How To Use Lit In A Sentence
He was a cute little beggar, looked like you as well.
In my view his confrontational, gladiatorial style has been a major contributor to the widespread disdain of the British public for politicians generally.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze and love is a riddle, I don't know where to go, can't do it alone.
Liberal democracy is a fraud, a cover for the power of the elite.
Times, Sunday Times
Some were members of Turkey's elite military class known as "pashas," a title of respect harking back to Ottoman military commanders Monday for allegedly planning to blow up mosques in order to trigger a military takeover and overthrow the - Photown News

A little pyrotechnics display tacked on just serves to emphasise its lack of cutting edge.
Times, Sunday Times
Lovecraft dealt not with the supernatural but with the "supernormal," as Joshi puts it -- the unrealized side of material reality.
The Lovecraft News Network
Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
An imprimatur is not guarantee of theological soundness, in reality.
Dr. Janet Smith replies to Dr. Schindler, defends Christopher West
He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
Leaked Reports Detail Iran's Aid for Iraqi Militias," blared the headline on afront page story inThe New York Times, which went on to report on several incidents recounted in WikiLeaks documents that journalist Michael Gordon called "the shadow war between the United States and Iraqi militias backed by Iran's Revolutionary Guards.
Ali Gharib: What Did WikiLeaks Really Tell Us About Iran?
The battery-operated doll comes complete with walkie-talkie and a wardrobe choice of military fatigues or bolero jacket and gold trousers.
Unless the radar signal is normal to some surface (extremely low probability) the radar receives no return.
The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ...
"Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room.
Moderately Shocked
But yes, good of Prof. Adler, who I hope will be a little chary of Althousian pseudoreality in future.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Washington Post to School
In her house apron and with her hair a little ruffled she looked younger, startled and then angry.
We learn a little more about how interconnected the world is.
Times, Sunday Times
The method enhances data recoverability in keyed database records.
Based upon analysis of duplicate samples, reproducibility was better than 3% of the measured concentration of each element.
An empty plastic 2 litre bottle is tied to a rock, or bag of stones with strong twine or string.
Petanque may be the only sport inspired by a disability - that of Jules LeNoir, who in 1910 was a dedicated player of boules, a French game much like bocce ball.
Twenty microliters of each antibody was added to 100 L of blood, and the mixture was incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes, chillis and refried beans to the casserole with a little salt and pepper. 5.
But he has to be a little more careful about how he reacts.
The Sun
Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback?
We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.
The lady was kissing a little lap dog.
She jumped back with a little yelp of surprise.
Whisk the egg in a bowl and heat a little oil in a nonstick pan.
Times, Sunday Times
You can't have a show called Politically Incorrect and then abjectly apologize for not being PC.
He literally danced his music into being, conducting his bass players, drummers and horn section with his hips.
Other worries were language barriers and lower standards of quality in some countries.
Times, Sunday Times
Ireland does not have another manufacturing facility with a similar capacity to absorb glass cullet (crushed glass).
The recent U.S. ranking by the World Economic Forum of 48th out of 133 developed or developing nations in quality of math and science instruction is a siren call.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Political Will
Little chips light great fires.
Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
One Mercedes engineer estimated that, worldwide, up to 50,000 vehicles may have to be repaired, which is a blow for a company which prides itself on reliability and quality.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Add a little freshly sliced green chilli or a hint of chilli powder if you wish.
Times, Sunday Times
Not only by the immense number of adherents that were won to his views during his lifetime, but also by the literary productions he left behind him, Tsong K'aba's influence has been great during the last five centuries of Tibetan history.
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
Between 1906 and 1907, this wide-ranging businessman established steam-powered tramways in various localities across Japan.
After putting its energy into the 2008 acquisition of Northwest Airlines, the Atlanta-based carrier plans to spend more than $2 billion through 2013 to lure travelers with new flat-bed seats, video on demand and upgraded facilities in hotly contested markets such as New York.
Delta Refocuses
The presidential election will be conducted against a backdrop of seismic political and economic turmoil.
Times, Sunday Times
Young barristers undertaking publicly funded work frequently earn very little in their first years.
Times, Sunday Times
The threatened uniform typically consists of a khaki military tunic with trousers, though in Scottish regiments the trousers are usually tartan or replaced by a kilt.
Before anyone says that this was going to happen anyway, remember that political pros were saying two years ago that Napolitano was a one term fluke, early this year Republicans were salivating about a possible 2/3 majority House and Senate, and it took some foresight to see that a decent candidate could be recruited to take out J.
Archive 2006-12-01
Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities.
We need first of all a fact finding mission and then we need to put together a coalition of conservators, a cultural coalition.
Everyone needed time to take stock after the most prestigious solo race had turned into a demolition derby.
Times, Sunday Times
Thus, the power of drawing iron is one of the ideas of the complex one of that substance we call a loadstone; and a power to be so drawn is a part of the complex one we call iron: which powers pass for inherent qualities in those subjects.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
The BBC never tires of telling us how passionately it seeks the interest and participation of the public in its political output, particularly the young.
They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society.
The little divil that stole the dog-team an 'wint over the Pass in the dead o' winter for to see where the world come to an ind on the ither side, just because old Matt McCarthy was afther tellin 'her fairy stories?
Do you think the Academy is really hip to how great Gosford Park is, or do they just like it's patina of British upper-crust respectability?
They therefore blame not the buddy system but political patronage for government inefficiency.
Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
There are some trademark pieces - elegant-legged tables and high-quality marquetry - mixed in with contemporary designer furniture, antique shop finds and some very in-your-face art.
These will involve more rigorous checks on claimants to make sure their disability qualifies.
The Sun
The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
a rising young politician
Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September.
Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
The decision to escalate UN involvement has been taken in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities.
That's when I noticed the little sticker on the window explaining the purpose of the ‘Child Safety Lock’.
Four principal types of source pertain to the subject: literature, works of graphic or plastic art, archaeological remains, and notated pieces of music.
My writing partner is a violent, chauvinistic semi-literate adolescent.
The time when the production of best quality was a guarantee of earning best money is over.
The tranquility of Birch's daytime views hardly characterized the disputative climate surrounding the building, then and later.
The weather was beautiful and our little house gorgeous.
Times, Sunday Times
The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
For him, cruelty was a legitimate and necessary procedure, almost a profession of faith, and European artists showed him how to excruciate a tame local reality.
Practical measures such as quality control and testing are very important in the manufacturing process.
His colleagues listened politely to his harangue but ignored him.
There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
In any event, when making a case against the indivisibility of Sinitic, it is not necessary to rebut each of these "common" features individually, since they are largely or wholly extralinguistic.
Language Log
Modern scientific capability has profoundly altered the course of human life.
Times, Sunday Times
A private benefactor endowed the new Chair of Japanese Literature.
No, but they more or less remained together, I hate to use the word ideologically, but I guess for want of a better word, they seemed to always react, more or less, the same way to political situations and to political candidates 'platforms.
Oral History Interview with Lindy Boggs, January 31, 1974. Interview A-0082. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
Our militia fired off volley after volley from anti - aircraft artillery.
He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
Europe was last united in neolithic times, before the inseparable meshwork of land, people, community and trade separated into hierarchy, nations and cities.
Designed and built by hiveMODULAR partner Bryan Meyer and his wife, Anne Ryan, this little woodland getaway is a great example of how versatility makes small spaces livable.
Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success. Henry Ward Beecher
They describe some gaps in the literature and provide some suggestions for future research.
Mewme was an old cat not like the playful little kitten that Alison had first encountered after her mother entered her life.
Soldado literally translates as 'soldier'.
The Sun
I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education.
Can a Godless Society be a
The old, merry Whiting looked sideways at Richard, then the round face assumed an expression of diffident humility for Mr. Hanks.
Morgan’s Run
This came after scores of pro-Uribe legislators and other officials were indicted on conspiracy charges involving so-called demobilized paramilitaries.
Council on Hemispheric Affairs
He can still credit marvels, the little miracles and epiphanies that rise out of our daily lives.
He admitted killing her but denied murder on the grounds of diminished responsibility and loss of control.
Times, Sunday Times
There is an artistic and literary set, some of whom have swapped city life for part-time commuting.
Times, Sunday Times
This type of political perversion of the law was well known during Hitler's fascist dictatorship.
The fall in popularity of the death's head and the subsequent prevalence of the cherub was a reflection of the Great Awakening and the belief in the immortality of the soul: "Cherubs reflect a stress on resurrection, while death's heads emphasize the mortality of man.
Headstones for Dummies, the New York Edition
You might well feel a tad suspicious of this literary agent's good fortune.
Times, Sunday Times
Unless you're willing to bone up on the subject, you're better off to assess his technical ability by asking for references and checking them out.
The turning supporter facilitates the closing of the cargo container and simultaneously provides the reinforcement to the cargo container.
However, your best bet is to look for a personal fitness trainer that is trained and certified in post-rehabilitation, a manual physical therapist, or an osteopath .
Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******.
Support Al Kemal for Mayor of London: the People’s Choice! « raincoaster
It had been always understood, by watchful politicians, that the Repeal agitation slumbered only until the reinstalment of a Conservative administration.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns?
And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
But the family have pulled together and, in spite of fits of irritability, are happy.
Moreover, don't these choices facilitate a feminist reading of the text, deconstructing sentimentality to expose masculine failings and feminine rebellion?
A wistful little architectural songwriting gem.
Times, Sunday Times
Curiously, for a politician who made much of the fact that what happened in the rest of the world was not always Washington's concern, diplomacy has been the keynote of his first months in office.
Miles, the more successful, exaggerated the decorative qualities of his father's style to the point of mannerism.
It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite.
Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
High-quality sprinkler systems and new fireproof roofing materials, for example, can reduce the chance of fire.
Doing so would nullify one's neutrality so to speak.
Zunun Kadir, the famous writer, playwright and fabulist, was the founder and the pioneer of the contemporary Uighur literature.
A partially blind, poor, black man with little or no book learning outside of the Bible heard a call.
We believe that this directly relates to reality programming that has been instilled in our race since its conception.
He spent three days in jail after smashing up an apartment, and has done time in a drug rehabilitation centre.
The politically astute know all about the importance of reputation management.
Times, Sunday Times
He also worked part-time at a satellite uplink station.
Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA.
Your Right Hand Thief
His work underscores the aeriality embedded in the rational geometric order of the regions settlement.
Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
Word can say so little when someone cares so much. Mother,I'm wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that I'd so like to say How thankful I am and how very proud,too,to have a wonderful mother like you.
Qiao Gong Fang Gems is a professional supplier of high-quality jewelry gemstones in Wuzhou which famous known as "the capital of artificial gem in the world".
And Buddhism and Hinduism were sketched out in the India issue: the less personalised and politicised nature of these religions makes it easier.
U.S. network CNN for what it called biased reports on political unrest and on the alleged assault and torture earlier this month of opposition leaders, including Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the main
ANC Daily News Briefing
The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.
Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
The contours show combinations of mimic phenotypes that are attacked by predators with equal probability.
For a start, when you drive through the gate, instead of just driving through just a field of grass, you actually drive through copses of trees and little forests.
Instead, I was stuck in my little dorm room, answering the phone every time it rang in case it was Clay.
Seven years before US Surgeon General Luther Terry would announce a link between smoking and cancer, this information was political and business dynamite.
‘The majority of costs are wage costs; there is very little room for manoeuvre,’ he said.
Nature and politics abhor a vacuum.
Times, Sunday Times
Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
We now read that men are to be targeted with a range of pink summer wearables by the high-street fashion chains 'cashing in' on the growing phenomenon of ' metrosexuality.
A combining approach to find all taxon names (FAT) in legacy biosystematic literature.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
The development includes eight sound stages, production facilities, digital facilities and outdoor back lot areas.
That said, the advisability of perching a laurel crown on a horse-riding hat, which tended to happen after the equestrianism events, may have to be addressed.
But either way, placater or elitist, he has headed us down an evil road by deepening a war we couldn ` t afford eight years ago when it started and certainly can ` t afford after the Bush-Cheney fiasco in Iraq.
The Student Operated Press
Phase I called for dewatering and rehabilitating the No.6 shaft, sinking the shaft to the 45th level, cutting seven level stations, and diamond drilling the conglomerate bed.
The fact that your name adorned a jet over the skies over Afghanistan solidifies the bond all of us in the military share with the American people.
CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2002
The Communists vastly exaggerated their own Resistance role in order to attract postwar political support.
The little dark-brown, doughnut-shaped fritters tasted a whole lot like Indian pakoras, and indeed came with a dish of raita for dipping.
But that previous column leads one to question whether a session bean is necessary at all, introducing the possibility of using entity beans and their Home methods instead of session beans.
Refreshed and regowned, again in dark colors unrelieved by any bright embroidery, Aene paced nervously along a subtly lit path towards the Castrea residence.
The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
On a tree that is virtually bare, one can often see a solitary leaf still fluttering on a top twig.
Times, Sunday Times
Laplace called probability theory ‘the calculus of inductive reasoning.’
In children, especially, this E. coli variant can cause diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
They take up little space and give a real boost to summer and autumn colour.
Times, Sunday Times
Physicians and hospitals fear the practice could unfairly penalize practitioners and say there's no way to benchmark quality accurately.
And there's the very useful little beetle we call the ladybug, which is not a bug, but a beetle.
Little Busybodies The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles, and Other Busybodies
Surely you appreciate that for those who regularly attack Israel and its suporters, “Likud” is a label fraught with negative implications that have nothing to do with the political realities within Israel.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Human Rights Watch Update
In the end, though, Smith was beginning to realise the futility of trying to liberate a proletariat that seemed quite content to remain unliberated.
Mansur Rajih had been politically active for most of his adult life.
However, the Seismosaurus fossil found with the most gastroliths held only 15 kg of stones, the largest no bigger than a grapefruit.
by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
Fox relied heavily on the strength of his personal image as a caudillo, which is by no means a new phenomenon in Mexican politics.
WordPerfect's ability to edit macros can be used for any customization.
Upon noticing the new appliance, he stomped his little feet and clapped with joy.
But true-life tales of memory loss don't offer just drama - they also shed light on the mysteries of identity and personality.
The burden of his espionage responsibilities gives him a distinct air of desperation.
Despite literally minutes browsing, we can't top that.
The Knowledge | Which clubs have refunded fans due to player transfers? | Rob Smyth
Literature is no longer "bookish" -- but practical, social, propagandist.
Studies in Early Victorian Literature
This is not by any means the only instance of financial incompetence on the part of our various Scottish ancestors, nor indeed of the tendency to resort to violence, and those patterns offer surprisingly little reassurance from the genetic standpoint.
Archive 2009-03-01
A copyreader might not find it perfect, for the assault is allotted too much space and the pursuit too little, but it tells the story in its baldest aspect.
Newspaper Reporting and Correspondence A Manual for Reporters, Correspondents, and Students of Newspaper Writing
She was literally demanding your complete, undivided attention.
Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion.
Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
Stick us in a virgin paradise, and we create great honeycombed bureaucracies, vast bramble-fields of rules and regulations, ornate politburos filled with policymaking politicos, and, above all, tangled webs of power.
The strength of the argument for splitting the bill is evident in the reaction of the two Republican senators from Texas.
I followed the daily activities of a trivial little person.
Somewhere East of Life
He chased the unmigratory tropi-ducks from their shrewd-hidden nests, walked circumspectly among the crocodiles hauled out of water for slumber, and crept under the jungle-roof and spied upon the snow-white saucy cockatoos, the fierce ospreys, the heavy-flighted buzzards, the lories and kingfishers, and the absurdly garrulous little pygmy parrots.
The light, a single bulb in an ethnic basket, was suspended from the ceiling and lit just the table.
At the least, that first conclusion seems to me unproven by his own arguments in favor of mortality.
Both major political parties propagate myths about young people.
Sharansky is not infallible, but he is probably the most sagacious voice in Israeli politics today.
Evidence such as this serves to undermine the apparently monolithic edifice of Victorianism.
Had such a nice time, it was really charming in a slightly run-down way and on a beautiful little lake called Stoney Lake.
He was still very young, especially by Drow standards, but his smile had given way to an expression of restraint, and his little arms and legs had grown long and thick.
The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.
Excepting his quaint epithets which he affects to render literally from the Greek, a language above all others blest in the happy marriage of sweet words, and which in our language are mere printer's compound epithets -- such as quaffed divine
Literary Remains, Volume 1
The French and Dutch results were punishment for political failure on a grand scale.
This is deemed necessary to contain gang warfare and political protests.
Times, Sunday Times
The town hall lost two bollards and a litter bin, railings, and a large stone pedestal has been cracked.
Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
Church of Constantinople was still strong, as is shown by the great work of S. Theodore of the S.udium, famous as a hymn-writer, a liturgiologist, and a defender of the faith.
The Church and the Barbarians Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003
In some present-day music the individual syllables of words are used primarily for their sound quality and seem disconnected from the rest of the text.
Whatever you think of Strandlof and the months he masqueraded as a brain-injured veteran, the simple truth two months after his web of lies came apart is that public disgrace seems to have changed him little.
Heroes or Villains?
BLITZER: In our strategy session today, President Bush was out heralding what he called the vibrant state of the U.S. economy.
CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
Finally, a political party is the convergence of a group of people based on their political ideals and ideologies.
The establishment of administrative accountability system in our country soon, And accountability is still in the consubstantial Accountability stage.
‘The paramilitaries have graffitied threats against us on the walls.’
Volumes of exchanges have been taking place over what some of these correspondents have called the militarisation of Haiti by international forces, many of the voices sounding off against it.
TrinidadExpress Today's News
Grim, sure, but true - not to mention ruthlessly egalitarian, which is why people rarely lob the P-word at those whose answer to life is, "Who knows?
Why I love Carolyn Hax
Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
John Sayles is often hailed as the king of independent cinema, so it is little wonder that his latest movie, Silver City, was able to attract such a mouth-watering cast.
The final proposals were a rather unsuccessful compromise between the need for profitability and the demands of local conservationists.
The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
If the Indonesian judiciary really can be influenced by political heavies, this is one occasion when I hope such influence is exerted.
inconceivability" is used in the sense of relative inconceivability, it is incorrectly used, unless it is qualified in some way; because, if used without qualification, there is danger of its being confused with inconceivability in its absolute sense.
A Candid Examination of Theism
He's not the first politician to be caught with his pants down, and he won't be the last.
My fingertips at this point were being sliced to the bone on the cheesewire strings but with usual English politeness i ploughed on now wanting fiona to hurray up. Recent Updates