How To Use Little bear In A Sentence

  • Leslie Gray and Michael Kevane also argue that soil building is linked to tenure building although, interestingly, they claim that tenurial status has little bearing on a farmer's choice to invest in soil quality.
  • Lodes of ore and inches of fertile loam have little bearing on a nation's prosperity and influence anymore.
  • The cliched image of autumn is that it is a fine season of mellow fruits, golden leaves and cool, bracing sunny days, but this has little bearing on the lives of anyone who lives in a town or city.
  • The 13. of July the Captain or principall ruler of Sumatra came abord our ships to see them, which was done with great solemnitie, hee being apparelled after the Turkish manner, with a wreath about his heade, and a fearefull countenance, small eyes, great eye browes, and little beard, for a man might tell all the haires vpon his chinne: he brought vs a present of The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Colonel arriving, Ethel ran up to him and thanked him for the beautiful watch, in return for which she gave him a kiss, which, I dare say, amply repaid Colonel Newcome; and shortly after him Mr. Clive arrived, looking uncommonly handsome, with that smart little beard and mustachio with which nature had recently gifted him. The Newcomes
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  • The high cholesterol content of eggs causes them to be viewed in a dim light, although studies suggest that their intake has relatively little bearing on our risk of death.
  • My antics on the touchline are going to have very little bearing on how we play. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course, against all the odds, the little beardy bloke won. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cattle dog's harsh tousled coat (except on the head where it is shorter and flat), its moustache and little beard all give it a forbidding appearance.
  • Little bear looked ahead the through the telescope, " ah the are covered with tender shoots.
  • A round teetotum revolving on its point represents the sky turning on its axis, the two points of the teetotum are the two poles; the child will be delighted to find one of them, and I show him the tail of the Little bear. Emile
  • Upon closer inspection, the top of the truffle had grown a delicate little beard, white and fuzzy.
  • A little beard definitely makes my cheeks look a bit fuller, which can only be a good thing.
  • The cattle dog's harsh tousled coat (except on the head where it is shorter and flat), its moustache and little beard all give it a forbidding appearance.
  • It represents the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor (the Great Bear and the Little Bear) in the night sky.
  • With hook and line we caught chiefly a blackish fish of the size of a haddock, called cole-fish by the seamen, but differing much from that known by the same name in Europe; and another of the same size, of a reddish colour, with a little beard, which we called night-walkers, from the greatest number being caught in the night. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 15 Forming A Complete History Of The Origin And Progress Of Navigation, Discovery, And Commerce, By Sea And Land, From The Earliest Ages To The Present Time
  • The Super Bowl is a television show and the fact nearby Manhattan can throw the swankiest events ever has little bearing on life. Super Bowl XLVIII in NYC 2014! «
  • But that had little bearing on the final outcome. The Sun

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