • He was livid, cross with himself, and frustrated.
  • livid bruises
  • One woman who attended, recalling a livid protester with a gun stuck into his belt, said it crossed her mind that Faku might be shot. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • That is not true, of course, for in repose his face was heavy, his countenance more than ruddy; it was even of a "choleric" cast, and at times almost livid, especially when he was recovering from one of those attacks of asthma from which he habitually suffered. In Flanders Fields and Other Poems

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