How To Use Listen In A Sentence
Although he has mellowed a little since then, he is still a long way from being easy listening.
Times, Sunday Times
He seemed a little taken aback, sat and listened with fur bristling, one hand stroking the back of the other.
Though Jane tells herself stories, listens to stories told by others, and reads, she never writes anything other than a few letters-misaddressed and undelivered letters, at that.
Listen to our astronomers talk about the magnitudes and disunites and composition of the stars, and compare with their story that which was written in the astronomy of a few centuries ago.
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 10 Drummond to Jowett, and General Index
His colleagues listened politely to his harangue but ignored him.

We sat in aw as we listened to Hillary's speech and wondered aloud what she's up too.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, June 2, 2008
Listen to them now, whining about unfairness as the problem is put right.
The Sun
The glistening mushrooms were plump and earthy against the dry, crunchy pastry softened by the delicate, herby cream sauce.
Vibrations from instruments such as the talking drum or the didgeridoo, or even from foot-stomping dances, may have spoken volumes to distant, unshod listeners.
If I command him to put the newest posts at the top like every other bleeding blog in the world - are you listening boyo - will he obey?
Someone co-ordinated with the radio or TV producers and sponsors, and held a larger vision of the whole than either performer or listener could.
Back in the '60s and '70s I listened to Gordon Lightfoot a fair bit when I wanted to take a break from the harder rock that was the staple of my listening.
Her straight, medium-length, blonde hair glistened, and her baby blue eyes and sweet red mouth were picture-perfect.
She listened some more and her expression grew serious.
A Stitch Before Dying
During the night two young partisans sat on guard at the bedroom door listening to murmured conversation.
Whicker's War
But when he returned to his room to give his other half the glad tidings, the housekeeper, who was listening to the story, interrupted to tell them that she knew of plenty of empty rooms.
As for you, the membership, many of you have offered an ear to listen, time to reflect, and many hours of friendship and support.
Carson's voice on the phone was preceded by that of a lawyer who asked if I would mind listening to Johnny while he spoke his piece, which sounds like even daffier a concept now than it did then.
Nights with Johnny Carson: As long as it's been, we still long for them
I listen in to their conversations and store it all up to tell you later.
But, in the end, we must listen to gut instinct, be creative, and take risks.
The listener can be a bottleneck if it is single threaded, and if InterChange Server is not running on a high speed disk subsystem.
This stuff doesn't merely placate the listener with predictable, danceable nursery rhymes but lashes out and lacerates the eardrum relentlessly.
Listening to this intense young man, there is little doubt he has done things the hard way; no favours doled out and none asked for.
I am listening to your day-tales, though I wonder that this time might be better spent mistranslating health warnings from foreign cigarettes and pasting them to a gallery wall or, perhaps, composing a biro haiku on the arch of a foot, proclaiming:
Day 9: Better Spent Time
Later that night, after he had carried her inside, he lay next to her on the hearthrug, listening to her breathe, not quite believing what had just happened.
To my shame I refused to listen to her side of the story.
Then, suddenly, the house turned itself into a Richard Curtis film - the one in which all those hard-hearted world leaders listen to a young wee Scots lassie who tells them that, yes, they can make poverty history, now!
There were checkerberry-pipe and licorice-pipe and sassafras-pipe, and -- how Wort's eyes did glisten and his mouth water as he imagined the different kinds there!
The Knights of the White Shield Up-the-Ladder Club Series, Round One Play
Language is a collaborative activity Meaning arises as much from what listeners hear as what speakers intend to say.
It is a good service to provide for your listeners so we don't have to pause the show find whatever your looking at and then come back. aria on August 22, 2009 3: 04 pm intro is a cover of the airman stage on rockman 2. its called airman ga taosenai, u can find lots of versions of it on nico nico douga
Anime Pulse » Shows
When I was a kid I loved listening to all the shop talk around the breakfast table and dinner table.
I've had an insanely busy day here, and I was listening to the latest album but it was just making me kind of listless and spacy.
Now that I have a CD player, I don't listen to my tapes anymore.
Preachers paid for time to sermonize, listeners could call in, some slots were reserved for Christian music.
On Sunday evening, after the dishes had been washed and Jared was in bed, Charisse and Stefàn were lounging comfortably on the plush leather cuddler sofa in their den and listening to a classic Grover Washington, Jr. CD.
Who Said It Would Be Easy
Despite advances in headphone design, the fact is you are still listening to glorified stereo, where the sounds appear to thump uncomfortably inside your head.
The church was full, and everyone listened in rapt attention.
It was nice listening to the two kids laughing their heads off as they played "moviemaking" on Sunday.
Why do men listen with more strict attention to an inflammatory harangue, that may not be argumentative, than to a prosaical discourse, that is, to an anecdote than to a prayer, to an extravaganza than to a lecture, or derive more pleasure from pantomimic drollery than from Hamlet, or hearing an opera they do not understand than from reading an essay they do.
A Controversy Between "Erskine" and "W. M." on the Practicability of Suppressing Gambling.
Listen to him prating on about his wealth.
After this admirable book, the reader can return to listening to Strauss with added enjoyment.
In the past a recitation of those statements would have elicited a collective nod from any listening Americans.
AUDIO FILE: listen to the French word "avocat" and hear the expressions, above:Download Avocat
French Word-A-Day:
Not that I don't like talking to you, but I always feel like you're just humoring me when you listen to me rave about this show or that show.
Brown pelicans dive into glistening sapphire waves to grab tiny silvery fish that jump from the water then fall back with a soft plop.
What sort of music would you listen to if you did have a whizzy waterproof iPod and didn't have to concentrate and count?
Rebecca Adlington | Small Talk
Danlo listened to the wind rise and whoosh between the buildings.
The Broken God
Early in the morning I listened to a cirl-bunting singing merrily from a bush close to the George and
Afoot in England
The results indicate that, on average, listeners are able to discriminate between the two.
The Ivorians seemed willing to be heard, but none of them seemed willing to listen.
The tusky but soft-hearted little brute kept nodding his round, sparsely covered head while he listened, exuding a smell of lavender-water, cigars, and gutta-percha.
The Freelands
Listen to an old man's counsel.
Just shut your eyes and listen closely.
He has read widely in the archives, and listened afresh to the music of the period.
Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition.
Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
She'll approach the perfume counter boldly, spray her ample poitrine and graceful, swanlike neck until it's glistening like a freshly dunked donut and writhe in olfactory ecstasy.
What to Give for Christmas to the Over-Applier?
The soldiers listened in silence as their captain gave the orders.
He would call owls, listen to the peepers, and point out constellations.
The master talked to him gently but seriously, and he cocked his ears, and listened with painful intentness.
The Call of Kind
Now as Tera lay out with her hair coated in conditioner, Mari unbraided her own hair, listened to her iPod, and enjoyed rays.
Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
He listened intently, jabbed furiously three or four times at the transmitting key, then leapt to his feet, tearing his headphones off.
The intruder was a big man, his face glistening with the effort of hoisting himself up.
The Bullet Catchers
The Admiral had refused to listen to anything Marcus said, and eventually Marcus had been dismissed and ordered back for the tribunals.
We're journeying in the psychological borderlands of music, and what you bring with you in your head and your heart, as well as how you listen, may affect your perception of these experimental sounds.
The world can only hope that he chooses to listen to sound advice and govern with the benefit of knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
I get to do that now with my two children; before they came along, I sought to do that with the people who came to my church, who read my books, who listened to my music, who lent their precious and rare attention to what I had to say, even at a time when I was being called an outcast.
God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
Trey listened with a patient ear, only making distance with the receiver when she whined or couldn't make out her blubbering.
They should unclothe the subject, weigh, listen, observe vital capacity, and take blood, urine, and fecal samples.
Do you listen to the broadcast?
Listening in on the tap, a man laughed, putting his head set down.
I'd listened to the programme a fair few times during my last year at school '93-4 and been dazzled by its mix of inspired music, learned guests, poetry, comedy and all-round self-deprecating dementedness, but it wasn't until I left for university that I became a devout fan.
Archive 2006-04-01
After I had observed every flower, and listened to a disquisition on every plant, I was permitted to depart; but first, with great pomp, he plucked a polyanthus and presented it to me, as one conferring a prodigious favour.
Agnes Grey
The boy could easily match the right words in textbooks after listening to tapes.
Chimpy: Listen, I know in my heart your rook was a threat.
Your Right Hand Thief
Staff stood amazed as they listened to this unprompted assault on Stewart's integrity.
If I didn't have a shoulder to lean on or a compassionate ear willing to listen to me rant, I might've been tempted to quit.
Over the course of three and a half days they listened to evidence presented by both sides, and then questioned the witnesses for both defence and prosecution before retiring to consider their verdict.
He had a hearty appetite, took very little exercise, and spent his days sitting at his office desk and most evenings sitting in front of the fire, listening to the wireless.
Darcy's face was white and glistening with sweat.
Glisten breastpin, no matter you fasten it on collar or hair, can have the effect that make the finishing point.
Which is annoying when you just want to listen to the radio and go home.
Times, Sunday Times
Back in the early fifties people across the land followed the Redex trial intently, listening in for updates in the daily news broadcasts from their valve radiograms.
I kiss Bob and the kids good-bye, wish them a fun and safe day, and listen to them swish in their nylon shell pants and clomp in their heavy boots out the door.
Left Neglected
You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
He was listening to techno music in his headphones as he pumped rounds into the audience.
The Sun
Through the wall he was continually listening to the Bach G minor unaccompanied violin sonata.
Many listeners are, rightly, suspicious of free jazz as a refuge for those who simply cannnot "play" in the accepted sense.
I listened to my feet making a steady rhythm on the paved stones, as regular as a pulse beat.
We would fall asleep listening to my grandparents sitting at the table playing cards or cribbage.
And those who are admonishing us to harden up, toughen up, I think we need to listen to that.
I lay in the bed with my eyes still closed but my mind was awake listening to the sound of the breeze blowing through the leaves of the coconut tree near my room window.
Listen! There's a strange noise in the engine.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho -- In Idaho Falls hundreds came to the Civic Auditorium to celebrate our day of independence by listening to the founding fathers themselves. - Local News 8 - Headlines
The singing, so difficult to bear for many listeners, never settles into a particular pitch, remaining agonisedly in motion; Jandek presents us with a voice in extremity, and an endless quarrying of pain and related states, in which infinite gradations of suffering are allowed to differentiate themselves.
Archive 2007-10-01
It's not a ready-made audience, which means people listen because they want to.
You're listening to the American Armed Forces Network.
During the day, reflective listening may help.
Times, Sunday Times
He went to sleep listening to fighters flying back and forth overhead.
Sweat glistened on his forehead.
It's honestly embarrassing to listen to, but one should refrain from calling Arrington a brown-noser because who knows?
Dan Snyder Mounts Charm Offensive Many Years Too Late
His jaw was underhung, and when he laughed, two white buck-teeth protruded themselves and glistened savagely in the midst of the grin.
Vanity Fair
T] he skin wheal responses induced by latex or histamine were not changed after listening to Beethoven.
Archive 2007-01-01
She listens as to a fairy tale, and then I tell her of the stellar crystals concealed in the rough crust of the amygdaloid.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
Slowly I settled against him and I listened to his breathing; it was raspy and every once in a while he would cough, but he still held me tight.
There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given.
CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
Instead of seeking melody, listeners grew satisfied with crump-crump rhythm.
Where I see Hawfinches they become more visible from early afternoon in the tops of trees - often Beech or Hornbeam. Listen out for the loud ticking call.
He said he had to go on a listening tour of voters because'very safe Labour wards have become moribund.
Times, Sunday Times
While I enjoyed the news-less interlude, too many strikes will weary public patience and risk handing viewers and listeners to the opposition.
See, listen, and be silent, and you will live in peace.
She stood perfectly still, listening to his footsteps recede down the hall.
Ah, what a world entire was this lost little hamlet of Paradise, where merrymakers trod on the mourners 'heels, where the scream of the biniou drowned the floating note of the passing bell, where Misery drew the curtains of her bed and lay sleepless, listening to Gayety dancing breathless to the patter of a coquette's wooden shoes!
The Maids of Paradise
The girl he talked to was a listening ear, someone willing to share in his anxiety about an undeniably unsettling situation.
I loved the endless hours I spent splashing in streams, eating blackberries off the bush, catching trout, walking the woods, sunning on rocks, listening to banjos and dulcimers.
Well, whinges the person who thinks that this is a truly astonishing apercu, Tony Blair listens to him all the time and does what he is told.
I don't necessarily agree with all they do but ....
The variety is enough here to make the listener giddy, especially when presented in such vivid, richly textured studio sound.
Times, Sunday Times
Listening to these angry mobs is very disappointing especially from our seniors.
Town hall meeting on health care turns ugly
White stuff glistening in brilliant sunshine against a backdrop of blue.
Times, Sunday Times
Connel placed the spool of tape in the audiograph and settled in a chair to listen.
Danger in Deep Space
We can still listen to the songs of the kokako and saddleback, and the booming of the kakapo.
Twinkling flashbulbs lit up Centre Court like fireworks in the night when Sampras kissed the trophy once again, his eyes glistening from the tears he had shed moments earlier after he whacked his final service winner to beat Patrick Rafter 6-7
Sampras wins historic Wimbledon title
While driving your car, you can also listen to the engine: if you hear knocking, it's a good sign that you have trouble.
The Torah tells us listen, hear, and hearken on whichever level you are able.
They listened, with eager attention, to the complaints of their captive children, who had suffered the most cruel indignities from the lustful or angry passions of their masters, and the same cruelties, the same indignities, were severely retaliated on the sons and daughters of the
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The working masochists came off as bellyachers and had a penchant for making people listen to their workplace war stories.
Listening to the orchestra perform these profound works in the Ulster Hall demonstrated once again what fine acoustical properties the hall has.
But I listened very carefully and don't remember that he actually said that those officers could then stop and frisk the individuals under suspicion.
The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.
It's a British thing... as I understand it, "chav" is kind of similar to the American word "wigger" and is often used to refer to middle-class white kids who wear trainers and track suits and listen to hip-hop music.
Dave Smith Evolver gets handy upgrade
Ideally your interviews always go smoothly, and after each one you craft an effective note thanking the interviewer for the time, expressing enthusiasm and making it clear you listened closely to the hirer's requirements.
How To Follow Up After A Job Interview
It's a day where people celebrate by drinking the worst-tasting beer they can find, wearing ratty blue singlet tops with Australian flags as a cape, eating burnt "snags" from the "barbie" and listening to the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown on the radio from the plush confines of a deck chair placed in a kiddie's wading pool.
A List For Australia Day
They call it a "shimmer" - a glint, a glitter, a glisten.
The Guardian World News
He didn't need to listen to his college classmates ask the professor pointless questions.
Sources said he will be given seven days to listen and watch the video recording of the meeting and revert to the committee.
Now I listen more, and get immediate feedback on my decisions.
My home on Sunday became a place of carefree fun, little wet boys running to and fro, glistening beads of moisture running down their soft nubile chests.
We know how tempting it can be to indulge in listening to or passing along a juicy rumor.
He again applied his eye to the glass, and turning his ear to the partition, listened attentively: with a subtle and eager look upon his face, that might have appertained to some old goblin.
Oliver Twist
I grew up listening to jazz, funk and house.
Times, Sunday Times
I appreciate how the policier was willing to listen and take the information.
Creve - French Word-A-Day
Damage to the left hemisphere of her brain has caused a speech impediment that reminds listeners of an overseas accent.
Times, Sunday Times
The only way to memorise a book is to say it out loud to yourself, and this I did, gabbling away as children do, my real purpose concealed because nobody ever listens to what a child has to say.
'' She's actually taking the listener with her, unlike Rudd who tended to sort of put words out there, often with a kind of syntactical convolution, and you had to try to keep up with him, '' he says.
The Age News Headlines
At the gathering, Secretary General Kofi Annan listened quietly to three and a half hours of bluntly worded counsel from a group united in its personal regard for him and support for the United Nations.
More than 100 people packed a lecture theatre at the Steam Museum to hear the MPs underline their commitment to the war and listen to the views of their constituents.
Part of the thrill is eluding the proctors who scan the rooftops late at night, listening for the scrape of heels.
To lead a hymn, to facilitate a Sunday School Class discussion, to preach in a tiny chapel, or to listen to a troubled soul, is not at all boring.
Burt's dry wit has, however, occasionally got him into hot water, especially among more literal-minded listeners.
Apparently I have a ‘groovy urban boho life spent cruising bagel shops, watching films in Swahili and listening to music sung in ancient tribal click languages’.
Contact you dream? you listen? spoken word? norbert blei | six found-poems in the words and paintings of andrew wyeth
Norbert blei | six found-poems in the words and paintings of andrew wyeth « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Listen long enough and you can hear the high-pitched, enthusiastic yip yowl of coyotes; the long, keening howl of the wolves.
The only people who listen to him with unfeigned respect are sommeliers.
Have a listen and see if you can hear anything I can't.
And, unpalatable - or even downright outrageous - though it may seem, we will, eventually, have to start listening.
White stuff glistening in brilliant sunshine against a backdrop of blue.
Times, Sunday Times
Nitrox diving is complicated; you need to concentrate and you need to listen.
Times, Sunday Times
When you listen to the radio, the music deadens your rhythm and causes you to create uniform sentences.
In addition to evenings filled with hayrides, games, and camp stories and songs, students and their teachers listened to stories about Pennsylvania stations on the Underground Railroad.
It's a very devoted listenership.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite a slightly receding hairline, his ample, glistening night-black hair remained full and healthy.
Listener: It sounds like you felt it went very well.
Why does everything else pale in comparison to the rich, glistening red of a rare filet mignon?
For discussions allow passion to subside; and to persuade alienated neighbors, or at least one of them, to listen to the voice of a conciliator, is a step in the direction of peace.
Albert Gobat - Nobel Lecture
Listen to your father
After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.
Tech fiends, listen up, you've been asking for it.
Add a glass of gin and a meat pie for the listener, and all is happiness.
Times, Sunday Times
Even in the atonal phase, before he adopted serialism, he presented obstacles for his listeners.
I did wonder if this vessel ever uprighted itself on the higher reaches of the tide, listening as I did to the first gurglings in the reed-bound mud as the sea once again started to push against the hull of an active fishing boat, (short-wheel based Landrover in attendance).
Tidal Reaches 2
Villa Kennan, with a pang of disappointment at such rebuff, forwent her overtures for the moment, and listened to what tale Jacob Henderson could tell of his dog.
But after we got into bed, and after Frank had fallen asleep, I lay awake, listening to him breathe.
The three sonatas are the creative backbone, each not so very much less challenging to the listener than to the player this one well in command!
Times, Sunday Times
The Reconciler's thread starts when its listener detects a new Document.
He is clear to listen to the oddness of condition of the injury, associate there to break.
Not only was I tired, but listening to the same pedantic metaphysical reasoning for the second time from my friend, normally a lively conversationist, bored me out of my skull.
An East Wind Coming
Watch it a few times and you'll never listen to their audio output in the same way.
She likes to sit in the sun on my window ledge and listen while I play.
Times, Sunday Times
I was merrily typing away to friends in some primitive chat room on my IBM XT (super nerd), listening to some music (probably Flock of Seagulls -- nerd++), and watching Back to the Future with the sound off (neeeeerrrrrrrd).
Archive 2006-08-01
If you wanted to sit around, listen to George Michael and have some drinks while gasbagging about why not stay at home and pop his greatest hits on the stereo.
You Gotta Have Faith
Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
March 12, 2005 10: 26 doseone's biggest fan: to the f**khead who just badmouthed doseone, you obviously have no taste for real music. true poetry is only seen by those who understand it. you obviously haven't put enough thought into what you're listening to. notwist lyrics are good, but they're not half as deep as the poetry and insight that comes out of dose's mouth every single time he speaks. you should inform yourself more about something before you chose to call it aweful. have a nice day
Hybrid to heaven (Music (For Robots))
Barbara White and her mother like to listen to music together, though their tastes don't harmonize.
Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead.
You'll be able to subscribe to the podcast for free or listen to a streaming audio version.
He should listen to the people of this constituency and he has got a lot to listen to.
Times, Sunday Times
Listen to me, Mister, I don't ever wanna see you in this bar again.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
He caught my interest and I listened closely, my arms clasping tighter around his shoulders.
For that reason, I always make sure my car is locked by listening for the quite loud clunking noise.
Times, Sunday Times
But if he would rather hear Kate elocute about it than to lie and listen to the real thing, he's nothing more or less than a nature pirate.
The Lookout Man
The listeners grow suspicious with his self-defence story and discover the truth concerns them all.
If you walked into the room while it was playing, though, you'd wonder what on earth I was listening to.
I wish you'd shut up for a moment and listen to what the rest of us have to say.
They think themselves too high and mighty to listen to common sense.
The Sun
It was as if he was lip-reading while he listened, making sure nothing went unheard.
Sarah listens to her, and then suddenly the two of them sing a verse of the song.
When we were Middlesex teammates, he vowed that he wanted to play for England, and he was ready to listen, learn and put in the hard work to turn his dreams into a reality.
She rang the doorbell, listened to the silence within and felt a moment of panic.
They listened with rapt attention to his exploits in the recent engagement.
Man of Honour
So, we brought him to the studio, put up the little demo that we'd done, and he listened to a little bit of it, then wadded it up and threw it on the floor.
Mike Ragogna: Van Hunt's Free "June" Download, Plus Chatting with Steve Cropper