How To Use Liquidiser In A Sentence

  • Chop the beetroot and place in a liquidiser or blender with the juice.
  • It's fine to use tinned fruit, so long as it is in natural juice - this is easily pulped if you are using a liquidizer/food processor rather than a juicer.
  • To make the pancakes, whiz the flour, salt, eggs and milk until smooth in a food blender or liquidiser.
  • Put the batter ingredients into a blender or liquidiser.
  • You need a proper liquidiser, and you have to blitz the ingredients for a good couple of minutes.
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  • 'I'm not sure we could mess with his head any more without using a liquidiser.' A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away
  • Put flesh in liquidiser with chicken or vegetable stock or bouillon I use about 3/4 pint per big squash depending on how thick you like the soup. Butternut squash soup
  • Place the fromagefrais and cranberry sauce in a liquidiser or processor and blend well.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and liquidise the contents (with a hand blender or in the liquidiser) until smooth and creamy.
  • You need a proper liquidiser, and you have to blitz the ingredients for a good couple of minutes.
  • Sieve the cottage cheese, or pur e in a food processor or liquidiser and beat in the egg and milk.
  • Tip the contents of the pan into a liquidiser and blend until smooth.
  • Using a slotted spoon, lift the watercress from the pan and put into a liquidiser.
  • The rest will be whizzed in the liquidiser so looks aren't so important.
  • It consists of a large basin with a belt that turns a round grinder, churning and circulating the material, similar to the action of a liquidiser.
  • Sieve the cottage cheese, or pur e in a food processor or liquidiser and beat in the egg and milk.
  • Cut into chunks and place in a liquidiser with half of the lemon juice.
  • Combine the yoghurt, iced water or stock, sea salt and pepper in a liquidiser or blender (more successful than a food processor, which leaves it slightly bitty).
  • Blend the pumpkin in a liquidiser or food processor until smooth. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Cook for 10 minutes then tip into a liquidiser with the fresh coriander.
  • Puree the apricots in a liquidiser until completely smooth.
  • Blend in a liquidiser, adding a little cream and pepper to taste.
  • The next day, put all the peppers and tomatoes in a liquidiser and turn them into a thick, runny paste.
  • Take them from the pan with a perforated spoon and transfer them to a mortar or the liquidizer goblet.
  • The next day, put all the peppers and tomatoes in a liquidiser and turn them into a thick, runny paste.
  • Put the herbs in a liquidiser with the olive oil and blitz for one minute.
  • Take the pan off the heat and purée the soup with a hand blender or in a liquidiser. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Blend in a liquidiser (strain after this step if you want it to be more refined) add some cream and reheat, stirring all the time (do not boil). Verdolagas (purslanes)
  • In a liquidiser, blitz together fresh chilled mayonnaise with 6 garlic cloves, 1/2 jar of red peppers, 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
  • Purée the soup in a food processor or liquidiser.
  • For the tomato vinaigrette: Place all the ingredients in a liquidiser and process until smooth.
  • Blend half of the hulled strawberries in a liquidiser until smooth, then strain the purée through a fine sieve to remove the seeds if necessary. Seaside recipes: knickerbocker glory and cobb egg
  • Blitz the soup through a liquidiser or mouli, stir in the chopped parsley and check the seasoning.
  • To make the pancakes, whiz the flour, salt, eggs and milk until smooth in a food blender or liquidiser.
  • Remove from the heat, add the mint leaves and immediately blitz in a liquidiser, adding the onions and garlic. Seaside recipes: crab tart, sea bass with pea and mint soup
  • Add the peas and return to the boil, then purée in a liquidiser.
  • Commonsense shrieked at me not to let a drop pass my lips, but it was irresistible, like musty goat's cheese straight from the liquidizer.
  • Place the fromagefrais and cranberry sauce in a liquidiser or processor and blend well.
  • Place the pepper and vegetable stock in the liquidiser and process until liquidised.
  • Place mayonnaise into a liquidiser with herbs, watercress or spinach.
  • Drain the leeks and place in a liquidiser or food processor with the green chillis and the brine.
  • Purée the soup, either by using a hand-held electric blender or a liquidiser.
  • Sieve the cottage cheese, or pur e in a food processor or liquidiser and beat in the egg and milk.
  • Place the pepper and vegetable stock in the liquidiser and process until liquidised.
  • Purée the soup in a liquidiser and return to the pan. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph

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