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literate person

  1. a person who can read and write

How To Use literate person In A Sentence

  • Any literate person could read the etiquette books and learn the rules of gentility. America Past and Present
  • Steil noticed that the man read like a semiliterate person, word by word, his mind searching for hidden effects or derivations. OUTCAST
  • I'm the only computer-literate person in the family, so all trouble-shooting in the family goes to me.
  • This man no more than a spoiled child in a man's shoes; who could no more run a country than could an illiterate person read a book.
  • “‘Mr. Coffee and Mr. Fixit,’” he asserts, “is written in faux-naïf Hemingway sentences as they might be spoken by an illiterate person.” Raymond Carver
  • A thousand years ago, technology severely limited the amount of words the average literate person could read in a lifetime.
  • “‘Mr. Coffee and Mr. Fixit,’” he asserts, “is written in faux-naïf Hemingway sentences as they might be spoken by an illiterate person.” Raymond Carver
  • You may be the Internet era literate person, you can not do.
  • By reading aloud, a literate person engages a child in language as they sit together, relaxed and quiet.
  • It is not unknown how the name scribe was a general title given to all the learned part of that nation, as it is opposed to the rude and illiterate person. From the Talmud and Hebraica
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