How To Use Liquefy In A Sentence

  • It is present in serum, urine, and seminal fluid and is responsible for liquefying semen immediately following ejaculation.
  • Next, they regurgitate digestive fluid into their victim's bodies, essentially liquefying them in their shells.
  • I'm just heating it to its point of pliability, rather than liquefying it all over again.
  • In the event of the sand liquefying below the basement, the soil should still be able to support the building.
  • Exporters liquefy the gas and ship it in tankers, then convert it back to gas at U.S. ports and deliver it through pipelines.
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  • There were some designs from an old USSR program that used a eutectic mix of lead and bismuth for a similar purpose, heated to liquefy the metal. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Government created Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to "liquefy" the mortgage market AMERICAN.COM -- A Magazine of Ideas, Online
  • You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.
  • John Etherington, a retired reader of ecology at the University of Wales in Cardiff and specialist in environmental science, argued that highly decayed peat can "liquefy" through vibration. RoguePundit
  • Kamerlingh-Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium, starting a development that revealed many new and unexpected phenomena. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • The plan is to build several huge wind turbines that would produce electricity to electrolyse water and to liquefy the hydrogen for transport.
  • The basic idea of the proposal is, in effect, to "liquefy" everyone's current employer-provided health insurance policies -- i.e., require all employers to pay in cash to each employee the actual cost of that individual's insurance policy, and that extra compensation would have to be used by each employee to purchase health insurance policies. Lanny Davis: Advice to President Obama: Look Left, Right and Then Stick to the Center
  • A better approach may involve retrieving the hydrate intact and then liquefying it on ships or drilling platforms.
  • The renewable-energy tax incentives tucked into the financial bailout package passed by the House on Friday include billions of dollars in breaks for old-fashioned fossil-fuel processes such as liquefying coal and squeezing petroleum out of sand and rock ... Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
  • To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.
  • Much energy will be spent making energy, such as electricity generation and the process of liquefying natural gas.
  • Other untapped unconventional methods of oil extraction, such as liquefying shale in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, "could yield one trillion barrels of oil, an amount equal to the world's total consumption of oil since production began in 1959," if Congress does not keep this oil off-limits. Current News - Top Stories
  • Be careful not to overprocess or the sorbet will liquefy. The Food Matters Cookbook
  • The soft metal gallium has such a low melting point that it will liquefy on contact with your hand.
  • Kamerlingh-Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium, starting a development that revealed many new and unexpected phenomena. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • They principally act to slow down the prey, and actually begin the process of digestion by liquefying the tissues of the prey. Ze Widow, She Is Black
  • An American company came up with the idea of exporting natural gas to Europe by liquefying it at very cold temperatures and shipping it.
  • Confidence in the Fed's capacity to cut rates, manipulate market behavior, and "reflate"/"reliquefy" has never been as unyielding as it today. Edward Charles Ponzi Jr. post entitled "Another Economist's Thoughts About The Fed and Mr Bernanke"
  • Neon, because it has such a low boiling point, doesn't liquefy with the other gases but hovers above the liquid air and can be removed.
  • The plan is to build several huge wind turbines that would produce electricity to electrolyse water and to liquefy the hydrogen for transport.
  • The critical pressure is the amount of pressure required to liquefy water at the critical temperature.
  • Some companies are charging as much as 6000 dollar for 'fat-dissolving' injections, while others promise to 'liquefy' your flab. Medindia Health News
  • Meanwhile, in a blender, liquefy the cottage cheese and milk.
  • Using the "liquefy" mode, blend until completely combined, smooth and creamy. Coquito (Coconut Eggnog)
  • An important milestone in the history of carbon monoxide came in 1877 when the French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet found a method for liquefying the gas.
  • Within himself he would have a sensation of liquefying with giggles and of becoming extremely thin, like a puddle.
  • This hazard has led some scientists to suggest that retrieving the hydrate intact and then liquefying it on ships or drilling platforms is a better approach.
  • A metal-polymer coating can heal its own scratches by liquefying when exposed to UV and then resolidifying.
  • It wouldn't be economical at first, we understood that, but once the price of oil hit $50 a barrel, well, we'd be liquefying and gasifying coal, we'd be heating all our homes with solar energy. Shucking the 'Corn Lobby' on Ethanol
  • She rolled the liquefying spinach into her cheek she could not spit it out.
  • Another solution could be to liquefy the gas and pump it through existing oil pipelines.
  • There were be reduced liquefy and vanish on CT scan of the remaining tumors after thermochemotherapy.
  • Neon, because it has such a low boiling point, doesn't liquefy with the other gases but hovers above the liquid air and can be removed.
  • The sides of the spear-shaped entity were scorched by liquefying flames produced within the inner stomach of the wormhole.
  • This point has never actually been achieved, since gases liquefy before they reach this temperature and they are no longer subject to the gas laws.
  • In his celebrated electric furnace he succeeded in liquefying substances such as lime and magnesium oxide; in this way he produced calcium carbide and a whole series of other carbides, in pure and crystallized form, from which it was found that carbides were the most heat resistant of all chemical compounds. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • The juice relieves an irritable cough with its soothing action, liquefying the phlegm and mucus in the clogged channels and facilitating expectoration.
  • Air is first cooled to the point at which all of the gases in it liquefy (close to - 328°F / - 200°C).
  • Alternatively, instead of decomposing the silane, you can liquefy it by refrigerating it down to -112°C. The Case for Mars
  • After melting and solidifying, palmitin shows no crystalline fracture; when heated to 46° C. it melts to a liquid which becomes solid on further heating, again liquefying when 61. 7° C. is reached, and becoming cloudy, with separation of crystalline particles. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Otherwise, there were yielding green figs in winey, citrusy syrup, with a faultless vanilla ice-cream liquefying sensuously into it.
  • liquefy the silver
  • Robot coupe Commercial Mini Power Mixer 7 "Commercial Mini Power Mixer MMP170W Mini Power Mixers are ideal for processing small quantities such as liquefying soups, sauces, pureeing fruits / vegetables, and preparing the smoothest of pates in just minutes! We Blog A Lot
  • cleanse itself"; to succeed they must first soften and liquefy the dry, hardened feces and scybalous masses (little ancient, bullet-like formations) imprisoned above an inflamed and fevered lower bowel, even colon. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • To liquefy them for storage in propellant tanks, a considerable amount of electrical energy must be expended to run refrigeration equipment.
  • The beast jolted up, joints liquefying to lava and arms rising. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • Speaking of which, the "i" in "ify" is there strictly for convenience, and is replaced by an "e" in such verbs as liquefy, which is another way of saying drinkify, and may yet catch on in the boardrooms of PepsiCo. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • He suggests crushing carrots or liquefying the peel and core of a whole pineapple in a blender and applying it as a face mask for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • You can liquefy the carbon dioxide to separate it from the other constituents.
  • Initially mistaken for dry ice by revellers, the gouts of smoke were ignored until the roaring fireball was actually consuming the building, liquefying its flammable décor into a rainstorm of molten lava.
  • There are conditions under which some materials can either be caused to sublime instead of melting, or liquefy instead of subliming.
  • I should have to cover too much ground if I were to report here on the experimental equipment with which Kamerlingh Onnes was at last successful in liquefying helium, and on the enormous experimental difficulties which had to be overcome. Nobel Prize in Physics 1913 - Presentation Speech

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