How To Use Lip service In A Sentence

  • Even when you're a purblind dogmatist who wants to shut it down, I guess you've got to at least pay lip service to it, which explains the name.
  • This is not lip service, box ticking or charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • It pays lip service to local choices but provides no specific means to make them more rational and efficient.
  • The current government pays lip service to that ethos, but its actions are far from it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
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  • Though everybody pays lip service to performance, politics is often the ultimate arbiter of their fate.
  • While the private propaganda apparatus and its ruling class overlords pay ample lip service to the virtues of competition in the marketplace, they are quite unwilling to submit themselves to competition in the realm of ideas.
  • At present the EU has a powerful lever to put pressure on candidate countries to pay more than lip service to demands for minority rights.
  • Instead, they insult the issues with lip service. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parties must at least pay lip service: the women in their midst are in revolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • But is much of this just lip service? Times, Sunday Times
  • All the parties pay lip service to environmental issues.
  • Some people pay lip service to education, but don't vote taxes for better schools.
  • The parties must at least pay lip service: the women in their midst are in revolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
  • But is much of this just lip service? Times, Sunday Times
  • In our submission, with respect, the approach taken by the Court of Appeal in relation to contributory negligence really gives lip service to the principle that apportionments should not readily be set aside.
  • Ultimately, our pick came down to something we usually pay lip service to yet never really consider, intangibles.
  • Is the church really hungry and thirsty for Christ and his glory - or is it just paying lip service to the idea?
  • Part of the problem is that for many people the neck is a very erogenous zone and receiving lip service here can be quite titillating.
  • The term token conservative describes the lip service paid by the mainstream, Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • But is much of this just lip service? Times, Sunday Times
  • Though everybody pays lip service to performance, politics is often the ultimate arbiter of their fate.
  • This year, the coaches are not giving lip service, but they are paying attention, and special teams plays turned the opening game against the Bears into a laugher.
  • We continually speak about the fact that women make 70 cents to every dollar a man makes and yet we refuse to acknowledge more than lip service to the term feminization of poverty. The Big Top Is In Town With Octagalore
  • Don't give me any lip service.
  • However, lip service is often paid to the desirability of delegation without accompanying it by actual practice.
  • But, with the onset of the Age of Enlightenment in the West, the idea of confining warfare to the battlefield was, if not adhered to, at least given lip service. Painting a Target on Ourselves
  • Instead, they insult the issues with lip service. Times, Sunday Times
  • And one of the main reasons for boardroom chicanery is that far too much of the ‘money out’ goes to governments, which may pay lip service to reducing taxes but, like the secular sermonisers of the left, talk a much better game than they play.
  • The parties must at least pay lip service: the women in their midst are in revolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • They also pay lip service to the idea of reigning in spending, but never mention specific cuts. Errors of Enchantment » Q: When is a tax hike not a tax hike?
  • 'In search of truth' yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '\'In search of truth\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: It should come as no surprise that any reputable and unbiased media organization looking for expert Iran analysis would pay more than just lip service to vetting its sources and actually check the credentials of their pundits. 'In search of truth'
  • In light of my research into the Reagan administration's democracy promotion policies, I have long been concerned that conservatives would pay lip service to democratization while disavowing it in practice.
  • In today's society and political reality, though, the right to know is spindled, crushed, granted lip service and false reassurances, re-animated, propped up like a fat balloon, and shot down yet again in reaction to the fads and transient fears blowing through the corridors of power. MIND MELD: Are We Headed For a Technological Panopticon?
  • Dare I suggest, however, that some of our fellow Europeans will only pay lip service to the law and that our country would not hand out the amount of punishment required to deter transgressors?
  • Don't give me any lip service.
  • The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
  • Instead, they insult the issues with lip service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better to pay lip service to the morals police than bring down their provincial ire on your head.
  • Lip service is paid to Palestinian goals, but the radical terrorist agenda would not be satisfied by Palestinian statehood.
  • She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she's only paid lip service to the idea.
  • Any PR schpeel that tries to pretend that this motion control bonanza is about innovation and intuitive accessibility and not just about duplicating Nintendo's "economic miracle" is nothing more than disingenuous lip service. In Defense Of The Classic Controller
  • Though everybody pays lip service to performance, politics is often the ultimate arbiter of their fate.
  • Speaking strictly for myself, when I hear presumptions about America being a Christian nation, and political lip service to warped notions of "Judeo-Christian" values and tradition, something in my BS meeter goes off. Obama To Address Middle East Issues Today, Courting Jewish Voters In Florida
  • The hon. Gentleman should be ashamed of the lip service that he has paid to employment by continuing to outline such policies.
  • Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their views.
  • All the parties pay lip service to environmental issues.
  • Some made a good job of the sandwich element, but many paid it lip service.
  • The magazine plays a lot of lip service to homosexuality and bisexuality, but so long as they are sexy, skinny, trendy urban hipsters.
  • While such bosses may give lip service to good management, their fundamental insecurity squelches the development of their employees and is ultimately demoralizing and bad for business.
  • Cynics may call it lip service, considering the almost daily stream of new fund-raising allegations stemming from his 1996 campaign.
  • These words at least pay lip service to the realisation that neo-liberal economics are a spent force.
  • She still did lip service to the old ways, while herself nibbling away at forbidden fruit.
  • The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident.
  • He rightly points out that China is only paying lip service to cracking down on counterfeiters and copyright pirates.
  • A lot of lip service is paid to how the contestants are renovating the inside as well as the outside.
  • Each section of Lip Service corresponds to a canto in the Paradiso, the last of which matches up with the last two sections of Andrews's poem - Primum Mobile 9 and 10.
  • At times, Lip Service seems to do for cosmetology what Dante attempted for cosmology.
  • The life industry pays lip service to the need for greater transparency, but it's a load of cobblers.
  • There's always been a lot of talk about that, and there's always been a lot of lip service paid to it, in my view, rather than anything substantial.
  • This is not lip service, box ticking or charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not lip service, box ticking or charity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Compared with the courage of these two outlanders, we in the D.C. press corps pay only lip service to the supposed sanctity of the reporter's right to protect his sources.
  • Though everybody pays lip service to performance, politics is often the ultimate arbiter of their fate.
  • Is there true contrition and sincere forgiveness, or has there been merely an exchange of lip service, a convenient pact to blur the past for the sake of a future which, in turn, lacks a clear vision?
  • Unfortunately, such views are not so influential in this age of economic determinism, even if governments often pay lip service to them.
  • Demonstrate more than lip service to fair treatment by offering outplacement and other support services.
  • The machinists only pay lip service to the safety regulations and one day soon there is going to be a nasty accident.
  • His answer to problems seems to be to write more encyclicals - encyclicals to which people pay lip service but which they then promptly ignore.
  • A female member of the mediacracy can now seize the bully pulpit for all women without needing to give even lip service to those women whose lives, unglamorously enough, are more blue collar than blue state. Rhymes With Rich

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