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How To Use Literary In A Sentence

  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Not only by the immense number of adherents that were won to his views during his lifetime, but also by the literary productions he left behind him, Tsong K'aba's influence has been great during the last five centuries of Tibetan history. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • There is an artistic and literary set, some of whom have swapped city life for part-time commuting. Times, Sunday Times
  • You might well feel a tad suspicious of this literary agent's good fortune. Times, Sunday Times
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
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  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • It's the sort of thing I tend to call a batshit story, and though this term has not caught on as the latest literary, uh, movement, it's the only label that seems to fit so much of the sort of writing I love. Archive 2005-12-01
  • But Frye's dreams of systematizing and co-ordinating a literary universe also rose to meet counterparts in Frances Yates's 1967 account of the zodiacs and theatres of the encyclopaedic memory systems of Bruno and Camillo.
  • Literary Arabic has always been the cement of Islam.
  • That they are not can be demonstrated by the way in which the term pulp was introduced into literary discourse. Genres and niche markets
  • We talk about why the new generation slipstream is not the fusion of literary fiction and SF/F. Fri 1200 Remembering Robert Anton WILSON Archive 2007-08-01
  • Her spiky style and confident handling of the source material creates a book which is more of a literary event than a quiet read.
  • He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment.
  • He took an aesthete's view that some of the writing in the issue was ‘indecent in the sense of offending against delicacy’ but ‘would not deprave or corrupt save in point of literary style’.
  • And it became clear that he was not, apparently, the only person struggling to sell the furniture of a literary great. Times, Sunday Times
  • S · Eliot is one of the most influential poet literary critic in the 20 th century.
  • These volumes contain poetry which may be categorized generally as a poetry of attitudes, the attitudes being both literary and vital.
  • The street urchins had decided views on literary value, and they were always keen to hand on advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Someone who writes a literary memoir, for example, is by necessity examining issues of self and identity.
  • Bibliomaniacs were censured, that is, for eschewing commonplace means of engaging the material traces of the literary past and commonplace means of cohabiting with the nation's literary tradition. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • Koenig, a literary and theater critic, lives in London.
  • With more than 50 million Larsson books sold world-wide, publishers scrambled to anoint his literary heir—preferably a political and prolix Scandinavian. Tattooed by Politics
  • Like all literary feuds it began in a suitably rarefied atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though I was on friendlier, more relaxed and affectionate terms with my fellow western-New Yorker John Gardner, who'd published an early short story of mine titled "The Death of Mrs. Sheer" in his literary magazine "MSS" -- and who regarded me, somewhat embarrassingly, as a "major American writer" -- like himself -- it can't be said that John Gardner was a mentor of mine either. Joyce Carol Oates's 'In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters': Narrative Magazine
  • She regularly holds literary salons and provides a hospitable setting and has done so for many years.
  • Either an author or a man interested in literature is named a literary man.
  • Artists and fashion designers are taking over somewhat from the literary types, however.
  • His visit to a literary dinner in Oxford was the only public appearance in this country.
  • When Megan is not in the classroom, she is actively involved in the local literary scene and maintains a blog, Night Light Revue, about new books and authors. BookBrowse Reviewers.
  • Perhaps you wonder how so numerous a race of these beings has come to exist; but that boy at your elbow, bending under the weight of his literary burden, is a colporteur for converting the men and women of this "enlightened nation" to rowdyism. The Elements of Character
  • I have had three literary agents over the decades, but that was because one retired ill and one died suddenly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
  • She is currently at work on a literary thriller and a book of short stories based on her travels
  • He has come out of his own story; and this is perhaps the best definition that can be offered of a great literary character: that he becomes a separable being.
  • It is a pity that a book that has such detail is unable to overcome the obstacles of intricacy without leaving the reader stuck in the quagmire of literary and historical obscurity.
  • And even if she is right that many readers "don't care" about the matters of technique and style she says critics often "overvalue," does this mean critics should abandon more purely literary standards for the vague and untroubled standards she attributes to her infantilized common readers? Style in Fiction
  • As if Ian Hamilton Finlay were not to be remembered here, he appears, in the form of a reference to his home, a little country estate which he filled with literary sculpture of his devisal, much as Simon Cutts has decorated his quaint Irish dwelling, Coracle, and outbuildings with words, turning edifice into literature. Dbqp: visualizing poetics
  • To feel that way towards toffs today makes you at best an anachronism, at worst a freak, as I was reminded recently when I appeared at a literary festival.
  • He is often pithiest when describing his literary opposites. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a way, the new novel is a literary fruition of the essay.
  • Their fantasy of Englishness did not include the literary Bengali babu, for whom they felt contempt and distrust.
  • The obscurities of literary theory are mercifully avoided, frequently by such witty contemporary reference and colloquial language which bring Shakespeare into the world of today's reader.
  • Literary studies have been cross - fertilized by new ideas in linguistics.
  • The club is popular with media celebrities and literary types.
  • He, however, is no imitative epigone, but a historian of the first rank, helped rather than hindered by the literary tradition within which he wrote.
  • J.D. Salinger had to wall himself away from the world and refuse to play the literary lion that the sales figures of his books easily enabled him to become.
  • The liberal literary establishment came to its aid.
  • He wanted to enlarge the magazine into'a general literary periodical' covering both poetry and fiction and was upbeat about likely sales. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was a man of many parts: writer, literary critic and historian.
  • I would often rather read it than more conventional forms of literary scholarship.
  • Then comes an entirely new set of challenges: face-offs with writer friends whose essays he failed to select for the literary pastiche and fears the anthology will get skewered fatally by critics.
  • The exposure and _depluming_ (to borrow a good word from the fine old rhetorician, Fuller,) of the leading 'humbugs' of the age -- _that_ was announced as the regular business of the journal: and the only question which remained to be settled was, the more or less of the degree; and also one other question, even more interesting still, viz. -- whether personal abuse were intermingled with literary. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • Reading about the fuggy alcoholic blurs always so lucidly expressed of experiences with the literary and intellectual luminaries of his day, one might wonder whether Hitchens is the dreamer or the dreamed, the purveyor of an intellectual fantasy or the product of other peoples' ideas. Ashley Rindsberg: On Hitchens
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
  • With his debut novel, he also took some lumps as a literary stylist.
  • revoke" -- the literary act after which, if he does it on purpose, you must not play with a man -- is speaking of authors and books which he has not read and cannot read in the original, while he leaves you ignorant of his ignorance. Matthew Arnold
  • Our literary editor has already offered her eloquent justification. Times, Sunday Times
  • These critics have rightly emphasized Tourgee's influence on Chesnutt's career as a writer, as one of the sparks which ignited his literary aspirations.
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • He was an active member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool from 1837 onwards and served as its treasurer.
  • This second-hand or transcribed social history isn't "parodic," just misconceived, and testimony (if any is needed) to the increasing inability to discern what our disciplinary base actually is in "literary-and-cultural studies," and why it matters that we cannot and should not be simply pale echoes of better-equipped social historians like Colley herself. Presentism and the Archives
  • French literary patron noted for her correspondence with Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Horace Walpole.
  • Hikari, the idiot savant, under various names is, in Oe's hands, an effective and necessary literary device; no single version could encompass his profound meditation on his son's – and the human – condition. Kenzaburo Oe: Laughing Prophet and Soulful Healer
  • At intervals during his literary career, I have tried to add a bit to his stature, he “looks shorter than he actually is,” and so on; but for the most part we find him described as a sparrow, a small, dusty brown sparrow — “soon he was, sparrow-like, hopping and darting this way and that in search of crumbs of information.” Death of Jezebel
  • Across the span of time, sons faithfully transmitted the literary heritage of the fathers.
  • Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • Quotables: She is by no means a literary genius …. .her excessive use of the word 'glower' ... Evil Beet Gossip
  • Of course, Makine's own literary language differs fundamentally from the Russian Futurist experimentation that inspired the Formalists; it is not radically innovative, but startlingly archaic.
  • Recently, literary scholars have been keen to discuss the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in terms of continuity as well as change. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Nobody is more free from the ostentatious correctness of the literary precisian, and nobody preserves so much purity and so much dignity of language with so little formality of demeanor. Voltaire
  • The first samizdat were typed carbons, definitely not books, just as the Samizdat you are holding now is definitely not the usual literary journal.
  • Work on the densely literary Essay on Irish Bulls sophisticated Edgeworth's approach, by requiring her to reflect on what a nation is when it is less than an autonomous state.
  • Hungarian became a literary language only in the fifteenth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Over the years I have read with avidity various intellectual disputes in The New York Review of Books and other literary journals.
  • Palace has released two marvellous films that pay homage to our literary heritage.
  • She has had short work published in journals such as Dead Mule, School of Southern Literarture and Thema, Literary Journal CHOICE SNOW • by Diane Hoover Bechtler
  • The Women of St. Mark's thought their own life histories and productivity rendered irrelevant or moot the questions of access, representation, canonicity, and literary history that feminists raised.
  • But Johnson and Boswell were not the only literary figures to be attracted to these western islands.
  • For even in those most ungenial days he aspired to literary fame, and as the by-product of laborious years issued, at his own expense, the ‘Poems of a Journeyman Mason’.
  • It was because of the possibility of literary devices losing their defamiliarizing capacity that the distinction between device and function was introduced.
  • If there are good internal literary reasons why the author of Mark might have invented this story as the conclusion of his work, then the community that was the presumptive audience for the gospel simply may not have perceived the embarrassment that arose later, as other communities adopted and literalized the narrative invented in Mark. Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
  • Over these same three decades he built up his own canon of literary work that has qualified him as one of the most important writers of our era.
  • I think she was a little gauche, thoroughly charmed by the literary excitement of it all, and didn't realise he was maybe a little more amorous than she gave him credit for.
  • He is highly disdainful of anything to do with the literary establishment.
  • The clubs here are peopled with artists and literary types rather than toffs and wideboys.
  • Victor Hugo , 1802 --- 1885 , was a celebrated French literary giant.
  • He spent as much time dabbling with artistic and literary pursuits as he did with frequency counters and laser beams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Némirovsky's Suite Française is a book that could have used some actual literary criticism, by critics (maybe even "scholars") rather than "book reviewers. Book Reviewing
  • Our current crop of literary wunderkinds will be little noted nor long remembered.
  • With the continuous transmission of western aesthetic ideology, Chinese traditional literary concept is weakened and modern literary concept is evolving.
  • Preferably female and extremely annoying, with literary pretensions.
  • Literary festivals, readings and slams have made poetry much more available. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whenever your literary productions have proved for themselves that they have a real value, you will never have to go around hunting for remunerative literary work to do.
  • The recourse to 'extraliterary' theory is not in itself, however, a methodological error. Anaesthetic Criticism: I
  • While holding the political office of "gazetteer" (one who had a monopoly of official news) the idea came to Steele of publishing a literary magazine. Outlines of English and American Literature : an Introduction to the Chief Writers of England and America, to the Books They Wrote, and to the Times in Which They Lived
  • But through Kanafani's literary output, Gaon says, he found a man of more subtlety than is revealed in the words of a propagandist. 'Return to Haifa' crosses borders of war
  • He was lionized by aristocratic and literary London, survived a hectic love affair with Lady Caroline Lamb, and became the constant companion of Augusta.
  • His fervent soap-box oratory, rhetorical literary style, and experience as secretary of the Timber Workers Union brought a growing reputation.
  • The literary ghost story is in vogue at the moment and this one is beautifully done. Times, Sunday Times
  • On one hand, aesthetic Physic falls back into the equivoke of the theory of artistic and literary classes, by attempting to determine aesthetically the abstractions of our intellect; on the other, fails to recognize, as we said, the true formation of so-called natural beauty; for which the question as to whether some given individual animal, flower, or man be beautiful or ugly, is altogether excluded. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • The literary equivalent of a chick flick, Oleander details one girl's attempts to come to terms with her mother while also surviving the cold and largely indifferent world of foster care.
  • Perhaps the most extraordinary thing about the extraordinary Alexis Soyer is that, while he too fashioned himself a man of letters, he would also transcend the constraints of this literary model and, far ahead of his time, prefigure the flamboyant personas of today's celebrity chefs. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • These canonical connections are often suggestive but may be mistaken for literary or theological leveling unless the reader is made aware of the different redemptive historical settings of the pericopes involved.
  • She situates her storytelling within a specifically literary context, and develops a double-voiced message, directed toward both a white audience and the black community.
  • The literary masterpiece Barrow draws on to illumine the path of conversion and repentance is Dante's Purgatorio.
  • The first National Eisteddfod, held in 1861 at Aberdare, proved to be a showpiece for literary and musical talent.
  • This new dispensation is likely to strike many of us as chaotic -- Grossman is being disingenuous when he writes that "None of this is good or bad," since he surely knows most of his readers judge it to be bad indeed -- especially those of us who want some of those "conventional criteria for literary value" to survive. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • She audaciously leaves home to take up a job as an assistant on a literary magazine in New Delhi.
  • He had read vastly; his memory was a literary cyclopaedia. New Grub Street
  • In a sense, the very institution of literary criticism is concrete testimony of this assumption.
  • He used to be a literary agent.
  • It is also bolstered by fine literary criticism that is effortlessly introduced into the narrative of a quixotic life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Literary critics described these works as muscular Christianity, and the name stuck.
  • A lot of invaluable literature in the languages of the common folk has remained outside recognised literary boundaries.
  • Genet started as a rebel, but soon became part of the literary mainstream.
  • His writing is superbly articulate and eloquent, the essence of literary beauty.
  • That has to be very cool to see your literary creations made corporeal in pewter (and then hand painted!). Pick Your Pewter Poison
  • Indian Independence of 1857 "-- in its way a very remarkable history of the Mutiny, combining considerable research with the grossest perversions of facts and great literary power with the most savage hatred -- were bound in false covers as" Pickwick Papers, "or other equally innocuous works. Indian Unrest
  • Women from Jane Austen and Mary Shelley to Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson produced literary works that are in some sense palimpsestic, works whose surface designs conceal or obscure deeper, less accessible (and less socially acceptable) levels of meaning. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • But in Hollywood there's a mini-fad for adaptations of literary classics.
  • However, literary evaluations that fluctuate like fashions are premised on what is the latest: that is, whatever is new is good.
  • The exploration of literary texts is not an elitist activity, distinct from the study of other means of communication.
  • They are full of raw Taiwanese humor and literary surprises.
  • James Joyce's Ulysses'challenged the literary traditions of his day.
  • The bibliomaniac, that is, remakes the literary heritage as his cabinet library. "Wedded to Books': Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists
  • In SF circles, this is being seen as another attack on science fiction as subliterary as opposed to paraliterary which is just so awful and mean. Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • Lance, as I said on FB, your relative fits the "chorine with a heart of gold" literary trope perfectly. From Bohemia to the battlefields and back again, our dainty heroine describes her adventures
  • Indeed, a Caribbean female presence has established itself in the literary canons of both Canada and the United States.
  • Three years later the United Nations hired me as a literary adviser.
  • Like literary writers, nineteenth-century scientists sometimes created characters to embody or personify challenging ideas.
  • More than any other man he laid the foundations of the Byzantine literary and philosophical renascence of the 12th cent.
  • He has produced the literary equivalent of a docudrama.
  • His father was horrified by his son's literary endeavours. Times, Sunday Times
  • His account of his ascent to the upper echelons of the British literary canon is so concise and unembellished, so, well, Swiftian, it could have been delivered by one of his own characters.
  • Our greatest literary treasure's Talking Heads series captured this nation's idiosyncrasies with his affectionatedissection of human frailty.
  • And he take pains to trace Wilde's homosexuality primarily to the literary precedents he discovered in his classical studies at Oxford -- the Greek ideal of a "paederastic" love of an older, intellectual mentor and an acolyte. Wilde in the Stacks
  • The college is open to visitors, but also to overnighters on a range of dates, including during The Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival.
  • His language is very accessible as it is closer to the speaking rather than the literary language.
  • As such, it's an unnecessary, and disingenuous, attempt to repolarize American literary culture. I Need a Remedy
  • Giving us a brilliantly provocative model of how a text can be discussed against its own expectations, this book will prove highly productive for literary studies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Gord Downie is one of the few songwriters whose lyrics still emanate the qualities of poetry and Downie's literary allusions are many.
  • Metaphor is a common literary device.
  • Literary romanticism and cultural nationalism informed the historical consciousness of regional raconteurs like Hall who looked for American themes within the history of the West.
  • These speeches had to be rich in literary illusion and ruminative aphorism.
  • In reference to Roger's referenced reference, I'd say that if the librarians didn't give such a "Very" title a coveted award -- triggering an orgy of literary consumption that surely the AVN people would step in and give THEIR award to the film version, thereby triggering SOME sort of orgy. In Bed with WHO?
  • She landed in a literary publications class at the University of Baltimore, where the assignment was to produce a literary magazine.
  • Literary and artistic life was confined to this small circle.
  • Hobbled by an uncooperative sacroiliac, I unsteadily make my way into Washington Square Park for yet another of my continuing unappreciated efforts to let blog readers across the country know what New York literary events are really like -- as if you care. July 2007
  • And ultimately, perhaps we may need to be even more careful about ever implying that it is on the basis of an association with the maternal realm that women writers belong in modernist or feminist literary canons.
  • The letters span his college career, the early years in London, his development as a poet and a central figure in the new modernist movement, his meetings with numerous literary figures Yeats, Eliot, Ford, Lewis, his move to Paris in 1921 and on to Rapallo, a seaside resort town in northern Italy, in 1924. Filial Piety Made New
  • Sweden's remarkable literary jury has for the second consecutive year held up a mirror to the values and politics of our times while honoring the eternality of great art.
  • Privately, many figures in the literary world were also foaming at the mouth.
  • The product, at the end of the day, is a very literary, heavy on style monkeyism, story which might just have a thin sheen of SF patina on it. How Can Science Fiction Magazines Be Successful in the Digital Age?
  • A counterargument would stress that the greatest learning is derived from the inimitable, silence betrays cowardice, disaffiliation and indie culture give the lie to the unavoidability of affiliation, the literary field exists in many sites other than the academy, self-victimization is the reigning philosophy, program writers are more self-commodifying than the disaffiliated, the system purges internal feedback from dissenters, and the end of excellence is well in sight. Anis Shivani: Can Writing Be Taught? The Systems-Theory Rationalizations Of An Insider
  • Somehow, writing extremely plot-driven fiction seems to have pushed me over into the borderlands of genre -- in most bookstores my book's shelved with literary fiction, but at least one genre bookstore carries it (Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego) and it was reviewed in Mystery Scene. Archive 2010-05-01
  • His most characteristic works were figures or groups of a historical, literary, allegorical, or symbolic nature.
  • He was not vain, but he was quietly proud of his literary achievements.
  • The literary artist in a similar manner makes use of words and sounds to convey his impression of life.
  • An amoral society may have its advantages, but a fertile field for literary greatness is not one of them.
  • It's the tale of two contemporary literary academics sleuthing their way into a long lost love affair, and is utterly laden with coincidence.
  • We joked, bantered, argued, gushed over some latest literary masterpieces.
  • Leftists have been known to use literary theory to demonstrate flaws in science.
  • Simple start All seemed relatively simple at the start, recalls literary agent Alexandra Cann.
  • Their most evocative literary qualities are due in large part to a process of commercial pruning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Her speech was larded with literary quotations.
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • Next year the Times Literary Supplement, the pre-eminent British literary periodical, is 100 years old.
  • But I agree also with Jeff and the writer of this piece that the artificiality of “genre” versus “literary” needs to be broken down, and the way that works of art borrow from, syncretize, and rework genres needs more acknowledgement. Genres of Fiction, and Why They Aren’t Discrete Entities
  • Just over a year ago, to be a literary agent in the Anglo-American world of books must have seemed like the plummiest, most glamorous job imaginable. Culture |
  • Instead, he combines an astute perspective on earlier historical and sociological research with a sophisticated apprehension of the discursive dynamics of literary texts.
  • After all, the Literary Digest Poll for the 1932 election came within a tiny margin of the actual result.
  • Other new venues for elite cultural exchange could be found in literary societies, and learned academies, modelled after the French Academy in Paris.
  • Although it does seem to me that a debate about terminology, about the conventionality of the critical lexicon, is still in order: When the powers that be in literary study want to show they have not entirely abandoned the old critical order, they like to point out that much current academic criticism is underpinned by what they want to still call "close reading. Art and Culture
  • Dutt actually looks plausible as the weather-beaten old literary lion, galled by his own unfashionability.
  • (In addition, there's a strong literary echo of the seventh song, "Auf einer Burg," in the eighth, "In der Fremde.") "In der Fremde" brings the cadential figure back: Categorical denials
  • innocent of literary merit
  • Poetic prose may not be the best prose, just as (to use a false antithesis) dull poetry is called prosaic; but there is no natural antagonism between prose and verse as literary mediums, provided always that the spirit that animates them be akin. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  • We've been talking about playwriting and all sorts of different literary movements.
  • The Northern Star Literary Award, a hand-crafted pen, pencil and letter opener in a box of North Coast red cedar, will also be awarded for best entry overall.
  • More literary games, but here intellectual conceits are mixed with bawdy farce.
  • The deconstruction of narrative as a natural or unproblematic activity was to be amplified by several other literary theorists.
  • Over the years his admirable private-eye hero, Spenser, has revealed intriguing depths of sensitivity and literary appreciation.
  • An attempt is made to analyze the cases of irony occurring in a Chinese literary work-Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary within the framework of the echoic interpretation theory.
  • In preliterary Latin the stress was undoubtedly a marked feature of the accent, and this continued to be the case in the popular speech throughout the entire history of the language, but, as I have tried to prove in another paper, [21] in formal Latin the stress became very slight, and the pitch grew to be the characteristic feature of the accent. The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life and Literature
  • You have new methods now being brought back into seminary education, like feminist analysis,or literary criticism, or liberation theology,or African American approaches, or Latino approaches.
  • By August 31st, this important literary torch will pass from poet to poet.
  • I do not suggest that black literary criticism since the 1950s has neglected to produce analyses that also centrally consider class.
  • all the random mingling and idle talk made him hate literary parties
  • The Apollonian and Dionysian is a philosophical and literary concept based on parts of ancient Greek mythology. Apollonian and Dionysian Themes « Write Anything
  • But basically, I want the American literary genius to reshape and revivify the American political genius.
  • His first major book mixed journalism with drama, semiotics and literary criticism.
  • But viewed from another perspective, the Swedes have written a new chapter in ignobility, presenting the world's top literary honor to an author who considers his own work irrelevant.
  • This book has tremendous appeal to the literary students of poetry and to teachers.
  • He believed that independence was the first duty of a literary man, and that true dignity consists in diligent labor rather than in indolent railing at fate and the scoffings of "uncomprehended" genius. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 74, December, 1863
  • Books of educative and literary value are kept in libraries for prisoners having an academic bent of mind.
  • He has proved to be an excellent literary scholar.
  • For the love of all that is literary, please stop writing.
  • Morrison clearly enjoyed this foray into the territory of the literary critic.

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