

[ US /ˈɫaɪəˌnaɪz/ ]
  1. assign great social importance to
    The tenor was lionized in Vienna
    The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood

How To Use lionize In A Sentence

  • It would still have been a mistake to lionize Witt for choosing only the rite of passage, football, over its intended outcome, the civic leadership cherished by Cecil Rhodes and, once upon a time, by Yale. Jim Sleeper: Why Yale Fumbled Its Quarterback's Rhodes Scholarship Pass
  • So -- staying out of the question of who's 'better' -- the, ahem, typically "lionized" blogger is very much an apple compared to Broder's fruitcake. Ceci nest pas une paranoia - Swampland -
  • The first show lionized him as part of photography's distinguished history; critics consistently viewed him as the most modern of the old guard.
  • He has magic feet but those who lament rather than lionise him say that he is a hostage to tragic attitude.
  • The Western tradition was to conclude that Mary Magdalene was the presumed sexual sinner who was lionised not as any kind of apostle but as ‘the penitent.’
  • Now thirty-five intrepid Lionisers were gazing at the outside of the small single-fronted cottage with its tiny parlour overlooking the street.
  • (changed "deify" to "lionize". not sure atheists are into deifying) '' 'Liberal denial' '' is the tendency of [[liberals]] to conceal, deny or censor the truth for ideological reasons. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • When his early results seemed to find positive effects for school integration, he was lionized by the profession.
  • By the 1920's, he was lionised by literary London.
  • He's been "lionized" by Wendell Berry and Howard's 1940 _An Agricultural Testament_ has been "absorbed" by readers of Rodale's _Organic Gardening and Farming_. Bitch | Lab
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