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liquid oxygen

  1. a bluish translucent magnetic liquid obtained by compressing gaseous oxygen and then cooling it below its boiling point; used as an oxidizer in rocket propellants

How To Use liquid oxygen In A Sentence

  • By 1909 he was already aware of the superior potential of liquid hydrogen-liquid oxygen rocket engines.
  • Numerical simulation was performed to investigate the cavitation phenomenon of liquid oxygen through an elbow pipe.
  • One of the first materials to be mined from the moon will be liquid oxygen, enabling economical trans-orbital operations. What's Next for SpaceX? - NASA Watch
  • Continued research has produced many more types of chemical explosives than those known in Nobel's time: percholates, chlorates, ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixtures and liquid oxygen explosives are examples.
  • About midnight, they'll start putting 500,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen in it.
  • Vaporizers convert the liquid oxygen into a gaseous state.
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • The engines of the Atlas burned a modified aviation fuel, similar to kerosene, with liquid oxygen.
  • Along the way, “the father of cosmonautics” conceived of such advanced ideas as rocket staging, high-energy liquid propellants such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, Earth-orbiting space stations, space suits for what would become known as “space walks,” and even self-sustaining ecological starships capable of intergalactic travel. First Man
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