How To Use Literalism In A Sentence
It has broken free from the literalism of the old black letter lawyers.
The desire to see the real places in which the fictional Pooh, Rat, Mole, Squirrel Nutkin, and Puck wandered could easily descend into a dreadful literalism.
Maybe I'm missing the point and insisting on a literalism that isn't there.
A little naïve in their literalism and earnestness, these works are extremely competent technically.
Was this a case of literalism taken to impressive but unnecessary lengths?
The Times Literary Supplement
Religious revivalism sometimes took the form of extreme literalism, often termed fundamentalism.
To keep an eye on things that I am wary of: anti-intellectualism, pseudo-science, lying to children, extremism, scriptural literalism, anti-blasphemy laws and the like.
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As Jew, the notion of literalism is a bit ridiculous to me, as Pshat – the literal interpretation of the Torah – is considered the least of the levels of knowledge.
Your Creation Museum Report « Whatever
Conflating religion with biblical literalism is not an argument, it's a mistake.)
Can you love God and feminism? - Feministing
That is literalism - scientific fundamentalism - a dreadful mental myopia.
Every text reads like a directive; every work is interpreted with clodhopping literalism; all are construed as political messages.
Picasso: Peace and Freedom
Another problem for every religious adaptation is literalism.
Times, Sunday Times
It was after the revivals of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century in Britain and America - revivals that led to such sects as the Methodists - that a more full-blooded literalism became a major part of the religious scene.
Liz sez, A bit of over-literalism from the UK Trading Standards people.
Boing Boing: November 12, 2006 - November 18, 2006 Archives
What if we risked a dose of literalism and listened again to these sweet words and their implications?
That is literalism - scientific fundamentalism - a dreadful mental myopia.
He encouraged us to escape the prison-gates of literalism and embrace the concept of ‘business common sense’.
It is a tacit endorsement of false precision and superficial literalism in psychiatric assessment.
Harris wishes to convict religious belief of mulish literalism, while attacking its tenets in the most bluntly prosaic and anachronistic terms he can muster.
There is a polemic edge in Gnostic writings like the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Philip against the stupidities of the ‘apostolic men,’ whose literalism appears laughable beside the higher wisdom of the elite.
This is literalism well past the point of absurdity - not, let it be said, the poetic absurdity celebrated by the surrealists, but the cynical distortions that inquisitions typically resort to.
The best example of mandate literalism is the 1980 election.
Matthew Yglesias » Is There A Historian In the House?
Apparently this symbolises jobs done by women, but with its leaden literalism it misses the point of memorials and just reminds you of housework and faceless drudgery.
I know what you mean when you use "literalism" in your discussions; but I would have hoped from a bible scholar that such over-generalized usage would not be part of the vocabulary of such an educated fellow.
Limits of Literalism
Because Larry’s Fundy brain is so locked by his literalism he simply thinks “imaginary numbers” are *actually imaginary* ,that is to say not real, they do not exist.
The next time ID people cry 'censorship' - The Panda's Thumb
That is literalism - scientific fundamentalism - a dreadful mental myopia.
While that may be so, strictly speaking, Nijinska sought to escape literalism and instead to express deeper choreographic truths through the movement of her ensembles and the dynamism of their body language.
Another problem for every religious adaptation is literalism.
Times, Sunday Times
Fundamentalists reject a larger portion of secular society, maintain strong commitments to strict literalism, premillennial dispensationalism, and moral traditionalism.
Above it - the phone-photo's mate - is a photograph that, with varying degrees of literalism, illustrates the borrowed tale's theme.
In the past, people understood it was unwise to confuse mythos with logos, but today we read the mythoi of scripture with an unparalleled literalism, and in "creation science" we have bad science and inept religion.
Archive 2009-07-12
In other words, the trap of language is not language but literalism.
The Cartesian represents stasis, lack of change, mechanistic logic, scientism, fundamentalism, literalism, ‘absolute truth’: a world with no potential for change.
I apologize if my statements about "literalism" and "inerrancy" are not couched in the language of friendly dialogue that I usually strive for.
Archive 2008-12-01
This literalism is exemplified by another sign protesting Life of Brian (above right).
Their puzzling devoutness
The unfortunate use of the phrase "simple-minded fundamentalist literalism" is a reference not to religious fundamentalism per se (ie, that religious truth is factually true as well) but rather to what Catholics call sola scriptura.
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In this context, the relevant principles are that words should be interpreted in the way in which a reasonable commercial person would construe them, and literalism should be resisted in the interpretative process.
Even the last measure, being ‘close to a powerful spiritual force’ does not necessarily relate to Biblical literalism.
Finally, Luther was unwilling to sacrifice political prudence and practicality on the altar of biblical literalism, or to identify Christianity with sectarian withdrawal from the political sphere.
Perhaps the most amazing thing about Robin Hanson is his determined literalism.
Discover Your Inner Literalist, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
I did not mean to offend you, so I do apologize for expressing my opinion that literalism is "absurd.
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First, she overstates the case that the Purist aesthetic which emerged in the 1920s, enchanted with ‘the thing in itself’ and enamored of a certain visual literalism, dominates American photography.
Religious revivalism sometimes took the form of extreme literalism, often termed fundamentalism.
Was this a case of literalism taken to impressive but unnecessary lengths?
The Times Literary Supplement
I could go into a long screed about Judaic storytelling and narrative techniques and why the concept of Bibilical literalism is problematic, but, like I said, this isn’t really the place, or indeed, the point.
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He advocated a strict literalism in which the text became the sole source of legitimate authority, and displayed an extreme hostility to intellectualism, mysticism, and any sectarian divisions within Islam.
Although I feel there needs to be more clarity and in some cases less literalism in approaching such political themes, it is definitely positive for artists to begin moving in this direction.
That is literalism - scientific fundamentalism - a dreadful mental myopia.
And you don't get points for utilitarianism or literalism.
It is not old-fashioned literalism but sound interpretation to read the Code as meaning what it says.
Still, even if you had been correct on the points you raised, the others are sufficient to point out the indefensibility of Biblical literalism.
A pop quiz for Biblical literalists | RELIGION Blog |
Controlling for education (and any other demographics you might care to use), the effect of Biblical literalism is statistically insignificant, but still has the wrong sign (i.e.,
Found: A False Stereotype About Fundamentalists, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty