How To Use Lippmann In A Sentence
Well if your giftee is a nail girl like me, you really can't go wrong with a present from Lippmann.
All Lacquered Up
THE first political columnist I ever encountered, after a fashion, was Walter Lippmann.
Lippmann suggested that Kennedy's prudence — his decision to "react sharply, but to react for a limited aim and with limited means" — allowed the confrontation to end "peaceably," as Khrushchev accepted the naval quarantine in a
A Near Miss
The debate between Dewey and Lippmann about the public sphere and its role in democracy is precisely praxeological in the sense that I defined the term earlier.
Critical Theory
Professor Lippmann has created this elegant method of obtaining images which combine stability with colorific splendour.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1908 - Presentation Speech
Lippmann was Marie's mentor. He had also sought funds for her work.
Renee Calabro, a Deutsche Bank spokeswoman, said that Mr. Lippmann would continue to help Mr. Sprenger adjust to his new role but planned to depart in the next few months.
Lippmann (1922), for example, used the term stereotypes to describe our stock of mental images.
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