How To Use Live birth In A Sentence

  • The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
  • The number of abortions performed each year was estimated at between 300,000 and 600,000, compared with 550,000 live births.
  • Five of the top ten clinics for live births are also in the top ten for multiple births. Times, Sunday Times
  • Annual number of deaths to women as a result of childbirth i.e. assigned to causes of deaths related to complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium per 100,000 live births in that year. The Population of the United States
  • About one in four of these operations results in a live birth. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Using mouse oocytes, 80 percent of eggs that had been vitrified became fertilized with ICSI, with a live birth rate of about 30 percent, comparable to conventional IVF when eggs are not frozen.
  • Fertilization failure , pregnancy, and live birth rates did not differ between IVF and ICSI.
  • He's homeothermic; his females give live birth and nurse their young. Ensign Flandry
  • Introduction Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis occurs in about 3/1000 live births.
  • Occurring in one in 15,000 live births, they are produced by thin bands of amniotic membrane wrapping around various parts of the extremity in utero.
  • There was a much greater racial differential in the postneonatal mortality rate in that year: it stood at 55.5 per 1,000 live births for whites and 116.0 for nonwhites. The Population of the United States
  • We estimated the risk of fetal loss according to maternal age as a proportion of all pregnancies intended to be carried to term that is, live births, stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, and ectopic pregnancies.
  • If you are not trying to produce live births, then cattle do have advantages over sheep.
  • Bisoi described the case -- called ectopia cordis, which only affects five to eight cases in 1 million live births -- as a "lifetime opportunity" that might shed light on how to deal with similar conditions in the future. AOL News
  • Usually expressed as the ratio of fetal deaths; i.e. the number of fetal deaths per 1,000 live births.
  • In some ways, monotremes are very primitive for mammals because, like reptiles and birds, they lay eggs rather than having live birth.
  • Afghanistan has the highest infant mortality rate in the world -- 257 deaths per 1,000 live births, and 70 percent of the population lacks access to clean water, the agency said.
  • The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
  • In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
  • About 467,000 live births annually occur before term in the United States, and preterm births are responsible for three fourths of neonatal mortality and one half of long-term neurologic impairment in children.
  • Wives gave birth to large numbers of children - on average five or six live births - and were responsible for their early care and moral guidance.
  • About one in four of these operations results in a live birth. Times, Sunday Times
  • These cells are thought to resemble embryonic stem cells (ESCs) on the basis of global gene expression analyses; however, few studies have tested the ability and efficiency of iPS cells to contribute to chimaerism, colonization of germ tissues, and most importantly, germ-line transmission and live birth from iPS cells produced by tetraploid complementation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In 2005–2006, infant mortality among Palestine refugees ranged from 28 deaths per 100 000 live births in the Syrian Arab Republic to 19 in Lebanon.
  • The two variables are infant mortality per 1000 live births and gross national product per head.
  • It is almost unbelievable that one could even contemplate a population where in 13 out of every 100 live births, the child was a cretin.
  • Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.
  • Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.
  • A recent study, "The association between mountaintop mining and birth defects among live births in central Appalachia, 1996-2003," has provided irrefutable evidence that six out of seven types of birth defects -- circulatory/ respiratory, central nervous system, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, urogenital and "other" -- related to contaminants released into nearby environments from mountaintop removal operations are too high a price to pay for an unnecessary way of mining. Jeff Biggers: Appeal to Action: Appalachian Leaders Launch Mountaintop Removal Moratorium Now Campaign
  • The condition occurs in one in 10,000 to 15,000 live births in Australia every year, although a third of those can be successfully treated by a relatively straightforward surgery called a Kasai, which did not work in Yvanna's case. | Top Stories
  • Each register collects information on all congenital anomalies occurring in miscarriages after 20 weeks' gestation, in live births and stillbirths, and in fetuses terminated after prenatal diagnosis of anomaly.
  • The ratio of abortions per 1,000 live births was 229 in 1987, compared with 180 in 1977.
  • Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer stillbirths.

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