How To Use Liturgy In A Sentence

  • The Stabat Mater has been retained as an optional Sequence for September 15 in the reformed Roman Missal and as the hymn for the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer in the new Liturgy of Hours. Archive 2009-04-01
  • When sacramental participation had ceased to be the norm, people needed a reason for attending the liturgy.
  • It is worth noting again that the liturgy is not a ‘tool’ used to catechize Christians.
  • Devoid of the ceremony and liturgy associated with the Church of England, charismatic itinerants made a straightforward appeal.
  • Likewise, among Christians it has long been conventional to use uppercase Orthodox as a term distinguishing the Christianity that shared forms of liturgy and theology rooted in the Byzantine, or Greek-speaking, part of the Roman Empire from those who took a separate path in the West. Jewschool
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  • He thereby provides both a theology of the resurrection and a theology of the liturgy: one encounters the risen Christ in the word and in the sacrament; divine service is the fashion in which he becomes touchable to us and recognizable as the living Christ. The book by Joseph Ratzinger that "changed history"
  • Driven by hysterical choirs and crashing percussion, the Latin liturgy is indeed rather scary.
  • Far too often the only children who come forward for the children's Liturgy of the Word are the children of the catechists themselves.
  • In reality, there has always been growth and development in Orthodox liturgy.
  • The Liturgy of the Hours is centered on chanting or recitation of the Psalms, using fixed melodic formulas known as psalm tones.
  • I wonder what part he daily participation in the liturgy in Christ Church Cathedral has played in this movement into orthodoxy.
  • Remember the general theme of Pope Benedict XVI on the liturgy is the "Reform of the reform". A little snag with the SSPX reunion
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthopologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation -- and indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium -- were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • On the walls and on the soffits of the arches there were mosaics of a large number of saints, and it is thought that these represented a pictorial expression of the Prayer of Intercession in the Byzantine liturgy.
  • Everyone involved in organising the liturgy from the paschal fire to the music, readings, must be congratulated.
  • In the Enquiry he called Catholics ‘devotees of superstition’ and Catholic liturgy ‘mummeries.’
  • The Liturgy of the Passion of Jesus will be at 3 p.m. in Stradbally and at 4 in the other two churches.
  • It seemed worthwhile sharing some photos taken by Vernon Quaintance from St. Augustine's Abbey in Ramsgate, which shows a recent Mass there in the modern form of the Roman liturgy, which was celebrated on the occasion of the golden jubilee of the monastic profession of the Very Rev. Dom Benedict Austen, OSB this past March 21st, 2009. St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate
  • A comparable example in the West is the Latin liturgy set to plainchant.
  • The implicit message of these strategies is that music is an accoutrement to the liturgy, an embellishment, a soundtrack that should pick up on messages and themes and capture some kind of mood, lesson, or sensibility. Laetare Sunday is a real thing
  • They have neither the epileptical rant nor goatish impulses of the Methodists, nor the drowsy uniformity from which not all the solemn beauty of the service can redeem the Liturgy of the Church of England. Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Why not join in as a helper at the " Sunday Liturgy".
  • As a counter-force, the canonization of a common liturgy had the effect of maintaining Jewish spiritual unity despite the geographic and cultural dispersion.
  • He then taught Kathrin the twenty-four verses of his sequence Verbum dei deo natum, the same one that Luggi of Stein had sung in praise of the saint. 71 Kathrin's dream shows just how crucial knowledge of the appropriate liturgy was for the nuns. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Worse still, some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass “versus populum”, Holy Communion on the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favour of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • Why is it that so many people today are never disturbed or upset at worship (except, of course, when the acolyte does acrobatics, the liturgy runs long, or the kids are cranky and crying)?
  • I taped the liturgy, played the tape in the car, and sang along with gusto.
  • You are forgiven, because the liturgy is still being written, and translating from Aramaic to Greek to Roman to Whatever is very error prone (throw in some Farsi and Arabic and Sanscrit, for good measure). Your Indecision | ATTACKERMAN
  • To be ordained a priest in the Church, a person had to be able to read Syriac and learn the Syriac liturgy by heart.
  • Despite these efforts to rely on wall-to-wall ditties, psalmodic chant still figures prominently in the Weekday liturgy.
  • It also shows how a freestanding altar and baldachin may be used within the context of ad orientem liturgy, as well as being a further commentary on truly noble simplicity in architecture and church paraments. Reverse Iconoclasm in One Hour or Less
  • We were driven to a village three hours away from our centre where we were presented as guests at a Sunday liturgy, an incredibly lively and moving event.
  • Reid notes that Sacrosanctum Concilium identifies a number of very sound liturgical principles, such as the idea that the liturgy is “culmen et fons” (source and summit); the principle (whose source is to be found in the teaching of St. Pius X) surrounding “actuosa participatio” (active or actual participation); it also generally sought to promote a liturgical piety, taking its cues from the 20th century Liturgical Movement. Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • In the Baptism liturgy, there is clear involvement of the whole congregation as a baptizing community.
  • The great defender of traditional liturgy could also be its critic when he thought the fog of incense was merely hiding a vacancy at the altar.
  • The question arises: what have American cantors done with this information concerning the antiquity - and ubiquity - of Jewish liturgy?
  • Please arrive 20 mins early to help prepare for liturgy on the serving day.
  • The Catholic Mass is composed of the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, but when Catholics speak of ‘going to Mass’ it is chiefly the second they have in mind.
  • Of course, given that the NLM is a liturgical site, and given that Cardinal Newman was not only a profound writer and orator but also a priest, a Cardinal, an Oratorian and quite simply a Catholic, the liturgy too would have a great place and importance within his life. Cardinal Newman at Birmingham: Liturgical Items (Part 3 of 3)
  • When Jesus is drawn into the heart, the liturgy becomes interiorized and the Kingdom is established in the peaceful soul. Scott Cairns: Mysteries Of The Jesus Prayer
  • In fact they expurgated any reference to animal sacrifices from their liturgy.
  • Before the many rubrical uncertainties and excessive options within the new Missal, having the form of the older Mass before us can make an enormous contribution to Catholic liturgical life, serving as a standard to which the ordinary form liturgy can aspire. How Important Is Ceremony?
  • A year earlier, Communion had been denied to two women present at a conciliar liturgy, which attracted much attention in the press.
  • The deacon is defined in relation to bishops and presbyters, helping as a minister of word, liturgy, and charity.
  • Newman, were struggling into day; himself a disciple of the suspected school of German criticism; known to entertain views at variance with the majority of his church brethren on all the semipolitical questions of the day; an advocate for the admission of Roman Catholics to Parliament, for the reform of the Liturgy and enlargement of the Church, so as to embrace dissenters; the distrust with which he was regarded by all who did not know him may be imagined. Rides on Railways
  • Their relationship with the ‘Gregorian’ repertory has been much debated, but there has been general agreement in associating them with the liturgy celebrated in the basilicas of Rome by their clergy and supporting monasteries.
  • I'm not actually convinced tunes for those even exist — the Paris Breviary was a modernist "priest's prayerbook" kind of liturgy and I'm not positive that a supplemental antiphoner ever existed for the innovative stuff they threw in. A couple of Office/chant books in English
  • I cooked alone, ate alone, and walked alone four times a day up the steep hill to the monastery to participate in the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours.
  • By contrast, in the Orthodox Liturgy, there is an air of reverence, as well as an atmosphere of informality.
  • He did so by regular visitations to parishes for Sunday liturgy and other sacramental and ministerial activities, as well as to other institutions, such as hospitals, where his presence brought comfort and hope.
  • Of course Orthodox usually insist that their traditional, internal consensus, as expressed in both liturgy and theology, makes their belief that the Orthodox Church is the Church just as "irreformable" for Orthodoxy as the corresponding belief is for Catholicism. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Uses of this format, known as responsorial psalmody, include the prokeimenon and alleluiarion of the Byzantine Divine Liturgy, and the gradual, tract, and alleluia of the Roman Mass.
  • Fragments of some old barely remembered liturgy came to him.
  • I would note that this specific theme is generally a matter which we have been discussing recently, and it is a very necessary subject to address indeed for wherever there are elements which would adopt principles which put them in diametric opposition, be it to the one or the other form of the Roman liturgy, to the Magisterium, to the Holy Father, or to the Church generally, or which would adopt a spirit of rupture and discontinuity over one of continuity and reform in continuity, this is assuredly not the right path and needs to be corrected. The Tablet, the LMS, the Usus Antiquior and the Foreword of Archbishop Vincent Nichols
  • Lynn Bauman explains, The term liturgy comes from the language of the New Testament itself. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Theodorakis spent his childhood on the island of Kefalonia, where there was a local tradition of harmonising the melodies of the orthodox liturgy.
  • Bouyer drew attention to early Syrian church architecture, where the "Liturgy of the Word" was conducted on the bema, a raised platform in the centre of the nave. "Benedict XVI on Church Art and Architecture": Summary of the Papers Delivered
  • After a consideration of the various activities of Councils in relation to the sacred liturgy down the ages, Reid noted that their "authority is not positivistic: Councils do not re-make the Sacred Liturgy in their own image and likeness or indeed in that of some ‘straw modern man.’ Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • Faith is jointly transmitted by home, school and Church, so its loss during the years of most complete exposure would seem to indicate grave defects in the catechesis and liturgy to which this generation has been subjected.
  • And solecisms such as calling the Orthodox liturgy a ‘mass’ are mildly distracting.
  • Liturgy is the primary source of all Catholic life and catechesis.
  • Abyssinia, again, the liturgy is in a language called Geez, which is no longer in use as a living tongue and is not understood. Chosen Peoples Being the First "Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture" delivered before the Jewish Historical Society at University College on Easter-Passover Sunday, 1918/5678
  • Good Friday, April 9, the Young People's Choir will sing Liturgy of the Lord's Passion, and the Easter Vigil will be on Easter Saturday.
  • It is a reality that Sonja Brankovic, a 28-year-old Bosnian woman witnessed at Sunday morning Liturgy, in the Serbian Orthodox monastery Saint Ilija, Krupa, near Banja Luka, a few days before Pascha Easter 2011. Sasa Milosevic: The Secrets Of Orthodox Exorcists
  • And he could be no less firm about aspects of liturgy of which he disapproved: his theology was never angular or sectarian (remember his generous support of the liturgical experiments of his successor as Dean of Clare, John Robinson), but there was a clear, eirenic but firm foundation in Protestant principle that made him very uneasy with what he regarded as the drip-feed of some sorts of Catholicising devotion into Anglican practice. Sermon for the Life and Work of the Revd Prof CFD Moule
  • After all, is that not the intention of the liturgy of the word?
  • Whenever our focus turns towards addressing problems in belief, or a desire to re-emphasize and re-assert beliefs, one of the single most important places where we should begin our considerations is with the sacred liturgy. Helping the Faithful Believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist
  • Its liturgy should and must represent an exit from temporality and political issues and enter touch elements of eternity: this is where all its art and furnishings and music must point. A Plea for Sacred Music on the Fourth of July
  • In doing this, it takes a brick out of the wall of many young and unchurched women's resistance to the very idea of Christian liturgy.
  • This is the great error made variously in the history of the faith, mostly recently in the 1960s and 1970s in the U.S. when Catholics attempted to tailor-make their liturgy to blend in with a slice of time in order to win the hearts of a certain age demographic that temporarily believed its wishes were more important than anything else. Demographics and Sacred Music
  • The final chapter summarizes and integrates the previous chapters with a study of Genesis that examines themes and suggests a brief liturgy as a conclusion to the study.
  • Kindly inform any person residing outside the parish who might wish to attend this special liturgy.
  • The original hearers of the work were, after all, the congregation present at a solemn liturgy, not the audience at a concert.
  • In fact they expurgated any reference to animal sacrifices from their liturgy.
  • An inspiration to generations of students he was a champion of renewal in all its forms, in theology, catechetics, liturgy and the style and content of seminary training, with a special interest in ecumenism.
  • Indeed, if the tabernacle is significantly isolated from the place of the routine public celebration of the sacred liturgy, then the possibility exists of the reserved sacrament gradually slipping from the parish or communal consciousness and being visited privately only by a few. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • As I observed the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, an explosion of genetic responses went off deep inside me.
  • Synagogues began… to appoint official precentors, part of whose duty it was to compose poetical additions to the liturgy on special Sabbaths and festivals.
  • Ray McGovern and the other protestors at the 9: 15 liturgy were laying claim to this legacy of principled dissent.
  • Very, very few Russians have a problem with the esthetical/literary quality of the Russian Orthodox liturgy, while were it translated into Russian... let's not even think of it. SERVICES IN MODERN GREEK.
  • In terms of the ornaments of the liturgy, sometimes the altar is set up in a way that is untidy, such as crooked candles that could easily be straightened or unevenly spaced candlesticks that a few more minutes of preparation could rectify; unkempt vestments, altar linens, cassocks and surplices for servers are sometimes also in evidence, as are servers visibly wearing informal clothing beneath their cassock. Ars Celebrandi as it relates to the Usus Antiquior
  • (We pick up in the midst of the Divine Liturgy with the new Archbishop being fraternally greeted after having been vested with his pontificals) (Do note the two large icons that have been place on the pillars of the ciborium for the purposes of the Byzantine liturgy) (The altar incensed) (Litanies) Eastern Divine Liturgy and Episcopal Consecration in Santa Maria Maggiore
  • How can a devotee of Chaucer feel otherwise when the liturgy recalls what the church historically is-a parade of human beings fallible and peccable?
  • Following the Easter Liturgy, the priest blesses colored eggs, sausage, babka (special Easter bread), and cheese.
  • From then on, Coptic was used only in Christian liturgy.
  • It makes sense that the curial authority charged with the Sacred Liturgy should have competence over both forms of the Roman Rite, not only because, once again, the Extraordinary Form is a living and regular part of the Sacred Liturgy, and not some isolated special interest concern, but also because, as we have seen, there are many questions which concern both forms, and where a seperate treatment of the same question can cause frictions. Rumor Watch: Ecclesia Dei to Become Part of CDW?
  • While Episcopalianism stands at a crossroads at present, that which remains of their traditional liturgy has become almost unconsciously Catholicized in the past century.
  • This augurs well for serious, charitable discussion of the vital issues at stake, for the liturgy is the "source and summit" of the entire life of the Church. Alcuin Reid Reviews Fr. John Baldovin's Critique
  • After all, what we see here is an understanding of the broader implications of the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, of the place and importance of the liturgy, and an openness to the deeper layers of the reform of the reform. Roman Professor, Priest and member of Papal Liturgical Office speaks on Benedict's New Liturgical Movement
  • There is something natural and uncontrived about the presence of children at the liturgy in Byzantine and Oriental churches.
  • The word Alleluja is removed from the entire liturgy on Septuagesima Sunday; on Passion Sunday, the doxology is removed from the Invitatory, the Responsories, and the Mass. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • LXXXVI, 1368) says, perhaps with reference to the so-called Nestorian Liturgy, that Theodore had also introduced a new Liturgy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The need for mystagogical catechesis is absolutely necessary in being able to fully enter into the sacred mysteries in the liturgy; mind, body, heart, and soul. Taking a Look at Liturgical Catechesis
  • And here is the troparion (hymn) for today's feast from the Byzantine liturgy: Liturgy
  • This is a far cry from Corbon's more simplistic description of the Eucharistic canon as prelude, liturgy of the word, anaphora, communion, and finale.
  • She then moves to discuss her second theme, how liturgy establishes community, a necessary corrective in a time when many concentrate on more individualistic expressions of spirituality.
  • In other words, the distress that we feel when noting that many priests and many bishops interpret (our) Catholic faith and (our) divine liturgy, which is the final expression of that faith, as not being in “continuity” with its millenary tradition (something which Your Holiness has explained more than once), but in open and incurable “discontinuity”. WE BEG YOU, HOLY FATHER, DO NOT LEAVE US ALONE!
  • Soloists, organists and all musicians are reminded that their primary role is one of service to the liturgy.
  • How much of the post – Conciliar liturgical reform truly reflects “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy is a question that has often been debated in ecclesial circles ever since the Consilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia finished its work. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • Her professors at the Washington Theological Union said she was progressing rapidly, and had a firm understanding of the liturgy.
  • ‘In this mystery,’ the liturgy continues, ‘we are icons of the cherubim.’
  • Thus there are also many writings such as homilies and meditations that emerged directly from pastoral tasks, and writings that pertain to ecclesial praxis and would ordinarily be considered to belong to the field of practical theology: writings about spirituality, about the liturgy, but also about ethics, particularly political ethics. "Key Aspects of the Theology of Professor Joseph Ratzinger"
  • Since Dante is a compendium of the middle ages, bringing together its theology and philosophy as well as its poetry, liturgy and music, this was more that a well-turned phrase. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • A related influence on liturgical ceremonial was imperial court practice, contributing still more to the transformation of the Eucharistic liturgy from common meal to hieratic pageant.
  • Soloists, organists and all musicians are reminded that their primary role is one of service to the liturgy.
  • These three theophanies, or manifestations of the divinity of Christ are subtlety embodied within the liturgy for the feast of the Epiphany, which enlightens and deepens our prayer. Archive 2006-12-31
  • We then will read a Psalm or other piece of responsive liturgy. After that, we will go into the more contemporary part of our service.
  • The point of departure and arrival is the conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. Tornielli: The "Reform of the Reform" Proposals Approved by the Pope
  • However, the need for some sort of notation became evident in sacred chant tradition. As the Christian Liturgy became more complex and varied, difficulties of memorization increased for the performer.
  • Again, the miserable poverty of so much contemporary hymnody likewise undermines the most careful attention to liturgy.
  • In my early years I was puzzled by the fact that a priest from a neighboring men's cloister came to celebrate the liturgy exclusively for women.
  • In them he comments on the texts of sacred Scripture presented by the liturgy, using the Patristic-Medieval interpretation of the four meanings: the literal or historical, the allegorical or Christological, the tropological or moral, and the anagogic, which guides to eternal life. Latest Articles
  • The thurifer helps to engage all of our senses in prayer, heightening the solemnity of the liturgy.
  • Laforgue puns, makes up portmanteau words and re-applies tags from the natural language, the Christian liturgy and well-known works of literature.
  • The liturgy will end with the Pope's giving his apostolic blessing, known as Urbi et Orbi, or ‘to the city and the world’.
  • An important truth is that we need full and active participation in liturgy and you don't get that by dissipating your resources.
  • In regards the sacred liturgy, they often think that it does not matter so much how the liturgy is celebrated so long as one knows what the liturgy is all about in general. The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith
  • Tenebrae" is a Latin word meaning "shadows" and this liturgy is one of lessons and prayers, with the gradual extinguishing of lights. The Times-Reporter Home RSS
  • Missale Mixtum/Liturgia Mozarabica, Migne's P.L. A couple of stories came the NLM's way pertaining to the Mozarabic liturgy, related to an 11th century Mozarabic antiphonary which is completely in tact -- and, reportedly, the only such example in existence. New Liturgical Movement
  • It borrowed the designation ecclesia from the old popular assembly, and liturgy from the services required by law of the richer citizens in the popular festivities. Mosaics of Grecian History
  • AMANPOUR: We're entering now what's known as the holiest part of the Catholic mass, which is the Eucharistic liturgy and this will be fairly lengthy. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2005
  • Not seldom, in fact, they interlard their plans and hopes for a revival of the sacred liturgy with principles which compromise this holiest of causes in theory or practice, and sometimes even taint it with errors touching Catholic faith and ascetical doctrine. The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith
  • divine liturgy
  • For the next forty (yes forty!) days, there are more requiems, prayers and recitals of psalms until there is a Divine Liturgy held, such as on the day of the funeral.
  • Akataleptos, 'ungraspable' is common to Basil and (probably) the Antiochene formula of 325; it appears also in the liturgy of Chrysostom, but – unsurprisingly – is absent from AC and Eunomius, both of which have serious theological objection to phrases suggesting that God is radically unknowable. The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
  • All of these manifestations can give the impression of a certain carelessness with regard to the liturgy and should be avoided. Ars Celebrandi as it relates to the Usus Antiquior
  • John takes this opportunity to provide his reader with something equally important to Eucharistic liturgy.
  • The core of the Muslim liturgy is the five obligatory daily prayers, whether performed alone or in congregation.
  • The development of the liturgy is artificial constrained by monopolistic privilege for a few. The Church's Ritual Texts Must Be Freed
  • Therefore, congregations have had the liberty to choose their own liturgy, including their hymns and hymnals.
  • In order to assure that a priest has the rubrical and linguistic ability to celebrate the extraordinary form of Mass within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, acknowledgement of such is to be obtained from our Diocesan Office of Liturgy. Compilation of recent analyses of AJ TLM policy
  • When you see Cardina Schoenborn with this balloons in liturgy one has to admit the Count perfectly knows how to align his bannerette. A Message from the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna
  • When used in the Liturgy the hymn is often broken into smaller hymns such as: Lustra sex qui iam peregit, En acetum, fel, arundo, and Crux fidelis inter omnes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Thanks to youtube, you can observe preconciliar Masses that seem disregarding of gravity of the liturgy. How Important Is Ceremony?
  • In life the king and his family could watch the liturgy from the tribune above, and in death their tombs occupied the Pantheon itself.
  • After that we will have some readings, and then the responsive liturgy which is in your newsletter inserts.
  • Poictiers decided that our Liturgy contains "impieties," and that Satan was the real author of the work! John Knox and the Reformation
  • One of the antiphons for Aunemund's liturgy at Saint-Nizier makes such a move.
  • And, it should never be forgotten that the actual clothing of the liturgy is a clothing of sanctity: it finds expression, in fact, in the holiness of God. Msgr. Guido Marini Speaks Again on the Liturgy, Its Forms and Its Importance
  • The language is actually real English and not committee-speak designed to desacralize the liturgy with fortune cookie inanities. Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!
  • The Sister-Books record some of the dreams and visions nuns had when sleeping there, like Kathrin Brümsin's mastery of the liturgy for Saint John the Evangelist. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The first children's liturgy will take place in the vigil mass of November 15.
  • The Greek original of the Christian scriptures, unlike the Hebrew original of the Jewish scriptures, is not constricted by formal orthographic rules and is not part of the formal liturgy as Hebrew is in the Synagogue, where the portions of the Pentateuch are read as a weekly lection. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • Leading the Liturgy of the Word that forms the first part of every service of Holy Eucharist, lectors proclaim the Word of God from the Old and New Testaments.
  • In this outstanding preface, the Prefect of the dicastery charged with the sacred liturgy quite frankly recognizes that the liturgical reforms after the Second Vatican Council have often not been completely successful, that a false spirit of rupture was at work. Cardinal Cañizares Writes About Usus Antiquior and Liturgical Reform
  • The whole liturgy is sung, the characteristic deep Russian bass of the priest alternating with canticles by the choir.
  • Such an unblinkered look at the liturgical reforms can, Msgr Ranjith writes, help us to be courageous in improving or changing that which was erroneously introduced and which appears to be incompatible with the true dignity of the Liturgy. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • Until the unfortunate reform - one should call it "deformation" - many converts found their way to the Church via the liturgy. On the Mass--New and Old
  • There, he labored long and hard in the patient work of theology and liturgy, becoming one of the greatest hymnist of the East, as well as the last of the early Church Fathers and the first of the medieval scholastics. Archive 2006-12-01
  • The bestowal of peace upon the disciples may also echo a feature of the liturgy, the greeting or kiss of peace - a feature of the liturgy from the earliest times.
  • when the measured speech of the chorus passes over into song the tones are, remotely but unmistakably, those taught by the orthodox liturgy
  • Not always, not by every one, come these inspirations; too often what is called extemporary prayer is but a form, differing from the liturgy of the church only in being poorer and colder. Poganuc People: Their Loves and Lives
  • Two comments that often reveal a lack of understanding of the liturgy-doctrine connection are these: "all that matters in the Mass is that Our Lord is present in the Eucharist" or "to be concerned about vestments, music, and other externals in the Mass is pharisaical. The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith
  • The Vigil of Easter liturgy held yearly on Holy Saturday in my former campus congregation always is a special occasion.
  • The Sunday following Easter (i.e. Sunday in albis) and the octave day of Christmas (now the Circumcision) are treated very early as feast days by the liturgy. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • His output as a composer seems to have been considerable – there are cantatas, oratorios, intermezzi, operas and instrumental pieces, as well as a wealth of music for the liturgy, from which Rinaldo Alessandrini has extracted this cross-section. Melani: Motets
  • This Haitian Vodou praise exclamation was immediately picked up and repeated by all of the Beninese participants as if it had already become part of Benin's Vodun liturgy.
  • Joseph Ratzinger, previously as cardinal and now as pope, hits the mark when he points to the vulgarization of the liturgy as the critical point for today's Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book.
  • Is not the cost of keeping our churches open, offering the liturgy, and reserving the Eucharist a price the Church can afford, no matter the monetary price?
  • The great cantors developed their own special variations on the liturgy, largely on the basis of folk tradition.
  • He explains, moreover, the underlying meaning of chancel, altar, liturgy, rood and rood screen - their crucial role in separating parishioners from the stage and drama of the Mass.
  • The guidelines for the celebration of this sacrament in the liturgy of marriage are the same as for any congregational Eucharist.
  • In this the term _altar_ is alone made use of; but in the first Liturgy of King Edward the Sixth, published in 1549, the altar or table whereupon the Lord’s Supper was ministered is indifferently called _the altar_, _the Lord’s table_, _God’s board_. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • The main prayer in our liturgy, the Shimon Esra, the eighteen blessings, that is part of every service, is also called the Amidah, the Standing, because we always stand to say it. Wednesday the Rabbi Got Wet
  • Liturgy exists for the glorification of God and, consequently, for the sanctification of the worshiping community.
  • Would he prefer high-church liturgy or low-church choruses?
  • And we are now making the transition into what Catholics call the Liturgy of the Word, which is portion of the mass which is readings from scripture that will culminate with the reading from the Gospel, the life of the Christ, and then the Holy Father's holily that is his sermon. CNN Transcript Apr 20, 2008
  • There is the Greek Liturgy of St. Mark, the oldest form of the three, used for some centuries after the Monophysite schism by the orthodox Melchites; there are then three liturgies, still used by the Copts, translated into Coptic from the Greek and derived from the Greek St. Mark, and, further, a number of Abyssinian (Ethiopic) uses, of which the foundation is the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • At Downside they still wear fine Gothic Revival vestments and the servers apparelled amices and albs; and at Westminster they maintain the severe Roman tradition applied to the modern Roman liturgy, and Latin chasubles continue to be laid out for priests who want to use them. Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
  • So when evangelism is mentioned the good news that is the subject of the evangelism is nothing more than nice liturgy, nice preaching and nice stories – and who, other than the usual coterie of effete clergy, really cares about that. Vision 2019: the Anglican Church of Canada is in serious decline « Anglican Samizdat
  • But similarly, the matter of the liturgy itself, including its forms, as the Holy Father would continue to remind, is likewise no matter of inconsequence, and in point of fact, is also of significance and importance. Benedict on the Liturgy: "The Faith is not only thought"
  • The anthem books belong to a complete series composed of antiphonaries and graduals, which the Dominican community used for liturgy all year round, as established by the General Chapter of Paris in 1256.
  • One of the things that this pope represents is a kind of traditionalism in what they call the liturgy, which is the mass and the music. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2008
  • In addition, liturgy is always the public prayer of the Church, and each time such is celebrated it is the actio Christi which the entire Church performs. Ranjith on the Ars Celebrandi
  • The analogia, or reading desks for the Epistle and Gospel, remained at the sides of the choir, and were used for the same purpose as the ambo, which, as belonging to the choir, was considered a part of the cancelli and was chiefly used for reading or singing parts of the liturgy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • As the Holy Father has stated and witnesses to us, the external forms of the liturgy are not inconsequent or mere pharisaism rather they are of great importance for the experiential in teaching and passing on the Faith. The Sacred Liturgy: The First School of the Faith
  • The conservative Cornish, who had not forgotten their previous grievances, had a deep affection for the Latin Liturgy.
  • The vitae often refer to the nuns attending Mass and offices, sitting in their choirstalls and singing the liturgy, or like Irmgart of Kirchberg, reciting the litany of saints. 66 The many mystical and visionary experiences that occurred within that monastic space were often marked by noting the psalm, antiphon, or sequence that the women were singing at the exact moment of experience or revelation. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Sunday the Mass is concelebrated by a Protestant and a Catholic, with one presiding over the liturgy of the Word and the sermon, and the other over the liturgy of the Eucharist, in alternation. Food and Drink
  • Among the concerns of American prelates are reports that an aggressive gay ethos has arisen on campus, manifesting in unwelcoming cliques and ecclesiastic flamboyance -- a tendency to embrace the stagier elements of the liturgy, for instance. Gays And The Seminary
  • The greater part of the time was spent in a final review of four White Book translations of Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, as produced by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy and recently approved by several Conferences of Bishops. Archbishop Prendergast on the 17th Session of the Vox Clara Committee
  • Jim gave the liturgy planning team his tentative approval and waited to see how the community and the archdiocese would react.
  • The Greek original of the Christian scriptures, unlike the Hebrew original of the Jewish scriptures, is not constricted by formal orthographic rules and is not part of the formal liturgy as Hebrew is in the Synagogue, where the portions of the Pentateuch are read as a weekly lection. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • But similarly, the matter of the liturgy itself, including its forms, as the Holy Father would continue to remind, is likewise no matter of inconsequence, and in point of fact, is also of significance and importance. Benedict on the Liturgy: "The Faith is not only thought"
  • Even now, in our celebration of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word comes before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
  • There is also a heightened awareness of music's proper place in the liturgy.
  • The family and the church educate through common experiences, spiritual training, and liturgy.
  • For the organ is just as prone to misuse as any other musical instrument within liturgy - perhaps even more so, given the temptation to perform and embellish. Amy on the Organ
  • At the meeting the Pope encouraged priests to to catechise parishioners about the depth of the liturgy and the meaning of the sacraments as encounters with God. Archive 2009-03-01
  • It seems to me that events such as these might help to raise awareness, amongst all parties, not only of a particular approach to the liturgy, but also of the broader potentialities and applications of English in the liturgy, as well as in sacred music, far beyond what we have seen manifest these past 40 years. Cardinal DiNardo, the Book of Divine Worship, and Thoughts on Hieratic English in the Liturgy
  • He paid lavish praise to the girls for their wonderful liturgy.
  • We allowed our colleges and universities to be secularized, and our beautiful liturgy to be vulgarized to the point where it often seems like an especially vulgar karaoke night.
  • Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy is a foundational sourcebook for studying, designing, building, and renovating Catholic churches, this book is intended to find the middle of the road between differing and sometimes conflicting theories of liturgical architecture. Catholic Church Architecture and the Spirit of the Liturgy
  • Some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass versus populum, Holy Communion in the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favor of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • In the Old Testament, God commands His people to worship Him with a sacrifice, and so it is today that we worship God through the unbloody re-presentation of Christ's sacrifice, the most perfect sacrifice, in the sacred liturgy. Taking a Look at Liturgical Catechesis
  • (in Trullo), in 692, speaks explicity of the liturgy of the presanctified and appoints it to be celebrated on all days of Lent, except the Saturday, the Sunday, and the feast of the Annunciation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In the elaborations of its liturgy and the fragrancy of itsritual she found an imperfect substitute for all that she had been denied by a wandering husband. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • He was convinced that the spiritual health of the laity would be helped by supplementing the Latin liturgy with meetings at which religious matters would be expounded in the vernacular and in which the congregation would take part.
  • Partly proclaimed through the deployment of special texts at least two of the hymns were written by Marc' Antoine Muret and cantus firmi derived from the S Barbara liturgy, its distinctiveness was additionally underscored by being set in alternatim fashion. Archive 2009-06-01

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