How To Use Liquidate In A Sentence
Some of you may be surprised to see Mr. Jerrold here in person-in as much as our notice card intimated that he had been "liquidated" - which process we have come to understand in recent years is somewhat of an ordeal.
The Present Condition of England
My private belief was that Combret had done it: one problem at least that he had been able to liquidate with his own hands.
In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
Most of the unliquidated obligations result from transactions booked during the war years.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)

If the point is reached where the financial returns are no longer attractive, your business will liquidate as your investors and lenders put their money elsewhere.
They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.
Yes, there are a number of uncertainties — Will contingent obligations (like guaranty claims, or liabilities on asserted but as yet unliquidated lawsuit claims) become due?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Greek Bailout and Liquidity Risk
If sales growth is lower than inventory growth, inventories are liquidated to once again restore proportionality.
The ASBL believes the real purpose of the CSPTP is to allow large contractors to avoid paying liquidated damages for non-compliance with their small business subcontracting goals, as required under subpart 11.5 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR.
Lloyd Chapman: Pentagon to Review 21-Year-Old Test Program
They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.
Book value is the value of a company's assets if they were liquidated.
If there are any government-run financial rescue operations in the future, the administration says, they should be funded by the financial industry - and they shouldn't be bailouts but "breakups" that liquidate the failing firm and fire its executives. - Highschool
Sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis.
The finance giants have liquidated their assets, and their grand banking halls have found a new lease of life as dens of iniquity of a different sort.
In December, the Fitch Ratings service, which monitors the health of media companies, predicted a widespread newspaper die-off: “Fitch believes more newspapers and newspaper groups will default, be shut down and be liquidated in 2009 and several cities could go without a daily print newspaper by 2010.”
End Times
All ‘former Trotskyists’ were to be tracked down and liquidated.
Inexact or unliquidated losses (although they are not presumed and therefore must be pleaded) are compensated by an award of general damages.
The nature of a claim for unliquidated damages is wholly different.
Without the cost savings, it said it would be forced to liquidate by February.
In addition to contending they have an escape clause in the contract, Cerberus and Chatham point to a so-called liquidated damages clause, which they believe makes them liable for nothing beyond the loss of their $20 million deposit. -- Top News
In that moment of distraction, he could miss his last favorable opportunity to liquidate his position.
After years of struggles and being unable to recognize the changing market, last October, it finally gave up the ghost and decided to liquidate.
However, this restriction does not apply to trades undertaken to liquidate pre - existing open interests.
I discuss the possibility of having him liquidated with elements of the intelligence community who are on-message, but we reluctantly agree he would be more trouble dead than alive.
The Prescribed Rate of Interest Amendment Bill, which provides for creditors to receive interest on unliquidated debt, was also read a second time after a brief debate.
ANC Daily News Briefing
One wonders how the inoperative council is supposed to generate the much needed finances to liquidate the debts.
Said Rosenstiel: ‘If you disinvest, you'll actually erode your circulation, your penetration, and your revenues, and you will liquidate the business.’
Commercial portrayals of happy couples " present a pastoral utopia in which all rivals have been ruthlessly liquidated through a type of aesthetic genocide ".
Its typical modus operandi is not to bid but threaten effectively to liquidate the trust, a vote of corporate hara-kiri.
Appleby said he would ‘closely examine any cases of suspected unliquidated insolvent companies coming to his attention’.
One woman was forced to liquidate her business for lack of funds.
In some cases employers have deliberately established shelf companies without assets, in order to avoid paying out entitlements when they liquidate their businesses.
It has since ceased all operations in Mexico and liquidated its assets there.
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
And it was at this very moment I resolved to kill her - liquidate her once and for all so that she could never become a challenge to me.
The last serious strike by mineworkers was at the former Tsumeb Copper Limited mine in 1997, just before it was liquidated.
They recommended in paragraph 786: that claims for unliquidated damages arising from tort should be admissible - and in footnote 18 referred to the way in which that might be effected, so far as the Bankruptcy Act was concerned.
Meanwhile, only 1.5 million homes have been liquidated, that is, they've been repossessed from a delinquent borrower and sold off to a buyer capable of making monthly payments. Home Page
I discuss the possibility of having him liquidated with elements of the intelligence community who are on-message, but we reluctantly agree he would be more trouble dead than alive.
While no one is urging investors to panic and liquidate their stock and mutual-fund holdings, the time for crisis-proofing investments has come.
In contrast the claim against PW is for unliquidated damages for professional negligence.
They can be kept in the portfolio as an earning asset, or they can be liquidated (rediscounted) on the shortest notice without any loss of value.
The trustee's job is to liquidate bankrupt companies to repay bondholders.
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
Sending out a kill squad to liquidate an innocent researcher would just prompt a lot of questions I didn't have any answers to.
He says that the first option he proposed was to sell its equipment and liquidate its debts.
liquidate a company
Many debts contracted then were still being serviced three generations later, and were only liquidated by the Revolution.
Does not the wording of s 82 suggest rather that for a claim in unliquidated damages to be included in the general release of a bankrupt's debts, a contract or promise must constitute an essential element of the relevant cause of action?
My private belief was that Combret had done it: one problem at least that he had been able to liquidate with his own hands.
He ruled that the funds do not have the standing to challenge the use of TARP money because they will receive their fair share of the $2 billion set aside for secured debtholders, which is more than they would receive if Chrysler is liquidated.
They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.
The remainder of the holdings will be divided between the two groups upon resolution of unliquidated claims.
An alternative to limitation of liability clauses are liquidated damages clauses.
Congress at its last session having made no provision for executing the fifteenth article of the treaty, by which the United States assume to make satisfaction for the "unliquidated claims" of our citizens against
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
Partial failure of consideration is a valid defence where a liquidated amount is involved; but it cannot be raised where the amount involved is unascertained or unliquidated.
The alternative is to try to liquidate a trust that will send prices spiralling down elsewhere hitting other bank loans in barbell structures.
Not to mention one of the surprises is the liquidated damages contract, which if you back out of the show they sue you for 10,000 dollars and ultimately you end up playing a role that the producers and the host decided for you. aspasialibertine, on March 30th, 2009 at 10: 25 pm Said:
Sheriff sues Craigslist as ‘largest source’ of prostitution « Bound, Not Gagged
The trustee's job is to liquidate bankrupt companies to repay bondholders.
The trustee's job is to liquidate bankrupt companies to repay bondholders.
As businesses liquidated inventories, they decreased their indebtedness to banks and acquired government debt.
In the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the applicant argued that the respondent's entitlement to call upon the undertaking did not extend to the subject matter of its claim, which was for unliquidated damages.
Partial failure of consideration is a valid defence where a liquidated amount is involved; but it cannot be raised where the amount involved is unascertained or unliquidated.
They should liquidate the whole shebang and turn over its business to an outfit that gives a stuff about customer service.
In certain appropriations, such as those for long-cycle procurement, considerable carry-over of unliquidated obligations into future years is to be expected and is necessary.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
The activity of the collateral is the speed at which it can be liquidated and converted into cash.
They then liquidate the business and, hopefully, share out the profits.
Hardly noticed, they are liquidated in extermination camps.
In March 1992, he liquidated the Russian tax inspectorate and created his own.
The Return
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
The front companies were liquidated or privatized, and most of the lethal or incapacitating chemical and biological agents were destroyed.
It was, and is, the position of AWS that liquidated damages must be a genuine, covenanted pre-estimate of loss.
Based on the revised data for third-quarter gross domestic product, businesses liquidated inventories last quarter at the fastest rate in any quarter since World War II.
Another reason that's typically given: Most closed-end funds don't liquidate or convert to open-end funds, so it makes no sense that their share prices should reflect that.
Yes, there are a number of uncertainties — Will contingent obligations like guaranty claims, or liabilities on asserted but as yet unliquidated lawsuit claims become due?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Greek Bailout and Liquidity Risk
Rather than handing it more taxpayer dollars, it should liquidate this railroad and allow private companies to salvage the potentially profitable routes.
A unanimous vote was taken to liquidate the company.
The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Solid Fuels Administration for War until its abolishment and thereafter through such agency or agencies of the Department of the Interior as he may designate, is authorized to wind up and liquidate the affairs of the Solid Fuels Administration for War as expeditiously as practicable and to utilize for such purposes, to the extent necessary, the personnel, property, records, and funds of the Solid Fuels Administration for War and such other funds as may be appropriated therefor.
Appleby said the ODCE had targeted about 400 insolvent unliquidated companies and written to 30 or 40 of them.
The first company is then liquidated, and its capital repaid to its shareholders.
The catch is that these Asian export giants like Japan and China can't afford to just liquidate their dollar-holdings and exchange them for euros.
Ekaterinburg is where the czar and his family were liquidated, where the American U‑2 pilot Gary Powers was shot down, and where Boris Yeltsin got his start.
How to Get a Nuclear Bomb
Should the counterclaim by the defendants for unliquidated damages be stayed pending arbitration?
But, until the assets have been liquidated and the resulting court cases completed, nobody knows what the final cost to shareholders will be.
One wonders how the inoperative council is supposed to generate the much needed finances to liquidate the debts.
The rails were pulled up, the assets liquidated, and the line abandoned.
The consumer operation will keep running for a few weeks to liquidate inventory.
Based on the revised data for third-quarter gross domestic product, businesses liquidated inventories last quarter at the fastest rate in any quarter since World War II.
For instance, the decision to become a mass party is explained away (p12); while ANC leaders 'input into debates on the character of the SACP is aimed "... ostensibly to' imprison 'the SACP and the left to' outmoded 'alliance traditions and methods as an attempt to' liquidate 'it (p8) ".
She was determined to liquidate anyone whose presence would have brought out the squalid little truths of those war years.
You can liquidate their business if they don't pay the money.
We should guard against emotionally driven demands to kill many bystanders in an effort to liquidate our enemy.
At the end of the year, the second hypothetical investor must liquidate 40 % of his capital gains.
Organizations can be disbanded, and, indeed, frequently are, as when, for example, businesses are liquidated.
To liquidate ( a debt, such as a mortgage ) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund.
It went into administration in May last year and was liquidated in January, with debts thought to be around £70m.
Since its members will likely get next to nothing if it liquidates, the committee is now seen as an ally to the airline's bid for survival.
On move 20, the two players liquidated their queens and after swapping pieces in the next 10 moves, they were almost in a balanced position.
This left 141 billion dollars in unobligated authorizations and unliquidated obligations.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
There are transferred to the Department of State (a) all of the functions of the Office with respect to the aforesaid corporations, (b) the duty of winding up any affairs relating to the Office and functions terminated by this order which shall remain unliquidated on the effective date of this order, (c) the records, property, and funds of the Office, and (d) so much of the personnel of the Office as shall remain therein on the effective date of this order.
Black, who liquidated a few banks in his time and earned the eternal enmity of Charles Keating, minces no words in describing the massive fraud by bankers and the regulators, including Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, whom he describes as abetting them.
The Progressive
The deflationary pressures the economy experienced during 2008 and 2009 were only temporary phenomena caused by producers and retailers slashing prices to quickly liquidate goods to equilibrate to a new, slower-growth outlook.
Sen. Kyl Gets Taxes Right, But What About The Dollar?
However, if the firm went bust, the directors would be forced to liquidate their personal assets to pay creditors.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
The 22 billion dollars of unexpended balances tentatively indicated as of June 30, 1947, comprise both unobligated authorizations and unliquidated obligations.
State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
‘Termination Payment’ means an amount equal to the Loss Payment payable by Brasoil to Petro-Deep as liquidated damages upon declaration by Petro-Deep pursuant to Clause 13 hereof in the event of the happening of any Termination Event.
All of the estate's assets have been liquidated.
I had to liquidate my holdings to pay off my ex-husband
Sales have been regulated since 1906, when merchants were required to get authorization from the mayor to liquidate their inventories.
Many people are forced to reallocate household budgets away from spending on schooling and healthcare, to change their living arrangements, and to liquidate their assets in order to smooth consumption during a crisis.
The corporate raider said in a statement last week it intends to sell off or liquidate the business if no buyer comes forward, with the potential loss of 50 jobs.
ST JOHN'S, Antigua -- A firm appointed by Antiguan authorities to liquidate the assets of R. Allen Stanford's offshore Caribbean bank has won control of assets in the U.K. worth more than $100 million, a defeat for a U. S.-appointed receiver in an ongoing fight over jurisdiction in the case.
The Herald | - Front
Under the temporary pressure of pecuniary liabilities, contracted with a view to their immediate liquidation, but remaining unliquidated through a combination of circumstances, I have been under the necessity of assuming a garb from which my natural instincts recoil — I allude to spectacles — and possessing myself of a cognomen, to which I can establish no legitimate pretensions.
David Copperfield
The whole idea of liquidation is that all assets are liquidated and the proceeds distributed equitably in accordance with the law.
As businesses liquidated inventories, they decreased their indebtedness to banks and acquired government debt.
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
The stock was sold to liquidate the loan.
After Mary's murderer brutally kills his cousin and nearly liquidates McGee, Travis fakes his death at sea and covertly returns to Florida.
It turned out that a lot of assets had been liquidated and turned into bearer bonds, but these have never been located, and his joint account was cleaned out just after he disappeared.
The millionaires of the world, so called "aristocracies," and the taxes imposed by sovereign states to liquidate obligations more frequently contracted to enslave than to ameliorate the conditions of mankind, are a constant drain which comes ultimately out of the laboring classes in every case.
Black and White Land, Labor, and Politics in the South
He said at the end if I asked another question he'd have me liquidated.
Based on the slightest suspicion, I would be totally isolated or liquidated.
The mafia liquidated the informer
Whenever one becomes insolvent, liquidate it and create a new one under new management.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
Formerly unliquidated damages in tort were not provable debts but they are now covered by the wide nature of r 12.3.
Management was threatening to liquidate the company if it did not receive adequate concessions.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
The company had its assets liquidated at the end of 2002, but the story does not end there.
Smaller companies without political pull will be liquidated if they don't fill the quota; larger companies will be left alone.
He said more than five farms had been liquidated and the balance sheets of the remaining farms were in the red.
The issue raised is much more in the nature of a counterclaim for unliquidated damages.
Obviously, liquidators must follow the same rules you do when the inventory being liquidated is firearms.
You might even be forced to liquidate personal assets to pay off creditors.
While all money titles can be redeemed at any time, if too many receipt owners desire such liquidation at the same time only a part of these IOUs can be liquidated as promised by the banker.
In a liquidation, the holding company bond investors only recover what's left after the assets of the subsidiaries are liquidated to pay off the creditors of those subsidiaries - usually banks and trade creditors.
In the 1930s and 1940s they saw hundreds of thousands of their fellow members liquidated, without a murmur of opposition.
The claim being for unliquidated damages, the motion was required by Rule 19.05 to be supported by affidavit evidence.
The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.
Launched in August, it employed 10 people but at a recent board meeting it was decided to liquidate the business because of failure to make enough money or find extra funding.
Gonzalez also ruled that the funds do not have the standing to challenge the use of TARP money because they will receive their fair share of the $2 billion set aside for secured debtholders, which is more than they would have received if Chrysler had liquidated.
I am surprised you say having a vested interest in a constituted trust fund is not an advantage, as distinct from an unliquidated claim, a common money claim.
What if the man who had liquidated her were to be hanged for the justice he had meted out?
Rather than go bankrupt, he liquidated the remaining assets from the failed project and paid off almost all of his debts.
It remains unliquidated until the amount has been fixed either by the judgment of the court or by an agreement as to the amount which must be paid to satisfy the claim.
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
Is the liquidated damages provision valid or is it void for uncertainty or inoperable?
The debts of this third class, that is, the liquidated debt, is the object of your inquiry.
Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies
In a separate ruling Monday, Gonzalez said that the funds do not have standing for that challenge because they will receive their fair share of the $2 billion set aside for secured debtholders, which is more than they would have received if Chrysler had liquidated. --
If you sell, you liquidate an asset that might otherwise be a worry.
Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
If the Scottish parliament was jealous of its honour, the least it could have done was direct that the first year's pension money should be paid to Westminster to liquidate this debt.
Overwhelmingly, those businesses liquidate because of dynamic, control and business reasons.
She was determined to liquidate anyone whose presence would have brought out the squalid little truths of those war years.
The next issue was when the debt was to be characterised as liquidated or unliquidated.
Times, Sunday Times
It would not be equitable set-off because they are a mixture of liquidated and unliquidated damages that are not flowing from the same transaction.
They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.
The front companies were liquidated or privatized, and most of the lethal or incapacitating chemical and biological agents were destroyed.
Police believe he has since liquidated his assets and transferred them to the Republic of Ireland.
Some have shut businesses and liquidated entire companies just to collect the cash in the till.
The largest trade saw 20,000 April $45 calls liquidated and the same number of April $50 calls bought.
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During this period the German currency collapsed into hyperinflation, bankrupting entire sections of the middle class, but benefiting sections of industry which were able to liquidate their debts.
In the early 1940s some 100,000 Jews and Romanis died of engineered starvation and disease in the Warsaw Ghetto, another quarter of a million were transported to the death camps, and when the Ghetto rose up it was liquidated, the last 50,000 residents being either shot on the spot or sent to be murdered more hygienically in Treblinka.
Howard Jacobson speaks his mind
The story goes that in 1929 Joseph Kennedy liquidated his portfolio when he heard that a shoeshine boy (in some versions, an elevator boy) was giving stock tips.
In fact, long-term debtholders who have debt claims against the bad bank and equity claims against the good bank will be better off under this plan than if the bank were liquidated or continued to operate as one bank.
Banks Need Fewer Carrots and More Sticks
Should we know if the people advising government to liquidate our public assets also work as agents for foreign transnationals?
The court appointed a receiver to administer and liquidate the assets of an insolvent corporation.
In the standard form the contractor must pay to or allow the employer the liquidated damages.
John Thomas Molson retired and liquidated the distilling assets his father had left him.
If, for any reason, dollar confidence wanes these holders could move to ‘hedge’ or liquidate holdings.
Illiquid assets should be put into a Resolution Trust Corporation - like structure and be liquidated.
The Debtors have entered into settlement agreements involving many of the largest unliquidated claims.
The government tried to liquidate the rebel movement and failed.
The only way out from the deadlock situation is to liquidate the scandalous holding and start anew.
This note is of particular significance as it shows clearly that Mr Whitley accepted that he had never considered that Jarvis would be liable to pay unliquidated damages.
He destroyed what people fought for in 1917 and he physically liquidated many of the people who fought in 1917 because they carried the memory of the revolution.
In principle, I'm sorry we didn't liquidate him.
They have decided to liquidate corporation by the end of the next month.
Smaller companies without political pull will be liquidated if they don't fill the quota; larger companies will be left alone.
But if corporate liquidation, Euro-pean-style, is so punitive, why does America encourage individuals to liquidate — letting them trade the assets they have on hand for a full discharge — rather than making them work off as much of their debt as possible?
Sink and Swim
They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.
Remember how quickly Lenin liquidated his own supporters once he eliminated the opposition?
Rahm Emanuel is right not to worry. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
The family liquidated their holdings in the company last October.
Geert Wilders needs to be politically liquidated, that is the only intention of this trial.
The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
Its retail business was ultimately liquidated in 2000.
One would liquidate itself over time by paying claims, much of it to cover pollution and asbestos exposures.
Mr. Zarnett submits that the principle applies not only to cross-claims for debt (liquidated or unliquidated) but to cross-claims for unliquidated damages as well.
In due course judgment was entered against the company for £12, 388.50 and costs and the claim thus became a claim for that liquidated claim and a further unliquidated sum for costs.