How To Use Liturgical In A Sentence

  • They impose liturgical traditions, organisational structures, communication methods and leadership models which are alien to their environment.
  • We've had our reports, commissions, conferences, seminars, missions, synodical reviews, liturgical reforms - the lot.
  • I believe this is in retaliation for all the nescient liturgical nonsense that I've been trying to ingest the past few days. Chewing on clouds
  • Like Psalters they often contained historiated initials or at least decorated initials that marked important liturgical events such as Christmas. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • On those occasions the CHAzn presents a veritable concert of liturgical selections, often with a choir to assist him.
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  • Lengeling provides tables of the frequency of readings from both Testaments in fourteen Western liturgical books but without indicating where there might be only one such usage on the vigil of a feast not celebrated widely.
  • The Book of Psalms is a compilation of songs for liturgical use. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The work combines Latin and English liturgical texts and medieval poetry, with a dramatic enaction of the Passion story.
  • Article IX called into question the right of episcopal conferences to oversee their own liturgical translations. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • An exaggerated sense of antiquarianism, anthopologism, confusion of roles between the ordained and the non-ordained, a limitless provision of space for experimentation -- and indeed, the tendency to look down upon some aspects of the development of the Liturgy in the second millennium -- were increasingly visible among certain liturgical schools. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • We are dealing then with a pneumatological typology that still bears the imprint of the liturgical thinking of the early church.
  • These pieces amount to two anthems which survive complete, and some Anglican liturgical music which survives fragmentarily in Durham Cathedral Library and cannot be reconstructed.
  • So the harvest hymn find, on a scrap of liturgical scroll, was a virtual mother lode. When combined with other scroll fragments and translated by professor George J.
  • Apart from the foregoing liturgical uses, a flabellum, in the shape of a fan, later of an umbrella or canopy, was used as a mark of honour for bishops and princes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • In a beautiful, austere church there's liturgical music playing and rare religious artwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • Given the possibility of some topical variances here therefore, the question that might arise is whether this is, as is being reported in the aforementioned news sources, an intended denial of the contents of Tornielli's report, or whether it is not a denial, but rather a pre-emptive assurance, on the heels of Tornielli's story, that there are no formal changes to the liturgical books presently planned. Further Developments Related to the Tornielli Rumours
  • Though, given the occasional medievalism of the Liturgical Movement, this too, is perhaps less unusual than I might think. St. Robert's, Shorewood, Wisconsin
  • Fr. Rutler's views on liturgical music and hymnography are a reflection of his lifelong service to the Lord.
  • It said lay people were not allowed to read the Gospel or give the sermon - and laicised priests were not to undertake any liturgical ‘office or duty’.
  • These considerations are tied to his view that the post-conciliar liturgical reform should by no means be considered now as a process that is concluded. Roman Professor, Priest and member of Papal Liturgical Office speaks on Benedict's New Liturgical Movement
  • Unlike the more cursive style of contemporary scribes, this hand is akin to a conventional liturgical script.
  • Those which do survive show that Bruck composed in the Josquin tradition and was a master of liturgical cantus-firmus treatment seen for example, in the sequence Dies irae as well as in the Te Deum, an alternatim setting in which with the exception of verse 16 the even numbered verses are set polyphonically. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Liturgical worship was increasingly performed by clergy, with the cantors, for the laity; and the clergy were more heard than seen.
  • Bugnini goes on to list the biblical scholars who were then asked by the coetus in 1965, thirty-one in all, to select all the passages from both Testaments that they thought would be suitable for liturgical use.
  • This polygonal stage overhangs the altar and thus serves as a monumental ciborium for liturgical activity below.
  • I wonder if the younger generation of Dominicans will recover the 'habit' of wearing albs when they celebrate/concelebrate at Mass, or perform other liturgical functions, rather than simply placing their stoles over their habit. 13 new Dominican novices in Ireland
  • On display will be small bronze sculptures, liturgical implements, artifacts in gold, glass cabinets, altar paintings, water containers known as aquamaniles and statues.
  • The tunicle became the customary vestment of the subdeacons; the chasuble was the vestment exclusively worn at the celebration of the Mass, as the pluvial, the liturgical caps, took its place at the other functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The next question intends to look at the respondents own private position on the question of whether the option to do the liturgical readings directly in the vernacular is a good or a bad thing. Results on the Poll on the Language of the Readings in the Usus Antiquior
  • During the liturgical changes after the Council, the maniple became optional.
  • On the eve of a new liturgical season, today is a great day to start anew.
  • Reid notes that Sacrosanctum Concilium identifies a number of very sound liturgical principles, such as the idea that the liturgy is “culmen et fons” (source and summit); the principle (whose source is to be found in the teaching of St. Pius X) surrounding “actuosa participatio” (active or actual participation); it also generally sought to promote a liturgical piety, taking its cues from the 20th century Liturgical Movement. Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • However, what strikes me as particularly interesting is that, not so long ago versus populum might simply have been presumed; accordingly, that ad orientem (or "versus crucem" as it is referred to here) is also spoken to perhaps gives some witness to it having begun to enter more into the forefront of Catholic liturgical consciousness again -- perhaps a fruit of the Pope's activities and catecheses. Restoration of the Cappella Paolina
  • As long the main focus of energy has remained on liturgical change, canonical reform and political transformation, the education, formation, and spiritual growth of the people have suffered from neglect.
  • The liturgical problem is serious, do not listen to the voices of those persons who do not love the Church and who oppose the Pope and if you want to cure the sick then remember that the merciful doctor makes the wound purulent (fa la piaga purulenta). Interview with Domenico Bartolucci
  • I believe the practice is a Christianization of the elaborate contractual rites of the various Nordic peoples who received the Faith in the period after Rome's fall and is thus a somewhat alien addition to our predominantly Mediterranean liturgical roots, though its antiquity does also give it a certain merit as well. Liturgical Wedding Crashers
  • The primarily agricultural work blends in with the liturgical calendar of the church.
  • Though maintaining liturgical practice as the core of worship, the denomination affords a significant amount of autonomy to individual congregations, which hire their own priests and are governed by lay committees called vestries. American Grace
  • As "canons" are normally rigid, consecrated and unvarying liturgical doctrines, your citing of a "loose canon" is an amusing concept. Page 2
  • Orthodox Christians live - habitually, I would say - within a liturgical environment that transfigures body and soul, the entire world, in this vision of the light of the Transfiguration.
  • Of course, given that the NLM is a liturgical site, and given that Cardinal Newman was not only a profound writer and orator but also a priest, a Cardinal, an Oratorian and quite simply a Catholic, the liturgy too would have a great place and importance within his life. Cardinal Newman at Birmingham: Liturgical Items (Part 3 of 3)
  • How can we acknowledge the majesty and awesomeness of God with our nose stuck in a hymn book or liturgical program?
  • Not one of them is written in the type of small, utilitarian script, called current minuscule, which was the common form of handwriting used in liturgical handbooks and schoolbooks in the seventh and eighth centuries.
  • Before the many rubrical uncertainties and excessive options within the new Missal, having the form of the older Mass before us can make an enormous contribution to Catholic liturgical life, serving as a standard to which the ordinary form liturgy can aspire. How Important Is Ceremony?
  • This distinct liturgical tradition, precisely because it is distinct, is attracting new adherents.
  • Almost 200 of his works survive, including 84 songs, eight complete masses, 13 isorhythmic motets, and numerous hymn settings, single mass movements, and works in honour of the Virgin Mary and various saints and liturgical feasts. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Just when we are entering the coldest, darkest time, along comes this liturgical shot in the arm.
  • The hand fratto is a type of Christian liturgical song performed with proportional values: on the contrary, the so-called Gregorian cantus fractus have often with a notation elements mensurali, which indicates with precision the value of the notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • I was vested in riassa, epitrachelion, and phelonian (in other words: long black robe, decorative stole and sort of a liturgical cape); I'm saying the words: "By the sprinkling of this Holy Water, may every evil action and demon be put to flight …" and the choir and parishioners are chanting the Theophany hymn. ORTHODIXIE ... Southern, Orthodox, Convert, Etc.
  • The cantor's solo is the most passionate, heartrending music of the liturgical year.
  • It is even possible, though not demonstrated, that, as early as the close of the pre-Constantinian period, liturgical insignia came into use among the bishops and deacons, as the orarion, or stole, and the omophorion or pallium. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Before the 10th or 11th century, all Western music was [[monophony | monophonic]], or consisting of only one voice, which was usually a liturgical [[Gregorian chant | chant]]. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Where should we stand with church architecture, hymnody, liturgical elements and the like?
  • We must again strive to offer praise to God with the most beautiful churches and art and clothing and liturgical music we can manage. The Truth of Beauty
  • The primarily agricultural work blends in with the liturgical calendar of the church.
  • And he could be no less firm about aspects of liturgy of which he disapproved: his theology was never angular or sectarian (remember his generous support of the liturgical experiments of his successor as Dean of Clare, John Robinson), but there was a clear, eirenic but firm foundation in Protestant principle that made him very uneasy with what he regarded as the drip-feed of some sorts of Catholicising devotion into Anglican practice. Sermon for the Life and Work of the Revd Prof CFD Moule
  • They also mentioned that it was through NLM accounts of some of the liturgical initiatives that others have been undertaking, which played a part in inspiring and giving confidence to those who were proposing and organizing the usus antiquior at the University of Toronto Newman Centre. Usus Antiquior at the University of Toronto Newman Centre, March 20th
  • There are two distinct textures for the polyphonic works: a “discant” style, in which the two voice parts generally move together (as in the conductus and the Benedicamus tropes), and an “organal” style in which the upper voice part sings a rhapsodic melody against the long-held notes of a lower tenor voice based on a liturgical chant (as in adiutor an the tropped Kyrie: Cunctipotens). Archive 2009-04-01
  • He regards him as one of the leading composers of liturgical music in the country.
  • Next, on the liturgical left, is Filippino's Crucifixion of Peter, where the original subject is at question.
  • He believes that the old rite is vastly superior to the Novus Ordo, indeed that the NO represents a radical breach in liturgical tradition, but at the same time is convinced that many so-called traditionalists are as much children of Vatican II, and of the Enlightenment, as the liberals are. On "Gnostic Traditionalism"
  • This brings us to the question of liturgical quality control in a post-Prayer Book Church.
  • The present book includes as appendices the rites of the 1962 and 1970 missals, as well as essays by liturgical scholars on diverse aspects of reforming the reform.
  • This work consists of a collection of 7 chorales with preludes and postludes with which the organist can make his contribution to all the liturgical parts of the religious service.
  • The word cathedra, so expressive in the language of antiquity, has gradually been replaced in liturgical usage, by throne (thronus) or seat (sedes). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • His liturgical assistants will be readily available now that so many women serve at sea.
  • 5 However, even the few references in the New Testament that touch upon the worship of the early Church show that, far from being a wild group of free-spirited "Charismatics," the Christians in the New Testament worshiped liturgically as did their fathers before them: they observed hours of prayer (Acts 3: 1); they worshiped in the Temple (Acts 2: 46, 3: 1, 21: 26); and they worshiped in Synagogues (Acts 18: 4). Latest Articles
  • In this liturgical Latin the requirements demanded by Hilary for the style of the Christian exegete are realized to the full: Non enim secundum sermonis nostri usum promiscuam in his oportet esse facilitatem: "There is no place here for the loose facility of the colloquial language" (In Ps. 13.1). Liturgical English and the Hieratic Tradition
  • Even the increasingly rare eremite, the desert dweller, regularly leaves his bleak and rugged cave, trekking to the monastic enclave or his neighbor's chapel for the purpose of liturgical worship and communion. Scott Cairns: The Christian and the Community: A Relationship in God's Image
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • By the end of the book he has refined his definition to ‘renaissance liturgical music’ and this retroactive postscript adds to the impression that Plank's real intention is to share with us his experience of directing his own group.
  • Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • Paul who were supposedly too earthly in their pastoral concerns and too lenient in enforcing doctrine and liturgical standards.
  • Finally, there are wonderful entries on pastoral, homiletic, and liturgical practices in the North African church, and also reports on the extensive archeological research at sites connected to his life and times.
  • What worship is and is for may be at stake in the argument between liturgical and praise worship.
  • Most priests are thrilled when faithful laypeople get involved in assisting, particularly as it affects the liturgical life of the parish in ways that draw the parish into the traditions of the Church. Why Train to Sing?
  • The presence of children in the liturgical assembly is a part of their ministry to the whole assembly.
  • Polyphony, which developed in the ninth century, used the organ as bass accompaniment to liturgical song.
  • Besides the intrinsic structure, the rhythm and what is known as the conventionalism of this style adapt themselves but ill to the requirements of true liturgical music. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • He displayed it in a reliquary at a liturgical station at the hospital of S. Spirito, to commemorate the Feast of the Wedding at Cana.
  • As the treasury of Anglican liturgical resources grows more biblical, it will also grow in size.
  • It is among a small number of churches designed specifically to accommodate the liturgical changes which followed from the Second Vatican Council.
  • They impose liturgical traditions, organisational structures, communication methods and leadership models which are alien to their environment.
  • He was a fixture in the liturgical life of the recusant safe-houses, the great country homes of Catholic aristocrats, which served as 16 th-century catacombs riddled with secret chambers to hide fugitive priests.
  • Passover and the events commemorated in it; it is a kind of catechetical-liturgical text which admirably summarizes the profound meaning of that feast. Latest Articles
  • These ministries have been related to liturgical, pastoral, catechetical, teaching, missionary, and social tasks.
  • In Germany, whenever there is a debate about the great Catholic liturgical tradition, it only needs someone to utter the accusation of 'aestheticism', and it is all over. The Rebellion Against the Self-Evident
  • The novel Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • This pericope demonstrates the power of liturgical action.
  • Nevertheless, the powerful reminder of the link between credal formulation and liturgical adoration remains.
  • It has invaded the precincts of both liturgical churches and free churches.
  • As early as the ninth century, there was a liturgical ceremony ritualizing the act of adoption.
  • But the assertion of the Roman primacy, under Damasus and his successors, runs, as one can say, par-allel to the assertion of the Roman liturgical order, the definitive configuration of which occurred be-tween the fourth and the sixth century, culminating in the creation of the Liber Sacramentorum of Gregory the Great. New Liturgical Movement
  • The liturgical chant of our Catholic tradition, on the other hand, privileges the responsorial, dialogical, antiphonal and acclamatory modes of performance. Fr. Kirby Weighs in: Hymns vs. Propers
  • The term polyphony is sometimes used synonomously with counterpoint, and sometimes to distinguish medeival multi-voice music from that of the Renaissance and Baroque. monophonic, or consisting of only one voice, which was usually a liturgical chant. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • There is ample evidence from apostolic times, from the patristic, canonical and liturgical tradition, well into the Byzantine period that this order was held in high honor.
  • The liturgicals saw the road to salvation in joining the particular church, obeying its rituals, and making use of its sacraments; the individual was not alone with only his emotions and the state to protect him.
  • The question left for us is the following: Is it possible to express liturgically our religiosity and theology from a non-ideological place?
  • Confrontationalists advocate challenging Roman authority, experimenting with new liturgical forms and creating smaller new communities to replace or supplement traditional parishes.
  • In the similar pair of Unterlinden graduals there are six historiated and illuminated initials each, all marking the same liturgical passages. 100 A third gradual from that house has no such initials, although it mirrors the other two manuscripts in all other respects. 101 Instead, more simplified decorated initials mark important passages in the text. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Poor William Laud, the archbishop everyone loves to hate, is found guilty of making ‘an almighty fuss’ over the reconsecration of St. Katherine Cree, and turning the service into ‘a liturgical floorshow’.
  • To thiswe can add that there is not a single document, including the CodexIuris Canonici, in which there is a specific statement that the pope, inhis function as the supreme pastor of the Church, has the authorityto abolish the traditional liturgical rite. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Whereas the Church in Brazil has had some awareness of this situation, it has been unable to experiment at the national level with autochthonous and creative forms of cultural expressions in liturgical life.
  • As old clerical models of liturgical prayer give way to genuinely ecclesial models, how will these new models relate to the inherited tradition of Anglican worship?
  • As in the original manuscript the homilies did not follow any logical order, the anonymous scribe felt it necessary to rearrange the texts according to the liturgical calendar of the Byzantine Church; he, therefore, made them follow the order of the liturgical readings: menologion, triodion, pentekostarion, and orthros.
  • Only one girl's testimony strayed from the area of religious observances and liturgical practices.
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • How much of the post – Conciliar liturgical reform truly reflects “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy is a question that has often been debated in ecclesial circles ever since the Consilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia finished its work. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • From the clerical perspective, the lavish liturgical choir never received the counterpoise of an extended processional approach.
  • The chasuble, stole and maniple conform to the liturgical colour of the day, which varies according to the feast.
  • He joined the Russian Orthodox Church in 1978, and his music has focused increasingly on the spiritual, liturgical aspects of his chosen faith.
  • Most of the oldest liturgical choreography continues to be practiced during Sukkot, with the ritual waving of the lulav and etrog, and festive processions around the synagogue, culminating in a seven cycle procession on the last day of Sukkot, Hoshannah Rabbah. Rabbi Barry A. Kenter: Approaching Tishrei: Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away
  • The popular Christian life in its annual liturgical cycle was a life punctuated by feasts, vigils, fasts, and celebrations.
  • Many important texts were written in Church Slavonic and the more vernacular Old Russian, including historical chronicles, epic poems, folklore, and liturgical and legal works.
  • In short, it is a mischaracterization which is not liturgically, historically or theologically informed and amounts to nothing more than a mere polemic, and a particularly problematic one given the context. The "Camp" Mentality in Relation to the Modern Liturgy: An Example Presents Itself
  • This is because formulations in theological texts or texts of liturgical prayers and hymns, in spiritual writings, even through iconography, conduct of worship and deportment in daily life are all judged by the same criterion.
  • Anabaptists encouraged themselves mainly with hortatory texts and liturgical hymns extolling martyrs and martyrdom.
  • In France the rood-loft was called the jube, which seems to imply that it was used liturgically for the reading of lessons and the like. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • In the 1956 typical edition of the OHS, the traditional liturgical name of the day, “Feria Sexta in Parasceve”, is changed to “Feria Sexta in Passione et Morte Domini - Friday of the Lord’s Passion and Death”. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • A related influence on liturgical ceremonial was imperial court practice, contributing still more to the transformation of the Eucharistic liturgy from common meal to hieratic pageant.
  • The next liturgical seasons are Advent and Christmas.
  • This in order that these faithful may also participate in the immense treasure contained in the millenary Liturgical Tradition of the Church. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Therefore, to see some revival of this liturgical artform is both an interesting and encouraging project for those of us concerned with a revival of the traditional liturgical arts and the craftmanship associated with it. Revival in the Traditional Liturgical Arts on Display in Nantes
  • This is because it serves as the fixed starting point for liturgical commentary, a kind of frozen caste of mind that is unshaken by any reality. The Hidden Politics of Liturgical Commentary
  • They do not even seem to allude to crucifixes or church buildings or vestments or liturgical practice.
  • His mother was Rosalie Israelssohn while his father was Adolf Lasker, a cantor in the synagogue whose role there was to lead the liturgical prayers and chanting.
  • One day just before Easter, we joined a procession which wound along singing litanies, in and out of four churches, before finishing at Santa Chiara, a sort of liturgical pub crawl.
  • The basic question approached is as follows: "Was the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council a rupture or was it in continuity with the liturgical tradition of the ages? Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • The liturgical changes were an expression and a promise of the communion of saints.
  • The organ is treated as a liturgical voice, taking up the reprise of the antiphon after each of the five psalms, and basing its improvisation on the melody of the original chant of the antiphon: canon, chorale etc,. Metropolitan Cathedral of Edinburgh
  • Monks, and occasionally nuns, were among the most famous liturgical hymnographers.
  • The source of this parallel intoning of liturgical melody may be traced to the natural range of the human voice.
  • Participation in Orthodox liturgical worship involves the body and all its senses.
  • In America, were the book a quarter of its price, it might provide light reading for liturgically interested clergy.
  • This meditation is published by a very significant and prominent publisher of liturgically related materials in the United States, and would be widely read. The "Camp" Mentality in Relation to the Modern Liturgy: An Example Presents Itself
  • And the liturgical drama still carries a punch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have you been pursuing the promotion of liturgical catechetics, explaining the nature of the Mass as worship of God through the Sacrifice of the Son? Priestly Input: Reform of the Reform Updates?
  • While the cappa magna is not a strictly liturgical vestment, it is still a part of the prelatial choir dress, and perhaps the one that most vividly typified the prelatial dignity. Cappa Magna In Use Again
  • Like much of the liturgical music of the Orthodox tradition, Tavener's music is intentionally simple and even austere.
  • It is a surprising group of images, found in connection with a variety of texts, including Gospel books, hagiographic collections, and liturgical volumes.
  • He has designed and made liturgical vestments. Globe and Mail
  • It is for that reason he insists that the canonist exercises a church ministry - a ministry that ramifies to everything from liturgical celebration to pastoral strategies of various kinds.
  • Certainly the next question that will be upon the minds of many following from this event will pertain to the future possibility of some sort of papal celebration of these same liturgical rites, be it a public papal Low Mass, the Missa coram Summo Pontifice, the Solemn Papal Mass, or even some development of these in the light of present-day circumstances. Some Considerations of the Lateran Mass of Cardinal Cañizares
  • But even the cosmos as a whole is not seen as the spiritually empty universe of astrophysicists and evolutionists, but the universe understood liturgically and reciprocally as a Cosmic Man.
  • Along the back of the DBS were liturgical stoles, pulpit gowns, and choir robes.
  • These programs develop students' understanding of Hebrew Scripture and its commentary tradition, Jewish philosophy and ethics, liturgical traditions, counseling, and homiletics.
  • We have featured them before, both for their liturgical events, and for the very fine gothic revival vestments they have been commissioning from a private individual in their region. Signs of Further Growth from the Oratory of Ss. Gregory and Augustine, St. Louis
  • In a beautiful, austere church there's liturgical music playing and rare religious artwork. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dalmatic is the outer liturgical vestment of the deacon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • This work consists of a collection of 7 chorales with preludes and postludes with which the organist can make his contribution to all the liturgical parts of the religious service.
  • In liturgical terms, an analysis of the monody in the Codex Calixtinus reveals several surprising features. Another early music site
  • As for Harrigan, no fair reader could claim that the article did not delve into contentious issues such as liturgical reform, women's ordination, clerical sexual abuse, and racism.
  • New Liturgical Movement: Tenebrae from the Benedictines of Norcia, Italy skip to main | skip to sidebar Tenebrae from the Benedictines of Norcia, Italy
  • I have a less medical, and more religious, idea: cultivate a liturgical garden and emblematic vegetables; make a kitchen and flower garden that may set forth the glory of God and carry up our prayers in their language; and, in short, imitate the purpose of the Song of the Three Holy Children in the fiery furnace, when they called on all Nature, from the breath of the storm to the seed buried in the field, to Bless the Lord! The Cathedral
  • Pontifical vestments are the liturgical head-covering, excepting in the Armenian Rite where the priest also wears such a covering for the head, the sakkos, the omophorion, the epigonation, and the epimanikia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • There is a very noticeable similarity between the spirit that animated the hierarchical Ottonian empire and liturgical England, on the one hand, and the new French and Burgundian monasticism of the tenth century on the other. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • Liber Pontificalis" refers to his liturgical work (Origines, 122) and the Stowe Missal (seventh century) puts at the head of our Canon the title: "Canon dominicus Papæ Gelasi" (ed. Warren, 234). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Liturgically, the scene embodies the mass as viaticum, the last mass for the departing soul and a crucial aid for the dying, which Fernando I used as a means of ensuring entrance to Heaven.
  • There are two distinct textures for the polyphonic works: a “discant” style, in which the two voice parts generally move together (as in the conductus and the Benedicamus tropes), and an “organal” style in which the upper voice part sings a rhapsodic melody against the long-held notes of a lower tenor voice based on a liturgical chant (as in adiutor an the tropped Kyrie: Cunctipotens). Archive 2009-04-01
  • Because of its extreme brevity, it has been used both as a summary statement of Mahyna truth, and as a liturgical and ritual text.
  • Text manuals are the result of compilation from many different sources: menologia, synaxaria, hagiographic literature, liturgical books and descriptions of actual paintings.
  • If we considerpast practices and customs, however, the term cannot mean the typeof sweeping revisions of the Mass ritual and the alteration ofliturgical texts that we are now experiencing. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Part in parcel with that movement was the revival of the conical form of the chasuble and fuller forms of the dalmatic and tunicle; something which was particularly seen (though not exclusively seen) within the monastic context of the Liturgical Movement. Vestments in a Style of the Monastic Element of the 20th Century Liturgical Movement
  • We must suppose either that the bishops introduced directly by a positive precept as a liturgical pontifical badge a humeral cloth resembling the ordinary omophorion and called by that name, or that the civil omophorion was at first used by the bishops as a mere ornament without any special significance, but in the course of time gradually developed into a distinctively episcopal ornament, and finally assumed the character of an episcopal badge of office. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • We need sacred signs and gestures, which, while not a substitute for it, support the movement of the heart which yearns for sanctification: this, too, means acting liturgically ratione signi. Mauro Gagliardi on the Centrality of the Crucified Christ in the Liturgical Celebration
  • In this outstanding preface, the Prefect of the dicastery charged with the sacred liturgy quite frankly recognizes that the liturgical reforms after the Second Vatican Council have often not been completely successful, that a false spirit of rupture was at work. Cardinal Cañizares Writes About Usus Antiquior and Liturgical Reform
  • Such an unblinkered look at the liturgical reforms can, Msgr Ranjith writes, help us to be courageous in improving or changing that which was erroneously introduced and which appears to be incompatible with the true dignity of the Liturgy. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • The liturgically centered Episcopalians who see the trend coming are understandably interested in providing rites of commitment supported by the church.
  • My problem with today's liturgical bureaucracy is that it advances measurable technical goals at the same time it diminishes the more essential immeasurable exhortative ones at the heart of EACW.
  • He also arranged Byzantine liturgical responses in Albanian for mixed choirs.
  • By the time he left he had written two symphonic preludes, a number of liturgical settings, and a Capriccio sinfonico, his passing-out piece, which won high critical acclaim.
  • The daily liturgical cycle began in the evening with vespers, following the Jewish reckoning by which the day begins at sunset.
  • The challenges are for the liturgically savvy, whether ordained or lay.
  • The choristers wore shirt and tie (long ties for the boys and bowties for the men) with black robes over their shoulders (not their liturgical cassocks and surplices).
  • Their sometimes confused requests for help have taught me that many people will give up on what you might call liturgically correct computing advice: They get tired, they get lost, they get intimidated and sometimes they wind up worse off than if they'd done nothing. How to set up your new computer, 2010 edition (with video)
  • Participation was also an issue which concerned the Liturgical movement, and Pius XII praised those who sought to promote more engagement on the part of the laity with chant, dialogue responses, and use of missals.
  • With the close of the liturgical year, next week the church prepares to celebrate Christ as king.
  • Should they read the liturgical gospel, prepare the bread and wine at the altar, say the dismissal, and so on?
  • Prayer (II) borrows its first line and its meter from an Ambrosian liturgical hymn.
  • A recent discussion with a priest friend reminded me of an idea that I have had for some time to take up a private poll on the question of how people are approaching (or approach) the question of the liturgical readings in the usus antiquior since the motu proprio. Poll on the Language of the Readings in the Usus Antiquior
  • The liturgical dicastery is the Vatican office that has most oft en changed its Secretary in recent years: Di Noia will be the fourth in just seven years. On the Movement of Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith
  • Its liturgical name is Dominica in albis depositis, derived from the fact that on it the neophytes, who had been baptized on Easter Eve, then for the first time laid aside their white baptismal robes. Archive 2009-04-01
  • With no Sunday school program for the five or so children present, we were invited to be part of the Sunday morning service. I served as an acolyte, a lay reader, and even led liturgical dance.
  • It has invaded the precincts of both liturgical churches and free churches.
  • I listened as, at her own request, she was baptized into the catholic faith, and I made the liturgical responses proper to the child's parent.
  • Some of you will no doubt recall mention of a forthcoming book that carries a rather important preface by Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship (see Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform, Feb. 24, 2009). Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • He wrote and arranged many pieces of liturgical music, and set up several computer programs.
  • In the ancient Church music all that portion of the liturgical song which was performed by the entire choir, or by sections of it, say two or three singers, was called concentus. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Gerstenberger postulates a ‘liturgical corner’ in the house, which was a focus of religious worship.
  • In parts of the Roman Catholic Church there is a wide-ranging exploration of new forms of worship and liturgical expression.
  • Since then, several Anglican ordinations were and have been performed by Old Catholic and/or Eastern bishops whose own valid ordinations are without question, and in a liturgical context which made clear that the ordinations intended to convey a "Catholic" rite of ordination. Slow posting continues till mid-August...
  • You may have noticed I generally stay away from picayune liturgical controversies.
  • Most of the compositions are settings of Biblical or liturgical texts in Slavonic, which is the language of Pleshakov's youth. Local Breaking News
  • His knowledge of Greek enabled him to introduce much Eastern theology and liturgical practice into the West; Ambrosian plainsong is associated with his name, and the Athanasian Creed has been attributed to him.
  • A crozier for an English abbess and a chalice, both executed in ivory by Fernand Py and featured in Liturgical Arts Quarterly. The Other Modern: An Introduction
  • Indeed, it has also been quoted by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger himself in an article he wrote in the well-known liturgical review “La Maison-Dieu”, entitled “Réponse du Cardinal Ratzinger au Père Gy” (La Maison-Dieu, 230, 2002/2, p. 116). Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • Generally speaking, liturgical practices form persons in the same ways that any practice becomes formative: through habituation and extensive training until the practice becomes part or who one is.
  • For Brendan, salvation is best accomplished through the monastic way, understood as a combination of ascetic practices and liturgical observance.
  • Finally, disrobed of all liturgical and ceremonial vestments she donned the exquisite Robe of Purple Velvet before leaving Westminster Abbey.
  • And the liturgical drama still carries a punch. Times, Sunday Times

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